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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Uphill Sex

      by , 03-22-2011 at 10:06 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am riding in my friend, Sara’s (not her real name) car to a Full Moon Drum Circle on top of mountain.

      Spoiler for Graphic Erotica:
      Tags: sex
    2. Werewolf lucid

      by , 01-16-2011 at 05:26 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am in a large hallway connecting a lab to a house. I am a scientist in a white lab coat. I am in a video game.

      I am supposed to be able to web-sling. I practice with a black web thread which is balled up in one hand. It works, but I hover more than swing. I stop trying to web sling. I spin a short amount of web thread in front of me like a propeller. I move forward slowly, hovering about two feet above the floor. I then realize I must be dreaming.
      I play around with the web for awhile, combining swinging with hovering. I go into the next room. In an old dirty living room, I see Brennen and Kalani sitting on the carpet doing homework or something. "HEY GUYS!" I shout, "DUDES, WE ARE DREAMING!" Brennen smiles broadly, and Kalani shrugs. They continue doing what they are doing. I focus on Kalani. "Listen man, we are dreaming. This is a dream."

      "So what? It doesn't matter."

      "But, we can do anything we want in a dream!"

      "No, we can't."

      Kalani grows light grey fur on his feet and hands. His eyes become completely blood red.

      "Look, you are turning into a wolf, because this is a dream. Why don't we go outside and look at the Moon?"

      Kalani grins, and I see his teeth are now canine. We go outside in the backyard. I feel part man and part wolf. I walk on all fours. I feel like I have a man mind in a wolf body. There is no fence between this yard and the next. I can hear other wolves growling in the tall grass. My heart races. I am afraid they may attack me, forgetting my wolf-ness for a second, then I remember I am one of them. I growl back, and grow larger. A couple wolves reveal themselves in the grass, then turn away. They have acknowledged I am one of their own.

      I see a large black wild boar rustling in a bush, digging for food. I assume it's another dreamer. I wonder who it is. Then a white animal bumps up against me. At first I think it's a wolf, then I realize it's a kid, a young goat. I playfully push on its head. I bump its eye, and say, "Oh sorry!" I check its eye. It's fine. I play with the kid more.

      A woman comes out of the house and tells me not to play with the kid. I say in the dream and in waking life, "No, I can do whatever I want. I'm dreaming."

      The sound of my own loud voice talking in my sleep wakes me up. I want to re-enter the dream, but I have to use the bathroom, and I don't want to forget, since I haven't had a regular lucid for about a month, so I get up to use the bathroom, and write the dream down.
    3. Ark of the Covenant

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:49 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I float up out of my car. I look at myself. Why am I sleeping in my car? Fuck it. I have shit to do. Meet Raven on the Moon... and what...? Indiana Jones?... shit...

      An army of Templars float down on winged beasts. I ignore them, and create a portal. My fly pods open, and swarms of flies attack their eyeballs, munching on them.

      I open a portal to the Moon, and fly through. The Templars follow me through the wormhole. The Wormhole Wyrm battles them. I turn and shoot bolts of red energy at them. I fly out the portal landing on the Moon.

      Moon dust kicks up. Raven is standing above me. She helps me up. “I thought we terraformed the Moon.”

      “We did, Nomad. This grey moon is the illusion. We put this here to protect The Green Moon. Don’t you remember?”

      “No. Yes. What are we supposed to do?”

      “Open the Ark of the Covenant.”


      Raven and I are just outside the Biodome, which zap-teleports them away from us as they come through the portal. Raven rolls her eyes at the Templars, and makes a portal. We step through.

      We are in a large cold cave. It reminds me of the ice cave I would play in with Selene and MoSh in dreams when we were children. I shiver. Raven laughs at me, and tells me it’s a dream.

      “I don’t give a shit, it’s cold.” I summon up a big furry jacket.

      “Nomad, are you lucid?”

      “No. Look up ahead!”

      Raven puts her hands on her hips. “Nomad, look at your nose, pinch your hands or something!”

      I look past Raven into a large cavern. There are bunch of Nazis and Templars standing in a circular formation around a large golden box. Indiana Jones and the chick in the movie are tied to a stake. The creepy dude is about to open the ark. I put on my cowboy hat, and bust out my chain whip. “Nomad, that’s a lame copy of Indiana Jones.”

      I sing the theme song in her face, and gently push her aside. I shoot my whip around a stalactite, and yank on it. I grab Raven around the waist to swing her with me to the ark, and she pushes my arm off, annoyed. “Nomad, I can fly, thank you very much!”

      “Wait! Look! The Ark!”

      I swing out over the people, and the creepy guy reaches for the ark. “Screw this!” I teleport in front of him, and push him aside. I reach for the ark.

      “Nomad! Wait. We have to do it together.”

