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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    This is the Official IOSDP Shared Dream Journal!

    The Rules for posting entries are the following:

    1. Only post dreams on the dates of the shared dreaming attempts. Please do not post your dreams you have on non-attempt days unless they have to do with the location or you believe they are significant in some way (if so describe why you believe they are significant). On the attempt days please post all of your dreams.

    2. Title the entry like this: # Shared Dreaming Attempt-(name's) Dream
    For example: 8th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Atras's Dream
    For non-attempt days, title them like this: Shared Dreaming Attempt-Name's Dream

    Title the Experiment entries like this: # Shared Dreaming Experiment-(name's) Dream
    For example: 1st Shared Dreaming Experiment-Katsuno's Dream

    3. On the first line in the place where you write your dream please put this: (Name's Dream) in bold and point 5 font and any color you want. If you have any confusion with this, just look at the entries I have put in for an example of how to head it.

    4. Do not provide a link to your entry, make sure that the actual entry is written down here.

    5. Do not post random things that aren't related. If you do this I will disable your access to the dream journal .

    The Link to the Results Thread is here:


    1. 50th Shared dreaming attempt - BiscuitHappyz's dream

      by , 01-02-2012 at 03:11 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Happy New year everyone!

      I was watching curious George. I was George, apparently. Me and my chaperone walked into a bowling alley in what seemed to be some sort of square or park in an urban town.

      I was now myself. My chaperone turned into some scruffy convict-looking type wearing black and brown. We were sitting at a table inside of the bowling alley. He was looking at screen, it looked like a GPS on an iPad-like device. I was watching a red pulsing dot on the screen, over his shoulder. It was getting increasingly closer to our location.

      "Fuckers' trackin' us," My scruffy companion announced. They're tracking us? Seems more like the other way around.

      "Come on, we might be able to delay 'em." He says.

      I followed him out the door. It was evening now, and there was a man waiting for us on a long motorbike with some sort of cabin, it was like a cross between a mine cart and a motorcycle. He forced us in, and drove off, with a strange respect for the road laws, even though he looked like a gangster.

      "Best paying job yet," The driver commented. "CIA paid me six hundred million to get you guys, eh?"

      Half way to my house, I was transitioned to a van with my family in it. We were still going the same way.

      One long wait at a light later, we arrived at my house, with a government van behind us. We parked in the driveway, and my eyes rose to the sky, full of stars and still red from sunset. There was something weird about it. There seemed to be a giant planet in it. What planet, I wondered. I examined what I could see out of the windshield. It was earth, I noticed. I could just barely make out Mexico.

      I considered Earth for a moment. A bit odd, I thought. Is this a dream? No, it cant be... Oh, wit, except it is! I realized, and with the energy of sudden full lucidity, I burst out of the car door and ran around in my family's yard with my brother and father. I came across a mound of dirt that was not there in waking life, under a fully leafed tree, though it was winter.

      "Anchor dream," I cheered. My father snickered at this. I looked around the yard. Oh, right, I remembered. IOSDP tonight. I thought about Chichen-Itza, but remembered we weren't doing that any more. So I tried to focus my attention on shared dreaming and the IOSDP and whatnot. After 15 seconds of trying, I came to the conclusion that it was to hard and stopped impulsively.

      I decided to run out into the road and talk to some DCs. It was suddenly morning. I saw several friends from my school roaming the streets. They didn't live here. I met a friend near a tree.

      "Hey, guess what?" I said.
      "I'm in a dream! But not in your head, my own, so it doesn't matter that I'm telling you this!" I laughed.
      They rolled their eyes.
      "Anchor dream!" I yelled at them. I then ran off down the road.

      The dream shifted into me standing in a line of students somewhere in the second level of my school. I was still lucid. I threw the assorted objects I had in my hand aside into assorted machinery, nobody cared but the guy behind me, be cause he was trying to steal some of it. I stood in line for a while until I figured something out.

      "Oh wait," I said. "Screw this. Anchor dream." I walked out of the line, around some machinery, and into the next room. A teacher had given me papers as I passed, I threw those aside, too. I scattered all over the left side of the next room, which was only storage. I proceeded.

      This room had three teachers trying to stop me inside. They were maneuvering around a pile of boxes.

