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    Chronicles of Ethos

    1. Confetti Storm (March 20, 2012)

      by , 05-12-2012 at 01:07 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Confetti Storm

      I had this dream a while ago, so it's a little more blurry and fragmented than other dreams. I was sitting at some camp sight with a few family members. We were having some sort of party. There wasn't really a lot happening until my grandmother pulled out a purple flag. She carried it up to the top of a hill and I think she wanted me to follow her.

      At the top of the hill she planted the flag into the ground. She then started to sing some weird song in gibberish. As she sang, the flag started glow a bright purple color. Eventually there was an explosion of energy around the flag. Out of the explosion came confetti. Lots and lots of confetti. The blast knocked me down the hill and I tumbled down to the bottom. I landed on my back and looked up at the sky. The sky was full of many different colors due to all of the confetti in the air. The air quickly became thicker and thicker with confetti and it became harder to see things clearly. It wasn't just a blast of confetti, it was creating a storm of it.

      When I tried to get off the ground, confetti started flying into my mouth. I could barely breathe because my mouth was filling up with so much confetti. Eventually I fell to the ground and started coughing out confetti.
      I became lucid at this point because it was similar to my vomiting dream sign. After coughing up some more confetti, I ran under a tree to try to shield myself from the storm. I started to look very closely at my environment to try to stabilize the dream. As I focused more and more on the environment, everything appeared more clear and realistic. If it wasn't for the monstrous confetti storm I probably would have lost lucidity.

      As the storm started getting worse, I decided I would need to get away fast if I wanted to live. I transformed into a black dragon and flew into the air. I looked behind me and saw a huge wave of confetti coming towards me. I started flying much faster. The wave of confetti was still getting closer to me. I gave it all the energy I had, and flew faster than I have ever flown before. Another wall of confetti then appeared in front of me though. I stopped and shielded myself with my wings as the two waves crashed into me. I'm not exactly sure what happened. I know I saw a lot of colors before I woke up.


      Updated 05-12-2012 at 01:21 PM by 32005

    2. Giant and Lizard Battle (March 7, 2012)

      by , 05-06-2012 at 02:48 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Giant and Lizard Battle

      I was standing on the side of a dirt road at the top of a hill. I knew there was supposed to be a village a few miles from there. For some reason there were hundreds of people walking along the road towards me. They had horses and carriages with them. It looked as if they were evacuating or moving to a new location. I stopped a woman so I could talk to her. "What is everyone doing?" I asked. "We're leaving the city." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Monsters have taken over." She replied before moving on.

      I became lucid at this point due to the mention of monsters. I was able to recognize it as a dream thing this time. The thought of hundreds of people abandoning a city because of monsters made me just a little upset and angry. I wanted to go over the city and stop the monsters. I used these emotions to go into a low level fury mode. I used this new energy to transform into a black dragon. I then took off into the sky and flew at a very high speed with the fury energy. I came close to where the village should have been in about 10 seconds.

      As I was flying I looked down and noticed there was nothing there but a large crater. The town had been completed destroyed and all that was left was a desert. I saw a grey giant thing sitting in the middle of the crater. I was about to attack it, but I sensed the energy of something flying towards me at a very fast speed. I quickly moved downward to avoid it and it stopped right above me. It was some sort of lizard raptor thing and it felt powerful. I put my hands in the air and created a large purple disc of fury energy. I then quickly threw the disc at the raptor. I thought he would have dodged it, but instead he blocked. It exploded when it hit him and damaged him only a little.

      The raptor quickly flew down and threw a punch at me. I blocked it and we got in a very intense martial arts fight while hovering in the air. Neither of us managed to land a solid hit and we appeared to be of equal strength. At one point though I did find an opening and I punched him as hard as I could. He fell towards the ground and created a crater where he landed. I thought I had defeated the raptor, so I flew towards the giant. I hovered in front of the giant's face and started punching and kicking at it. It was enough to irritate him, but it was generally ineffective. I sensed the raptor's energy coming up from behind again as I fought the giant. When the raptor tried attacking me, I blocked him again. I then had to fight both the giant and the raptor at the same time. It was a little too much for me.

      It wasn't long before the raptor found an opening in my defense. He kicked me hard and I flew up into the air. The giant then jumped up and punched me towards the ground. I used the fury energy to create a force field around right before I hit the ground. When I hit the ground, it created a massive crater. My shield broke when I hit the ground, so I was only able to absorb some the impact. It was just enough to save me from being killed. It hurt like hell though and I could hardly move. At this point I realized I wouldn't be able to do this on my own. "Where's Claire when you need her?" I thought out loud. I tried to get up, but I just couldn't. "Claire!" I yelled in desperation.

      Three seconds later, a portal opened in front of me. Claire came out of the portal with her sword and battle armor. I can't remember much more of the dream after this point. I know Claire fought both of the monsters at once to protect me. I also remember she use a lot of lightning bolts as usual. Although I can't remember exactly, I'm pretty sure she won the fight.

    3. The King Black Dragon (March 2, 2012)

      by , 03-11-2012 at 07:18 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      The King Black Dragon

      The dream started out with me and my family at my grandmother's house. It was night and we were just sitting around watching tv. I think it might have been something like NCIS on tv. I didn't pay much attention to the tv because something didn't feel right. It felt like there was something in the living room spying on us. My energy sense sort of activated on its own and I used it to try to find this something. Even though I wasn't lucid, I was playing things out as if I was. I at least had enough awareness to know I was dragonborn. I couldn't see it, but I could sense the energy to move towards the bedroom.

      I walked away from the living room and into one of the bedrooms. I couldn't really pinpoint the location of the energy or what was creating it. The energy felt evil and I thought it wanted to kill someone. After judging the amount of energy it was giving off, I realized it was a lot more powerful than me. Knowing that it was more powerful than a dragonborn shocked me a little. I threw the blankets off the bed because I thought this thing was hiding under it. There was nothing there however. I started to become a little afraid of the situation. Something extremely powerful was around here, I had no idea what it was, I couldn't see it, and I had no idea if it was after me or my family. My mother saw that I was acting strange and came into the room.

      "What's wrong?" She said while picking the blanket back off the floor.
      "There's an alien presence here and it's more powerful than a dragonborn." I said.
      "What's its energy level?" She asked.
      "It's like over 100,000 and I can't even find its exact location!" I said frustrated.

      I kicked the bed out of frustration. The energy level spiked to what I thought was around 150,000. I could sense it crawl out from under the bed in a panic. Right at that moment I got an idea and knew I had an opportunity to use it. I focused on my eyes to give myself the dragon sight ability as the thing brushed by me. I was hoping that dragon sight would be powerful enough to see something seemingly invisible. I looked towards the energy intensely as it ran out the door. As it ran towards the kitchen I could see a faint blurry outline of this thing. I saw what looked like a dragon with glowing red eyes. The image disappeared when it stopped moving and its energy went back down.

      I kept my eyes fixed on the spot the dragon stopped at and ran into the kitchen. I stopped in front of this spot and I could just barely hear breathing in front of me. I reached out my hand to touch it. I jerked my hand back in pain. It must have clawed me becuase there was a cut in my hand. Right when I pulled back I heard the dragon speak to me.

      "Fool, you've fallen right into my trap." He said.

      A black hole suddenly opened up between us and I was sucked in. I came back out of it a second later and hit the ground face first. I had been teleported next to a lake in the middle of a forest. It was daytime now. When I got off the ground I felt the dragon's energy somewhere above me.

      "I'll be waiting..." He said before flying off.

      I sensed the energy fly off towards a big mountain off in the distance. I started questioning what the hell just happened. About 5 minutes ago I was relaxing on the couch and watching tv. Now I'm sensing energies, using dragon sight, and talking to dragons.
      Being teleported was the thing that finally convinced me that I was dreaming.

      "I should have realized that from the start." I said to myself.

      Before I could even come up with a plan, I felt something come at me from behind. It tried to throw a punch at me, but I jumped up, spun around, and kicked it in the face. It was some big muscular guy. He looked as if he was built for fighting. I kicked him hard enough to make him slide back into a tree.

      "Hello." I said.
      "Lucky shot. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." He said wiping blood from his mouth.
      "What exactly do you want?" I asked him.
      "I was given orders to stop you from passing."

      We both got in our fighting stances and stared at each other. I quickly made a move to try and morph into a dragon and he dashed towards me. He appeared in front of me in just a second and I had just barely enough time to grow wings. He punched me in the face and I went flying. He punched me so hard that I landed on the lake and started skidding across the surface on my back. I did a back flip and flapped my wings to stabilize myself. I then flew straight back towards the man.

      I threw a punch at him, but he blocked it with his arm and brought me to a dead stop. I hovered a little above the ground to meet his hieght and fought him that way. He threw a punch and I kicked it away. I tried punching him, but he blocked it with his other arm. He aimed a kick at my stomach and I blocked it with my own kick. I threw a punch towards his face, which he blocked with both arms. I then kicked him in the chest and he slid back. He dashed back towards me and I grabbed him. I flew high into the air with him. I dived back towards the ground with him as fast as I could. When we got near the ground, I let go, and kicked him as hard as I could in the stomach. He hit the ground hard enough to make it crack at least.

