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    Chronicles of Ethos

    1. Training Fury Mode; Taking Out the Trash (March 4, 2012)

      by , 04-13-2012 at 05:29 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Training Fury Mode

      The earliest thing I can remember is walking around an old tomb with Chris. I really don't know what it was. I was inside a man made tunnel with stone walls. I could tell it was made by an ancient civilization because there were hieroglyphics on pretty much everything. Judging by the different shapes and sizes of the stone ruins, I made an assumption that there used to be a city in the tunnel. I tripped over a large stone platform as I was walking through the rubble and hurt my leg.

      "What are we even doing here?" I asked Chris.
      "These are the Dreamer Base ruins. The tower should be somewhere nearby." He said.

      I then remembered that Chris had told me something similar before. We were looking for something that would be inside an ancient tower.
      I think I became lucid around this point from hearing "Dreamer Base". It must have triggered me to think about lucid dreaming. I got up off the ground and felt really excited about finding this mystery item. Then a giant green troll monster thing crashed through the wall. Chris pulled out his bow and started shooting at the troll. The arrows were about as effective as tooth picks. For some reason I felt like I was too weak to be able to fight this thing. I decided it would be best to run away from this thing.

      It picked up a large brick and threw it towards Chris. I grabbed Chris, opened up a a portal to the void, and jumped in before the brick could hit him. I quickly opened a portal to somewhere near the ruins below us before the troll get in. We both fell through the portal, and as usual I landed on my face. When I got up and looked around, I was in a forest now. Right next to me was Chris and a large stone tower. I knew that whatever I was looking for would be at the top of the tower.

      I ran through the entrance and started running up the spiral staircase. Chris followed right behind me. When I reached the top of the stairs, there was a little door on the ceiling. I pushed it open and we climbed onto the roof. The view from up there was pretty amazing. There was a pedestal resting on the center of the roof. I kind of just took a guess on what I needed to do. I pulled a red crystal out of my backpack and placed it on the pedestal. It glowed brightly for a moment and then stopped. Suddenly my energy sense activated and I felt more than just Chris's energy behind me.

      I turned around and jumped back, expecting to have to fight something. A large red dragon landed next to Chris and stared at me. I relaxed and dropped my fighting stance because he didn't feel dangerous. He spoke to me, but I can't remember what exactly we talked about at first. I do remember the last half of the conversation though.

      "I am here to train you." The dragon said.
      "Sorry, but I already know how to use my fire element." I said.
      "No, I'm going to teach you about the 'fury mode', as you like to call it."
      "Hey! I got an idea! Let's call it the Woosh! Because of the sound it makes when you release it?" Chris said.

      Chris left me no choice but to facepalm after hearing that statement. Even the dragon gave Chris a strange look.

      "Okay, never mind." Chris said.
      "I thought you could only breathe fire." I said to the dragon.
      "Yes, but I know how to gather fury energy to make it more powerful." He said.

      The dragon stepped back a few feet, preparing to demonstrate. He became very focused and a red energy started to form around him. He focused the energy to his foot and then stamped his foot down on the ground. Hundreds of large and powerful fireballs rose up out of the floor and flew into the sky. The exploded and lit the sky up with a bright red light. After seeing that, it was obvious that he knew a lot about this technique. I was so amazed and ready to learn from him at that point. I stepped back to the other side of the tower and prepared for my training.

      "Think of something that angers you while gathering fury energy." The dragon said.

      He didn't speak to anymore, but it sort of felt like he was still guiding me through it passively. I thought of something that made me angry, but I can't remember what it was. The idea was to gather energy from my emotions to make myself more powerful. I focused on making my energy spike while trying to become a little angry. My body started glowing with a purple energy that felt warm. I then transformed into my stage 1 dragon form, which is the black dragon I usually transform into. I powered the energy up some more and it grew into a full aura around me. At this point I was trying reach a stage where my fury mode would become more powerful. When my energy spiked again I transformed into my stage 2 dragon form, which is a more powerful white dragon. The aura didn't grow any larger, but it definitely felt far more intense. Eventually I pushed on through to my final stage 3 dragon form, which is a purple dragon. Once again, the fury energy greatly increased in power and intensity.

      "Good job. Try to calm down without losing your energy now." He said.

      I put my arms down and allowed all of the muscles in my body to relax. I allowed my mind to calm down while at the same time focusing on the energy around me. When I did this, the fury energy hardly lost power and was still flowing through me. I was able to maintain this energy now without my mind filled with anger. It felt pretty amazing having so much power. I walked over to Chris to show him. He waved his hand through the aura and thought it was pretty cool. As we were playing with the aura, I sensed the energies of a group of below in the forest. The three of us walked over to the edge of the tower to take a look.

      When I looked down I saw a group of 10 or more men in red robes. From that it became obvious that they were Draflam soldiers. I wasn't sure why they were coming towards the tower though. I think it may have been because they don't like me and want me dead.

      "How would you like to use those Draflams as target practice?" The dragon said smiling.
      "Sounds like a good idea to me." I said
      "This is going to be fun to watch!" Chris said.

