• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. jarjar's Avatar
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      Whenever I listen to that kind of music I get REALLY pumped up for LDing. Also, that was a pretty epic dream.
    2. DannyCool's Avatar
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      "When I felt like I was far enough away, I stopped, closed my eyes and just sort of let myself grow. I grew taller, wider, rounder. It was such an awesome experience; I was just a simple round hunk of rock, so I sped up time (lol I forgot this was my third task, too, WOOT!) to let myself grow fully and get some lifeforms on me. I could literally feel mountains, oceans and forest growing on various parts of my body. I could feel living things start to evolve, and then people building huts and villages, migrating, and building their societies. It was like I WAS physics, geology, history... I could feel all the forces of gravity pulling things to my center, I could feel the pull of the sun and I could see the path of my orbit."


      You went from being a planet to meeting Zukin in a graveyard! Did you know about Zukin's dream before you had yours? Either way it is totally AWESOME. Both you guys are brilliant. Totally fearless and really skillfull.
    3. DannyCool's Avatar
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      Love your dream about becoming a spirit. The fact you did not wake up after dying is legendary not to mention the fact that you met other spirits. Maybe the reason you became a spirit is that you were not prepared to wake up? You did though wake up in the end? Hello are you still there? Spirits come back to reality everything is sorted now.
    4. <span style='color: #9900CC'>~Dreamer~</span>'s Avatar
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      Woah, what an epic tale! I wonder what adventures the next chapter holds?
    5. <span style='color: #9900CC'>~Dreamer~</span>'s Avatar
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      This is awesome! You sure showed them!
      Glad you ran into James again, this is getting interesting!
    6. Queen Zukin's Avatar
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      Hey ThreeCat! I didn't teach myself to shapeshift, I just let it happen. It is kind of like flying. In order to fly, you have to "teach" yourself to just let it happen. And for the TotM, I think I just had a strong subconscious expectation that it would hurt haha.
    7. ThreeCat's Avatar
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      Wow, Queen Zukin: I am envious of your shape-shifting abilities! How, if I might ask, did you teach yourself to do that? Sorry there was so much pain from the TotM--were you expecting pain, or did it just sort of happen? Overall, a very cool dream for only five minutes!
    8. LDman's Avatar
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      Sounds really scary, I hope I never get a lucid nightmare...
    9. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      Wow, that's a lot of false awakenings. Not to mention scary. At least you found your crush though.
    10. Schmaven's Avatar
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      Well that's good, it'd be extra creepy if it was a regularly reoccurring dream character. Still a creepy cat though.
    11. Queen Zukin's Avatar
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      It was just this one. Maybe I ate something bad before I took a nap.
    12. Schmaven's Avatar
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      Wow, that is definitely a compelling example of why it is good to do reality checks every time I wake up. Tough luck with the cat though. Has it been in other dreams, or just this group?
    13. Higat's Avatar
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      These dream characters !
    14. KestrelKat's Avatar
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      I'm still singing this mashup of Gangnam and Wiggle. Or at least, what I think it might sound like.

      I bet we could come up with a way to dance to it. Might not be pretty, but I bet we could do it.
    15. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      Yay! Part 3~ XD -gasp- What a awesome/interesting turn of events.
      ^ w ^
    16. <span style='color: #9900CC'>~Dreamer~</span>'s Avatar
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      Oh wow, you met with James again!
      I've only read the title of this (I'll have to go read James 2 first) but I was excited to see that you've been reunited!
    17. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      Lol x D That's hilarious.
    18. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      Oh. From a video game or book? I'll just look it up. XD
    19. Queen Zukin's Avatar
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      Thanks. That's a picture of Scylla that I found on the net.
    20. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      Wow! That was awesome. I enjoyed reading this. I especially liked the part where you showed them how good you were at flying. oh and what is that creature? Did you draw that? It looks really good. : )
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