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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 8 Feb: Making out with Pedro Pascal in a world with dragons and dinosaurs

      by , 02-08-2023 at 08:38 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Some apocalyptic kind of scenario, muddy and populated by dangerous monsters. I encounter Pedro Pascal and while we are hiding and trying to escape some dragon like creature, we start making out. He is wearing a white shirt that is too immaculate for this scenario, I put my hand under it and then towards his pants. It gets serious, but the last thing I remember is me holding his dick before we see a drone outside in the sky, then other lights and again the dragon dark silhouette in the distance. Then dragon comes closer and is surrounded by orbs with lights. I comment how unusual that is and then a bunch of dinosaurs stampedes from nearby towards us, followed by a T-rex.
    2. 1 Nov: Alien invasion and timelines, revisiting a castle in Czech Republic

      by , 11-01-2022 at 12:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      There is an alien invasion. The aliens are gigantic, measuring from 3 to 10+ meters. They aren't many, but each one is strong enough to destroy a ship or a tank and they also have some spaceships that go around shooting at people. I meet a random person on a subway, where people are taking cover and he says he has a secret shelter and invites a group of around 10 strangers to join him there, if we managed to reach it. We do reach it and we survive about 200 days there, with occasional incursions on the surface. One day, it seems someone decides to use nukes and there is a bright explosion not far from us and we die. Or so we think, but then we wake up back at the beginning of it all and we get again to the same shelter but with a couple new people. Once in the shelter I ask others if they remember that we are reliving this and they say yes, so then I explain it to the newcomers and say we probably have to figure out a way to stop the explosion so we don't keep coming back. But nothing happens exactly like the time before. For example, last time I naturally rose to the leadership position because I had good ideas. This time a bunch of them decided to elect a new leader and I realize they never liked me. But I am ok with it, I agree we need new ideas this time. Among the things that have changed in this timeline, is that some humans made an alliance with the aliens, so there is some level of normal existence at least for some. There is also a road near us that wasn't there before and a bunch of crazies straight out of Mad Max come race in this road with weird vehicles. The group decides to try to befriend them, I think it is dangerous and will expose us, so I stay away and ready to leave at the first alarming sign.

      The earth is now invaded by a secondary type of nocturnal aliens and they hunt humans specifically when night falls. Whenever they are close and getting ready to hunt, they emit a sign, like a shine in the sky with a shape of a four legged predator. I am now staying with my parents at mom's apartment on the 4th floor. It's kinda safe if we shut down all windows and shutters and stay silent all night. But my dad is out and about with some other dude preparing some ground level house with glass doors for some experiment. We go there and try to discourage him and say that whatever it is it won't work, but they are really convinced they can make some kind of trap for the aliens. To calm down my mom, I tell her we already died and came back and we are probably going to die again at any moment, so why not use this opportunity to actually learn more about the aliens and try to defeat them. I then spot black smoke coming out from our chimney and ask mom if she left something on the stove. She isn't sure. We wish good luck to my dad and his friend and we run back home, afraid we accidentally started a fire. Fortunately it was just some soup my mom forgot on the stove that burned up. I shut that down and turn to other domestic preparations for the night, like taking our clothes that are hanging outside. Unfortunately my cats are all sneaking out through the window and jumping down to the ground below for some reason. I don't freak out as usually I do, because they've done this so many times in dreams, I now have confidence they won't get hurt. My concern is when they try to come back, usually by climbing up the balconies below and try to enter through the window that we have to keep closed. They aren't at risk from the aliens but they will put us at risk if they start making noise outside. So my mom goes out and says she'll catch them, but I am worried because it is getting dark fast.

