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    1. Toy Earth Movers on Mattress

      by , 01-20-2017 at 07:20 AM
      Morning of January 20, 2017. Friday.

      I am in kind of a groggy state within the dream state though I am clearly aware that I am in our bed, though my head is in the opposite direction as to how we sleep in reality. I am on my left side facing south. Near my head is what I perceive to be some sort of writings relating possibly to educational tasks and scholastic writing.

      Near the center of our bed, where I see our mattress has no sheet over it, are a couple toy earth movers. It seems they may actually be down in the mattress a little bit (possibly due to a tear in the mattress material) but the toys do not move on their own at any point. I do not move much and I am aware that Zsuzsanna is standing near our bed.

      Astoundingly, this very basic dream sign inclusive of a dreaming metaphor (directly and redundantly symbolic of exploring the unconscious or sorting through memories while asleep) has never happened in this particular way to my knowledge. The journal and writing is probably more so related to my dream journal.
