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    Thread: Be lucid now, so you can be lucid later.

    1. #1
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      Be lucid now, so you can be lucid later.

      Hello everyone, you may have read my other thread. I felt like starting a new one, and I want to be as simple as possible with my new guide.
      (if you could even call it a guide)
      Now here is the first and foremost thing I want to address. What you want to achieve is a lucid dream, of course.
      Now, the problem here is that almost every human being on earth tries to achieve things by thinking of WHEN they are going to do it. What I mean by that is, when people want to lucid dream they are thinking about the future, when they are asleep, dreaming.
      Of course, right now, you're not sleeping. The mistake is to think that the future and the past exist.
      They don't, it only exists in your head. All you have, is NOW. When trying to achieve lucidity it is important not to place that intent on the future. The trick is to be lucid RIGHT NOW. And no, I don't mean wondering if you are dreaming all day, constantly. That's only going to make you wonder if you're dreaming instead of actually lucid dreaming. I believe, being able to be lucid in the now, is the foundation of lucid dreaming. As far as I know, there are several ways you can be lucid right now. I will present them in no particular order:

      The easy, mantra way is to tell yourself every once in a while "I'm dreaming" or "I'm lucid dreaming" or "I lucid dream" ect ect.
      All those mantras have something in common, they are talking about the current moment.

      One way is to learn how to be very relaxed, but alert. Being relaxed but alert is crucial to lucid dreaming.
      Becoming lucid in a dream means you need to be alert of what state of consciousness you're in. The problem is, is that you're too relaxed, because you are asleep. The main way to learn how to be relaxed but alert is through meditation. You get better as you practice.

      Another simple way is to view your current reality as a dream. Stay lucid, relaxed, and alert in the moment, as if you are dreaming right now and you know it, but you don't want to wake yourself up, that's why you stay relaxed.

      One way that I mentioned in the other thread is to feel with every fiber of your being, right now, that you are a lucid dreamer.
      That your physical body and mind that you have right now, is there, so you can lucid dream. Feel this with your body.
      Don't think it with your mind.

      You can also try making yourself experience derealization, this is the equivalent of snapping out of it when you are watching TV.
      Set yourself away from your life and your judgements for a second and feel the crazy insane reality that is RIGHT NOW.

      I may post more throughout the thread if I think of any, but these are just the basics that I wanted to type out.
      You should try thinking of your own methods with being lucid in the NOW.
      I'll try to answer any questions.
      Last edited by SilverBullet; 12-20-2012 at 08:17 AM.
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    2. #2
      Dreaming Shaman ZeraCook's Avatar
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      I like this, It makes alot of sense to me and has changed how I will Look toward trying to get lucid.
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      " I couldn't stand her at first, But then I loved her so bad It Hurt "

    3. #3
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      I would also like to say that personally I don't think reality checks work that well,
      and that is for one reason. When you reality check you are wondering if you are dreaming.
      The problem with that is, once you're dreaming, instead of becoming lucid through habit of reality checking,
      you will waste your time, wondering if you are dreaming, instead of KNOWING you are dreaming.
      That's why it is important to practice the mentality of knowing you're dreaming,
      instead of practicing the mentality of wondering, or checking if you are dreaming.
      Last edited by SilverBullet; 12-20-2012 at 07:17 AM.
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    4. #4
      USA web is offline
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      I just finished Robert Waggoner's workshop and he goes big on "living lucid" as the apex goal. By attaining regular lucidity in the dream state, one can learn to live in the waking state more lucid and aware. And vice versa, lucid living becomes the ultimate induction technique, because living in a state of critical awareness carries over directly into the dream state! Reality checks become unnecessary but still have value during the beginning stages. Ultimately, living a lucid life of more constant critical awareness creates a direct bridge to the lucid dream world. I believe your point was similar to this concept SilverBullet, that right? Were you inspired by someone else such as Robert Waggoner or did you come to this conclusion yourself?

      Additionally, I find this same message strongly perpetuated by Beverly D'Urso, one of Stephen LaBerge's primary studies and early dream colleagues. If you haven't read this interview, I highly recommend it!

      Interview with Beverly D'Urso: http://www.dreaminglucid.com/dreamspeak/DreamSpeak%2029-31%20Beverly%20D'Urso%20PhD.pdf

      I love this woman!

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      Last edited by gab; 12-20-2012 at 07:42 AM.
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    5. #5
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      Quote Originally Posted by web View Post
      I just finished Robert Waggoner's workshop and he goes big on "living lucid" as the apex goal. By attaining regular lucidity in the dream state, one can learn to live in the waking state more lucid and aware. And vice versa, lucid living becomes the ultimate induction technique, because living in a state of critical awareness carries over directly into the dream state! Reality checks become unnecessary but still have value during the beginning stages. Ultimately, living a lucid life of more constant critical awareness creates a direct bridge to the lucid dream world. I believe your point was similar to this concept SilverBullet, that right? Were you inspired by someone else such as Robert Waggoner or did you come to this conclusion yourself?
      I have learned this through my own experience.

