It's a long one, sorry. But it was a near death experience.
The most painful thing was almost dying. I hadn't drank or smoked for about 3 years, then visited some friends for Christmas. We smoked, and mixed all kinds of random liquor with coffee. I had just a few sips of it, not much. While watching Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, I felt a very big thump in my chest...
I noticed my heart beat in my neck, very strongly, and could feel it in my chest. Then I couldn't. My vision started to fade like when you stand up too fast, and I felt light headed. I fell off the couch onto the floor, not sure what to do. Then I started to have difficulty breathing. My chest started to burn, as well as my stomach, just like when you try to hold your breath to your limits. Then it felt like I was kicked in the balls, repeatedly. That ball-kicking pain started to increase a lot, literally surpassing the previous maximum pain I felt many times over. I started to lose the ability to see color, as everything turned shades black, white, and some other colors. The pain seemed to keep doubling in intensity every few moments - increasing burning in my chest, and horrendously sharp lower stomach pain. Seriously doubling in intensity over and over again. After a few minutes that seemed like hours, I thought it was quite funny how bad the pain was. The fact that it was exponentially increasing amused me.
Laying there, pretty sure my heart had stopped, and definite that I couldn't breathe, I concluded I was in fact dieing. Then came the emotional pain... I was surprisingly happy about what I had done with my life, up until the last moments. But the immanent doom was all to near. I was looking up at the ceiling light, sort of aware of my friends holding my legs from jerking around, when I thought about going into the light. "What if it were possible for everyone to be happy forever? Count me in" Then, the catch, "What if for everyone to be happy forever, one person had to be in the worst pain forever?" Ignoring that one person, I thought, "Well, the happy forever sounds good" Then I realized, that one person would be me! Especially because of how callous and uncaring I was for that one person, it should be me. The strongest dread I've ever felt came over me. I recognized clearly how self centered I had been all my life. I felt how much pain I had caused others due to my own selfish actions. I also noticed the movie was at the scene where Golem was falling down the mountain, bouncing off rocks. Very synchronistic for where I felt to be headed.
To my surprise, I then thought of assuming the role of that one person to suffer excruciating pain forever so that everyone else would be happy. I imagined how free and happy everyone else would be, permanently free from all pain, fear, and misery. Love took over, and I felt overjoyed at the opportunity to do that for everyone. It seemed to be fair, given how much everyone has helped me, and how I repaid that with selfishness. All the pain immediately ceased, and blissful tingling spread through my spine, and then to my limbs. I would do this, for everyone.
Unfortunately, I forgot that for a moment, and was overcome by the fear of my whole world disappearing, and the unknown of what was about to happen together with the weight of my selfishness. Immediately, the excruciating pain returned as if my balls were parked on by a large truck. Luckily, the pain reminded me of everyone else. I thought of how many people have died for the sake of others, how many people have submitted themselves to torture that probably surpasses the pain I am feeling, to protect those they love. With renewed courage, I thought again that if I could suffer forever so that everyone else would be happy, I want to do that. Immediately, the pain ceased again, and blissful tingling pervaded my body.
As my vision faded to black, and then red with glittery swirls, my mind went back and forth in this way. As I did so, the pain alternated with extreme peace and comfort. I thought it was taking a while to die, but I was happy to die, because I had Love for everyone, willing to take on all their suffering happily, and believing that this was going to happen. After a few more cycles, I thought, "I have really good conditions in this life to help people. I have learned a lot of invaluable lessons, have an amazing network of friends, and am involved in some excellent volunteer work. It would be nice to keep living and make the most of that for everyone's sake" What a shame I hadn't thought of that sooner.
I wanted to be able to help others be able to die happily, instead of fearful. To help everyone be happy, no matter what is going on, and to find a way to be peaceful inside, even if they are doing powerful things outside. "Well, dammit, I'm going to try" I thought as I forced myself to take a breath. The subconscious breathing control had completely shut down at this point, so it really took everything I had to inhale, and again to exhale. I again noticed my chest burning, and the pain in my gut. Forcing another breath, and another, it seemed to do nothing, but I decided to keep doing it anyway.
Long story short(er), my vision returned, my heart gave a big thump, then some irregular beats, before resuming its normal rhythm. The next scene I saw in the movie was of that big white tree at the top of that castle in the side of the mountain near the end of the movie. I took that as a good sign, it looked pure, and healthy.