      I jumped over the tower wall and spread out my wings. I flew down towards the group of Draflams and prepared for a fight. I breathed out that purple energy on a couple of them like my fire breath. They were covered with a purple fire and were soon vaporized. Most of them quickly ran towards the tower, but one tried running away. I grabbed the fleeing Draflam and flew him right into the tower wall. I then flew right back towards the entrance and fired out a ball of fury energy in front of it. A few Draflams got inside the tower, but I blasted away the rest of them. I flew through a hole in the tower and landed on the staircase in front of them. They shot fireballs at me, but I created a shield around me out of fury energy. I then blasted out a wave of energy in front of me and killed the last of the soldiers.

      I flew back up to the top of the tower. I deactivated my fury mode and walked over to Chris and the dragon. The congratulated me for completing my training. I think I woke up after this point though.

      Taking Out the Trash

      This was a very short dream. My mother told me to take a bag of garbage out to the field to burn it. So I carried the bag out to the field. I pulled out a lighter to burn the trash, but it wasn't working. I became lucid at this point for some reason. Probably because being in a field is somewhat of a common dream sign for me. I decided the lighter was useless so I just tossed it over my shoulder. I held my hand out towards the garbage and lit in on fire. Magic makes everything so much easier. I think I was hit by a random car shortly after this. Why must my dreams end in stupid ways like that?

    2. Possessed, Underwater Combat (February 29, 2012)

      by , 03-08-2012 at 05:03 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)


      This dream is a little fragmented at the beginning. I was lucid and fighting Micheal Myers in a dark place. I probably became lucid because Micheal Myers has been a dream sign for many years. I think I was fighting with him in an old abandoned house in the middle of the night. I can only remember the final moments of the fight. Micheal grabbed by throat and lifted me up into the air. He held me against the wall and tried to strangle me. I used the dragon morph to transform my foot. I swiped him in the eye with my claws and he stumbled back. I clenched my hands together and hit him hard in the face while he was still dazed. He fell to the ground and was still covering his face from the pain. I pulled out my sword and stabbed it through his chest. I then ended it by lighting him on fire with a fireball. His body evaporated into sparks and I saw his angry spirit fly away.

      The next thing I know, I'm standing on the side walk of a small neighborhood in the middle of the day. For some reason, I was now a little girl of about 5 years old. There were 2 women talking to each other about something next to a baby carriage. I then started to hear a creepy whispering voice in my head.

      "Kill... Kill them..." It said.
      "What? No!" I said in my mind.
      "Do it... Do my evil work for me.... Let me live on inside of you!" The voice shouted.

      I realized that this was Micheal Myers speaking to me. Suddenly my body and mind became possessed. I walked in a zombie like state towards a kitchen knife lying on the sidewalk. I picked up the knife and walked towards the baby carriage. When I lifted my arm to stab the baby, I regained control of myself again.

      "What the hell? I'm not going to kill a baby!" I said in my mind.
      "Do it!" He shouted.
      "You can't make me!" I yelled back.
      "You will obey me." He said.

      I lost control of my body and lifted the knife again. I thrusted the knife down towards the baby. In a fit of rage, I regained control of my left arm and swiped it in front of the knife at the last second. I managed to stop myself from killing the baby by stabbing myself in the arm. After Micheal lost control over me, I pulled the knife back out of my arm and dropped it. The two women then finally took notice to me and the baby. We were safe now that people were aware of the weird stuff happening. The last thing I remember of this dream is Micheal saying goodbye.

      "You bastard..." Micheal said before disappearing from my mind.

      Underwater Combat

      I'm not 100% sure, but I think I was Claire in this dream. I was in some school building that reminded me a lot of the Lucid Academy. I was following a group of classmates to an indoor pool. On the way there, someone shared half of a cookie with me for reasons I can't remember. It was unbelievably delicious. When we walked into the pool area, everyone excpet me rushed in and jumped in the water. I looked around the room and saw a guy standing against the wall with a large box. Inside the box was powdered donuts for sale. I pulled a small pouch of gold coins out of my pocket and bought the whole box from him. I ate a few donuts and then gave the box to some other guy to "bank" them. Things are a little fragmented from this point until the end of the dream.

      I looked at the pool again and saw that everyone disappeared. I then saw a few people come back to the surface for breath and quickly dive back down. There was something down there and I was curious to see what it was. I saw a hole in the floor next to the pool filled with water and a ladder. For some reason I felt like going down that way. I jumped into the water and started to sink.
      I became lucid after jumping into the water because it didn't feel right. The water just felt like air. While I was underwater I thought I had to hold my breath even though I was still passively breathing.

      As I floated down to the bottom, I finally noticed what was so interesting under the water. I was now floating in the sky above a small village. I could see a bunch of people down there playing around with dream control. They were doing things like flying, super speed, shooting fire, summoning, and a bunch of other things. I can't remember what exactly happened when I reached the bottom, but I know some sort of free for all lucid battle started.

      I think I was hiding behind a small shack where a man was trying to sell apples for the first half of the battle. I was too confused about what was happening to get involved. I then remembered that I needed to breathe, so I flew up to towards the surface. This one guy who was dominating the competition noticed me as I flew up. He flew at me from below on his black dragon. I could sense him and the dragon coming towards me, so I dodged to the left. He glared at me as he flew by, which made me think he was taking the game a little too seriously. The dragon then swung its claws at me as I pulled out my sword. It tried to swipe me a few times, but I deflected its claws with my sword. They decided to fly away from me when I got to the surface.