      “Oh, right.” Raven teleports next to me. The ark hums and glows. I feel excited, but a little afraid... especially when golden snake carvings slither up the ark, then the two of them stare at me, one with ruby eyes, the other with emeralds. “We are DNA! We are the caduceus! We are the Tree of Life! And now, you will die!”

      The snakes strike at me, and I slow time. Raven and I cut their heads off. They die and become flesh. I grab one and bite it. Raven asks me why I did that. “For its power.”

      “What does it taste like?”

      “Gross raw fish or raw chicken? Yuck.”

      “Ok, weirdo. Let’s open this!”

      Raven and I grab the lid together, and open the ark. A scream of a thousand souls vibrates my skull, and pierces my brain. The shrieking vibrates the cave itself. Spirits pour out of the ark, flying madly about. The Templars and Nazis melt. Raven and I begin absorbing the souls.

      Diverge #1
      We become two great bulbous chimeras... strange slimy wraiths.

      We are on the Moon somehow.

      We laugh and explode. Dark energy goes everywhere like black oil. It’s gross. We go back to original forms, and burn up the dark energy ectoplasm with violet flame.

      Diverge #2
      “Nate?” Angel is standing at the entrance to the cave. Raven nods to her, smiling madly as she fills up with the ghosts. “OMIGOD NATE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

      “I am absorbing these ghosts. It’s okay.”

      Angel roars at me, and morphs into Angelwitch. She flies into the sky outside the entrance to the cavern, and summons lightning into her staff. She channels it to us, and puts the ghosts into the ground.

      Gifts of the Shark

      I am in the Biodome by the koi pond with Raven. She is staring at the fish. She looks sad. “Raven, you okay?”

      “Sorry I didn’t help you in that last dream when you were being attacked.”

      “By that shark guy.”

      “He’s my friend. Wait. what are we talking about?”

      “In that weird nightclub you like to go to with MoSh. That fucking shark bit you in half. I knew you wouldn’t remember.”

      “I am confused.”

      “It’s okay, it was just a dream. Anyway,” she says, smiling brightly, “he gave you this, because you ate him in the next dream.” It’s a strange device that looks like red steel swim shorts with a rocket that straps to your back. I put it on and zoom around, swimming in flight.

      I land next to Raven.

      “He said it’s supposed to help you swim faster, in waking life.”

      “Are you serious?”

      “I am. I don’t know if he is.”

      “Also, this.”

      Raven gives me a pendant carved from a huge shark tooth. On it is a carving of a vampire dolphin holding a knife and fork. I put it on. A strange pale shield forms around me, and I smell something like the ocean.

      “This is to protect you from sharks, in waking life.”


      “And, this...”

      Raven hands me a tiny greenish yellow gem in the shape of a rhombus. “And this...”
      It floats up out of her hand, and it sticks to my forehead. My perception is altered. She sounds far away. “...will help you communicate with sharks, and all animals in dream and waking life.”

      I close my eyes, and stare up and cross-eyed into my third eye. I stare at the world through the crystal. I see the Selenite.

      “Nomad? Nomad? You okay?”

      MoSh comes out of a portal, and lands in front of me. He looks like.... a green crystal?

      Everything is so bright and sparkly. I acutely sense the aliveness of everything. I open my eyes.
      “Whoah!” MoSh stumbles backwards. “You look like some crazy Hindu god, Nomad!”

      “Huh?” For some reason I feel extremely tired, and I fall asleep.
    4. Gross Nap Dream

      by , 01-03-2011 at 10:17 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I squeeze a pimple. A whitehead comes out like a worm. I grab it, and pull. It keeps coming out.

      Finally, my skin actually pulls away from my face, the whitehead is clinging so tight. I yank it off, and I see details of the inside of my pore, and a spot in the center where it seemed to be clinging like a parasite.


      Upon waking, I realized this fucker actually was a parasite. GROSS.
    5. Gun

      by , 12-27-2010 at 07:01 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)

      I am walking around with a tiny gun you can hide in your palm. It looks like a .22 cal or a 9 mil.

      I have a holster on my hip that is too big for the gun. I put a book in the holster to take up space.

      I look at the gun, take it out, and make sure the safety is on.
    6. The Takeover

      by , 12-13-2010 at 06:59 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am a young Hawaiian boy during WWII. American soldiers come, and begin altering our house into a base. I think they might kill me. We are afraid of the soldiers and run into the forest.

      the dream skips

      We are on a dirigible, being transported across the ocean. The blimp is full of war refugees, and rich White people going for a cruise.

      I am served some gross overcooked bean soup made from a can. I am used to eating only fresh food. There is some chili stuff also.

      They talk about a pool on the blimp.