      I assumed he was knocked out, so I decided to continue with my adventure. I flew in the direction that I thought the dragon had flown. The dream created a time illusion that made me think I had been flying for a while. I had only been flying for about 30 seconds before sunset turned to night. I was flying over a city between the lake and the mountains. My wings were feeling tired, so I landed on the roof of an apartment building to rest.

      This next part is fragmented. A martial artist, who reminded me of Jackie Chan, appeared behind me and kicked me in the back. I didn't bother saying anything to him, because I knew it would be the same as the last guy. We punched and kicked at each other for a while. I do remember that I defeated him by kicking him off the building.

      I decided I would get going again before some other guy showed up. I jumped off of a building and started flying towards the mountain again. The dream skipped here and I was now standing in front of a cave at the base of the mountain. I had a feeling the cave was the way I needed to go, so I ran inside. It was dark at first, but I eventually came to a room that was lit up by an orange light. The light was coming from the magma flowing through the cracks in ground. There were a bunch of Aranians in the room fighting monsters. These monsters were moss and plant covered boulders that were magically connected together. Kind of like how sticks connect together to make a stickman.

      I saw Chris standing on top of a tall boulder with a bow. He was helping the Aranians by shooting arrows at the monsters. The boulder that he was standing on then rose up out of the ground. He was actually standing on one of those guys. Chris fell off of the monster as it stood up. I picked up a sword that an Aranian soldier had dropped on the ground and ran towards Crhis. The monster lifted its arms and tried to punch Chris. I flew between them and blocked its arm with my sword. I then thrusted my sword into its grassy stomach. It stumbled back a few feat before an Aranian jumped in and started fighting it.

      "Hi Chris." I said.
      "Thanks for that. Earth guardians are tough." He said.
      "Why are the Aranians here?"
      "We got reinforcements to make your job easier. Just follow me now."

      Chris picked his bow up off the ground and started running towards another opening on the other side of the cave and I followed him. In front of the opening was a tunnel with a river of lava flowing below. Chris lept off of the edge and landed on a rock just above the lava. He then jumped to a far away stalagmite and lept off of it to another rock. He was a lot more agile than I thought. I simply jumped off the edge and started flying above the lava. The river flowed down several different tunnels, but Chris was able to guide me in the right direction. The flight was for only about 20 seconds before we came into a larger room with an elevated circular platform in the center. Chris stopped on a small piece of land below the platform and I landed next to him.

      "The king black dragon is in the arena just above us." Chris whispered.
      "And I have to fight him?" I asked.
      "Don't worry, I've got your back. Claire is up there fighting right now."
      "Alright. Good luck Chris."

      I flew up to the arena as Chris climbed to the top of a stone pillar. I saw a very large black dragon and Claire fighting each other. Claire was trying to fight the king black dragon with just a sword and shield. He turned around and hit Claire with his tail, almost knocking her into the lava. I flew in front of the dragon and met him eye to eye.

      "I've been expecting you." He said.
      "I figured you were." I said
      "You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment..."

      He then started shooting waves of fire across the ground and fireballs in the air. Claire tried blocking the fire with her shield as I just barely dodged fireballs. Chris shot a few arrows at the dragon to distract him. Claire looked hurt, so I hurled a glowing disc at her that release healing magic. When the dragon became annoyed with Chris, he knocked down the pillar with his tail. Chris still managed to leap to another one though.

      The dragon used the same fire attack from before again. This time though, I flew above the fireballs and shot him with as much ice magic as I could. The dragon got mad at me and swatted me to the floor. I got back up right away and saw flames start to form around him. I could tell that he was about to use a very powerful attack. He unleashed a wave of fire that stretched across the entire room. I grabbed Claire and shielded us both with my wings and a some ice magic.

      Me and Claire seemed exhausted by this point. He looked like he was about to charge up that same move again. I got an idea and decided I would try something new. I flew up into the air and shot out over 20 balls of light from each side of me. I controlled their movements with my hands like guided missles. For some reason I call them light arrows. I motioned a few of these arrows to strike the king's belly. They exploded in a blast of light and knocked him into the air. I then blasted him from all directions with this spell while summoning more arrows. I kept this up for about 10 seconds before I felt like it was enough. When the light finally faded away he fell down to the ground and collapsed. He was still alive at this point, but badly injured. He summoned a black hole above his head and it sucked him in. I could have jumped in the black hole to chase after him, but I really didn't want to.

      I looked around to see where Chris and Claire were. I saw Chris standing on a pillar and he jumped off of it onto the arena. I didn't have to search for Claire because she had already appeared next to me. Behind where the king black dragon was previously standing, we found a treasure chest. Of course, we all rushed over to it and opened it up. Inside the chest was a bunch of gold and crystals of all kinds. I think seeing the treasure made me a little too happy though and I woke up.

    4. Saving My Cousin (February 24, 2012)

      by , 03-06-2012 at 10:44 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Saving My Cousin

      I was standing in the middle of a parking with a bunch of family members. We were all standing around a coffin and holding a funeral in the parking lot. I wasn't sure who the funeral was for because my grandmother was standing next to me. My cousin Brent then said something about having to leave early for work. He walked over to his car and I waved goodbye. Right when he opened the door though, I heard a loud boom and saw him fall to the ground. Me and a few other quickly ran over to him to see if he was okay. He was dead and had a bullet wound in his head, so it's safe to say he was sniped.

      As everyone was panicking and calling 911, I caught something out of the corner of my eye. There were 2 guys on the sidewalk holding a man in a body bag. I could tell that the man in the bag was Brent, and that he was still alive. This really confused me because his dead body was right next to me. A truck came speeding down the road and the 2 men threw my cousin in front of it. Right when I saw him get run over, me and my mother ran to him as fast as we could. We lifted him up together and pulled him out of the road. My mother tried to open the body bag to check if he was okay, but seemed to have trouble. I then heard the sound of rolling wheels behind me. I turned around and saw Brent being carried on a stretcher by the same 2 men that had just killed him. I quickly looked towards the parking lot and saw that his body was still there, and I turned back around to see that his other dead body was still on the side walk. Because the one on the stretcher was still alive, I wanted to chase after him so that I could protect him.

      "Should I stay here with Brent or can I go chase after Brent?" I asked my mother.
      "I have things under control here. Go find brent." She said.
      "Okay, I'll be back soon." I said.

      I became partially lucid and chased after the stretcher down the sidewalk. The men realized I was chasing after them and they started running faster. We started running through some outdoor market. They tossed crates and carts of food in front of me to try and slow me down. I just jumped over them and kept running. There were a few barrels standing next to a building as a we came out of the market. One of the men pulled out a gun and shot the barrels as I ran by them. I transformed into a dragon right as it exploded and flew out of the flames. As they went around the corner, I flew onto the roof of the building. They crossed the street and entered what looked like a research facility. I followed them inside.

      When I ran inside I saw 3 different stretchers go down 3 different hallways. I ran down the first hall way in front of me. I saw the stretcher go into a room, but when I entered the room, it was empty. I ran back towards the 3 hallways and went left this time. There was some sort of pit trap hidden in this hallway and I nearly fell in it. I didn't find any sign of him in this hallway either. I ran back down the last hallway and found Brent still tied to the stretcher. When I ran towards him, one of those men from before stepped out of a room with a gun. He aimed it at my cousin and shot him. He then looked at me and gave a short laugh.

      This made me really angry. I wanted to kill him and all of the people in the building that worked with him. I started charging a purple energy around me. I intended to release it all at once and blast the building to pieces. Right as I was about to do it though, I heard a shout from behind me.

      "Stop! Joke over! Don't blow us up!" The voice said.

      I turned around and looked to see who it was. It was my cousin. Somehow he was still alive again.

      "What? How the hell are you still alive?" I asked him.
      "It was just a joke." He said.
      "This was all just one big joke to make me think you died 3 times???" I asked him.
      "Don't worry, no one was actually hurt. It was all fake."

      I was then a little mad and a little happy. I can't remember what exactly happened next, but I think I threw him through a wall before waking up.

    5. Lucid Fragment (February 22, 2012)

      by , 03-02-2012 at 10:42 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I'm really disappointed with myself for not writing this dream until 10 days later. I've forgotten nearly all of what was a great lucid dream.

      Lucid Fragment

      I was in the middle of the ocean on the beach of some island with Claire. She pointed to another island off in the distance. The island was surrounded by dark clouds and had a sinister looking volcano on it. Claire mentioned something about flying us over to that island. So I fully morphed into my dragon form and spread out my wings. Claire then crawled onto my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. When we were ready, I ran down the beach towards the water while flapping my wings. When I got enough speed, I jumped into the air and started flying. It felt great flying over the ocean for some reason. My memory fades here though.