      At the surface I saw Chris standing next to the hole. I can't remember what was said, but it was something about helping me out in the fight. He jumped into the water with me and we dived back down to the bottom. The first thing Chris did was charge at some guy who had transformed into an anthropomorphic tiger. I saw a cloud in the sky that resembled a dragon. That reminded me of my ability to summon dragons.

      "Summon dragon!" I shouted.

      A dark blue dragon wearing armor came out from behind the cloud. I jumped onto its back as it flew past me. I saw some people standing on a few clouds, shooting fire, lightning, and other spells at the people below. I flew the dragon over the clouds so it could attack. The dragon breathed a blue fire on all of them and knocked them out of the game. I then remembered that I needed more air, so I jumped off the dragon and flew back to the surface.

      When I descended back down to the village, I saw Chris standing on top of the apple shack. He was shooting at people with a bow and arrows. He must have been having fun because he was laughing the whole time. Then someone came out from behind a house and shot a hundred of these tiny energy balls at Chris. Chris kind of passed out from that and just layed on top of the apple shack. I climbed on top of the apple shack, grabbed Chris, and started flying towards those clouds again. The man tried shooting that energy pellet spell again, but my dragon flew between us to protect me. When I reached the cloud, I layed Chris down on it and got on my stomach to try hiding. The sound of an energy blast and seeing pellets fly by told me that he found me anyways.

      I charged ice magic in the palm of my hand, rolled over, and started shooting bursts of ice magic at him. He took cover behind a stack of a crates. He then shot his energy pellets at me and I took cover behind the cloud, which was surprisingly protective. We continued this for a while and got no where. Eventually I decided to just shoot at him the second he comes back out from behind the crates. He didn't expect that and was soon frozen solid. I stood up and took a good look at the village. It seemed like me and Chris were the only ones left. Then of course, that one guy and his black dragon appeared in front of me.

      I noticed that Chris was still holding his bow, so I took that to help me in the fight. The dragon was trying to charge a ball of shadow fire. I pulled the bow string back, created a fireball in the shape of an arrow, and shot it at the dragon. The fire arrow exploded when it hit the dragon and disrupted its spell. I did this a few more times to try and weaken the dragon. My dragon then suddenly flew up from below and finished them off with its blue fire breath. It looked as if we had won the battle. Chris started to wake up a little. I then remembered that we both had been underwater for a while and needed air. I picked him up and swam to the surface. I woke up when I reached the surface this time though.

    3. 2 Lucid Fragments, Draflam Bugs (February 26, 2012)

      by , 03-06-2012 at 10:48 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Lucid Fragment

      Just a short dream of me sitting at my desk, writing a long dream journal entry. It was the one about me fighting all of those Draflams.Something just didn't feel right about everything and I became lucid. I got mad that I had been wasting my time writing a dream journal entry that would just disappear. I think I woke myself up because I wanted to get the real thing written.

      Lucid Fragment

      It was in the middle of the night and I was in a car with my sister driving. For some reason we were driving around a graveyard. I saw my cat just napping in the middle of the path up ahead. I told my sister to slow down and stop so she wouldn't hit him. For some reason she got an evil look on her face and sped up. I became lucid here because being inside a speeding vehicle is one of my dream signs. I leaned over her and tried to reach the brakes. I couldn't reach them because she kept pushing me back. Then at the last second I grabbed the steering wheel and turned left. We crashed hard into a tree, but we were alright. The last thing I can remember is walking out of the cemetery with my cat and sister.

      Draflam Bugs

      I don't remember much of this dream. I was standing outside a Mansion's gates with an Aranian spy. It was our job to sneak into the mansion find information on something. I can't remember what exactly we were supposed to look for. We teleported into the mansion by reading a picture from some spell book. I became lucid after this because I realized teleporting isn't a normal thing. The spell brought us to a hallway in the mansion. It reminded me of Resident Evil. I could see several men in red robes walking around in the main hall. Luckily the Draflams were too busy and didn't notice us. The spy led me towards a blue door. The door led into some sort of basement or dungeon. We both felt like the information we needed would be down there.

      We slowly descended the stairs into the darkness together. When it became too dark for us to see, I ignited a ball of fire in my left hand to light up the room. When the room was lit, I could see that we were in a large cave and that we were not alone. There were about 20 of these giant yellow furry cockroach things crawling along the cave walls. These things were about as big as me and didn't look too happy. As they lept towards us, I pulled out my sword and the Aranian spy pulled out two daggers. I killed a few of them by fire and sword. I didn't get to see the spy fight, but he did killed a few too. They started to retreat after we had only killed a few of them. This left me confused for a moment.

      Soon, an even bigger yellow furry cockroach thing crashed through the cave wall. It roared and grabbed the spy with its fangs. It then threw him into a large rock. The monster turned and looked at me. It tried stomping on me with its leg, but I rolled out of the way. I soon started running back towards the exit and it chased me. As I ran up the long flight of stairs, the monster struggled to climb up them. It was too big to climb them, and the stairs would just break and fall apart if it stepped on them. The monster then tried smashing into the cave walls. It was trying to make the top of the cave collapes on me. I managed to open the door and get out of the cave before it collapsed though.