      "Is there somebody you need to see?" One of them asked, still trying to get to me.
      "Nope," I pushed past them.

      I now came into a similar, but larger room. It had large windows for me to jump through, but before I could reach them I awoke suddenly, too awake to DEILD, but I felt satisfied.
    2. 50th Shared dreaming attempt-Francis148's dream

      by , 01-01-2012 at 05:00 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Francis148's Dream

      I was in school and its was raining.We were getting inside the school building when i find that i left my school bag outside.I searched for it but i didn't find.I head for my classroom.I don't know how my uniforms got dirty.
      Now i lost my classroom and i find i have a exam to give.somehow i managed to reach the exam hall and i found that i haven't bought drawing sheets and color(painting exam).I was thinking they usually provide drawing sheets.I asked one of my classmates if they have extra.He gave me but sheet was of no use.
    3. 1st Shared Dreaming Experiment - BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 01-01-2012 at 04:33 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      (Sorry for the late post, busy day today.)

      I was roaming my school doing some sort of shenanigans with a friend of mine, and the school was empty. We weren't supposed to be wandering around. It reminds me of the the newer Harry Potter films, when students are often found wandering around corridors and have a distinct lack of classes. I couldn't tell if class was in session or if the school was just deserted; but there were no staff or students around. The only other person I met in the dream was an old man, perhaps fifty years of age, and of African decent, on a single empty school bus. He didn't seem to care my friend and I were snooping all over the place, and eventually he transported us to a foresty neighborhood. There was some more to the dream, I remember standing on a flat, white roof and feeling overall impressive.

      I had another dream in the early morning, I was part of some sort of group of people around my age, give or take a couple years, probably a range of around 13-16. It was at night in a pine forest, I think.
    4. 44th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-18-2011 at 11:15 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      I did 2 WBTB's last night before i started dreaming...

      high school, laundry tennis, football star?

      no dream recall for me yesterday but this one started, i was playing tennis in an indoor tennis court and there was laundry piled up infront of the net on my side..in baskets folded, and just piles...i was playing doubles with sherlock holmes brother from the new movie which i saw yesterday, the other side of the net was some high school tennis star guy, and some teacher looking older guy, dont know who he is... and the racket i was using was exteremely heavy... i kept trying to serve and either miss the ball, throw it too hgih or off center, or hit it practically sideways...the guy i was playing with, holmes brother talked constantly, i dont know about what, dotn remember, i wanted my own racket, so idecided to go find it..then everyone disappeared and i walked into what looked like a locker room. offices looking for my racket, i ran into some woman and she said, you need to, your shed has it, up...um ok.....so i followed her out of the area i was in and she went around a corner and vanished, i followed around the corner and found a stairwell going up, and it was very dark..all of a sudden i was 3/4 of the way up the stairs and the woman i just saw was now coming up the stairs behind me..there were lights buitl into the wall on he right and she was turning them on and off as she passed by them....so i followed along ad did the same until i got upstairs, then i came out into the hallway of what looked like my old high school.....there were people sitting inthe hall, leaning against lockers etc..and a guy that looked like a football player, he had a weird jersey on who was puking his brains out ansd everyone kept asking if he was ok...allof a suddeni'm walking out onthe football feild in full uniform and pads and was trying out for the team..as nose tackle...i manage to tackle the qb guy, who was previously puking his brains out, and when he gts up, he starts puking agian..green glowing puke this time says i'm alright, really, and collapses and starts convulsing...everyone runs to him and i turn around, and now my nephew is qb and we're lining up tu run a play but now theres a wall between us with a doorless doorway in the middle, and i can see my nephew through the doorway.....i walk off the field and into another building and my cellphone rings, a guy asks about office supplies..and i tell him, you called my high school, not office place..uh..ok... suddenyl i'm in my shed in the backyard and theres like 30 or 40 empty light sockets of all shapes and sizes, but the shed is brightly lit somehow... i started trying, first, climb a ladder, it seems i forgot how, then when i figured it out, trying to fit a big box of lightbulbs that suddenly appeared into their proper sockets, all the while a radio was playing somewhere interviewing wil smith and the dj kept calling him "da freash prince" "the world misses da prince" and every time wil starts trying to talk the dj interrupts and says somethng about "da prince) odd... so i walk out of the shed, and theres a car next to my shed with the hood open and a guy rolling on the ground with blood squirting everywhere so i run over and grab his upper left arm where the blood seems to be coming from and the bleeding stops, i help him up and we walk over to a 5 story building that is now in my front yard ...0_o... we walk inside and go into what looks like a schools front office and get in line...the guy looks at me and says "might as well open my casket" and i look at him and say "I guess thats what i suppose, canadian high school" woke up...

