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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    This is the Official IOSDP Shared Dream Journal!

    The Rules for posting entries are the following:

    1. Only post dreams on the dates of the shared dreaming attempts. Please do not post your dreams you have on non-attempt days unless they have to do with the location or you believe they are significant in some way (if so describe why you believe they are significant). On the attempt days please post all of your dreams.

    2. Title the entry like this: # Shared Dreaming Attempt-(name's) Dream
    For example: 8th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Atras's Dream
    For non-attempt days, title them like this: Shared Dreaming Attempt-Name's Dream

    Title the Experiment entries like this: # Shared Dreaming Experiment-(name's) Dream
    For example: 1st Shared Dreaming Experiment-Katsuno's Dream

    3. On the first line in the place where you write your dream please put this: (Name's Dream) in bold and point 5 font and any color you want. If you have any confusion with this, just look at the entries I have put in for an example of how to head it.

    4. Do not provide a link to your entry, make sure that the actual entry is written down here.

    5. Do not post random things that aren't related. If you do this I will disable your access to the dream journal .

    The Link to the Results Thread is here:


    1. 64th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dreams

      by , 02-04-2012 at 07:38 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      I was in some sort of training complex for all sorts of stuff. How to shoot a gun, how to use a sword, how to drive some fancy type of vehicle, etc. It was outside, and extended to a low, gray, brick wall. In the background, people where driving fancy vehicles that looked like a mix between a jeep and a golf cart, and was made for one person. Others were fencing with very nice looking swords, ranging from rapiers to katanas. Some people were kneeling and shooting automatic weapons at bags of flour.

      I was in a line to be assigned to one of these activities. People in front of me were being handed guns and swords and whatnot from a military looking man with a clipboard. He was obviously some sort of marshal, though I was not sure that this was a military complex. Worried, I felt around my head, and found with much jolliness that I did not have a buzz cut, and at the moment, that convinced me that I was not actually in the presence of the military.

      When I reached the marshal looking fellow, the looked me up and down briefly. His eyes stayed on my left hand for a moment. I looked down at it to notice, for the first time, that I was holding a pair of scissors, with a shiny blades at an angle from the black scissor-handle-doodad. I looked at the man in front of me. He pointed to my right and grunted. He then walked grudgingly elsewhere, as I was the end of the line.

      I found a group of six or seven other people, one of them an adult man with black hair and a coat, an instructor of sorts. The other five were the same group of people more or less than my age that seem to follow me around on the weekends. ( :O )

      If I remember correctly, there were three men including me (But not the instructor) , and three women, and all of us had scissors with black scissor-handle-doodads, but not all with shiny angled blades.

      The instructor instructed us, though I do not remember any specific thing he said. We seemed to be a group of elite scissor ninjas, and proceeded to go through drills such as scissor tai-chi, scissor dueling, and snipping at the necks of training androids with fake flesh. At the end of the training, I twirled the scissors around my index finger, feeling rather pleased with my skills in scissory. Then I woke up, and felt disappointed with the tiny blunt scissors I got in kindergarten.
    2. 45th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-20-2011 at 12:08 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      basement meeting, military museam, little piglet?

      Started out, i was walking out of some basement, up some stairs with my dad, felt like we were coming out of one ofmy radio club meetings, and dad says to me "hows your clubs military room coming along?" and i said what military room? so he walks out of the front door and i turn right and walk down an old looking hallway and through a door to the left, and i see a folding electric chair...looks like an electric chair from some prison but it was made to fold and lean ont he wall, or go in a closet etc..weird...there was some older guy standing there that just smiled at me as i looked at him..i alked through another door and went left again, and i saw a piglet and a small dog running around the room, through the door on the other side of the room i could see pictures of misc military personnel covering the walls...i noticed a bathroom to my right and i picke dup the piglet and dog and went into the bathroom and closed the door..i putthe animals down, peed, then i layed on the floor and started playing witht eh piglet, then the dog, then both...i got up, carrying the piglet with me and went through the door into the military looking room, and a voice in my head suddenly said, "the museum isnt quite open yet" i looked through the door and saw all kinds of military stuff on display, the room was packed! i walked through the door and all of a sudden i was rummaging through a big chest of misc mickey mouse and disney buttons and pins etc...woke up...