      I snuck to a bedroom across the hall to avoid being spotted by an aproaching Draflam. The guard opened the blue door and saw that there were a bunch of rocks behind it. All he did was close it and act like it was normal. The last thing I remember is using the teleport spell again to transport me outside the gates.


      Updated 03-07-2012 at 02:59 AM by 32005

      dream fragment , lucid
    4. Draflam War, Teaching Dream Control, Lucid Fragment (February 19, 2012)

      by , 02-28-2012 at 05:31 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I should probably mention that I used Daydream Awareness again. I don't feel like going into detail about my daydreams anymore though.

      Draflam War

      The dream started off with me standing inside the void with Claire. She was talking about the Aranians and Draflams while I was playing with a little ball of light. I think she mentioned something about being a rouge Draflam and the stupid war between two kingdoms. I was too distracted by the floating light to absorb most of the conversation. She saw that I wasn't paying attention and slapped me in the back of the head. I started paying attention and became lucid after realizing that standing inside the void isn't an everyday thing.

      "Hey! Pay attention!" She yelled at me.
      "What?" I asked.
      "We need a dragonborn. You're our secret weapon." She said.
      "Alright, teleport us to the battlefield." I said.

      Claire then took the little ball of light away from me. She focused it between her hands and expanded it until we were both sucked into it. I fell onto my back and was staring at a dark cloudy sky. I got up and looked at my surroundings. I was in the middle of a large grassy field next to a hill in the middle. Far in the distance behind me was an army of medieval style soldiers marching towards the field. They were the Aranians. In front of me I could see several groups of men in red robes getting into defensive positions. They were the Draflams. I saw a few of the red guys run behind the hill.

      "I'll go kill them!" I shouted before turning into a dragon.
      "No! Wait!" Claire yelled.

      I kind of ignored her and ran behind the hill with fire in my claws. I stopped when I saw a huge mass of red in front of me. There were like 50 Draflams just standing there. I stared at them for a moment and they stared at me. Then they all pulled out these weird short swords and started charging them with magic. I quickly turned around and started running back towards the hill. They chased after me and started shooting some explosive spells at me.

      "Holy shit! Claire, kill them!" I screamed.

      I looked at the top of the hill and saw that Claire was already shooting lightning bolts at them. I realized that this battle was going to be a bloody mess for us if I didn't use my powers. I then remembered that I can summon dragons and that Claire can ride them. I held my one hand out and pointed it at the hill and I pointed the other at the sky. I started thinking about a fire dragon and an ice dragon.

      "Summon dragons!" I yelled.

      A red dragon then jumped over the hill and landed in front of me. He breathed fire on the Draflams that were chasing me and started to attack them. When they were all dead, Claire jumped on the dragon and flew towards the other Draflams. I looked up at the sky to see where the other dragon was. I saw a white dragon dive down from the clouds and land in front of me. She waited for me to give her a command. I saw the Aranian army run by me. They had giant fireballs and flaming arrows flying towards them.

      "Go and help the Aranians. Defend them as much as you can."

      The dragon nodded and flew above the army. I watched her to see if she would do a good job. A giant fireball flew towards them, but the dragon froze it with her ice breath and smashed it with her tail. To deal with the arrows, she would blow them away by flapping her wings. My attention then switched to a stone fortress on the other side of the hill. I figured that was our main objective. I saw Chris in an Aranian uniform trying to break the door of a tower open. I decided to run over there to help him out.

      "Why do we need in here?" I asked him.
      "We need to take out those ballistas so Claire can attack." He said.
      "Alright, let's do this." I said.

      We both charged at the door and busted it open. A Draflam tried to stab Chris from behind, but I swiped him with my tail blade. A couple more ran towards us and Chris pulled out his sword and killed them. We climbed up the spiral staircase together and had to fight many more Draflams. We got hurt a few times on the way up, but I don't feel like going into detail. When we reached the top I saw a lot ballistae at the top of the tower shooting at Claire and the fire dragon. I was sick of killing those Draflams and felt like taking them down with one attack.

      "Chris, duck." I said.
      "Oh crap." He said before diving onto the floor.

      I charged a huge amount of electricity in me until I felt like I had enough. I then held out my hands and released a wave of lightning in all directions. When they were all dead Claire flew back towards us with the dragon. Me and Chris jumped off just before the dragon shot a fireball at the tower. I grabbed Chris and flew us down to the ground safely. Claire jumped off of the dragon and landed on one of the fortress walls.

      "What now?" I asked Chris.
      "I'll go clear out another tower. You should destroy that gun over there." He said.
      "Okay." I said.

      I looked across the field to see some huge turret shooting at the Aranians. I saw a row of tanks on the other side of the field past the turret. I knew that if I could just get in that tank I could destroy the turret. I ran across the field and hoped that the gun wouldn't target me. Of course it still started shooting at me anyways. I used that purple energy thing as a shield without thinking about as I ran across. When the gunner realized he couldn't shoot through my shield he just started shooting the tanks. He managed to blow up all but one tank. I got in the tank and started shooting at turret. It blew up after 3 shots. That's the last thing I remember before walking up.