      dream fragment.....group of people...large hawk...

      just a dream fragment, i was standing in a large group of people and there was a lady standing next to me with a full arms length leather glove and a large falcon or hawk, not sure which, standing on her hand...and the hawk or falcon, kept trying to jump on me, i would try to catch it, but everytime i felt its talons sinking into my arm i would toss it up in the air and it would land back on her hand, then shed toss it back at me..over and over...she said "they used to wear hoods for calm down" woke up...
    5. 41st Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 12-11-2011 at 05:34 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      I was at school, and everyone was gathered in the cafeteria. There were criminals holding the school for ransom. It was gloomy outside, dark rainclouds were gathered above the school, but withholding their rain.

      At some point a layer of roof slid away, revealing another identical layer, but with a bomb attached to it. Somehow, I went up to the ceiling twenty feet above me to examine it. Nobody cared. It was all black; even the wires. The actual bomb was just a black, rectangular box. I went back down. Still, nobody cared.

      One teacher that I vaguely remember seeing ever so often in the hallway approached me. I can't remember anything about them.

      He or she said something along the lines of, "Sneak outside, and alert a super-assassin-marine-with-amazing-skills about whats going on. And take these guns." He or she gave me five different types of guns. I noticed in them an SMG and a sniper longer than I was tall, for some reason decorated with desert camouflage. I managed to take them all, and casually went out the cafeteria door, carrying them with me. The marine-soldier-mabob was leaning against the corner of the cafeteria, equally casually. He was also, for some reason, wearing desert camo. I helped him get his gear on, and as I was doing this, I realized with amusement that the sniper was taller than him, too. I wondered why he would need a sniper.

      Once we were done with that, he went back in. I Took shelter behind a random pile of rubble I found. I saw students and administrators looking through the window at me with confusion. I gestured for them to be quiet. After a while, the door opened, and the criminals, I saw, were put into potato sacks, two to a bag, and had to hop out with the marine thingamadoodad. They still didn't seem to care, and were glad to hop out. Then everybody lived happily ever after, the end.
    6. 32nd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Mayatara's Dream

      by , 09-17-2011 at 10:22 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Mayatara's Dream

      Thai guy
      Even before falling asleep, an hipnagogic experience: some guy is talking to me in thai. After a while of listening to him, I realized I was starting to dream and got back to waking state and wondered: 1) how the hell I knew he was speaking thai? 2) why the hell I seemed to be understanding perfectly well what he was saying to me?

      Sequence of absurdities
      I'm looking for Nighthawk and while I'm at it, I go through a sequence of bizarre dreams.
      At some point I enter a building looking for the WC and someone guides me to the elevator, which doubles as WC. Once I get inside and sit on the toilet, the elevator goes up and once I'm done and flush the toilet, the elevator goes down again. I find that bizarre, but don't become lucid.
      Once I open the door of the elevator, I watch some aliens coming out from a secret door across the corridor. They have a strange shape, like elongated bells, with no clear head. They move slowly and don't emit any sound. I wasn't supposed to have seen them. Some men in black appear out of nowhere with a needle to stick on my neck and in a millisecond I realize I'll be unconscious and probably dead if I don't act fast. So I offer all my resistance. The needle guy is able to stick it 1 or 2 millimeters in my skin, but I fight back, steal the needle and stick it on him. Then I run as fast as I can. I find a door to the outside but unfortunately it leads me to a dead end, an internal patio with high walls around that don't seem to end.
      I fly upwards and find a kind of balcony where I land. The problem now is that there is a creature, half-dog half-bear, growling at me, ready to bite me. I just have time to fly again upwards, narrowly escaping its teeth. The walls continue, but finally I find another balcony. This one seems nice, with pots with plants, no wild animals in sight. Then I hear some voices... On the pots are talking carrots, with faces! They are commenting about my strange appearance and I think to myself "I am strange??? You're carrots and you talk!!" Stupidly, again, I don't become lucid.
      I keep going through the dream world and finally arrive at the place I think I was heading to from the beginning. It kinda looks like a school. I see Zilla and Gil and a few other familiar faces and they seem busy preparing Xmas cards and decorations. I wonder why. I ask Zilla if she saw Nighthawk and she says no, but asks me to stay and help them. I stay for a while just because I'm curious about what they are doing. They have little plastic reindeer's figurines and they are adding some props to the figurines. I decide this is so damn boring and keep on moving.
      A couple of bullies blocks my path for no apparent reason and I "kung-fu" them, throwing them down some stairs. One of them gets really hurt, with a broken leg or something and I feel sorry for him, but I show no remorse, or they might think I'm soft.
      Then I meet some guy I supposedly know and I ask him if he saw Nighthawk. He tells me he did see him on some wedding of a friend, where he had also been a guest. But that had been hours ago and he didn't know his current location.
      I'm about to give up. It's getting late and it's becoming dark. I see a bunch of people going to some nearby viewpoint over a valley and I decide to go see what's the reason for their excitement. That's when it starts the most amazing firework and I just stay there alone in the crowd, watching it melancholic.

