Quote Originally Posted by Sageous View Post

The Nature of Shared Dreaming

-- a Loose Theory That Might Work


I was actually thinking about bubbles at first -- you know, the ones kids blow through a wand, basically spheres of soap held together by surface tension. I don’t even know why I was thinking about bubbles; probably a forgotten dream, as I had just woken from a late-morning nap.

But then I started imagining the shape of bubbles, and their necessarily cohesive surface. And for some reason then I started thinking about thought energy.


Thought energy is the energy created by conscious, sentient, thought. It is an actual form of energy which, because it is completely new and unrelated to the physical world, does not conform to the currently known laws of physics -- it is not electromagnetic, and does not contain known units of energy. Also, thought energy is not to be confused with the electromagnetic energy of brainwaves produced during the physical act of thinking -- that is something else. Thought energy is unique in form to each person generating it, sort of like fingerprints,


it likely would tend to be drawn to the same locale as other thought energy…

which, finally, is where the bubbles come in.

Here’s the theory itself:

Thought energy is created by individuals and tends to be attracted to other individuals' created thought energy, as well as itself.

This dual attraction, when combined with the billions of actively sentient beings these days, has formed a “bubble” of coherent thought energy that encompasses our entire planet.

So what we have is an energy sphere of connected thought pools

(each pool representing an individual),

and that energy is not under the jurisdiction of Newton’s laws.

When we dream, we enjoy a direct connection with our personal pool of thought energy, which in turn is connected to all the rest of the world’s pools through the surface tension of the thought energy bubble.

From this position we have an opportunity to “transmit” to all the other individuals’ pools simultaneously, and also to listen to any recognizable transmissions that might be coming from other pools.

If we can manage to recognize and understand these exchanged transmissions, then we are dream-sharing.

A couple of corollaries:

First, your transmission goes to the entire sphere of all the billions of pools at once; there is no directed communication. However, if you know the individual whose thoughts you are looking for, and they know you, you should be able to spoon out a conversation from the general ocean of thoughts you are experiencing simultaneously, simply by recognizing a moment of order (your known individual) from the overall chaos of the sphere.


this theory still doesn’t answer the question of how we would convert incoming thoughts into symbols or images that make sense to us, and vise-versa. I imagine/hope there might be some sort of “universal translator” built into our minds that can convert thought energy to usable metaphor.

This could be similar to Jung’s collective unconscious, and his theory of universal archetypes.

So that’s what I have so far. I know it’s pretty rough, and probably totally wrong, but it does at least offer a partial answer to the problem I have always had about the “physics” of shared-dreaming:

How can two people communicate in a dream instantly, without regard for time or space, and how do they find each other at all?


if anyone would like to discuss, upgrade, query me for details, or trash this theory altogether, then go for it… This for a change is a dream-sharing thread that asks how it can work, rather than just assume that it does, and thoughtful discussion about the “how” might get us a little closer to creating techniques for more easily and/or accurately practicing the art of dream sharing. .


Any thoughts?
O o o kay ...


From Buddhism, the (I, me, self and) ego don't exist. It is an illusion caused by judging the objects of the senses.

Senses exist.

When I can live without judging,

for example,

what I "see" as in,

"That's nice / that's yuky,

then the skin of the bubble no longer exists and I am liberated into

Totall oneness "subtly" with all things reality .

As soon as the judging starts-back-up, the skin of the bubble reforms. And I'm stuck back in the illusion of being a "me" (I, self, ego).

UMmmm. I really want to address this:

Quote Originally Posted by Whatsnext View Post
These things are fun to speculate on but we shouldn't pretend we're developing a scientific model. (Not saying you are Sageous but there is this temptation)

If shared dreaming exists then my crackpot theory is that dreaming occurs in a different dimension independent of our three, and maybe independent of time as well.

That would be cool, sharing dreams with people in the past and future

Quote Originally Posted by Sageous View Post

No, Whatsnext,

I don't think we are pretending that here, by any measure...

I personally wouldn't know the first thing about developing a scientific model, and would likely quickly doze off if someone else tried...


this thread is purely about the fun of speculating -- and possibly gaining some insight toward the "how" of shared-dreaming.

That's a fine crackpot theory, with potentially more elegence than my own.

Have you considered the "how" of it yet? How sharers actually communicate?

How they find each other?

What might the interface be between dreamers' brains/consciousnesses and the different dimension itself?
I got mixed-up with a mean troll in 2008. But to me he/they were wonderful people. My share-dreams and amazing synchronicity with them were of such a tingling-high nature that I took their meaness to be a sort of evil sense of humor (or something).

But they hammered and hammered and hammered me till I had to do a rethink.

It was then, after 3 years online with them that I had an epiphany. It happened on 03-27-2011*
09:38 PM

right here on Dreamviews.

On that day I posted on a big (now locked) thread. Hahaha the tread was locked immediately after my post. Here is the later half of that epiphany post.

Post #540:


[b] ... last couple of days I thought that this might be happening when I “merge” with mean folk like you (username).

I hook up in dreams and merge with U.

In this present incarnation U are tooooo mean. But I don’t accept that.*


I push into folk’s future and find them (U) in their future Buddha State.*


I only relate to them from that perspective.

What will be, IS, and always has been.


In my case I am sure that is true. My mind skidaddles deep into the future where we all are perfectly matured (in every way) and we are all friends.

And we all love communicating, in a childlike, playful manner with ourselfs from long ago.

Remember time-is-not-linea.