      In Czech Republic with Zilla and other friends, revisiting Lednice. We are leaving the Inn we're lodged at and we want to walk to the castle as I did last time I came. I suggest we walk through the woods, but my friends spot what seems to be a cable car and suggest we try it instead. They go straight to the entrance but I say we need to buy tickets at the booth first. They ignore me, so I go and buy tickets. When I reach my friends, some girls pass in front of us and argue they reached there first. We disagree and we keep fighting to get in the front, but meanwhile a long line forms behind us. Then we realize it's not a cable car but some aquatic tobogan tubes kind of thing and there are actually 4 departure points, so we can go into one, the other girls in another and other people on the remaining ones. I suddenly don't wanna go, because I see it is apparently a bit of a rough ride. But my friends insist. They take their seats in the tobogan thing but there isn't space for us all, so someone attaches like a buoy to the main boat for me and some male friend. It hardly carries one person, let alone two. Also, it doesn't look safe at all, but they keep saying it will be fun.
      Then somehow we're at the castle already. It looks bigger and more beautiful than what I recall. We enter it and there is a really lively environment inside. People are dressed in modern day clothing but kind of reliving medieval times. There is a tavern inside the castle and tables all along for people to sit. Not what I expected to find. I am intent on going down the catacombs where I saw a dragon robot last time, but it is again closed for visitors. It is blocked by a board announcing the menu of the tavern. My friends offer to go check it out by sneaking behind the board. I beg them not to. I stay on the look out and then I mess up by bumping into the board and making it fall down with a lot of noise that attracts everyone's attention. As I try to put it back up, I see my friends returning and taking a peek to see if the path is clear, but then an employee comes to help with the board and they hide again. After some attempts and it keeps on falling, she gives up and lays it against the wall. Meaning my friends are now exposed when they come out and everyone is still looking at me. So I go for a walk around the place trying to divert attentions to me and away from them.
    3. 14 Aug: Bad guys at the docks and murder in a nuclear lab

      by , 08-14-2019 at 10:09 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A big fat dragon is walking downtown and smashing houses like Godzilla but more by accident. Me and Zilla are trying to avoid it but he seems to go wherever we go. We end up at some derelict buildings by the docks and we bump into a dozen dudes, who are doing shady businesses, and they surround us, menacing. I say we have no idea who they are and what they are doing, but they couldn't care less. So I fly and pick a stick that is lying around and I hit them with it. Zilla runs away. We reach an area with more people around and they let us go.

      Staying at some foreign country with colleagues from worldwide. We are working on a lab and sharing amenities. I have a nice room for myself, but have to share bathroom with another lady, but still it is very comfortable.
      At the lab some days I work with two guys. One whom I know and another one who is a stranger and has been harassing me. I know what he is capable of, because he is a sexual offender and I am creeped out whenever I need to be alone with him.
      Well, he works with radioactive material and he has to go inside a chamber where materials are deposited. One day, I am by chance at a place from where I can see that my colleague locks him up in that chamber, which cannot be opened from the inside. I am shocked but I do not help the creepy guy. I think we are actually better without him. He only needs to stay locked for some minutes before the radiation reaches deadly levels.
      I stay put and do nothing. Meanwhile a group of visiting researchers, who had been out for a city tour, are coming back to the lab and I go meet them and stall them while I know my colleague is re-opening the door of the chamber, to cover up his action. This way people will think the dude fainted there and got too much radiation by accident. I just wander what he is going to do regarding the security tapes. If they just disappear people will know it wasn't an accident. Anyway, I cannot be implicated.

      Updated 10-14-2019 at 10:28 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 06 Aug: Claustrophobia, lucid in a Spanish town and killing a dragon

      by , 08-06-2019 at 07:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Attending Rinpoche's teachings but I am extremely sleepy. At some point I even get up and take a break. When I come back Rinpoche is gone.
      The teachings are followed by nightly entertainment. Some girl comes to me with silly talk and I yell at her that all that is total bullshit, but I am not angry, more like amused with whatever she said. We see a pretty light display in the sky. Laser projections of a spaceship flying among planets and other cute things. The display is attracting people uphill through a dirt road. it is very dark, no electric lights. Then the path ends at some kind of three walled dead end with soviet movies being projected on the wall. It's cool, until a huge number of people keep coming uphill and pushing the ones already at the dead end. People start to panic, feeling claustrophobic, pushing each other. I feel panic too but I believe there is some door somewhere and after a while I find a door at the corner to my left. We open it and people start exiting with relief. Outside is actually an inside of a venue and there are people looking at the panel with info by the door, about the exhibition we just came from. They want to come in, but we tell them not to, that people are actually needing to get out from there.