      [comment: I should have been looking for Whiterain and WakingNomad instead, but I fucked it up]
    7. 29th shared dreaming attempt- whiterains dream

      by , 09-10-2011 at 06:54 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      whiterains dream

      very sketchy memory of a long holiday/festival dream last night due to tiredness. mostly spent pottering about randomly going round a mix of shops, partys and things. some of it resembled my old school which had a little surgery/docs set up in one corner. i pushed a trolley and a nurse told me it had a baby in it so i asked where the best place to leave it was. cant really write much else but the holiday location was really similar to how it often is. especially the shops and town. i remember it ended as i was walking through a farm field anad a lady was talking about the veg and the last thing she said was about the sweetcorn. she said all they needed was a bit of rain and the sweetcorn would live up to its name.

      holiday theme really common now. last last nights one was spent missing group events and wandering around on my own trying to go snorkeling in this river with a girl i liked. almost another goal made. the river is always partly the same but this time was deeper and more tropical with a little waterfall on it and plunge pools. nearly always in a similar location to other places even if the other places change if that makes any sense
    8. 26th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Ahsaka

      by , 09-03-2011 at 01:53 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Ahsaka's Dreams

      Dream 1: I attended the funeral of my uncle. I forgot to bring something to eat for the gathering after the funeral. I went to a place that is supposed to give away free food. I stood in line for a long time, ignored. Frustrated, I slammed my hands on the counter and started yelling at the workers behind it. One big guy yelled back. We argued for a very long time.
      The arguing was getting me no where. I calmed and explained my situation. They all laughed when I told them my uncle died. I became enraged again but before I could begin yelling a young woman with dark, empathetic eyes took me by the arm and lead me to a seat. She assured me that she will help me when she is done with her current customer. She handed me a book to read. It was a travel magazine about Egypt. I sat it aside for a few seconds as I took the time to simply breathe and to calm my racing mind.
      Once calm I took up the travel magazine and began flipping through it. I found the images of pyramids very intriguing. They were almost 3-D. I forgot about the funeral and the food.

      Dream 2: I was driving to school, the client folder project was due at 9am sharp. I had to hurry but every single traffic light I hit was red. And every single red traffic light blinked in a sequence that reminded me of Morse Code. I was too anxious and frustrated to even bother to remember the blink pattern. I was only worried about getting the project submitted on time.

      Hope i submitted this correctly
    9. 23rd shared dreaming attempt - whiterains dream

      by , 08-27-2011 at 03:13 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Whiterains dream

      pretty interesting long dream last night that brought together quite a few different locations into the same dream. the whole feel of it was like being at some kind of summer camp and it contained parts of my local park, lake and river, and also parts of my old schools and university.

      i remember people swimming and diving in the river which was alot deeper than normal. there was also this central pool which was similar to the one i have in about 90% of dreams these days. sometimes it seeme to be a portal, others it just seems like a central focus for the dream and often dreams will end with me heading there for a swim.

      the earliest school part i remember is just being in some kind of concert. for some reason i was in charge of the organ although i had no clue what to do. it seemed no one else knew what they were doing either which made it easy to just fuck it off and say something like i dont know what you expected me to do anyway?