      Everyone must swim! You Hawaiians, teach these people to swim. We are in for a long voyage. These fat asses need exercise. A fat White lady protests swimming. She says she doesn't know how. A soldier yells at her, telling her she has to get exercise, and swimming is the only way on this blimp. Plus, we are flying over the ocean, so she better know how to swim if we get shot down.

      People begin shouting about a UN convention protecting passenger aircraft, and the soldier says we need to be prepared for anything. These terrorists, they are animals.

      I see a missile coming for us. I see a strange flag on it: There is a gold slash diagonally across it. On the top half is a Chinese flag. The bottom is a mix of Canadian, American, and Mexican flag. There is also a tiny portion that is a flag for the New Government of Central America. There is a strange gremlin riding the missile. It has the flag of Brazil across it's face.

      I look at the pilot of the plane. He is an orc on in a leather jacket, leather helmet and goggles. "I'm a Russo-Americo-Jap, bitch!" he says to me. I am horrified. I pray to Kanaloa. The missile hits the balloon part of the blimp, then turns around. Before the missile hits the cabin, I leap through a window. I feel like my soul is leaping, out and my body is staying behind.

      Kanaloa is a great octopus. He thrusts his head out of the water, and grabs both my bodies, and pulls them down into the sea. He smashes them together.

      He pulls me into the depths. I see beachgirl swimming the other direction, and she waves at me. She's a mermaid.

      Suddenly, we are in his Great Chamber, and he speaks to me with his great THIRD EYE.

      My son. This is all real. Please understand. This is not a jumble of thoughts created by your mind. This is another reality in a parallel universe, similar, very similar to your own. You are living the life of another you. This happens in dreams, due to the dream plane touching and encompassing all reality. See, the physical planes are just bubbles inside the dream plane. Astral planes are bubbles around the physical ones.

      You see me now as Kanaloa, the god of the sea. In your Main World on Matter Earth, I exist in every squid and octopus in the sea. I am every cuttlefish, and every nautilus. The combined intelligence is my sentience. They are all my brain and my body. Beings such as I are called Manifestor-Inhabitors. Just as Lady Datura is every single datura plant on earth, I am every squid. We are all gods. You, He'e child are a god until yourself, and I am here. Every human is its own god unto itself. You have chosen the Matter World of Earth, or the Nightmare World, as We call it, to inhabit. You all have chosen to learn from the Way of Suffering.

      Why would we choose to suffer?

      You can learn by doing, by watching, by hearing, by playing, but only learning through Suffering may you become Compassionate. This is the true Essence of Justice. When you have suffered much, you may become a just god.

      Just? To who?

      To yourself. You are not to rule over weaker ones. That is weakness. You are not to rule over equals, because they would not allow it. And it is impossible to rule over ones stronger. Therefore you must become a god unto yourself, and completely rule over yourself. In order to do this, you must treat yourself with compassion, and justice. This is the ultimate government: The One-Man Theocracy.

      My mind is being blown. A god from another universe is telling me to become a god over myself.

      Kanaloa looks into my soul with his great right eye. I see many colors in his eye. It's beautiful and terrifying. He sees everything I ever have done, am doing, and will do.

      Darkness.... Light.... You have an even balance. But, evil you must not do. Evil is to harm others out of malice. Your crown chakra will guide your morality, and your third eye will reveal the path. Dark or light energy can be used for good or evil. The Templars of Urth use light energy for evil. The evil rulers of Earth are third eye blind. They believe Life is a Dream, which is true, but they believe their life is Their Dream, just like an Inner World Dream. They do not realize their Serial Dream is not an Inner World Dream, but a Shared Dream. Therefore, they look at others as Dream Characters, playthings to toy with, to rape and kill, and torture as they please.

      There are such Humans in the Dream Plane, invading dreams to rape and kill others' dream bodies. This must stop in order for your Race to vibrate up to Higher Planes of Awareness, Enlightenment. Lucidity is a type of enlightenment. As you are expanding, your enlightenment increases, as you are more and more aware of The Great Suffering. All beings in your planet are suffering. Your species makes everything around it suffer, including other humans. You are all infested with a dark energy parasite from Nevergawn that delights in the suffering of others. EVERYTHING YOU BUY IS CREATED BY THE SUFFERING OF OTHERS SOMEHOW. You cannot help being evil.

      The only way to be free is to be free. The only way to stop aiding in the suffering of others is to break free of the Network: The Money System. The purpose of Money is to control others. With money you can can tell people they do not deserve food, because you have it, and they don't. Grow your own food. Restore the aquaculture. Grown your own fish. Then no matter how much someone says you do not deserve food, you have it anyway.

    7. The Lovely Storm: A lucid dream

      by , 08-15-2010 at 05:40 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am at a party. There are half naked women making out. I find this a little odd, and annoying for some reason. I leave and go outside. I am a futuristic city.