      Morning and people are departing on different buses. I am on a bus already leaving and see some familiar faces outside, sitting on the sidewalk waiting for a different bus. I see monks leaving the venue in another direction.
      Then I get lucid and get rid of the backpack I have on my lap. Accidentally, I hit a lady on her head with it, but I realize that if I don't care because she is a dream character, she will not react. And surely she doesn't. I get up from my sit and simply get through the glass window, but don't fly away. Instead I hang in the there, in the window frame, feeling the wind and enjoying the landscape. The bus is crossing a very high bridge and it's very vertiginous, but I like it. I make the bus go steeply up and down like a roller-coaster just for fun. The other passengers don't seem very please, but I keep reminding that they aren't real. Then the bus passes by a Bullfighting museum and I get the impression we are in Spain. I get out of the bus and get in the museum and start trashing it all using only telekinesis and chi blasts. It's very satisfying. Especially seeing the visitors of such dreadful place being blasted away. As I go deeper into this place, I pass some kind of patio with really beautiful stone floor, but the stones are very uneven and I am barefoot. I make some shoes appear on my feet and go deeper. Pass to a weirder area of this building, sort of descending to its catacombs and it gets sinister.[/COLOR] Most rooms I avoid, as they look familiar and I sense very creepy energy in them. Then I see a long staircase descending deep into the earth. The stairs and the walls look very organic. I sense danger too, but do not feel so much fear. I am attacķed by a dragon coming from the depths. I find some knight armors and other stuff lying around and I think I kill the dragon. Some weird creature, like an elf appears and says because I killed the dragon I am the heir of some saint or knight that fought dragons.
      Then I find an exit to outside and I am at a train station, clearly at some Mediterranean town. Very pitoresque, very peaceful, very soothing. The weather is extremely nice but very cloudy. The clouds are luminous and the air is very light. I feel like singing and dancing and without any agenda, I just make love with the air and everything around me. I think of the guru and feel that he is all around me.
    5. 20 May: Random stuff and synthetic biology project

      by , 05-20-2019 at 08:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      In a studio with Billy Corgan and Dave Grohl. There's a problem with ticks, I go to the toilet and find bloody paper and a giant bug roaming around.

      With friends at a café in Lisbon, a fancy place. Nuno Markl passes by with a shopping bag, we can see he bought two pink pullovers and that another man just passing by him is wearing a similar pullover. We laugh at the popularity of these pullovers and he looks at us. I wave and he looks puzzled as if finding me familiar but not knowing who I am.
      Then we go down the street, I am dressed like a Jedi, sort of. Then crossing the street becomes a challenge as the road gives place to a very steep hill that we have to climb. I stick a dagger on the ground so I can climb and the mountain moves because it is a dragon.

      I am staying at a house with others, one guy is clearly specialist in ancient Greek myths. I am a biologist on some project. I take a look at some papers describing a synthetic biology project that is taking place in some Asian country where the laws are not restrictive and they talk about growing tissues and limbs. Reminds me a video my mom had sent me, I decide I will share these documents with the guys from that video so we can discuss the project
    6. 28 Feb: Haunted by demons

      by , 02-28-2014 at 10:54 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I had watched some youtube video about all the satanic symbolism in music videos and performances of so many artists nowadays. There's always been people saying that rock is evil and shits like that, but the connections they made were really far-fetched. But you look at so many of the pop stars nowadays and you don't even have to work hard to find metaphors for satanic stuff, they are just so straightforward about it. I also watched some of these video clips, who are said to brainwash you with subliminal messages and I wondered if you watch them with a strong aware mind, do they still affect you? Probably something, but not as much as if you're a zombie consumer with no control of your own mind.
      Anyway, all night I was haunted by demons and visited by the devil himself. Not my first time, but it is always unpleasant, to say the least.
      Throughout the dreams, I keep fighting blood sucking demons, some more like vampires, some more like dragons, who chase me and my friends, coming out from every dark corner. They try to lead us down some tunnel or cave, which at first we thought it could be a safe refuge, but then as it goes deeper and darker, the more demons seem to appear. So I push everybody out and we barricade ourselves in a house. But the demons are sneaky and can shrink to fit the tiniest openings and enter the place. I am almost bit by a tiny black dragon-like demon, but I kill it.
      Then they seem to all go away. Me and a couple of friends spread to different divisions of the house to check the windows and see if they are gone, but then I hear something horrible. I run to meet my girl friend and she is hanging from a dark shadow in the ceiling by her instestines. She is still alive, but clearly in shock and agony. Then my male friend also appears and screams in terror. Then the dark shadow drops our friend on the floor, instantly assumes a vampire like shape and attacks him. Bites him on the neck, then rips his scalp off and finally chews off half of his face. Now I am in shock and nauseated and I can't react.
      The he assumes a human form and approaches me slowly. He seems to be enjoying whatever plans he has for me. He moves around me, at the same time terrorizing and seducing me. His hands are green with sharp claws and he explains, that he will rip my chest off and pull out my heart. I can already feel the pain but he doesn't go through with it just yet. Instead, he drags me to a room and bends me over a bed and says he'll sodomize me. I feel drowzy and strangely aroused, but I'm still thinking in the back of my mind how I will escape this.