      after this there was some kind of demonstration/exhibition being put on outside my old village hall/football club. some how i got in trouble for having weed or something and kind of got semi arrested. i sort of talked my way out of it somehow but still remained kind of a fugitive for the rest of the dream.

      there were a couple of moments of lucidity but the dream plot was so strong that for the most part i just went along with it. i remember being in a pub and there were lads round who seemed to think i owed them something as if they had helped me to escape the police or something. there was a vague threat of chopping fingers off but i never felt at risk at all in any part of the dream.

      this old school assistant mrs carter was there and she was kind of trying to act like she had not grassed on my grass. also there were some football commentators who were like 'well its only a bit of weed i dont really se the big deal'. it was nice to have a dream where basically most people are on your side against the police for once.

      the rest of the dream was mostly about going round the school/uni/camp thing looking for girls. i remember going into this toilet cubicle with 2 girls but instantly getting caught because the cubicles were tiny. one of the last things i remember was being back near these same cubicles later and about to go off with one girl when another one says 'why dont you kiss me first' so i do and i think this is where i wake up.

      just remembered that i was visualising previous local dream locations before going to sleep so dream incubation has really worked this time. was really great to go between so many variations of real places
    10. 20th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Aeolar's Dream

      by , 08-20-2011 at 04:55 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Aeolar's Dream

      I am with this kid named "Old Mike", with whom I have had really good connections with recently. We were watching football, outside for some reason, and Mike began to be surprised. He was recognizing certain people in the game, although he had no previous knowledge of them, and at one point he said that he could almost see himself throwing the ball in the game. I told him to try it, and he said he did it. I was impressed. I guess I just decided to go to sleep on the ground outside, and what felt like soon after, Mike woke me up and told me "30 seconds" which instantly I knew that we were leaving. Mike went inside, and I waited outside for a while. I went inside, wondering what was taking him, and Mike was standing in the staircase, staring at nothing.
      "What are you doing?" I asked him.
      "I had just tuned in to a talent show where a man was hypnotizing people. It was one of my top 10 shows." He replied.
      We then went outside, and got into the car. Mike then turned into my Dad, and we pulled out of the driveway and turned right. Instantly we were on a highway, and Dad was commenting, saying that
      "The I-8 lower is much less crowded, because almost everyone uses the I-8 higher." The higher was up in the air. We took a wide left turn, and I saw these huge concrete barriers in the road, dividing the lanes into sections for individual cars. I thought that they looked similar to the start of a pinball game, but Dad thought that they looked like the escalators in Modern Warfare 2. We got into the far right lane, barely, and the highway sloped down at about a 50 degree angle. We drove down it extremely fast, but when we got to the second part, there was a chain in the middle that we didn't see until it was too late. There was a sign on the chain that said "Do not Exit/Enter" and when we hit the chain, it seemed only to hit our bodies, and at the speed we were going, the chain was pulled backwards like a rubber band, and then turned the car a little, but we were safe. We both were happy that the car was OK, and we stopped at this large commerce area. We got out of the car, and start walking to this set of stairs. Dad is walking rather quickly and is ahead of me, and walks up the stairs.