      There are couple dressed oddly making out. One is a huge Samoan man in a green dress, and a little White woman. Air cars fly by... some strange alien creature hops past and grins at me...

      Okay... Am I dreaming?

      I pinch my nose shut, yet I can breathe. I am dreaming.

      Of course I am dreaming! Of course I am dreaming! I fly up into the sky. I am above the ocean. Hmm... what should I do next? Aha! I am going to fly to Angel and visit her in a dream! I fly toward the horizon. There is a beautiful storm cloud about to rain in front of me, lit up by the setting sun. It is amazingly detailed, orange, blue, grey, white, pink... Wait, I am flying west. I should be flying east to her in Florida. Okay...

      I turn around and fly the other way. The storm is in front of me. DOH. This storm is in my way!

      I look up. I see a hole in the sky forming above me. Oh, right, well, nothing between me and the Moon. I'll fly there and see if I can meet Raven. No, not fly. That will take too long. I can teleport. I can teleport! Right. I can teleport to Angel. I close my eyes and think of my girlfriend. I open them.

      I am in bed. Awake. DOH!
      Tags: angel, moon, phail, raven
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. Incubated Sex Dreams

      by , 08-08-2010 at 06:12 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      So... I incubated a sex dream. I had two which I will not go into detail about.


    9. I love Europeans!

      by , 08-03-2010 at 06:00 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)

      This was a very long dream, but I only remember fragments.

      Being in a ski lift...

      riding a gondola through a huge valley...

      I shout, "I LOVE EUROPEANS!"

      Angel is with me...

    10. Dream within a Dream: Planet Thorax

      by , 08-01-2010 at 06:17 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I fall asleep in a video game. I wake up at a computer. The computer somehow looks like it evolved from an insect, as did everything... I was a kind of bee-man. I walked out of the room. Other bee people greeted me. There were glowing yellow circles in the floor, and other circles glowing... red.. green... I flew through the wall, and saw a room of all red.. and... a room of all green...

      The colors were gorgeous, yet, simple.. I suddenly felt claustrophobic. I flew through the crust to the surface of the planet, through an ocean filled with life, and flew into the sky.

      Raven was flying by on a swan. She looked like an Egyptian Heiroglyph. I felt like my brain was melting.

      The whole dream melted and melted. I felt like I was going insane. That's when I remember I smoked salvia.

      WTF. WHERE AM I. BACK IN THE BIODOME? weird man weird
    11. hide the bong

      by , 07-29-2010 at 06:13 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)


      grandma's house


      hide the bong
    12. F**K You, Onion Eyes!

      by , 07-27-2010 at 05:02 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)


      park, waves, football

      bus stop

      creepy albino eyes



      staring through a silvery wormhole

      Moon on the other side
    13. da bong

      by , 07-15-2010 at 03:49 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am in a cluttered house in what feels like the 80's. I am smoking some grass out of a little bong. My dad is in the room, but we are separated by a large bookcase, and other furniture.

      The smoke drifts over to him. Some of the furniture disappears as I ignore it, and focus on my father and the smoke. Damn! He gets up from the recliner he was in. He walks over to me. No time to hide the bong. Hopefully he won't see it.

      He asks me a bunch of questions. I pretend to be half-asleep. Hopefully he'll go away.

      I wake up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Task of the Month: Make a Log Squirt Blood

      by , 07-13-2010 at 05:36 AM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I am in a forest in the Northwestern U.S. I am sawing my arm, but it turns into a log. A huge arm-log. I saw the log. The log squirts blood. 'HAHAHA I DID THE TASK OF THE MONTH. I MADE A LOG SQUIRT BLOOD!' HAHAHAHA I WIN. I AM THE MOST ADVANCED LUCID DREAMER ON THE PLANET.

      Absinthe, The Green Fairy appears. "You idiot. You just drank some absinthe at the Club Nexus. Don't you remember. This is a hallucination in a dream."

      "I am DREEEEEEEEEEEEEAMING!" I scream. I fly into the sky, and make the clouds turn into ice cream. I eat the ice cream with a bunch of cows. It feels weird. Not the ice cream, but eating it with flying cows.

      The cows have a weird sky game of a sport like football using cowpies. Monkeys ride on the cows' backs, trying to fling poo into a goal.

      I start laughing my ass off, and rolling around in the sky.

      I wake up in the Biodome, and hit myself in the head.
    15. Choking Out the Scot

      by , 07-12-2010 at 06:15 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      abridged, non-lucid, frag

      Playing a coin-op racer, this Scot challenges me. I start to kick his ass in the game. He grabs my arm and won't let go. I tell him let go, and play the damn game.

      He squeezes my upper arm even harder.

      I get behind him and put him in a full-naked choke and squeeze. He doesn't struggle for some weird reason.

      I am completely enraged.

      The alarm goes off.


      Puts me in a bad mood.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
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