      That's when a loved one appears in the dream. I hear the voice of this person from outside the bedroom and I regain my strenghts. I must protect this person at all costs. The demon seems to have been caught by surprise to, as he loosens the grip he had over me, mental and physical. I kinda realize that I can just walk away and by denying him his power over me, he is indeed powerless. So I just walk out of the room and I escort this person away from here. And then it all ends and I just wake up.
      So I guess it's true that these videos and music can lead you to dark places. It's the power of suggestion. Some would say, no magic there. I would say, it's just different wording. No matter what you call it, what matters is the effect produced. Weak, suggestionable minds will let themselves get caught by it and even if they are not aware of the grip over their subconscious, it is still there, creating fear, submission, acceptance of shadowy domination without resistance. So, beware of what you listen and watch and idolize, because it is not innocent and playful, it really shapes your mind.
    7. 07 Feb: poor vs rich and riding a dragon

      by , 02-08-2014 at 12:24 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I live in a poor neighbourhood. My family sells clothes in a small shop in a shady corner. Some bullies come to collect money from us, but they get more interested in myself and I have to run through back alleys to escape them. At some point I enter a back door of a building and find myself at some kind of posh shopping center. I continue running, but I have time for some observations. I see, for instance, a lady trying on some jewelry the shop keeper put over the counter and as they turn around for a second, I manage to grab a beautiful necklace, but I throw it away before exiting with it. It would be so helpful to sell it and make some money for my family, but I can't. It's not so much that I find it absolutely wrong, but I believe there's a good chance it has an alarm of some sort and I would be caught and it really wasn't worthwile. So I drop it and keep running. I exit through another door and I find myself crossing an oriental-style spa. It's so soothing, but if they see me there, I'll be caught and jailed, so I keep running. I finally exit the building and get to a non-urbanized area, by a riverbed. The sun is setting and I duck under some bushes. I stay there until it's dark and I sense that there's no one looking for me. I then walk through a dirt road and I find a well. I look at it and see the moon reflected on the water and I feel an absolute sense of peace and detachment. I touch the rough stones of the well and have a strange feeling that they are moving. Scared, I fall on the ground and covered in mud, I see a dragon arising from the well, the stones becoming his scales. Is he going to hurt me? I feel that it's up to me. It all depends if I run from him or if I tame him. So, in a corageous decision, I grab some scales on his neck and I decide to ride it. He turns his head and looks menacing, but then he talks to me and he says something magic I can't pronounce even if I wanted. But I understand he is going to take me somewhere.
      He drops me at some big palace like hotel or something. I wonder how I can go inside covered in mud, but then he merges with me and his scales transform into a beautiful golden scaled mermaid strapless dress and I look like a queen. The doors open for me and I'm inside. But I keep feeling a stranger and everytime I cross paths with someone on the lobby, at the hallways, I fear that they will see through me and notice that I don't belong. But they don't.
      I see everyone heading to some kind of concert room and I follow them, trying to mingle. Some old rich couple starts talking to me, I have to lie about a few things, and I wonder if I'll be asked for a ticket a the door and look stupid for not having one. They do ask for ticket and I don't have, but the way I look, they don't even doubt I haven't paid for the show, they believe I just forgot and allow me in. I can't believe it is so simple. Some guy offers me a coat and then I see why. The doors open to an open air amphitheatre over a hill and it's a chilly night. We take our seats and we get a package. If we're on an even row we must open it to the right and if we're on an odd row we must open it to the left (or vice-versa). Inside are some kind of 3D goggles and other weird gadgets. I wonder what this show is about. Then I see some kind of gigantic molecular structures with lights floating above us and I'm said the show is about to start.
    8. 17 Aug: Hostage