      Teaching Dream Control

      I was talking to a girl over AJAX chat about lucid dreaming. I became lucid pretty early in the conversation, but I can't remember many details. The girl I was talking to was the same one from the Lucid Contract dream. From our chat on AJAX I learned that her name is in fact Molly. When I became lucid I got a little excited and told her that we were both dreaming. She denied it at first, but she then said she did a successful reality check. We started talking even more about our lucid dream and about dream control. I remember that we even started reffering to me as a dream guide. She said something about dream control being impossible for her and I started to argue with her on that.

      "If it's so easy then why don't you tell me how to do it?" She asked.
      "I'm not good at explaining things." I said.
      "I bet that means you can't do it either."
      "Oh I can do it. Want me to show you?" I asked.
      "Go ahead and try to prove it Mr. Dream Guide."

      Challenge accepted. I pushed my chair out of the way and stepped back a few feet. I ran foward and jumped into the computer screen. I ended up teleporting outside of Molly's computer just like I wanted. I scared the crap out of her when I came out of the computer and landed on her. I got up off the ground and laughed at how much fun it was to teleport through a computer.

      "Is that proof enough for you?" I asked her.
      "How did you jump out of my computer???" She asked me.
      "It's called teleportation. You should learn it sometime." I said.
      "What else can you do?" She asked.
      "Well I can fly." I said.

      I took a few steps back and then levitated into the air. I flew around the room for a while. I can't really remember the rest of the dream.

      Lucid Fragment

      I was in some half destroyed city that was experiencing a war. I was wearing one of those fancy nano suits from Crysis. I had a pistol and I was running towards someone who had their back to me. I was planning on using a sneak attack. When I got close to him he quickly turned around and fired his shotgun at me. I slowed down time and bent backwards, just barely dodging bullets. I became lucid right after doing that. I knocked the shotgun out of his hands and he ran away. I activated my suit's super speed function and chased him down. When I caught up to him, I jumped into the air, and kicked him in the back of the head. I didn't bother doing anything else to him since he was already knocked out.

      I ran back to the spot I encountered him and took his shotgun. I saw girl lying under truck with an LMG shooting all of my guys. I got on the ground and started crawling towards her from behind. When I got close enough, I started "firing" my shotgun at her. It must have been out of ammo or something. She noticed me and pulled out a pistol. I jumped on top of her and tried to keep the gun pointed away from me. I eventually got hold of the gun and pointed it at her. I was about to shoot her, but then I decided not to. For some reason it felt too evil to do. She then kicked me in the groin and I woke up.

    5. Tunnel of Spiders, Flying Over Stormreach, A Lucid Contract (February 17, 2012)

      by , 02-19-2012 at 07:53 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Once again I didn't daydream about anything in particular. I just wanted to become lucid. That may have influenced the last dream. It's also possible that I may have had spiders on my mind at one point.

      Tunnel of Spiders

      I'm really not sure how to describe this dreamscape. I guess it was sort of like a Colorado dessert with all of the giant rocks and crap. I was walking around the lower area of a mountain with Claire. We were walking along a set of railroad tracks for some time just talking about something. It was probably something important that I really wanted to know. Somewhere in this I either became lucid because of the conversation or because I remembered Claire is a dream guide.

      The tracks led towards a tunnel that was blocked by some really tough spider webs. There was a small cave to our left with a huge brown spider standing in it. Not really huge, but it was like bigger than my foot. It just sat there watching our every move.

      Claire pointed her sword at it and said, "Go kill it."
      "What? Why?" I asked.
      "Those webs won't disappear unless it dies." She said.
      "Why do I have to do it though?" I asked her.
      "Because you're dragonborn!" She yelled.
      "There is no way I'm dealing with anymore dream spiders!" I shouted.

      As I said this the spider from the cave behind me started running towards me. My danger sense alerted me and I started running from it. I kept running in circles as it kept trying to bite my ass. Claire nearly killed me a few times while trying to slash it with her sword. Eventually the spider did jump on me. I grabbed it and threw it on the ground before it could bite me. Claire then stabbed it with her sword repeatedly until the spider stopped twitching. I crawled onto the ground and curled into a ball.

      "I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders..." I kept repeating.
      "Don't be such a baby." Claire said.
      "It tried to eat me!" I screamed.
      "Get off the ground already. We have a job to do." She ordered me.

      As I got up, I heard a rumbling sound. I looked down the tracks and saw a train coming. The train slowed down until it stopped in front of the tunnel. Chris stuck his head out the window and waved to us. Apparently he was driving the train.

      "All aboard!" Chris yelled to us.
      "What's with the train?" I asked him.
      "You want to make it through the tunnel alive don't you?" He asked me.

      Claire climbed the ladder onto the top of the train and I followed her. Once I reached the top, the train blew its whistle and started moving again. As It moved towards the tunnel I saw hundreds and hundreds of those giant brown spiders along the tunnel ways.

      "Oh F***..." I said staring at all of them.
      "Don't worry, we'll be fine." Claire said trying to build my confidence.
      "Nope, I'm out of here." I said walking back towards the caboose.