    6. Tunnel of Spiders, Flying Over Stormreach, A Lucid Contract (February 17, 2012)

      by , 02-19-2012 at 07:53 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Once again I didn't daydream about anything in particular. I just wanted to become lucid. That may have influenced the last dream. It's also possible that I may have had spiders on my mind at one point.

      Tunnel of Spiders

      I'm really not sure how to describe this dreamscape. I guess it was sort of like a Colorado dessert with all of the giant rocks and crap. I was walking around the lower area of a mountain with Claire. We were walking along a set of railroad tracks for some time just talking about something. It was probably something important that I really wanted to know. Somewhere in this I either became lucid because of the conversation or because I remembered Claire is a dream guide.

      The tracks led towards a tunnel that was blocked by some really tough spider webs. There was a small cave to our left with a huge brown spider standing in it. Not really huge, but it was like bigger than my foot. It just sat there watching our every move.

      Claire pointed her sword at it and said, "Go kill it."
      "What? Why?" I asked.
      "Those webs won't disappear unless it dies." She said.
      "Why do I have to do it though?" I asked her.
      "Because you're dragonborn!" She yelled.
      "There is no way I'm dealing with anymore dream spiders!" I shouted.

      As I said this the spider from the cave behind me started running towards me. My danger sense alerted me and I started running from it. I kept running in circles as it kept trying to bite my ass. Claire nearly killed me a few times while trying to slash it with her sword. Eventually the spider did jump on me. I grabbed it and threw it on the ground before it could bite me. Claire then stabbed it with her sword repeatedly until the spider stopped twitching. I crawled onto the ground and curled into a ball.

      "I hate spiders, I hate spiders, I hate spiders..." I kept repeating.
      "Don't be such a baby." Claire said.
      "It tried to eat me!" I screamed.
      "Get off the ground already. We have a job to do." She ordered me.

      As I got up, I heard a rumbling sound. I looked down the tracks and saw a train coming. The train slowed down until it stopped in front of the tunnel. Chris stuck his head out the window and waved to us. Apparently he was driving the train.

      "All aboard!" Chris yelled to us.
      "What's with the train?" I asked him.
      "You want to make it through the tunnel alive don't you?" He asked me.

      Claire climbed the ladder onto the top of the train and I followed her. Once I reached the top, the train blew its whistle and started moving again. As It moved towards the tunnel I saw hundreds and hundreds of those giant brown spiders along the tunnel ways.

      "Oh F***..." I said staring at all of them.
      "Don't worry, we'll be fine." Claire said trying to build my confidence.
      "Nope, I'm out of here." I said walking back towards the caboose.

      Claire grabbed my hand and pulled me back. She then forced me into a battle stance as the train went into the tunnel. Claire started charging her lightning magic in her one hand to create a light source. I could now see thousands of spiders swarming around the tunnel. A few of them tried jumping at Claire, but she slashed them with her sword. A few of them jumped at me and I just slapped them away. My heart was racing and I couldn't really think clearly out of fear. 10 or more of them soon surrounded me in my confusion. Claire then jumped between me and them and started defending me. Each time one tried to jump at me she would rush in and slash it with her sword.

      "Calm down, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Claire told me.
      "Okay." I said.

      Seeing her slash spiders to pieces and saying that to me calmed me down some. I could still only punch and slap spiders though. I wasn't thinking about using any of my powers. Claire did a really awesome move with her lightning. She threw a ball of lightning at some spiders and it exploded into bunch of lightning bolts that killed many spiders.I looked at Claire and saw that she was getting exhausted. An extra big one snuck behind her an jumped at her. She turned around and tried to slash it, but she was too late. It held her down and started clawing at her (these spiders had claws).

      This really angered me and I gave myself dragon hands. I gripped the spider's stomach with my claws and lifted it off of Claire. I ripped the spider's stomach open and threw it off of the train. Claires blood seemed to have attracted hundreds of other spiders who were previously docile. I tried to get Claire back up, but she could barely move. As the spiders moved closer I realized it was up to me to protect her this time.

      I stood above Claire and created a shield of fire around us. It burned every spider that touched it, but they were starting to overpower it. I was really starting to struggle to keep the shield up. Claire then started to wake up a little.

      "Release your fury..." She said.
      "What?" I asked confused.
      "Do it." She said before passing out again.

      I really started to get angrier at this point and sort of understood what she meant. My whole body started glowing with a purple energy and my fire shield grew more poweful. I slowly let this power build up inside me. When it was full, I let out a powerful draconic roar and shot the flames out in both directions. I felt much more calm and relaxed after releasing my fury. Unfortunately this was a really long tunnel and there was another wave of spiders coming. I looked down at Claire to see how she was doing. She was more awake now and she took a drink of what looked like a healing potion. Her cuts started to heal and she sat up. She wasn't capable of standing anymore though, so I still had to fight alone.

      I suddenly remembered Neji from Naruto using the 16 triagrams 128 palm thing on over a hundred spiders. I decided to mimic this with my fire element. I charged fire magic into my hands and got into the stance. All of the spiders started swarming in towards me. I rappidly hit all of them with my fire hands while circling around Claire. My main goal until we got out of the tunnel was to protect her. A bunch of them then jumped at me from all angles. I spun around and created a wave of fire in all directions to kill them. After all of this the train finally exited the tunnel. After getting a good distance away from the tunnel, Chris stopped the train.

      I carried Claire on my back and climbed down the ladder. I walked to the front of the train to see what all of this trouble was worth. In the distance from the mountain I could see a bunch of floating islands. They were hidden in the clouds and had a bunch of dragons flying around them. I got too excited after this and woke up.

      Flying Over Stormreach

      A pretty short lucid dream (because I forgot most of it). I had just grown dragon wings and was flying above the ocean. I was flying towards Stormreach's harbor off in the distance. I flew over the city and was amazed by it. Some general guy then started yelling at me something about having to go one a mission with a bunch of other soldiers. I just ignored him and went looking for some friends to quest with instead. I flew over a gate and landed in a street. I saw a horse carriage running full speed down the street at some guy who wasn't paying attention. For some reason I recognized this guy as Colton/Coolb3rt. I jumped in and grabbed Colton. I used my shadow magic to turn both of us into shadows so that we would phase through the carriage. I know a lot more happened in this dream, but I just can't seem to remember.

      A Lucid Contract

      I was in a school like place called the "Lucid Academy". I most likely became lucid due to the name of the place. For the most part it looked like a normal highschool, but you would see kids practicing magic, summoning things, and flying all over the place. I was walking down the hall and talking to Chris about something before we bumped into some girl. She looked completely confused about everything that was happening.

      "Where am I? What's happening here?" She asked.
      "You're dreaming." I told her.
      "I am?"
      "This is the Lucid Academy." Chris told her.
      "I don't want to lucid dream!" She yelled.
      "What? Why wouldn't you want to lucid dream?" Chris asked.
      "Because it's scary!" She said.
      "Okay, let's get this straight. In a lucid dream you can do ANYTHING you want!" I said.
      "Yeah, it's really fun." Chris said.

      Chris then summoned a large piece of paper. He mentioned something about signing a "lucid contract" and training the girl. Oddly he wasn't going to sign it, but wanted me and the girl to sign it. He handed me the blank paper and a marker to sign. I handed it back to Chris and he examined it as if he was checking to see if it was legitimate. I watched the girl write her name on it. It was hard for me to read, but I think it was either Carly or Molly written on it. She handed it back to Chris and he examined it again.

      "Alright, it's official! You will make her become lucid every night from now on." Chris said.
      "Wait what?" I asked confused.
      "Oh you didn't know?" Chris asked me.
      There was a long pause before I asked the girl, "So are you lucid yet?"

      She just sat there motionless wiith a blank expressionless stare. I waved my hand in front of her face to try to get her attention. With no response I could only assume she woke up or something.

      "I don't do that everytime I wake up do I?" I asked Chris.

      He laughed, but didn't give me a clear response. I spent the last minute of the dream trying to get the girl's attention.


      Updated 02-19-2012 at 04:54 PM by 32005

      lucid , nightmare
    7. Lucid Fragment, Tooth Ache, Rope Swinging, Improved Teleportation, In a Painting (February 16, 2012)

      by , 02-18-2012 at 09:28 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I used my daydream awareness technique again before bed. I didn't feel like daydreaming about anything in particular. I just wanted to focus on the idea of becoming lucid.

      Lucid Fragment

      I was in Loudonville standing behind my grandmother's house. I'm not sure but I think I was Claire or seeing things through her eyes in this dream. I was trying to hide from an army of little kids who wanted to eat me. They found me and they charged at me. I tried shooting them with an LMG I had been carrying, but it was out of ammo. So I picked up a gold sledge hammer leaning against the house. I swung it around in a circle hitting all of the kids around me. It was quite comical until I woke up.