      by , 08-17-2013 at 11:15 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am watching the events around some kids and their lives. In common, they all attend the same college.
      I'm following the life of a very sensible kid, whose father is very though, I think maybe a cop or military. He tries to raise his kid to be tough like him and fearless, so he keeps dragging him to nasty places and situations where the kid freaks out and gets traumatized. As a result, he shuts down and starts hating his father. He sure gets tough, but not the way his father intended to. The once sweet kid is now silent, unpleasant, unresponsive and anti-social.
      Then I follow another guy whom nobody seems to know or notice. He dresses a casual suit, seems to be of good families, but he is also messed up. He arrives at the school entrance, takes out a gun from his pocket and shoots himself in the head. No last words, no hesitation.
      Then I seem to decide to enter that college and I actively become a character in the dream. I wander around the premises, get to know the kids and I become their colleague.
      One day an armed gang enters the school spreading panic. I take refuge in a bathroom nearby with some other people, but three persons of the gang also enter the bathroom, point guns at us and tell us to quiet down. I consider getting out while I still can, but they say we're going to be taken hostage and stay in there for a couple of days locked up with them. I hear indiscriminate shots outside and chaotic running and screaming and realize I have more chances of staying alive if I stay in there. My instinct tells me to accept being their hostage. They have sandwiches and even some blankets to lay on the floor. They make sure we are comfortable, but never explain their intentions.
      After a day, I notice that our captors are as nervous as the hostages. I'm the only one still cool and relaxed, so one of the captors asks me how can I stay so cool in the middle of all that. I say something like "panic and stress won't help me at all to stay alive and make the best judgement of the situation". He is impressed and we start talking. He is actually a very nice guy and I start sympathizing with him, although not with their cause.
      Another girl hostage asks me later if I understand what their plans are for us. She seems to be confident that they won't kill us. And I tell her "don't fool yourself. we're the backup hostages. they keep us safe here as a safeguard to themselves. but if shit hits the fan, they will kill us to."
      As I say this, a guy who seems to be their leader, breaks into the bathroom and seems to be ready to kill us indeed. Before he even has time to blink, I kick him and throw him on the floor and get his gun, but he wears a kind of armour and his only vulnerability is his head. I don't want to kill him, so I hesitate about shooting him in the head. He feels my hesitation and he attacks me back. We fight and he ends up on the ground again, but now he summones a dragon-demon that no one was expecting. Well, the dragon has thick skin, but no armour, so I shoot the dragon. He disappears in thin air. Just like that, the gang seems to have been also dismantled and normality is being restablished elsewhere in the school, with the remaining hostages being freed.

      Updated 08-17-2013 at 11:19 AM by 34880

    9. 15 Feb: Becoming a dragon and telling other dreamers about DV

      by , 02-22-2011 at 10:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      Bus trip
      I’m involved in politics. There’s a vote for me to have some vacation. I go on a bus trip and the driver is a black guy. He looks tired and I fear he might fall asleep while driving, although the trip is relatively short – about 40 mins – so I decide to trust his driving.

      Amityville-like haunted house
      With some other people on an apartment we believe to be haunted. We see a kind of specter of a scary man walking around on some security footage and it creeps us out. He makes lights flash and even burst the lamps. He seems to be able to control whoever he wants to control and lead people to their suicide. First victim is a girl we find hanged in a room, second victim a guy we find all broken for having fell down the stairs. Even the cat gets possessed. Someone decides to strike back by calling him and facing him, but then I see my mom and my BF and I take them with me to the kitchen and we close the door behind us. We are pretty scared because after a while we feel the spirit presence among us. I feel it physically as if he is touching me and it causes all kinds of horrifying feelings and visions. At some point I suspect I’m dreaming, so I open the terrace door for some fresh air and look around, I do a RC, confirm the dream and decide to lift off. On one hand I feel relieved it’s just a dream, but on the other hand I feel guilty for leaving them there, as maybe this is a shared dream and they are left alone in the nightmare.

      Castles and meditation
      Viewed from above, the apartment complex now looks like a doll house castle, very cute. From up in the sky I see another castle, much bigger, on top of a hill. It is as if it has no walls, so I see people inside it, as if they are on shelves. There are also many people floating around this castle, just hanging and I feel all these strange characters are indeed other dreamers. I float in the air, cross my legs to meditate, but I almost wake up. When back in the dream I am now inside some place and I sit facing a wall, not to distract myself. I try to visualize Buddhas and really feel their presence, but after some time I start seeing all sorts of lights and shapes on the wall, like light projections. I look back and see some girls with a overhead projector, preparing it to play some movie. I leave this place and find some very very quiet corner on an underground level of this building. Between the elevators and the exit to a parking, there’s a really zen corner with a waterfall on a glass wall, water falling on a pebble base and a garden behind the wall. I sit there, soothed by the sounds of the water and I manage to do a successful short meditation for a while. I feel the presence of Guru Rinpoche, but then I almost wake up. I hang on and dream becomes stronger, but not enough, so I must move to keep it going. I decide to finish the RPG task I left undone last time.