      Claire grabbed my hand and pulled me back. She then forced me into a battle stance as the train went into the tunnel. Claire started charging her lightning magic in her one hand to create a light source. I could now see thousands of spiders swarming around the tunnel. A few of them tried jumping at Claire, but she slashed them with her sword. A few of them jumped at me and I just slapped them away. My heart was racing and I couldn't really think clearly out of fear. 10 or more of them soon surrounded me in my confusion. Claire then jumped between me and them and started defending me. Each time one tried to jump at me she would rush in and slash it with her sword.

      "Calm down, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Claire told me.
      "Okay." I said.

      Seeing her slash spiders to pieces and saying that to me calmed me down some. I could still only punch and slap spiders though. I wasn't thinking about using any of my powers. Claire did a really awesome move with her lightning. She threw a ball of lightning at some spiders and it exploded into bunch of lightning bolts that killed many spiders.I looked at Claire and saw that she was getting exhausted. An extra big one snuck behind her an jumped at her. She turned around and tried to slash it, but she was too late. It held her down and started clawing at her (these spiders had claws).

      This really angered me and I gave myself dragon hands. I gripped the spider's stomach with my claws and lifted it off of Claire. I ripped the spider's stomach open and threw it off of the train. Claires blood seemed to have attracted hundreds of other spiders who were previously docile. I tried to get Claire back up, but she could barely move. As the spiders moved closer I realized it was up to me to protect her this time.

      I stood above Claire and created a shield of fire around us. It burned every spider that touched it, but they were starting to overpower it. I was really starting to struggle to keep the shield up. Claire then started to wake up a little.

      "Release your fury..." She said.
      "What?" I asked confused.
      "Do it." She said before passing out again.

      I really started to get angrier at this point and sort of understood what she meant. My whole body started glowing with a purple energy and my fire shield grew more poweful. I slowly let this power build up inside me. When it was full, I let out a powerful draconic roar and shot the flames out in both directions. I felt much more calm and relaxed after releasing my fury. Unfortunately this was a really long tunnel and there was another wave of spiders coming. I looked down at Claire to see how she was doing. She was more awake now and she took a drink of what looked like a healing potion. Her cuts started to heal and she sat up. She wasn't capable of standing anymore though, so I still had to fight alone.

      I suddenly remembered Neji from Naruto using the 16 triagrams 128 palm thing on over a hundred spiders. I decided to mimic this with my fire element. I charged fire magic into my hands and got into the stance. All of the spiders started swarming in towards me. I rappidly hit all of them with my fire hands while circling around Claire. My main goal until we got out of the tunnel was to protect her. A bunch of them then jumped at me from all angles. I spun around and created a wave of fire in all directions to kill them. After all of this the train finally exited the tunnel. After getting a good distance away from the tunnel, Chris stopped the train.

      I carried Claire on my back and climbed down the ladder. I walked to the front of the train to see what all of this trouble was worth. In the distance from the mountain I could see a bunch of floating islands. They were hidden in the clouds and had a bunch of dragons flying around them. I got too excited after this and woke up.

      Flying Over Stormreach

      A pretty short lucid dream (because I forgot most of it). I had just grown dragon wings and was flying above the ocean. I was flying towards Stormreach's harbor off in the distance. I flew over the city and was amazed by it. Some general guy then started yelling at me something about having to go one a mission with a bunch of other soldiers. I just ignored him and went looking for some friends to quest with instead. I flew over a gate and landed in a street. I saw a horse carriage running full speed down the street at some guy who wasn't paying attention. For some reason I recognized this guy as Colton/Coolb3rt. I jumped in and grabbed Colton. I used my shadow magic to turn both of us into shadows so that we would phase through the carriage. I know a lot more happened in this dream, but I just can't seem to remember.

      A Lucid Contract

      I was in a school like place called the "Lucid Academy". I most likely became lucid due to the name of the place. For the most part it looked like a normal highschool, but you would see kids practicing magic, summoning things, and flying all over the place. I was walking down the hall and talking to Chris about something before we bumped into some girl. She looked completely confused about everything that was happening.

      "Where am I? What's happening here?" She asked.
      "You're dreaming." I told her.
      "I am?"
      "This is the Lucid Academy." Chris told her.
      "I don't want to lucid dream!" She yelled.
      "What? Why wouldn't you want to lucid dream?" Chris asked.
      "Because it's scary!" She said.
      "Okay, let's get this straight. In a lucid dream you can do ANYTHING you want!" I said.
      "Yeah, it's really fun." Chris said.

      Chris then summoned a large piece of paper. He mentioned something about signing a "lucid contract" and training the girl. Oddly he wasn't going to sign it, but wanted me and the girl to sign it. He handed me the blank paper and a marker to sign. I handed it back to Chris and he examined it as if he was checking to see if it was legitimate. I watched the girl write her name on it. It was hard for me to read, but I think it was either Carly or Molly written on it. She handed it back to Chris and he examined it again.

      "Alright, it's official! You will make her become lucid every night from now on." Chris said.
      "Wait what?" I asked confused.
      "Oh you didn't know?" Chris asked me.
      There was a long pause before I asked the girl, "So are you lucid yet?"

      She just sat there motionless wiith a blank expressionless stare. I waved my hand in front of her face to try to get her attention. With no response I could only assume she woke up or something.

      "I don't do that everytime I wake up do I?" I asked Chris.

      He laughed, but didn't give me a clear response. I spent the last minute of the dream trying to get the girl's attention.


