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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 22 Nov: Naked and robbing a temple again

      by , 11-25-2010 at 10:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      Well, the quality of my dreams changed a lot lately, but I'm cool. These things work in cycles. Now for some reason I'm having these steam-punk themed dreams and I'm kind of a Lara Croft type, stealing gadgets from secret societies and being "approached" by some really weird dark forces... Let's see where it takes me.

      03:00 GMT

      Naked in public
      I am at school or some public place surrounded by old school colleagues. I’m wearing a tiny skirt which looks more like a tiny towel wrapped around my waist. And I don’t think I have any underwear. I don’t feel uncomfortable though. I feel sexy. But then some of my colleagues start harassing me and it’s becoming too unpleasant so I leave the place. I take an elevator and notice two male colleagues (luckily not the harassers) also took it and they are also wearing only towels around their waists. Then as the elevator doors open, we’re taken to the middle of the street and I am now certain that I just have a towel around my waist and I'm also topless! I wonder how this happened. I still feel sexy. I think other people may be way more embarrassed than me.

      Vintage shopping

      Then I’m with my mom shopping at a really cool vintage clothes shop (I guess I really needed to buy some clothes, right...), but she is complaining that all the amazing dresses we see are 75 to 100 EUR. But I tell her they also have cheap stuff, we just need to look around. We then find a corner with stuff just 5-10 EUR, but nothing looks really interesting. For some reason she adores an outfit made of a top and a tiny plaid mini-skirt, in a red and white stripped fabric. I can’t even imagine myself wearing it, but she insists I must have it. I think, well, if it makes her happy, I might try it out with some red leggings.

      Stealing again from a temple
      A chase scene on a very old building which vaguely reminds me of a temple.(...) I and a few others are trying to escape our chasers and we run up and down stairs, we cross corridors and finally we lose them in this labyrinthic place. We get inside some room to catch our breath and we discover we just got into the office of whoever is the big boss around. We see a series of really cool gadgets – steam-punk kinda like machinery. On the desk I see what looks like an old-timer alarm-clock, but it actually indicates the perfect time, according to cosmic alignments and conjunctions, to do... whatever! The machine indicates whatever is the perfect activity to develop at certain moments in time – like... gardening or getting married or... rule the world, whatever! Really practical! It looks like those snow-flake globes but inside there’s a copper-coloured mechanism with pointers and gears. I grab it and put it in my pocket.
      Then we sneak out and we find a connection from this place to inside a museum. We try to cross it and get to the exit, but there are security guards looking at us suspicious – I guess because they didn’t see us coming in. A lady guide – I think she is the museum curator, but she comes to us as if she is a simple guide – comes to ask who we are. We say we’re a group of art students. She doesn’t totally swallow it so she asks us to comment some of the art works there. I use many expensive words to describe it but she then asks whose influences (from other artists) I think the artist picked up. I bullshit a bit more, saying the influences are there, pretty obvious, but so numerous it is really hard to pick one or two. Then I complete by saying the really important thing is that the artist mingled them all so perfectly and came up with something totally original, that his innovation is what bursts out more remarkedly. She makes a funny face but let us go. Actually she invites us to the next room, where there is a model of the temple – so it really was a temple! – they dug out and is still being recovered. She mentioned that only part of it was still up, the rest had to be rebuilt, or not.
      My sixth sensetells me that the alarm in my pocket is about to ring and I feel the urgent need to move but can’t do anything weird or they’ll notice. I excuse myself with something and go quickly to the entrance lobby. Many kids are there making a lot of noise and I keep the alarm in my pocket, so it rings, but nobody notices its sound. Because I’m standing in the middle of the lobby with a hand in my pocket holding down something firmly, the workers at the ticket counter are now looking at me, trying to figure out what I’m doing. Luckily a giant turtle passes by and I pick it up making it look like that's exactly what I was looking for. So I take the turtle to outside.

      8:00 GMT