      Eating the fruit and becoming a dragon
      (RPG task)
      I enter one of the elevators and imagine it taking me to the same supplier market in Denn, where I was last time. The elevator drops me at a very busy cargo entrance area. I get out of the way of men carrying heavy loads to outside where merchants stands are selling produce to the villagers.
      I immediately see the strange fruit I’m supposed to eat on a fruit stand. I choose a small one and eat it. I keep walking around waiting to see if anything happens (it’s supposed to give me some new magical power) but nothing happens. I then find a stand where people gather around, very agitated and I go check what’s up. It’s more of those fruits, but here they look bigger and better and are being served already cut and clean for free to the villagers. Two girls approach me and ask me what is it about. By the way they are so “defined” and “lucid” I realize they are dreamers. I tell them there’s a task on DV to come here and eat this fruit, which is supposed to give us new powers. They enjoy that, they say they also wanna give it a try and then we all grab some fruits to eat.
      Once we are served, we gather on the left side of this stand where they meet a third girl friend and they ask me more about DV. I first ask for their names and tell them mine. One girl says she is called what I perceived as“Lollena”and the other what I perceive as “Sino”(as in Portuguese for “bell”; the equivalent sound in English would be“xenu”). The third girl to my left looks blocked, as if she couldn’t remember her name, so I continue to explain what is DV and give them the url. Then the third girl finally says something. She tells me that she (or they?) is user of some other dream website and she tells me the name of it. First it sounded like Dreampaws, which I know exists, but I asked her to repeat and it wasn’t that, although it was something similar, like maybe Dreampush (which I found later on waking up, that also exists). I’m not sure though, because it became fuzzy on waking up.
      Then we walk around the town and they ask me about the super-power. I say I don’t know what it is and I also haven’t felt anything different yet. We try telekinesis, morphing, etc, and it all goes very well, but I say I already had all these powers before, so it can’t be it.
      Then we hear people scream and we see a big pinkish tornado coming right to the centre of the town. We combine efforts and we try to break the tornado apart. I see to my right another guy who is also trying to do it, so we are at least 5 people doing it. Soon the tornado fades away and is but a large pink cloud in the sky. People are cheering us and I lose the girls in the middle of the crowd. When I meet them again later (only the two girls with names) at the entrance of a tavern down a street, they had just been approached by some bullies and one of them sobs while the other comforts her. She admits to her friend that she owes money to those guys and don’t know what to do. I pass by them and remind them we’re just in a dream, but they seem to have lost lucidity for good, so I keep going. It’s when I start feeling the effect of the fruit!
      I feel my body changing, my neck elongating, I walk in four limbs and then I spread my “arms” and I feel like I have wings. I flap them and slowly elevate in the air. I am still fundamentally human shaped, but I think I am becoming a dragon! It is hard to deal with this new body and I wobble a little bit in the air. At some point I lose balance all together and fall down on the floor. I think I come back to my human form.
      On the floor, I am facing the end of the street, which is the end of the town and I see a huge looming creature crawling in my direction. It’s another dragon.
      I immediately remember the talk I had with my dad during the day. He had asked me if I fear dragons when I meet them in my dreams and I had said no, in general they are friendly. But this one has a really dark energy and I immediately felt really scared. I run back to the town, looking for a place to take cover and hide. He steps up, trying to catch me and I only have time to duck under a wagon to my left and I see the dragon passing right by my side. He circulates the wagon and hits it repeatedly. I know it’s a matter of time until he turns it over. For some reason I am really scared and convinced I can’t beat this dragon. So when he is about to grab me with his claws, I decide to wake up.


      Some guy is buying his kid a puppy. The kid opens up with me and says he didn’t receive love from his father so he is doing this as a compensation. I get involved and I tell the guy about Puppy Mills and that he shouldn’t support it by buying a puppy. Instead should go adopt a puppy from a shelter. I also say I hope this puppy won’t end up on a shelter later on if he gets tired of him. I take them to a shelter and the kid goes wild when he spots a little lion on some cage in the corner. He goes get it and hugs and kisses the lion. The animals are looked after by black androids.


      Updated 02-23-2011 at 10:23 AM by 34880 (to correct spelling mistakes)

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , lucid
    10. 4 Feb: Riding the dragon Orion, performing a miracle and much more

      by , 02-04-2011 at 05:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)


      “The tourist” meets “Indiana Jones” meets "An Adventure"

      I’m inside an alternative version of the movie “The Tourist”. The cover of the agent played by Angelina Jolie is blown. I am the guy played by Johny Depp. She meets me at some back alley when she is being chased by two bad guys. We fight them but we lose and we are kidnapped.
      I then get out of the body of the guy and I am just my own self. I follow them into some tunnels of mines. Like in Indiana Jones, I am on one of those cars on tracks, going deeper and deeper into the mine. I end up on some gallery which opens above some big cave, with openings to a cliff over the sea. I am being helped by the kids from a Portuguese book collection loosely inspired on Enid Blyton’s books. At least, the group resembles the one from those books, although the only DC which is really clear to me is the geeky guy.
      We come up with a plan to pretend we are ghosts – making sounds, dropping things on the bad guys, etc – hoping to confuse them and scare them away. It has some effect, but it is the police, which ends up arriving, who captures them. Meanwhile the parents of the kids came along with the police and the kids fear their reaction for having got into such dangerous situation. But the police calls them heroes so the parents go easy on them.