      Tooth Ache

      This dream started out with me in my grandmother's house (Mansfield). It was a flase awakening and I was lying in the bedroom. I got up and put my clothes on for the day. I walked towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. I got a really strange feeling in my one tooth though as I walked to the kitchen. It then started hurting really bad. I poked it and felt it with my tounge. It hurt even more and tasted like bood, so I figured it was about to fall out. I started panicking because I don't think you're supposed to lose adult teeth. I poked at it with my finger and really knocked it lose. My mouth suddenly started to fill with blood. I ran into the bathroom and spit it out into the toilet. I started questioning why I had a bad tooth and how I could fix it. I became lucid after remembering that I had a similar dream a few days ago.

      I still wasn't sure how I was going to fix my tooth. After spitting more blood out I decided to call out to my sister for help.

      "Miki...Miki...Miki..." I moaned holding my head over the toilet.

      I didn't get any response from her. It seemed like she just decided to leave. So I decided to rely on a dream guide.

      "Claire!" I shouted to bring her to me.
      "What?" She said walking into the bathroom.
      I turned around to face her and said, "Look at this tooth ache!"
      "So?" She said thinking it was normal.
      I then spat out more blood onto the floor and yelled, "This isn't normal! Fix it!"
      "Alright, follow me." She said.

      I followed her outside of the house. Even though I had just woken up, it was oddly night time. We walked across the street into a field. We were walking towards a huge statue. I think it was the head of the Statue of Liberty half burried in the ground. I then stopped walking and thought about my real life tooth. I thought the tooth pain in my dream could be related to my real life tooth. If so then it would be a good idea to wake up and check on it. I grabbed the fabric of my dream with my hand (if that makes sense) and started pulling on it. I pulled and twisted it until it ripped open. I let myself fall into the void and woke up.

      When I woke up my tooth was completely fine. That made me a little upset that I woke up for no reason. I got up to get a class of water and then sat there for a while using my daydream technique.

      Rope Swinging

      Kind of forgot some of this dream because I put off writing it. I was standing on a platform built around the top of a very tall tree. I tried to see how far from the bottom I was, but there was only a thick fog below me. I was standing there with my cat. My cat looked as if he was about to jump off of the platform.

      "No kitty! No kitty! No kitty!" I yelled.

      He jumped off and I looked down to see had jumped to another platform. As high as it was, it looked like it should have killed him.
      I became lucid after thinking about how the fall should have killed him. I saw ropes hanging from the tree branches and decided to play with those. I ran foward, grabbed a rope, and swung towards another platform. To reach the next platform I had to curve around the tree with the rope. Oddly when I did this I had a quick gust of hot air blow at me for a few seconds. After I landed on the next platform there were no others to swing to. I ran and swung on the last rope anways. After I let go of the rope I fell far through the fog until I hit the ground. I did a roll when I landed so I wouldn't break my legs or anything. More happened after this, but I forgot it.

      Improved Teleportation

      I can't remember the moment I became lucid. I was standing in my grandmother's living room (Mansfield) in the middle of the night. Oddly everyone us up and walking around even though it was the middle of the night. I decided I would try teleporting somewhere. I don't like walking around the dream world at night or places that seem very normal to me. I had a little bit of a new idea on how I would teleport this time.

      I swiped my hand down to create a rift in the wall above the couch. I jumped off the couch and dived into the portal. I fell and crashed into the void like I was expecting. Now that I was in the void and the previous dream scene was erased, it would be easier for me to teleport to a new one. I swung my arms out in a tearing motion to rip a hole in the void while thinking of a place full of snow. A rift opened up and I could see a bunch of snow through it. I stepped through the portal and I was in the middle of a forest covered in snow and ice. I also saw Chris just standing there watching the snow. The place was amazing, but it felt too cold there and I wanted to leave. I waved goodbye to Chris and walked back through the portal into the void.

      I did the same thing as before when I was in the void, except I thought about the summer and the beach. I saw sand, water, and the sun materialize as I opened the portal. When the image was complete I walked through the portal. Unfortunately the exit portal was a little high up in the air and I fell out of it. I hit the ground pretty hard, but I at least landed on sand. After groaning in pain and complaining to myself I got up and looked at my surroundings. I was on a beautiful island with a bunch of trees and flowers behind me. I looked back to the beach and saw someone just lying there on the beach. As I walked towards her I realized she was Claire. I wanted to ask her a few questions, but she was sleeping. I poked her belly a few times to try to wake here up. I then decided that waking her up would be like waking an angry bear. I sat next to her and waited for her to wake up, but she never did. I looked around a little bit and admired this new world. One odd thing I saw though was the Statue of Liberty's head burried in the ground again. The dream faded away as I waited.

      In a Painting

      It was a false awakening and I was actually in my own room for once. I was packing my bags for yet another road trip. As I was packing I saw a picture on my wall. It was a picture of the Statue of Liberty. I walked over to it and stared at it for a moment. I don't have a picture of the Statue of Liberty on my wall. I became lucid after realizing that the statue was in the previous dreams. It meant that this one was likely a dream too.

      For some reason I felt like I should go into the painting. I pushed my hand through the picture. It looked and felt like I had stuck my hand into a bucket of water. After pushing my whole arm into it, I was sucked into the painting. Next thing I know, I'm falling high above the buildings of New York City. I then felt an energy above me and turned towards the sky. Two seperate portals had opened in the sky. Out of one fell Chris, and out of the other fell Claire.

      "What the hell are you guys doing?!" I asked them.
      "Trying to save you!" Chris said.
      "You're doing a pretty bad job at it!" I yelled at him.
      "There wasn't much time to plan!" he yelled back.
      "Shut up and morph into a dragon already!" Claire yelled.

      I transformed into a full dragon real easy and spread out my wings. Claire grabbed onto my back and I grabbed Chris with my four legs. I was about to crash into a skyscraper, but Claire grabbed my horns and steered me to the right. I was about to hit another building, so she steered me to the left just barely missing two buildings. I nearly lost my grip of Chris and was barely holding onto him anymore.

      "You guys are too heavy" I yelled.

      Claire got mad at me and purposely steered me into the side of a building. That was a painful hit on the head.

      I growled at her and asked, "What the hell was that for?"
      "Watch what you say." Claire said.
      "This too much weight for me to carry!" I yelled back.
      "Maybe you just need to build some muscle" She said.
      "Look out!" Chris yelled.

      I looked back in front of me and saw the Statue of Liberty. I crashed into the crown thingy on it and gripped it with my claws. I grabbed Chris with my tail and and Claire held onto my shoulders. After some struggling I finally pulled all of us up. All of that craziness destabilized my dream and I woke up like 5 seconds later.

    8. Failed Wind Altar Attempt (February 13, 2012)

      by , 02-14-2012 at 07:19 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Failed Wind Altar Attempt

      I made it a goal to learn the element of wind before going to bed. I used my daydream technique and daydreamed about learning it. In my daydream I teleported with Chris and Claire to the wind altar, so that I could gain its power. Then I started daydreaming about riding a rollercoaster...

      This lucid dream was sort of fragmented and I forgot the first half of it. I was sitting inside the seat of a rollercoaster waiting for it to take off. Chris and Claire were also there standing next to the tracks.

      "Was it really necessary to build all of this?" Chris said looking at the rollercoaster.
      "Yuppers!" I said excited.
      "Get in. It's time to test it." Claire said.

      The memory is fuzzy, but I do sort of remember me, Chris, and Claire summoning a bunch of different parts of the rollercoaster. Claire pressed a red button on the wall and they both got in the rollercoaster with me. The metal bar came down and I held on tight. It then shot us out of the station at 100mph up a steep climb. After a few seconds the tracks suddenly ended and we were flying high up into the air. We were aiming for a floating platform high in the sky. It would bounce us into the clouds if we landed on it. As we flew towards the target I realized we were too far to the right. We shot down past it and completely missed it.

      "Oh crap, we missed it." I said.
      "'Oh crap', we're about to die." Claire said giving me a dirty look.
      "Strange. I really thought we would have hit it." Chris said oblivious.

      As we fell towards the ground, I stood up and grew dragon wings. I then grabbed Chris and Claire and flew up before the train hit the ground. The train exploded when it hit the ground and nearly burned my ass off. I then started flying around the rollercoaster and tried to figure out why it failed. It wasn't long before I realized Chris built it like 10 feet to the right. Chris then started squriming around as I was flying.

      "Ahh! Down! Down! I want down!" He yelled.
      "Please put us down..." Claire said calmly.

      I sort of forgot I was still holding them. I flew back down and set them on the ground. I think I actually saw Chris hug and kiss the ground. I started thinking about how long it took to build that rollercoaster. The fact that it was built 10 feet to the right made me feel like I wasted my lucid dream.

      "Doesn't look like there's enough time to build another rollercoaster." I said in disappointment.
      "Yeah, you completely wasted this dream." Claire said to insult me.

      Thinking about how much time I had left must have woken me up. I really don't feel like this was a wasted lucid dream though. I at least got to launch myself into the sky from a rollercoaster.

      Updated 02-14-2012 at 07:35 AM by 32005

      dream fragment , lucid
    9. Objective C, Failed Portal, Winter Oasis (February 4, 2012)

      by , 02-06-2012 at 04:32 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Objective C

      I remember that I daydreamed about MAG before I went to bed last night. I kept daydreaming about different ways I could try to place explosives at objective C without S.V.E.R. beating the crap out of me.

