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    1. Red Dragon Tattoo, Mexican Wedding Cookies, Crazy Cat, Jay on the Phone

      by , 08-11-2010 at 02:14 PM

      Red Dragon Tattoo

      I'm at the tattoo parlor and I'm talking to someone about a piece and I see a mural on the wall and they said it was about that big. (I know, makes none sense.) Then I hear my sister calling me from another room. I run to a back room and yell at her to leave me alone, then I get on the phone and text maybe to update Twitter (which I don't use, but Andrea does) or Facebook that Red Dragon Tattoo is a madhouse.

      Mexican Wedding Cookies

      I'm walking around somewhere in a downtown-ish area in what seems to be another country abroad. I walk into this side door off the street and find that it's a bakery. I look into all the display cases one by one to find something to eat. (I'm really not a big fan of pastries and sweet stuff anyway.) I see against a wall a display of donuts, but I don't want them. Then I see a guy behind the counter making something. I tell him I want some Mexican wedding cookies. At the same time I say this another guy is telling the guy behind the counter the exact same thing! So the guy makes some for us and I taste one. It's like cinnamon sugar. (I've never had a Mexican wedding cookie in my life.) I take my bag of them and dip out of the bakery and into another place. I hide the cookies in a drawer and Andrea comes in. I tell her there's a surprise in the drawer for her. I'm really pleased that I got her these cookies because they're her favorite.

      Crazy Cat

      (I've been complaining a lot lately that my kitten Charlie doesn't like me.) I'm in a neighborhood that seems like my parent's neighborhood. I'm at someone's door talking to them and I look into their yard and it's not grass, it's all plants like Pansies and other assorted plants... but they haven't blossomed yet. I have no idea what this nondescript person and I were talking about, but then I go into the backyard to chase this cat I see. I pick him up and he's all lovey dovey, then he gets crazy mad at me and jumps out of my arms and runs away. (Andrea said to me that someone else Twittered that they had the same dream last night, too... peculiar.)

      Jay on the Phone

      (This was Andrea's dream last night... she thinks I may have been talking in my sleep about this and that's why she dreamed this. She thought for sure my phone was ringing all night!) She's in the bedroom and she hears me on the phone yelling at my friend Jay that he'd better do his homework because I'm not going to do it for him and it took me eleven hours to do it!!! (I told Jay and he said "lol tell her she may not have been dreaming! This weekend I had Thursday and Friday off school for fall break and have been doing mad amounts of Spanish homework, so my theory is that the 11 hours figure came from Andrea subconsciously counting how long I was doing homework for. Call me crazy, but I think it's possible.)