      Running tests
      Fragment of a strange LD which started as a thriller and which I use to run some tests on the power of genius intuition vs. logic reasoning for solving a case and the effects of love and passion over something else.


      Stray dogs
      With my dad walking a street. We see a stray dog who seems lost and is walking dangerously in the middle of the road. My dad says he wants to turn some other way, because he can’t watch if the dog gets hurt. I say that we should help him. I run to middle of the road, but the dog runs away from me, not facilitating the rescue. There are cars coming, so I decide to teach him in 10 seconds to fear the road. I scream and scare him away from there. He only feels safe from me when he is on the sidewalk. I hope it will help him in the future to stay out of the road. Then I get on a bus with my dad and we see some lady attending to some other dog who has been hit by a car. It has his guts out, so I don’t think he’ll survive. I tell my dad we can’t avoid meeting with violence or death, even if we try, so it’s better to just face it in the eyes and do our best to help those in danger.


      Deceitful red-head and burglars
      Talking with some friends through a cell phone conference, to arrange a meet-up with dinner. I walk through a city, which feels like Lisbon. I am with two other girl friends and on the phone are some guys who are kind of rockers. They say they want to dine at the Hard Rock Café and I think sarcastically “How original...”
      My two friends are walking a bit further away from me, at some distance from each other. I stop a bit to arrange details about the dinner when I see a really nice wooden medieval door on my left, half-open. I get half-lucid and my curiosity takes me inside. It’s like a stone paved patio with houses around, but with a ceiling. It’s very dark, some purple lights illuminate slightly the windows from the houses around and the ceiling has those LED lights which replicate the effect of stars in the sky. I see some stairs going from the right upper corner of the patio to some unknown place. I’m curious about where it leads, but I want to go back and meet my friends before I lose them. I turn and bump into one of them who followed me there. She says we should go see what’s at the end of those stairs. I agree but what about the other girl? She doesn’t know the city, she’ll get lost. She calls her on the cell phone, to meet us there. Then we head to the stairs, but some attractive red hair girl comes in our way, asking for our purses. I ask if I can take my camera and she says yes, but the rest stays there with her. Hum, ok. Then she leads us through a side tunnel at which end is a card box on the exit to a backstreet. I find that weird and ask if that’s safe. She guarantees it is, because she is always there. No she’s not! What about when she goes inside to bring people here? I find that really odd. I ask, what about some number tags so she doesn’t hand the bags over to the wrong people. Then she hands us some stickers with numbers. I’m still not happy, but I look at her one last time to try to feel if she’s trustworthy. She looks beautiful, elegant and competent. I decide I’ll have to trust her. Usually it’s easy to know who not to trust. The opposite is harder. As soon as we leave and she thinks we went up those stairs, she gets outside to meet some van full of guys. But I actually stayed behind sneaking on her. She hands them something and leaves and the guys get out of the van and head to the box with our purses. Oh no! I run and drag my friends with me to meet those thugs. We keep them off our stuff and try to protect other people’s stuff too, but they are too many and start slapping and pushing us around. I notice there’s a lot of grocery bags in the box, so I offer them the food if they leave the purses alone. I think they agreed, because in the end, I’m checking which food is in there and distributing it to them.


      Just want some peace of mind
      With my BF on some very straight lined building, like a museum from the fascist period. For some reason I feel uncomfortable there and with him, so I try to get away, First slowly, so he doesn’t notice, but then a bit faster. As soon as I am outside, going up some staircase, I decide to fly away. But all I manage is to hover a little bit. I try harder to levitate and as I do it, I become lucid.
      I finally manage to fly high easily and by seeing the terraces over the buildings down below, I chose to sit on one and do a short meditation practice [I decided to try to remember to do it on every lucid I have, even if then I go do something else.] I sit and make a prayer to Guru Rinpoche. I also try to visualize him, but instead what happens is that a bunch of DCs appear sitting by my side, chatting and pushing me, really annoying me. I kick a girl down the building, thinking that she is just a product of my mind, trying to distract me. But I couldn’t help feeling bad for using violence. The doubt in my mind opened a breach and all the DCs jump over me, attacking me furiously. I fly high again trying to get rid of them. I sit at another rooftop. I repeat the prayer and I see the blue orb light I saw once when invoking the medicine Buddha. It is steadily coming in my direction. I’m thrilled but also wondering what it is and why it is coming at me, since I didn't summon the same entity of the last time the blue orb appeared. So many questions make it go away, by making a U-turn and disappearing to where it came from.
      Once again, there are DCs by my side, but these are quieter. On my right side is the geeky guy. I ask him: “By chance, are you my DG? Because you’ve been a lot in my dreams these last few days.” He doesn’t reply, just smiles mysteriously at me. Then some really big guy appears out of nowhere to attack me and I decide this dream is over, I can’t do anything here without DCs beating me up.