      I don't know how or when I became lucid in this dream. I jumped out of the plane as it flew over the Syr Darya Uplink. My parachute quickly deployed and I started to float down towards the bottom. Enemy snipers were starting to shoot at me, so I morphed my human hands into dragon hands and cut off the parachute early. I then grew dragon wings so I could land on the ground softly. I pulled out my 12 gauge shotgun and started to run towards objective C.

      I encountered a few enemies on the way, but I just shot them and moved on. I decided to enter the train station thing through the side entrance on the left. While S.V.E.R. was distracted with my guys at the front entrance I threw 2 smoke grenades into objective C. I reloaded a few shells into my shotgun and ran towards the data center. One of my enemies noticed me and ran towards me in an attempt to stab me. I turned my whole body except my claws into a shadow and ran through him. My claws cut through him like butter and killed him.

      I then ran into the cloud of smoke where 3 S.V.E.R. guys were trying to defend the objective. I took them all down quickly with my claws when they weren't looking. As I started to place the explosives someone outside the data center fire a shots into me. I took cover behind a wall and noticed my health bar was at 30/120. Luckily it was so video game like that I barely felt pain. I could have just used my medical kit, but I felt like using my healing magic instead. I made my hand glow a bright light and placed it over my wounds until they glowed too. My wounds were partially healed and my health went back up to 75/120. I ran back over to the objective and deployed the charges. I then ran away out of the train station as fast as I could before it blew up. Unfortunately this meant game over which I guess also meant dream over.

      Failed Portal

      I was in my old room in Loudonville playing MAG on an old Playstation. I quickly got bored with that game and looked at a pile of games to see what else I had. On top was a Spyro game that had a picture of me in my white dragon form and my black dragon form. I was about to play it, but then I thought about the game for a moment.

      "Wait a minute... I don't have this game! Now that I think of it, none of these games even exist. Am I dreaming?" I thought outloud.

      After thinking it through I was pretty sure that I was dreaming. I did the nose reality check out of habit though. Luckily it did not fail on me this time and I had confirmed my lucidity. I ran out my bedroom door and instantly teleported to the top of the stairs. Why walk when you can blink? I walked into the kitchen and I remembered that it was important to stabilize. I started rubbing my hands together and then I licked the fridge. There were papers on the fridge though and I got a paper cut on my tounge.

      I was about to run outside, but I noticed it was night and I did not feel comfortable with that. The thought of teleporting somewhere then came to mind. I held my hand out and sliced through space and time with my hand. I created a pitch black rift, but I forgot to think of a place to go. After a minute the thought of teleporting to the beach came to mind. I felt uneasy about jumping into the portal because it didn't look like portals from the past. It looked too empty. I decided to take my chances anyways.

      "Take me to the beach!" I yelled out as I jumped in.

      There were so many things I did wrong. When I jumped in I was completely consumed by the void. I have no idea where that portal took me, but it felt like I was falling down the world's largest staircase. After a minute or so of torture I finally fell into a false awakening.

      It was the middle of the night and I was sleeping on my grandmother's couch. I walked over to the other couch and saw the elf sleeping where my sister should have been. This woke me up for some reason.

      Winter Oasis

      I daydreamed again and for some reason I was daydreaming about spiders for a minute at first. To avoid arachniphobic paranoia I quickly started daydreaming about winter snow before switching over to a summer beach. My dream surprisingly followed this order.

      The dream started off with a false awakening similar to the last. My sister was sitting on the couch screamin something about a spider. I forced myself to walk over and take a look. She pointed to a clock on the wall and inside it was a large white spider trying to get out. The spider then phased through the glass and jumped out at me. Next thing I knew I was floating inside the void. The old man was standing in front of me.

      "You have 2 choices. You can let the dream continue normally, or you can risk it and become lucid." He told me.

      I technically became lucid at this point, but I was still thinking about my choices. I knew by "risk" he meant the possibility of waking up too early. I was hesitated at first, but I decided to take the risk.

      "Okay, make me lucid." I told him.
      "So be it." He said.

      He then lifted his hand and a bright light emerged from it. The light soon grew and lit up the whole void until I was sucked into a new dreamscape. It looked pretty awesome and I think I need to learn to teleport like that now. I was now standing in the driveway of my old home in Loudonville. There was a very thick winter fog and it was very cold.

      "Jeez! It's freezing in here!" I said shivering.

      I started walking down the road and decided to look for a hot summer beach. Normally I like the cold, but it just didn't feel right in this dream. A car then came out of the fog towards me and I turned into a shadow so that it would phase through me. I could see the lights of more cars coming and I quickly grew dragon wings and flew above the road. That was way too close and completely uncalled for. I then wandered aimlessly in the fog for a minute before finally found the "beach". It was a sandy area not much bigger than a sand box. It had a palm tree, a watering hole, and a beach ball. When I stepped onto the sand I suddenly went from freezing to feeling the suns warmth.

      "I can't believe how warm it is here. It's completely different." I said.

      As I took a step some of the sand below me started to break away. I was about to fall into a pit before I morphed my hands into dragon hands. I then gripped the edge with my claws and struggled to pull myself back up.

      "You're not going to kill me that easily today!" I yelled out to my dream.

      I climbed back out of the pit and jumped into the watering hole. It was very relaxing and I sat there for a minute before noticing the fog had disappeared. A group of 5 or more girls in swimsuits walked by towards an automatic car wash. I think one of them might have been the elf. The fact that people without cars wanted to go to an automatic car wash got my curiousity. I followed them and a girl put a coin in the machine before everyone walked in. We stood there for a few seconds before the wash started. It started spraying water jets at us and although it was a little painful, it was fun. It then started spraying a bunch of soap at us and it did not tasted good. I giant spinning brush then came by and knocked me to the ground. When I got back up I looked back at the girls and all of them had been replaced with emo guys except the elf.

      "...What happened to all of those girls?" I asked the elf.
      "I have no idea..." She said looking around.
      One of them then started to complain, "I hate this. I wanna go home."
      At the same time we both yelled, "Shut up!" and she slapped him in the back of the head.
      "Okay, you win. I'll wake up now." I said to my dream.

    10. Sea Monsters, A Running Race, War Against France, A Flying Race (January 25, 2012)

      by , 01-26-2012 at 07:11 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Sea Monsters

      I was swimming deep under the ocean near the sea floor. I didn't pay much attention to the fact that fact that I was breathing underwater. All of my attention was captured by the beauty of this world and exploring it. I could have kept fallowing the bright colorful path of fish and coral, but curiousity and stupidity got the best of me. I could see a trench not too far away to the right and I decided to go see what was in it. As I looked down at the trench I heard a strange noise in my mind that almost sounded like someone screaming. That didn't seem to scare me enough and I slowly descended into the dark parts of the trench.

      Before I could get into the darkest region a giant lamprey came out from the darkness and tried to bite me. The thing was blue, at least 3 times my size, and had spikes on its sides. It charged at me and pinned me against another rock as I was trying to swim out of the trench. I tried to push it away from me, but I didn't have the strength. Right before it was about to latch onto my stomach I managed to morph into a black dragon. I used my dragon strength to push the lamprey away from my stomach. I then put poison into my back claws and slashed its face. The lamprey then backed away and thrashed about in a fit of pain. I focused more poison in my claws and swam back towards it. The lamprey saw me and started spinning in place. I tried to move out of the way, but my left side was cut by the spinning spikes. I quickly swam above it so it would lose sight of me. I charged more poison magic in my tail and claws while I waited for the lamprey to stop spinning. Once it stopped, I dived down and slashed its back about 20 times in 3 seconds. It finally died and fell back down to the ocean floor.

      I swam back out of the trench and was relieved to be out of the dark. I stopped to see how bad the cut was on my side. It looked pretty bad and it really hurt. I noticed I was losing a lot of blood and that it seemed to be flowing towards something. It was flowing towards some tiny fish in the distance. But then as those little fish got closer I realized they were actually great white sharks. They must have been attracted by the scent of my blood. Three of them started circling me and I prepared myself for another fight.

      One of them charged towards me head on, but I hit it in the face with my tail. It backed off and went back to circling me. Then another one came from the left and tried to take a bite at my wound. I stabbed it in the snout with my claws, swung myself onto its back, and kicked it hard to the ocean floor. Another shark dived down at me from above. It tried to take a bite at my stomach, but I pushed against its snout so it couldn't bite me. I then let go of its snout and gripped its tail as it swam past me. As I held onto the tail, the shark swam down deep into the darkest parts of the trench. I then saw a bright light floating in it and the shark threw me towards it.

      When I was thrown towards the light I was completely sucked into it. The light had teleported me into the living room of some house. I shot out of the portal really fast and slammed into a wall. I then fell onto my back and lied in pain.

      "I think I broke my snout!" I said covering it with my paws.
      "I'm going back to human." I said as I let the dragon body evaporate.