      Updated 02-19-2012 at 04:54 PM by 32005

      lucid , nightmare
    6. War On Shadow Men, Space Fragment (January 29, 2012)

      by , 02-06-2012 at 02:00 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      War On Shadow Men

      When I woke up in the middle of the night I tried daydreaming as I fell back to sleep. I seem to daydream about odd things in the middle of the night. I sort of daydreamed that there was a game menu in front of me and it asked, "How many lucids do you want?" I scrolled down the menu and selected "3 lucids with action".

      This dream started off with me and about 10 other soldiers running through a forest. It felt a lot like I was playing MAG. We were running towards a wooden building on the other side of the forest. Two really short guys in black robes (shadow men) jumped out from behind the trees. They had machine guns and I ducked down behind a nearby as they started firing. I pulled out a frag grenade and threw it over the rock at them. They made a very funny high pitched "ugh!" sound when they blew up. Sadly we were down to only about 7 guys after the fight. I threw a smoke grenade in front of the building as we ran towards it. More shadow appeared at the same time and tried to block out path. I dropped on the ground and shot a couple with my assault rifle and they made that funny noise again. I quickly got up, ran through the smoke, and opened the door.

      I walked in with 2 other guys who were apparently all that was left. We walked down the dimly lit hallway of what looked like a hospital. As we walked into the lobby a shadow man popped his head up from behind a desk and a few more came from the hallway on the other side of the room. They started shooting at us with assault rifles and killed the guy to right of me. Narrowly dodging bullets, I quickly ran to the left corner of the room behind a wall of pipes sticking out of the wall. I'm not sure what happened to the other guy. I threw a poison gas grenade towards the hallway to stop more shadow men from getting into the room. I then looked threw the scope and shot the two shadow men that were running towards me. When the other two shadow men behind the desk stopped firing at me I threw my last frag grenade at them. When it exploded they flew up in the air in a cartoony way and made that funny sound again. There was another shadow man, but he ran down a hallway before I could kill him.

      I walked around the lobby for a moment trying to take in what had just happened. The light then started to flicker and the colors in the room dulled. It looked like a place in a horror movie now. I found one of my guys lying on the ground in a pool of blood. I checked to see if he was alive, but he wasn't. I put my gun down on the ground and took his assault rifle because it had a silencer and flashlight.
      I became lucid at this point for some reason that I can't remember. I suddenly got a suspicous feeling from a dark closet on the right side of the room. I took a step towards it, but then hesitated. I turned my gun's flashlight on and pointed it at the closet. I slowly walked towards it before a shadow man jumped out with a knife. I shot it in the stomach with a few bullets though and it fell onto its back.

      I turned off my flashlight and walked towards the hall all stealthy like. I peaked out around the corner and saw a dark blur fly across the hall. Right as I saw this the flickering light in the hall suddenly went out. It was nearly pitch black now and I was really scared. I took a few deep breaths and turned my flashlight back on. I slowly walked into a small bathroom on the left. I shined my light around the room and everything seemed normal, but then I felt like looking in the mirror. When I looked in the mirror I saw an eerie (not sexy) shadow move behind the shower curtain. I quickly turned towards the shadow with my heart pounding like crazy. I motioned as if it was going to open the curtain, but instead it sort of evaporated. I gathered up some courage and quickly ran to the shower and opened the curtains myself. The second I opened it I fired a few shots at the tub, but there was nothing there. I then heard the echo of a little girl's laugh. I turned back towards the door way and saw a trail of blood leading from the tub down the hall.

      I followed the blood trail down the hall and started to give into the pressure. I kicked open a door to the right and started firing my gun, but there was nothing there. I thought I saw a shadow from under the door to the left and did the same. I then sat down for a moment and tried to calm myself down. I took in a few deep breaths and reminded myself it's just a dream. I then picked up a wet sponge on the ground and repeatedly squeezed like a stress ball. I reloaded my gun and walked down the hall. I had more courage this time as I walked, but I had that weird feeling in me again that told me there was something bad at the end. My heart started pounding as I reached the door at the end of the hall. I opened the door and I know something happened, but I can't remember what.

      Space Fragment

      I'm just going to give a short explanation of this one because it confused me. I was lucid and I was floating in space next to earth with the elf. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were standing on an asteroid and gave me a quest to destroy a space station. Sure, why not? So then we fly over to the space station and I shoot a fireball at it and the elf shoots a lightning bolt at it. It blew up and a bunch of gold coins came out.

    7. Dragon Morph (January 15, 2012)

      by , 01-16-2012 at 06:55 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I learned 5 new abilities during a great fight last night. I learned the fire element, ice element, lightning element, earth element, and how to morph into a dragon.

      Dragon Morph

      I was in the sky high above the clouds in the middle of the day. I was being carried through the sky by some sort of wind current. I stopped screaming when I noticed there were many animals flying through it peacefully. There were buffalo, horses, and rabbits just flying along with it. I then made an attempt to gain control of myself and fly along with it. I noticed a sharp turn in the current ahead and I flew out of it before I could turn with it.