      I only noticed this thread recently but this thread: http://www.dreamviews.com/f12/buildi...6/#post1972803
      follows the same mentality of what I explain here. Pretty good stuff.
      Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind View Post
      Present Tense:

      “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” - Buddha

      Think about this mantra for a second "The next time I am dreaming, I will realize that I am dreaming". It sounds like an OK mantra right?
      But think about it, imagine that you was actually dreaming now and you remember your mantra and think "The NEXT time I am dreaming, I will realize that I am dreaming". And then you have another dream and think of your mantra "The NEXT time I am dreaming I will realize that I am dreaming."
      Do you see the problem?

      Instead choose a mantra that is in the present tense, like "I dream and I am aware".

      Think of every thought being an instant manifestation (just like in a dream), and if you want to be something in the future, and continue to think that you want to be something in the future you will only continue to get the want of something in the future. Don't hope or try to be what you want, instead already be what you want!

      Action Verbs:

      “An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.” - Buddha

      It's better to say "I dream now" and "I run fast" than to say "I am an aware dreamer" or "I am a fast runner" and it has to do with brain synapses.
      "There are more brain neurons involved in actions verbs because it involves images and everything else involved with that affirmation."
      So use actions verb to the degree you can.
      Perfect representation of what I'm talking about.
      Last edited by SilverBullet; 12-20-2012 at 08:03 AM.
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    6. #6
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      This is great. I agree. I once read something that another member said long ago that really struck me. I can't remember the exact words, but it said something like:

      The best lucid dreamers don't BECOME lucid. They are lucid in waking life and simply STAY lucid once they start dreaming.

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      Maybe it's a dream and if I scream, it will burst at the seams.

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    7. #7
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      "One way that I mentioned in the other thread is to feel with every fiber of your being, right now, that you are a lucid dreamer.
      That your physical body and mind that you have right now, is there, so you can lucid dream. Feel this with your body.
      Don't think it with your mind."

      I think this could work for me. But how am I actually going to do this? I noticed that in a Lucid Dream I don't have that general feeling of my physical body. The feeling of my clothes for example. So when I concentrate on my body should I then imagine being in a dream?

      The last two nights I had success with this: Feeling relaxed and happy, feeling my body and then knowing, without thinking it in words, that I lucid dream whenever I sleep/dream. Basically that this is the only reason I sleep.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Loooo View Post
      I think this could work for me. But how am I actually going to do this? I noticed that in a Lucid Dream I don't have that general feeling of my physical body. The feeling of my clothes for example. So when I concentrate on my body should I then imagine being in a dream?
      Your question doesn't make sense to me.
      It doesn't matter whether you feel your body in a dream or not.
      As long as you can feel with your body right now that you are a lucid dreamer then your good, as far as that technique goes.

      Don't get misled by this technique though. Words can be very helpful.
      Specifically those mantras I mentioned.
      Last edited by SilverBullet; 12-20-2012 at 09:34 PM.

    9. #9
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      Had success this night again! I think I have found out, that I always have to combine setting my intent with a happy and also a little bit of an excited feeling.
      The LD was the probably longest I had so far. Wanted to DEILD afterwards, but I had already slept for 9 hours and couldn't fall asleep again...

      SilverBullet, what "technique" do you personally use to induce LD? Could you describe what you do on a daily basis or what you think works best for you? I know you once said you just set your intent and that's it. Are you doing it while meditating?

    10. #10
      dreamwalker LucidMoon's Avatar
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      I like your way of thinking OP!!!!
      this is something i've been doing for a long time and i agree its something that really helps

    11. #11
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      Great way of thinking! Your threads are some of the most useful things I have ever read, thank you so much

    12. #12
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      This is great, thanks!

      *I'm dreaming whilst tying this.*

    13. #13
      Forgotten Archer djpatch999's Avatar
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      This is super awesomeface xD Certainly changed my MILD technique up a bit along with my ADA routine

    14. #14
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      This, ladies and gentlemen, is called 'mindfulness'. Well written, sir.
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      Any questions about lucid dreaming? Drop me a PM here!

    15. #15
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      I have copied your guide to my DJ, so I can review it at any time, SilverBullet. (Hope this is okay!!) Thanks for this.
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    16. #16
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      Quote Originally Posted by Loooo View Post
      Had success this night again! I think I have found out, that I always have to combine setting my intent with a happy and also a little bit of an excited feeling.
      The LD was the probably longest I had so far. Wanted to DEILD afterwards, but I had already slept for 9 hours and couldn't fall asleep again...

      SilverBullet, what "technique" do you personally use to induce LD? Could you describe what you do on a daily basis or what you think works best for you? I know you once said you just set your intent and that's it. Are you doing it while meditating?
      I don't do much nowadays to lucid dream. It's pretty easy. The only thing I'll do if I want more lucid dreams is go back to bed after I get up in the mornings fully alert. Never fails.
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    17. #17
      Is any of this for real? Achievements:
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      Thank you for this.
      I love it when you give knowledge.
      ~ wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I ~

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