      Suddenly all of my pain went away and I was full of energy again. I got off the floor and looked around the room. I looked at the tv and documentary on sharks. I walked through the door and it led to an office room. A large blue crystal sitting on a shelf quickly got my attention. It was in the shape of an egg and there seemed to be a light blue mist moving inside it. I felt like I was supposed to touch it. I placed my hand over it and it quickly started glowing brightly. It looked like something amazing was about to happen, but then a lady came in and moved my hand away. The glow slowly faded away.

      "Don't touch that!" She said with a suspicious look.
      "Why not?" I asked her.
      "Just don't. Okay?" She told me before walking away.

      I was going to touch it again after she left, but I woke up.

      A Running Race

      I was running along a dirt path through a forest as fast as I could. When I saw 3 other guys and a girl trying to outrun each other I realized it was a race. Me and this white haired guy were the fastest and running neck and neck. The man suddenly ran off to the right into the forest. I realized he was trying to take a short cut, so I thought it was only fair to do the same. I ran after him through the bushes and then tumbled down a steep hill. After I hit the ground I started chasing him again. He jumped over a small stream and started climbing a cliff. The path he was trying to take seemed slow to me, so I decided to follow the stream instead. I ran through the bushes for a short distance before I came to a mansion surrounded by electric fencing. That's where the finish line was and I was able to cross it far ahead of everyone.

      There were two soldiers there who congratulated me. Even though they said I won, I was given a silver cup instead of gold. One of them opened a chest and pulled out some camo uniform.

      "Put these on." He said handing me the clothes.
      "Why?" I asked.
      "You won. That means you're hired!" He said.
      "I don't want to be hired." I told him.
      "Put them on!" He demanded.

      I had a feeling he would probably shoot me if I said anything else. So I quickly changed clothes into the camo uniform. After I did that the dream changed scenes. It was now night time and I was in a living room similar to the last dream. There were a few girls and guys standing next to some sleeping bags on the floor. I had just walked in at the end of an argument betwen them. The girls took their sleeping bags and walked out the door.

      "Sleep lightly tonight." A girl whispered in my ear.
      "They scare me." I told the group leader.
      "Don't worry. The worst they've done is stick sharp glass in someone's ears." He said.
      "I think I'll go to sleep now." I said.

      I pulled out an orange sleeping bag and tried to go to sleep. As I was about to fall asleep I heard the sound of breaking glass. I looked up and saw a girl picking up shards of glass off the floor and walk towards me. So I did what any reasonable person would do. I hid inside my sleeping bag and woke up.

      War Against France

      I was in the middle of an abandoned city. I don't remember experiencing it, but I remember knowing that we were at war with France. All of the American soldiers in the city had been killed except me. I ran up a street and saw a man with a machine gun. I pulled out my pistol and tried to shoot him, but I was out of bullets. Right before he started firing at me I jumped behind a low stone wall for cover. I found a dead body behind the wall holding a crossbow. I think he was just a civilian. So I took the crossbow and loaded a clip into it. Do they even have crossbows like that?

      When he stopped firing to reload I stood up and fired an arrow into his stomach. I then ran past the dying man into a garage to see what I could find. As I looked around I heard someone come up behind me. I turned around and saw a man with a remote controlled robot. The robot raised its guns and I jumped behind the car for cover. I found a flamethrower just lying there on the ground. When the robot stopped firing I jumped in front of it and lit it on fire with the flamethrower. After the robot was destroyed the flamethrower was out of gas. I picked up my crossbow that I left on the table, but the man had already run away.

      After this I remembered something about a helicopter on the other side of the city. I could have followed the streets or cut through the cemetery. I decided that it would be stealthier to go through the cemetery because it was off the main path. To get into the cemetery I had to jump over a wall with a 10 foot drop. I ran through undetected, but the only way out was through the colosseum. When I walked in I heard gun shots and I hid behind a stone column. I looked back and saw a guy in a tower with a machine gun. I kept running in the shadows where he couldn't see me. When I got to the other side a lizard man showed up and he just so happened to have a lightsaber.

      I tried shooting him with the crossbow, but he blocked that and kicked the crossbow out of my hands. I ducked as he tried to swing his saber at my neck. He then tried to stab me in the head, but I rolled to the right. I kicked the lightsaber out of his hands and it fell into the light. He ran after it and then triggered a mine. Turns out there was a mine field in the middle of the colosseum. I picked my crossbow back up and exited the colosseum. When I was on the streets again, a man came running towards me with a shotgun. I fired an arrow into his leg and then one into his chest. A few more soldiers came after me and I ran through the alleys to get away. The dream faded away as I ran.

      A Flying Race

      I was in a race again. This time I was on top of a mountain in the middle of the night. It was just me and the white haired guy from before. While I was running he was flying ahead of me.

      "You do realize this is a flying race? I don't think you can do it." He teased me.

      I came towards a cliff and I knew I would have to fly to live. So I ran full force and jumped off of it. I quickly transformed into a black dragon and started flying alongside him. This made him mad and he pulled out his sword. He flew towards me and tried to stab me. I turned into a shadow and appeared on the other side of him. I tried to hit him with my tail but he blocked it with his sword. We repeated this a few times before a strong wind blew us back towards the mountain. When I finally regained control of my flight I lost sight of him. He then came at me from behind and held me against the cliff. I released a small burst of shadow fire from my body and quickly let go. I then grabbed him with my claws and dove down along the waterfall. I was planning on throwing him into the sharp rocks at the bottom. Before I got to the bottom, I decided to fly back up and throw him into a cave behind the waterfall instead. I didn't feel like killing him so I left him there and flew away.

    11. Finding a Sword (January 24, 2012)

      by , 01-25-2012 at 12:58 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Finding a Sword

      I don't know when I became lucid, but I was lucid. I was walking down the stone path of a medieval city. I was helping a kid who was a couple years younger than me find a weapon. He wanted good sword so he could start his own adventures. I led him down the path to where the sword shop was. When we got to the shop it exploded and a giant bug flew out of the flames. The shop owner was standing outside, so we went over to talk to her.

      "Your shops on fire." I told her.
      "Yes, I see that!" She said in frustration.
      "Do you have any swords left?" The kid asked her.
      "No, but there is a powerful sword hidden inside the city. I'll let you keep that sword if you use it to kill those things." She told us.
      "Where's the sword?" The kid asked.
      "He knows." She said pointing to me.

      The funny thing is, I really did know where it was. I actually knew the city pretty well even though it was fictional. I pointed to a dark alley across the street from the shop. We descended the stairs in the alley and came to a maze of multiple paths. I was somehow able to guide him along the right path. We came to a dead end where there was a carving of a dragon on the wall. I placed my hand over the dragon picture and it started to glow blue. A piece of the floor beneath us then tore away from the ground and levitated up to the top of the wall. We stepped off the floating floor and onto the rooftop. We found a longsword sticking out of the roof. I took the sword and gave it to my friend. He then did one of those video game victory poses where he lifted it up in the air and smiled.

      "Wow! That sword boosted you up to lvl 23!" I said reading his stats.
      "Wait, don't we have another job to do?" He asked.
      "Yeah, we have to find those monsters." I said

      We walked back onto the floating floor and it descended back to the ground. We then walked out to an open area and stopped. I could feel the ground vibrating slightly below us. Then 3 flying monsters came out from under the ground. One of them was the giant flying bug from before. It had the body of a bee, the face of a beetle, and the wings of a moth. The second monster was just a floating skull with glowing red eyes. The third monster was a floating purple ghost with a skull mask.

      "Look out!' I said to alert my friend.

      I jumped back and transformed into a black dragon. The ghost and the bug decided to pick a fight with me while my friend fought with the the skull. The ghost shot a ball of shadow fire at me and I dodged to the right. I ran straight towards the ghost and stood on my back legs so I could start clawing at him. I made a few swipes and then tried to sink my claws into him. The bug flew in and tackled me before I could grab the ghost. The bug kept trying to stab me with its giant stinger. I would swipe at his stinger to block his attacks and he would do the same. It was a sword fight with claws and stingers. When he had a chance to land a direct hit on me, I did a backflip and striked his stomach with my tail's blade. At this moment I had instinctively learned how to use the dark element of poison. Not only did I cut his stomach, but I infected him with a lethal poison that killed him quickly.

      The ghost then came out of nowhere and knocked me to the ground. It then unleashed it's shadow fire on me, but I slowed down time and rolled out of the way. I tried to swipe it with my poison tail, but it turned into a shadow and appeared behind me. He then smacked me into a wall when I wasn't looking. I kept trying to slash him with my tail and claws, but he just kept turning into a shadow. When I was starting to tire out, he created a shield of shadow fire around him and charged towards me. So then I thought, "If he can use shadow powers, why can't I?". I stood up and charged towards him. Right before we were about to collide, I let a cloud of darkness rise from the ground and surround me. I phased right through him and caught him off guard. I stabbed him from behind with my claws to make sure I had a good grip for what I was about to do. I flew high up into the air with him and threw him back down to the ground. I then dived down towards him in a ball of shadow fire. When I crashed into him, he turned into a shadow mist that sort of evaporated.

