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    1. 03/15/09

      by , 07-28-2010 at 06:46 PM
      I'm at an amusement park at the Jurassic Park attraction. It's like when you stand in line for a ride in Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure and it's all set up like you're walking through a movie set. I'm working there with about ten other people and we're actors. I'm walking around like I'm hunting dinosaurs and someone says that the people will be coming to get in line soon. So now there are people in line and my part is to act like some killer bug that has been turned over on its back and can't flip back over. I'm thinking Gregor Samsa from Kafka's Metamorphosis. But I don't have a costume. It's like third person now and I can see myself acting like a complete asshole.

      Next thing I know it's a water ride and I'm watching the boats come out of the ride and going down that last drop into the water. At one point, I see a little kid that's under an overhang under where the boats come out. Every time a boat has come out the water rises and I see that where this kid is, the water will go right up over him and he'll drown. So I yell for hem to stop the ride and I can see the people on the boat thinking they're going to go over the edge and then they stop. Some guy runs out and grabs the kid and brings him to the first aid place that's right there. I'm looking over a guard rail on the side of the attraction area and I feel in my mouth like hardening wax. I start spitting this wax stuff over the rail and it's like Halloween wax lips. But it won't stop coming out of my mouth and it's uncomfortable. So I go over to the first aid area and the kid that just got rescued is experiencing the same problem. It's starting to be like an epidemic. Then I wake up. All freaked out.