      I started falling and screaming again. I noticed a small floating island below me in the direction I was falling. After falling for about 3 seconds I grabbed onto the edge of the floor.
      As I was starting to lose my grip I realized I was dreaming. I was about to activate super strength, but I fell before I could activate it. The funny thing is I'm great at flying but completely forgot about it in this dream. I decided to let instincts take over and save me. I did a roll as I was in the air and morphed into a dragon through it. I wasn't a very big dragon. If I were to stand on my hind legs I'd only be a little bigger than I am right now.

      I started flapping my wings and I was now hovering a few hundred feet or so below the island. I started laughing because of how cool it was to have morphed and how it felt to have a tail and wings. I used my wings to quickly fly back up onto the island floor. When I got up there I met a strange man wearing dark robes. I'm just gonna call him shadow man for now. I then started to hear a woman's voice in my head.

      "Be careful around him." She said.
      "Why?" I asked.
      "His magic isn't natural."

      I saw his eyes glow yellow as he started charging purple balls of lightning in each hand. I charged towards him to try to stop his spell. I was too late though and he blasted the hell out of me. The spell knocked me back and out of my morph. He then taunted me with a laugh at how powerless I now was. I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him as just a human so I tried to recreate the morph technique. I jumped towards the ground into a roll. Halfway through the roll I quickly started morphing into my dragon form. I came out of the roll on four paws again feeling confident. He tried throwing anothing lightning bolt at me, but I jumped out of the way and started running towards him.

      As I ran towards him I heard the voice say, "You're a dragon now, remember to use your elements. Try to breathe fire."

      Instinct kind of took over again and I gathered an intense heat in the back of my throat. I took a deep breath and breathed this heat out slowly into a large flame. It looked like I damaged him, but he considered it nothing compared to his abilities. He quickly teleported to the other edge of the island to stay at a safe distance from me. I didn't let the distance stop me though and I started to shoot fire balls towards him. Unfortunately he was too good at dodging to land a clean hit. He then stopped and waved his arms in a downward motion. He flew away as the island started shaking violently apart. When I relized that the island was about to collapse I flew up high above the danger zone.

      "You can't defeat me! I'm invincible!" I heard him yell with an evil laugh.
      "Quick, get over to the other island. He's summoning something." The voice told me.
      "I don't think I can beat him. I've never fought anyone so powerful." I said.
      "You're a lot more powerful than you ever were before. You can do it." She said reassurring me.

      I made a left turn in my flight and flew over the second island. There was shadowy village on the island that looked far from natural. I saw the shadow man fly into the village and hide in one of the houses. One thing I found strange about the village was the buildings were only about 4 times my size.

      "Did he summon that village?" I asked the voice.
      "Yes, you should destroy it quickly." She said.
      "Why would he summon a village of all things?" I asked.
      "It's best we don't find out." She replied.

      I swooped down towards the village and flew close to the buildings. I started breathing fire on a few buildings. I soon landed inside the village because flying close to the buildings was becoming too difficult. I breathed more fire and it blew apart the buildings. Suddenly a bunch of soldiers that looked like mini shadow men came out of the houses. They came at me with spears and swords and surrounded me. I started to fight them off with my claws and tail until I remembered that there is more than the fire element. As several of them surrounded me again and got closer I charged the energy inside my body. A sphere of electricity started to form around me until I released it in a wave of lightning in all directions. It effectively wiped out my enemies.

      I now knew why the village needed to be destroyed. It was creating little shadow minions that would do the shadow man's evil work. I decided fire was too slow and I needed to try the earth element. I released green waves of seismic energy from my mouth at the houses. They blew apart and shattered quickly. I held this new breath for a while as I mowed down several houses. I stopped when about 20 more of those little guys showed up. I quickly flew up into the air to avoid them and surrounded myself with a green sphere of energy. When I came crashing down towards the ground it had the effect of a meteor strike. The wave of earth magic destroyed many more houses and killed nearly all of the minions. By this point I had destroyed most of the village and the shadow man gave up on hiding in it.

      The shadow man then flew up to a third island above us and I flew after him. When I met him at the top he sneak attacked me with a spell that blasted me back into the wind current. I was thrown all over the place inside it but quickly regained control. I started flying against the current with all my strength to get back to the fight. With enough determination I soon flew back out of the wind current and back towards the island. On my way I decided to plan my next moves with ice magic. I knew he wasn't going to expect me to be back so soon and I would be able to use a sneak attack.

      I landed on top of the island and he looked very surprised. I quickly focused the cold energy in the back of my throat. I took aim and fired 3 quick short bursts of ice magic at him. All 3 ice sickles hit him and froze his body in a couple places. I then charged in and released my ice breath in front of him. It knocked him back onto the edge of the cliff. He was hanging there by his hands unable to pull himself up. He was unable to fly because the ice on his body limited his movements.

      "I can't be defeated... I'm invincible..." The shadow man said shivering.
      "That shield on his side! That's what has been protecting him this whole time." The voice said.
      "Okay, I'll get rid of the shield." I said.

      I swooped down towards his side and swiped the shield off his side with my claws. I watched it fall down through the clouds. The shadow man managed to climb back onto the island when I wasn't looking. I landed in front of him to fight him once more. He tried to charge a spell, but I raimed him, swiped him with my claw, and then smacked him with my tail to combo. That's the last thing I remember. I know a little more happened, but I think I won.