      I looked back at my friend to see how his battle was coming along. The skull was shooting flames at him, but he was able to dodge them. He then held the sword out in front of him and charged it with a powerful red energy. He then leaped towards the skull at a super fast speed. Using this speed he was able to slice up the skull from all angles in just a few seconds. The skull fell to the ground and my friend delivered the final blow with a cut down the center. We had won the fight and I went back to my human form.

      I guided us back along to the main road. From there we walked to the castle. The king was supposed to give my friend a quest that would start his real adventure. Unfortunately I woke up by the time we reached the drawbridge.


      Yay! Shadow and poison magic!
    12. A Simple Task, A Deadly Water Park (January 19, 2012)

      by , 01-23-2012 at 12:37 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      A Simple Task

      It was the middle of the night and I was lying in my bed. I was having a ridiculous number of false awakenings that night. An invisible force knocked me out of my bed and onto the floor. When I looked up my dog was sitting on the top bunk. I realized there were two things wrong with that. 1. It would be impossible for him to jump that high. 2. I don't have a top bunk. I stood up and felt a familiar energy. I did the nose reality check. I couldn't breathe through. I tried it two more times and I still couldn't breathe through my nose. I then tried a different reality check by looking at my hand. I looked at my hand and it had a large hole in it like it had been stabbed. So of course I became lucid after seeing my hand was a bloody mess for no reason. I started rubbing my hands together and focus on my environment to stabilize. I think a few tricks I was using through out the night helped to boost my awareness.

      I walked out my door and saw a plastic Mountain Dew bottle spinning and flying around all over the floor. My sister was there watching it and she didn't look too happy.

      "Why is it spinning?!" She yelled out of confusion.
      "Because it's a dream." I said.
      "Well make it stop, it's annoying." She demanded.
      "I'm not doing it." I said laughing.

      She got mad, went to her room, and slammed the door. The bottle was still spinning all over the place so I tapped it with my foot to make it stop. Out of nowhere I felt like going up to the fourth floor (even though we don't have one). I walked up the steps until I reached the attic. I saw the window and decided I was going to go for a fly. I concentrated on two points in my back and grew white dragon wings out of them. I then ran and crashed through the window. I fell a few feet before I started to flap my wings. I could have just levitated, but I seem to like the feeling of having wings more.

      I was now flying over some neighborhood and didn't quite know what to do. I then saw a woman standing in the middle of the road. I felt like I was supposed to talk to her. I flew over to the street she was on and made a rough landing. I talked to her and she gave me a task. She told me to go into this one house and have sex with a girl. So I'm just going to say I went inside the house, had sex, and woke up.

      A Deadly Water Park

      I'm having trouble remembering this one. I was at some sort of water park in the middle of a field. I remember I was there with Chris, the elf, and some old man. I at least remember the ending of the dream. Chris and the old man were inside some temple building talking about important stuff. While they were doing that, me and the elf were enjoying the water park. I walked over to a metal machine in the shape of a claw. It had a bunch of holes in it and it read "DON'T TOUCH, DON'T DIE".

      "Don't touch, don't die..." I read out loud smiling.
      "Don't you dare!" She said, knowing what I was thinking.
      "This is just a dream. What's the worst that could happen?" I said reachin out my hand.

      I poked the claw and it instantly blasted a huge wave of water at us. It flooded the area for 5 seconds before we were lying on dry land again. Despite the warning, we were still alive.

      "That didn't kill us!" I said laughing.
      "I hate you." She said.

      I then woke up from laughing too much.


      Updated 01-23-2012 at 12:46 AM by 32005

    13. Dragon Morph (January 15, 2012)

      by , 01-16-2012 at 06:55 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I learned 5 new abilities during a great fight last night. I learned the fire element, ice element, lightning element, earth element, and how to morph into a dragon.

      Dragon Morph

      I was in the sky high above the clouds in the middle of the day. I was being carried through the sky by some sort of wind current. I stopped screaming when I noticed there were many animals flying through it peacefully. There were buffalo, horses, and rabbits just flying along with it. I then made an attempt to gain control of myself and fly along with it. I noticed a sharp turn in the current ahead and I flew out of it before I could turn with it.

      I started falling and screaming again. I noticed a small floating island below me in the direction I was falling. After falling for about 3 seconds I grabbed onto the edge of the floor.
      As I was starting to lose my grip I realized I was dreaming. I was about to activate super strength, but I fell before I could activate it. The funny thing is I'm great at flying but completely forgot about it in this dream. I decided to let instincts take over and save me. I did a roll as I was in the air and morphed into a dragon through it. I wasn't a very big dragon. If I were to stand on my hind legs I'd only be a little bigger than I am right now.

      I started flapping my wings and I was now hovering a few hundred feet or so below the island. I started laughing because of how cool it was to have morphed and how it felt to have a tail and wings. I used my wings to quickly fly back up onto the island floor. When I got up there I met a strange man wearing dark robes. I'm just gonna call him shadow man for now. I then started to hear a woman's voice in my head.

      "Be careful around him." She said.
      "Why?" I asked.
      "His magic isn't natural."

      I saw his eyes glow yellow as he started charging purple balls of lightning in each hand. I charged towards him to try to stop his spell. I was too late though and he blasted the hell out of me. The spell knocked me back and out of my morph. He then taunted me with a laugh at how powerless I now was. I knew I wouldn't be able to fight him as just a human so I tried to recreate the morph technique. I jumped towards the ground into a roll. Halfway through the roll I quickly started morphing into my dragon form. I came out of the roll on four paws again feeling confident. He tried throwing anothing lightning bolt at me, but I jumped out of the way and started running towards him.

      As I ran towards him I heard the voice say, "You're a dragon now, remember to use your elements. Try to breathe fire."

      Instinct kind of took over again and I gathered an intense heat in the back of my throat. I took a deep breath and breathed this heat out slowly into a large flame. It looked like I damaged him, but he considered it nothing compared to his abilities. He quickly teleported to the other edge of the island to stay at a safe distance from me. I didn't let the distance stop me though and I started to shoot fire balls towards him. Unfortunately he was too good at dodging to land a clean hit. He then stopped and waved his arms in a downward motion. He flew away as the island started shaking violently apart. When I relized that the island was about to collapse I flew up high above the danger zone.

      "You can't defeat me! I'm invincible!" I heard him yell with an evil laugh.
      "Quick, get over to the other island. He's summoning something." The voice told me.
      "I don't think I can beat him. I've never fought anyone so powerful." I said.
      "You're a lot more powerful than you ever were before. You can do it." She said reassurring me.

      I made a left turn in my flight and flew over the second island. There was shadowy village on the island that looked far from natural. I saw the shadow man fly into the village and hide in one of the houses. One thing I found strange about the village was the buildings were only about 4 times my size.

      "Did he summon that village?" I asked the voice.
      "Yes, you should destroy it quickly." She said.
      "Why would he summon a village of all things?" I asked.
      "It's best we don't find out." She replied.

      I swooped down towards the village and flew close to the buildings. I started breathing fire on a few buildings. I soon landed inside the village because flying close to the buildings was becoming too difficult. I breathed more fire and it blew apart the buildings. Suddenly a bunch of soldiers that looked like mini shadow men came out of the houses. They came at me with spears and swords and surrounded me. I started to fight them off with my claws and tail until I remembered that there is more than the fire element. As several of them surrounded me again and got closer I charged the energy inside my body. A sphere of electricity started to form around me until I released it in a wave of lightning in all directions. It effectively wiped out my enemies.

      I now knew why the village needed to be destroyed. It was creating little shadow minions that would do the shadow man's evil work. I decided fire was too slow and I needed to try the earth element. I released green waves of seismic energy from my mouth at the houses. They blew apart and shattered quickly. I held this new breath for a while as I mowed down several houses. I stopped when about 20 more of those little guys showed up. I quickly flew up into the air to avoid them and surrounded myself with a green sphere of energy. When I came crashing down towards the ground it had the effect of a meteor strike. The wave of earth magic destroyed many more houses and killed nearly all of the minions. By this point I had destroyed most of the village and the shadow man gave up on hiding in it.

      The shadow man then flew up to a third island above us and I flew after him. When I met him at the top he sneak attacked me with a spell that blasted me back into the wind current. I was thrown all over the place inside it but quickly regained control. I started flying against the current with all my strength to get back to the fight. With enough determination I soon flew back out of the wind current and back towards the island. On my way I decided to plan my next moves with ice magic. I knew he wasn't going to expect me to be back so soon and I would be able to use a sneak attack.

      I landed on top of the island and he looked very surprised. I quickly focused the cold energy in the back of my throat. I took aim and fired 3 quick short bursts of ice magic at him. All 3 ice sickles hit him and froze his body in a couple places. I then charged in and released my ice breath in front of him. It knocked him back onto the edge of the cliff. He was hanging there by his hands unable to pull himself up. He was unable to fly because the ice on his body limited his movements.