      Suddenly, I see 2 special ops soldiers run after him. I knew that they had thought that there was a security breach, and that terrorists were inside. I noticed a man to my left with a bone mic in his right ear, and his finger in his ear giving orders, and saw that he was of importance. As we were walking, I spoke up.
      "We're not terrorists." I said,
      To which the man replied, "What?"
      I repeated myself. "We're not terrorists. It was just me and my Dad. We took a wrong turn."
      The man does the :O face, and repeats what I just said into the mic. I see Dad turn a corner, and he tells me that we're leaving. We are going into town. I think to myself, "Whatever" and get into the car. When we get to town, we stop in an art gallery. I noticed that a painting called "The Great War" wasn't there. Dream fades.
      I am in a town similar to Nuketown in CoD, and there is another boy there. This boy had found the secret to either unlimited chicken or candy, maybe both. (LMAO! xD) Either way, I am trying to steal it from his backpack without him noticing. The boy is lying down, watching the middle of the street. I sneak around the right, and eventually make it into his bag. I see a birds eye view of him getting up and walking over to where I am, nonchalantly. I eat as much candy/chicken as possible, and cover up the stuff I pulled out of his bag. He sees me and his eyes brighten. He has blonde hair and looks like little Christian.
      "Hey! What's up?"
      I'm stunned, and before I could sputter something out, the boy turns around after grabbing his bag, and walks into a house that was behind him. I follow him, and inside I see Bri and Heidi. They are talking about something, I can't remember what. I do remember Bri saying,
      "Heidi, will you please stfu?" I was surprised because she usually never says that. Then, we start talking about Piano and begin walking to the door. I turn around, and see an open doorway that is covered with large crystals that act as a "door", and a woman with long brown hair, standing there, tapping individual crystals with her hands, and the result are beautiful noises. For some reason I thought this was another form of piano, and I asked her,
      "How do you know to play?"
      "What I'm playing is easy. The actual song I'm playing off of has tempo and beats, but I just play the notes rapidly, and it sounds good enough." She replies.
      Fragment: I am in a huge grass field, with a giant hill in the background. I am talking to 3 other people, telepathically maybe. There was also a lighthouse.
      I am at school, and I am talking to Adriana. It's the first day of school, and I forgot my ID card. Adriana thinks that I'm gonna get a detention for that. I don't stress it. A teacher comes up, and asks how we're doing. I say that
      "I'm doing fine, I was able to sleep in today. I was able to just roll over and pass out when I woke up the first time."
      "What time do you usually get up?" She asks quizzically.
      "Around 6:00 AM." I reply.
      "That's the island for ya."
      She walks away, and this cute brown/black haired girl walks up to us. She's really attractive; her hair is cut medium-length, almost a bowl cut. She starts teasing me, poking me and stuff. I bear hug her, and try to take her down, but I end up taking myself down first. I land on the asphalt in this parking lot area, and she lands on top of me. Adrianna comments sarcastically,
      "You know your masculine when you can't take a girl down."
      I roll over and get up quickly, and she's still on the ground. I boast,
      "Masculine? I'll show you masculine!"
      I pick her up from her back and legs and hold her close to me. I let her down slowly onto the nearby curb, and we laugh and look into each others eyes. Wow, are we in love. I look to my right, and see Jose over on the sidewalk. I motion over to him, and he comes. We talk for a while, and he & I throw stuff at each other and mess around until the dream fades.
      I am on an island in Hawaii. I am on the coast, and I can see two other islands nearby. There are people with me, but that's not the point. As I am looking at these islands, I see typhoons form on the water, two of them, each moving toward different islands. The first one moves to the right, and makes destruction in the rainforests, ripping out plant and wildlife. The second one goes to the left, and when it hits land, I see huge trucks fly out into the Pacific, with boats attached to them. Then, I see all the power go out on the left island. I pray that the typhoons don't hit us too. Dream skip. I am at the beach, and I am awestruck by how deep the ocean is.
      I am a hostage, and I am in this cargo bay, which is on the water. I am trying to escape, but to no avail. There are Indian Pirates all over. I know that my family is also being kept hostage, and my aim is to rescue them.

      Updated 08-20-2011 at 09:36 PM by 47208

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 15th shared dreaming attemp - Alpha502's dream

      by , 08-07-2011 at 10:10 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Alpha502's dream

      I was riding in a car, and I had a small gun. I shot at random objects, like other cars.The bullets didn't do any damage though. I arrived at a school, and I had to fix the lockers for some strange reason.

      A few other kids there were staring at me, and I walked over to them. I said "Ghost", and I have no idea what that is. I think it's a secret group.
      They pulled me away, and I ended up in a small room at the top of a tower.

      -lapse in memory-

      There was a go-kart race going on, everyone looked different and had a special ability. I looked like I was wearing an astronaut suit. The only other person I could remember had a black formula-one racer.

      There was a tiny robot thing riding in the kart, and it could change shape because it was made of nanites.

      Me and a few other people got way ahead, so we were waiting on a bridge for the other racers. I saw them and screamed, then jumped onto the ground. My go-kart formed around me, and I drove away.

      -lapse in memory-

      It was nighttime, and I was standing near the bridge from before. My robot turned into a missile and launched at a bird. It missed.

      I woke up after this.

      Updated 08-07-2011 at 11:24 PM by 26034
