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    Nef's dream journal

    1. Busride, tornados, a weird guys house

      by , 01-04-2024 at 11:41 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It was me and a few other people and someone lets call her F, idk what she was doing there, traveling like all of us probably
      We were in one of those travel buses have this big spacious entry where you walk up to the long row of seats
      We were somewhere in germany, going between hills and villages, when suddenly the weather got pretty stormy, and suddenly abnormally fast and violent tornadoes popped up randomly, sized randomly, I saw one that was a whole lot faster than our bus, but we havent got any serious ones near us, just little dust devil like ones that only nudged the bus a bit
      Driver got really panicked, we barely ran out the violent tornadoes that seemed to be mostly behind us, we got to a shopping centre of some sort in middle of the plains, the driver wanted to park there and think things through
      but it kept coming, the driver moved the bus around back to the road, I told him where to go to guide him, soon we got out of it somehow....but now apparently, it was of a survival setup, we werent travelling, we were surviving, the whole set up of the dream was of a survival one... anyhow while we were fooling around on the bus, F started to look like man so I was like dude you look like a man, then she shifted back to her original form but this time had a different hairstyle... then the bus stopped near a neighborhood, we continued the road on karts with engines, that had an odd shape, basically it was fully covered, like a car, but kart sized...
      actual cars were all over the place, we were avoiding them, then some sort of situation happened again, and we looked for a house to break into, and there was a house that was barricaded by cars stacked on eachtoher by the road, we got past that with some maneuvering, then got in to the door, we got in with ease, I went in first, there didnt seem to be anyone, I went in the living room, thats where i met the owner of the house
      this guy was odd, had this strong blue facepaint or mask on him and these funky sunglasses that had this red-purple chrome reflection, he took of the mask and introduced himself
      so I was like we came running away from storms and stuff, and he was like he saw us but let us in since we werent careful enough to inspect the place, almost like he set us up
      I was like oh no, I shouldve been careful, this couldve been a big mistake to make, anyhow
      he seemed to be friendly, didnt attack us from the start, but something was off about him, his looks and his manners, he clearly didnt mean good for us in the long run, was kind devious
      then he went to take a look at the team, F was fiddling with something in the other room, then the guy was like I'm gonna beat you up
      then I got mad I warned him if he does anything I'll see him be dealt with, and thats when I woke up
      Tags: bus, house, tornado
      memorable , non-lucid
    2. Dreams are real... kinda ...sometimes ... I think

      by , 01-19-2020 at 02:40 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I dreamt that I moved into this big mansion , multi leveled house, with questionable (satanist) exterior design...
      And I shared this house with another family too, they were kind and friendly, but I had my own part of the house they had theirs and we shared a living room I think?
      Since I felt like I should have some intimate spaces only I can access, I opened these little rifts into empty space on top of this big house, there was no roof, I just reached into empty space and made a room or two
      later in one of my rooms I found some old drawings from around 2015 when I found out about this anime\manga I used to watch
      and I remembered them ,and I found it cringy that I did draw these fanfic things in the dreams I had around that time , and the nostalgia was so real ,and so vivid
      apparently I used to draw a lot in dreams since I was a natural in dreams
      and these stuff remained, even the memory of it, I can only access them when I dream
      Like old items, but they only exist in a dream
      but somehow they remained...
      in my head

      It was kinda baffling to encounter something I did years ago in a dream....and remember it ...in a dream...
    3. Stuck in the Shadow Realms

      by , 12-13-2019 at 12:40 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      It all started with a brief paralysis I had. I woke up from it so I thought no LD today either, and went to sleep normally.
      The coming dream is hazy for me so I don't remember much. But I know that there was this girl whos presence brought me some kind of peace and for this I started to speculate
      that this girl may be god or a form of a higher force, and that I may learn something important from her , so I tried to get near her to talk to her
      That's when it started
      I found myself at home, figured I woke up , then I went to look out the windows and saw that there are no streets anymore anywhere,
      just endless heaps of trash, and endless amount of trash men picking up stuff. Also there was a mild fog .
      I didn't become lucid yet, but I found it weird that there are no streets. Then I woke up again, I don't know how many times I woke up, but things got more creepy and grotesque and darker.
      And then I ended up in what I call the shadow realm. I kind of became lucid because I realized its morning in real life , but here there was total darkness.
      the lights in teh whole house were flickering , giving a deeper orange faint light with a reddish hue , I felt like theres a dark presence in the dream the whole time but nothing turned up.
      I went to door to check out the street, it was like in real life but all the lights were off ,so it was just total darkness with a little bit of a faint red light coming from the sky, I could barely see anything.
      But I saw that there are shadows 'dancing' all over the street, but none of it attacked me or anything. I quickly closed the door and went back in. I didn't know what to do.
      I said that I guess I'm like Alan Wake , stuck in a dream, never knowing if I actually got out or if it's another dream.
      𐤏𐤄𐩤𐤐 𐤁ߣ𐩤ߖߖ𐤏 𐤓𐤏𐤓 ߡ 𐤓𐤁𐤓 𐤅ߡ 𐩤ߖߖ 𐤂𐩪ߖ ߡ 𐤓𐩪𐤉ߖ𐤄

      I entered the room laid down and tried to wake up
      from there on my recall gets bad again
      I woke up a few times in another instances of my home , once I woke up for real and then slipped back into the shadow realm then at a point I thought I'm done for, and prayed
      and then
      I finally woke up

      It was my first instance of being unable to wake up, it was really weird and scary...