      "I can't be defeated... I'm invincible..." The shadow man said shivering.
      "That shield on his side! That's what has been protecting him this whole time." The voice said.
      "Okay, I'll get rid of the shield." I said.

      I swooped down towards his side and swiped the shield off his side with my claws. I watched it fall down through the clouds. The shadow man managed to climb back onto the island when I wasn't looking. I landed in front of him to fight him once more. He tried to charge a spell, but I raimed him, swiped him with my claw, and then smacked him with my tail to combo. That's the last thing I remember. I know a little more happened, but I think I won.


    14. 3 Lucids and Tetris Effect (December 17, 2011)

      by , 12-18-2011 at 06:52 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      My Neighborhood

      I was in my old room from when I used to live in Loudonville. It was the middle of the night and I was preparing for bed. Nothing too interesting happened except for how real it felt and I thought I was being watched. I would slowly walk to my bedroom door a couple times and peer out. It almost felt like there was someone just standing at the door watching. I just ignored it and went to sleep.

      When I woke up I was in a dimly lit room similar to the last one. The difference was I had a wood floor (real splintery wood), everything was a mess, and a few things were broken. I had to sneeze and I reached over to grab a tissue. I held it to my nose and sneeze, then tried breathing in with it pressed to my nose.
      I could breathe clearly and I realized I could only do that if I was dreaming. I felt the air around me to make sure I was dreaming.

      I was very calm in this dream and I didn't feel the urge to blast everything to pieces. I remembered I wanted to go to Korthos and tried using the dream spin technique. I'm not sure why I did that when I know how to create portals. It failed at making me teleport, but it made my dream more vivid and lucid. I decided to just walk out the door and see where it would take me. It brought me to a dark cold room made of stone. There were a couple small windows, a half broken door to the left, and another bedroom door to the front. I decided to keep going straight. I came to a similar room except the walls were cracked, a window was broken, and the door to the left wasn't even on its hinges anymore. I tried going straight a couple more times, and each time I saw the same room with a little more damage.

      Then I finally stopped and thought about it. "Screw it. This is just going to go on forever." I thought. So I decided to try the left this time. I moved the broken door out of the way and could see the bright daylight. I smiled as I saw multiple houses lined down the street and many people outside enjoying themselves. This was a little new to me because I'm used to living in the middle of nowhere.

      I walked out into my front yard to find a man casually chainsawing the hell out of my tree. I decided to try talking to him to see what he had to say. "Hi." I said. He stopped chainsawing my tree for a moment and looked at me strange. "Ok, bye." I said backing away from him. I decided I didn't want to say anything that might make that DC mad since he had a chainsaw. So I just let him go back to randomly chainsawing parts of my tree even though I liked that tree.

      A mail man then walked up my drive way and I thought I could talk to him. I tried saying hi again, but he just stared at me with surprised look on his face. Maybe he was afraid that I was going to blow him up. I figured it would be hopeless, so I just walked by him. I then started walking down the road to find something interesting.

      For some reason there is a large memory gap here, but I remember being on a highway full of parked vehicles. I was just running around and jumping on vehicles like it was an obstacle course. I eventually came across an ice cream truck. I couldn't resist driving it around in circles with the music playing. It made my day, but I woke up not long after.

      Tribal Warfare; Pinkie Surprise

      This dream started with me in the same room that I became lucid in the last dream. I instantly recognized that and did a nose reality check to confirm that I was dreaming. I also did the spin technique just to make my dream more vivid. I walked through the bedroom door like before. This time I decided to take a left from the start so I wouldn't waste time going straight. When I moved the door out of the way I was in the middle of a field near a mansion.

      I then heard battle cries from behind me and I slowly turned around. There were a hundred little tribal people with green hair, masks, and spears. I talked to them and heard that they were about to lay seige to the mansion. I also befriended one named Mike, but I can't remember many details. I did tell them which side they should attack from and what formation they should use. I was just trying to be helpful.

      They all got in formation and moved to position. The warriors then charged towards the mansion from the left at full speeds. People who were having a party at the mansion started to panic and scatter in all directions. As they got close to the mansion's door, a huge wall of flames surrounded the building. All the tribal people were lit on fire and killed except for a few survivors. I casually walked over towards the mansion as the flames died out and the people calmed themselves. I was enjoying it all because I knew it was just a dream and nothing serious.

      I was still curious as to what happened to Mike. I tried digging through some of the loose dirt on the ground from the battle. Instead of Mike, I found a very large stone floor beneath me. The floor was made of huge Mayan hieroglyphics. I didn't care, and I still wanted to know if Mike was alive or not.
      "Have you seen Mike?" I asked a girl sitting on stone steps in front of me.
      "What are those symbols on the ground?" She asked while ignoring my question.
      "Something Mayan related. Is Mike still alive?" I asked her again.
      "What does that picture on the ground mean?" She said pointing to a spot on the ground. I looked to where she was pointing and noticed it looked like a man with a mustache. "It means the Mayans invented Pringles." I said jokingly. "Now tell me where the survivors are." I demanded.
      "What survivors?" she said laughing.
      I started to pretend to cry and said, "No! My one and only dream friend dead!"
      "Oh your friend Mike is over there standing by the other 3 survivors." She finally stated.

      My memory is kind of weak for the rest of the dream. I walked over to a group of tribesmen who were just sitting around relaxing. We talked about how the invasion failed what went wrong. We also walked around finding some Mayan statues and other stuff. I think we went into the forest and saw some "spicy trolls" attack an elf. They turned into hot sauce and melted the elf like lava.

      The next thing I remember is driving around Ponyville with Mike in a whacky looking car that was most likely invented by Dr. Seuss. I also remember that I was no longer human but a black pony again. By this point things have suddenly become less vivid and obviously more cartoony. My cell phone started to vibrate and I answered it. The left half of my vision was then covered by a pannel of Pinkie Pie. She was in a bird costume and making angry buzzing noises into the phone. "Okay..." I said and ended the call. This repeated again.
      "Hello?" I answered into the phone.
      "Bzzzzzz!" Was all I got.
      "Bye." I said and ended the call again.

      I sat there confused for a moment and tried to figure out what was happening. The phone vibrated again.
      "Hi Pinkie Pie." I answered."
      "Bzzzz! Bzzzzzzzzz! Bzzz Bzzz!" She responded angerly.

      I hung up the phone and proceeded to bang my head repeatedly against the side of the car. I now have a reason for killing dream characters all the time. The vibrated once more.
      "Hello again Pinkie."
      "I know you're mad about the tribes people dying, but it wasn't my fault!" I tried to explain to her.
      "Bzzz!" Was her response.
      "Once I find you you're gonna-" I stopped and looked up to see a bunch of balloons, cake, and confetti.

      A bunch of ponies jumped up and yelled "Surprise!" and cheered. "Okay, 'surprise' for what?" I asked as I closed the cell phone.
      "It's a party for your lucid dream, silly!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully.
      "Sure, why not." I said half talking to my dream itself.

      So the pony party commenced and we had a lot of fun. Once again, I ate dream cake and it was the best ever as usual. Sadly the dream faded away as the party went on.

      Let's Fly to Puppet Land

      I really can't remember the beginning of this dream. The last thing I remember is I was in my grandmother's hallway. I suddenly started puking a sand/dirt substance which is unfortunately one of my dream signs. I didn't even need to do a reality check because the second I start puking sand in real life I might as well be dead. I walked into a bedroom and used the spin technique to stabilize the dream. I then sat on the bed and questioned what I could do with this dream.

      I looked out the bedroom window and saw my sister's car pull into the drive way. I then looked at the bed and bounced on it a little. I also noticed a large pile of random junk sitting in the corner of the room. Suddenly I had an idea. I would recruit my sister and her friends to build a magic flying bed!

      I ran outside to meet my sister. She got out of the car with her boyfriend and some random naked dream character. "Okay, you three are going to help me build a flying bed. We don't have time to argue about it so lets just go!" I explained to them excitedly. I then ran back inside to the bedroom to get started.

      First we pulled out a large pile of old rusted metal springs. I used telekinesis to mend them together. My sister's boyfriend then placed a matress on top of the springs and the naked dream character placed a gym mat on top. Well all then climbed up there, held hands, and sang a song as I enchanted the bed. Really messed up stuff.

      So then the bed starts to levitate and crash through the ceiling. I pointed towards a mountain range off in the distance and the bed took us there like a flying carpet. As we flew through the snowy mountains, we came across giant dancing puppets. They were almost as big as the mountains and I have no idea who was controlling them. The dream started to fade after this, but it was some pretty fun stuff.

      Tetris Effect

      As a result of playing stronghold crusader for a few house in the afternoon, all my dreams except the lucids were about crusader. The tetris effect is where you do so much of an activity during the day that you dream about it. So sadly I spent most of my time watching little virtual archers shoot flaming arrows at little virtual spearmen. That's really all that happened. I was only viewing gameplay.


      I suddenly love the dream world again. Not all dreams are out to kill me after all.