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    1. My Lost Ring, The Souvenir Shop, School / Grocery Store

      by , 07-28-2010 at 12:36 PM
      Night of 2/7/09

      My Lost Ring

      Backstory: I had this really nice sapphire and diamond ring that my dad got for me for a birthday. I don't know when it dawned on me that I couldn't find it. I've been looking everywhere for it for more than a year now. I keep wondering if it's just somewhere that I haven't looked yet, but I think that maybe it was stolen. My parents' house is always really busy and there are people always coming in and out so there's a good chance that someone just went in my room and helped themselves to it.

      So I'm in a house that I don't recognize as my own. I think I'm in a finished attic because I don't see any windows. In the corner of the room is shelving built into the walls and some drawers. I look in one of the drawers and find a jewelry box. I open it up and tucked into the corner is a piece of paper. Written on it is an apology from my ex Lauren saying that if I just keep looking, I'll find my lost ring. I don't know why I never saw this note before and I start looking in all the corners of the box and there are drawers in the box and I keep finding all this jewelry! I go back to the shelves and find more boxes to look through and it seems like it's just all jewelry all different kinds. I don't have the feeling that I'm snooping around someone else's stuff, and that note was just for me, so it must be my room. I just keep looking and looking and don't find my ring.

      The Souvenir Shop

      I'm at what seems to be a beach souvenir shop. I'm looking through a shelf of suntan lotion. All the bottles are clear and shaped like Bond #9 perfume bottles. They all have different names on them of suntan lotions and they're not in any particular order. I don't know exactly what I'm even looking for. I take a bottle up to the register when I see a display of those drink mugs that you put in the freezer and there's liquid in them that freezes to keep your drink cold. I walk over and start looking and see one with a picture of the Simpsons on it. I think my dad would want it so I take it to the register to buy it.

      School / Grocery Store

      Next thing I know I'm in school. It's my old middle school. I'm walking around finding these gold coins all over the place. I'm just walking around looking at the ground finding these coins. It didn't feel like I was in a video game or anything, though. I had the notion that it was a competition and whoever found the most coins won, but only a certain group of people was looking for the coins because not everyone was looking for them.

      I made my way to class still looking for coins and it must have been Spanish class because the teacher was handing back our group compositions. I got my group's back and gave a high five to the other guy I was working with because we got a hundred "because we're awesome!" is what I told him.

      Now I'm in a grocery store. Instead of looking for gold coins, I find class rings all over the place. I saw one and it was from a student who went to Harvard and I stuck it in my pocket. Then I realize that they're part of a display but I didn't put the ring in my pocket back where I found it. (I think I'm a klepto in my dreams, I'm forever finding stuff and putting it in my pockets!) I find my way over to the vegetable section and see my ex Mike standing there looking at vegetables. Someone else, a girl, walks up and asks what he's wearing, and I say, "of course it's the Cool Water I got him when I was on vacation in Spain." (Which it true, I did go to Spain and bring him back Cool Water.) He must not have noticed me until then and turns to me and says that he's so glad to see me and things aren't working out with "Sara" and he still has feelings for me and he knows I still have feelings for him.

      I woke up wondering what was up with 2 of my exs coming up in one night.