      Resuscitating a baby
      I go through the dream fabric, like my DG told me to and it works so well again! All goes a bit dark, I feel my body in SP and I think maybe I'll try out an AP. But I forgot exactly how to proceed and I precipitate to just another LD.
      I find myself in a tiny cubicle with a door in front of me and a lady by my left side, telling me to please go inside. She opens the door and I’m at some surgery room on a hospital. There are two nurses by the side of a surgery table. They look somber. A white sheet covers a very tiny body and they carefully remove it to show me an inanimate baby. They look at me as if they expect my help, but I wonder what I can do. Then I am drawn into passing energy to the baby through my hands. One of the nurses asks me not to touch him, so I do it at some distance from his body. Very soon after he is regaining colours, looking refreshed and healthy and he even talks! The baby repeats “Aleluia! Aleluia!” and I think how freaky that is. The nurses thank me, with tears in their eyes and the lady who brought me in takes me back to the cubicle where I first arrived and closes the door behind me thanking me for the miracle.

      Spicy underground pub
      Everything gets a bit dark again and I feel myself floating through the ceiling and arriving at some other place. The first thing I notice is a kind of comic book hanging on a wall with hand writing on it. I take it down and go through the pages to decipher the message on it. It says something like “You have the opportunity to make a difference. There’s someone (?) who is going to be accused of terrorism (or to be victim of terrorism) and you can help preventing that.” Then it says a location and even some websites for more info, but I just get lost and almost wake up trying to memorize all that data. [On waking up the info didn’t made any sense, although coherent and the place existent. The only web address I could remember led me to a porn website (LOL).]
      I try to stabilize the dream by looking around to where I am. It looks like a bar, a bit dark and spicy. The name of the place is pictorial and phallic and three guys there tell me people call this place by names like “little dick” or “hardon”. I conclude the websites I saw on the paper were probably related to this place and not to the message I read, which could be just a big joke anyway.

      Riding a dragon
      I then see a tiny door on the left wall opening briefly and some weird looking guy with horns peaking briefly. Then the door closes again. I go there and knock. A muscled guy with horns appears and asks what I want. I ask back who is he. He says he’s a dragon caretaker and that he was just peaking but won't go in, because he has to go back to his dragons. I feel excited with the possibility of being around dragons and I ask him if I can see them and ride one. He smiles and says “Sure!” I enter and he closes the door. It is again some kind of small cubicle, and there’s another opening right opposite to the door. I see a dragon’s head peaking and then going away. I go check it out and I see a cloudy sky below me and dragons flying around. The guy calls the dragon back and I ask him “How shall I ride him? How do I command him?” He laughs and tells me “Don’t worry, they speak English.”, “Ah, ok.” The dragon reappears and offers me one of his horns to grab. I do so and then jump to his back. I ask him if it’s ok to grab his horns, he says yes, but I decide it might be uncomfortable to him, so I hold on to a kind of bonny collar he has around his neck. He then plunges downwards and it’s the most amazing lucid thing I ever did! Wooohooo, I’m riding a dragon!!! He flies above the clouds and then we go under the clouds and I see green planes with lakes all over. When things are calmer and he is flying at cruise speed, I ask him is name and what is this place. He says he’s Orion and this is Souldart – I ask him to repeat the name of the land and I understand it clearly [but on waking up, I’m not so sure, it sounded something like Souldart]. He then takes me over some city. The people are beautifully dressed in tunics and they live in what look like fancy roman villas. The dragon takes me across some patio sided by white stone columns and with a rectangular shallow lake in the middle where some kids play together under the care of a lady. He tells me this place used to be magical but it is now dying with the end of the old religion. I want to ask more, but as we slide through the air and I formulate questions in my mind, the dream fades and I wake up.


      Updated 02-04-2011 at 06:25 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable