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    Superstition is for the Birds

    by , 12-07-2017 at 02:17 PM (384 Views)
    Morning December 7, 2017. Thursday.

    With water induction, I find myself walking over a walkway made up of boards of various lengths. It is also implied to be a road (or low-set bridge) for cars (though only one passes from the opposite direction at times to where I move out of the way a short distance), over water (either the ocean or a large lake), though I remain unsure of the location. Walking with me to my immediate left is an unknown male in his late twenties. He reminds me of an otherwise younger John Leguizamo (though I seem to be much younger as well).

    “Be careful, it’s a pigeon,” he tells me. A mostly black pigeon walks across the walkway, perpendicular to us, and from my left to my right. John’s spoken statement causes me to become a bit more aware, but I do not understand the relevance.

    Looking at him, his face seems to remain frozen, with an annoying grin. “Is it now?” I say, but he does not respond.

    I am trying to grasp the situation when I realize that it has something to do with “not letting a pigeon cross your path”, though this is otherwise distorted from the nonsensical “black cat” superstition.

    Looking at him again, his face is in a different annoying expression, also somewhat like a grin.

    I decide to “not let the pigeon cross my path” by turning right and following the pigeon, as it had apparently stopped and is walking slowly. Still, this will lead me off the side of the walkway if I continue. Instead, I find myself walking on my bed. There is a strange falling sensation as if my body was not fully perceived. I am concerned that I fell atop Zsuzsanna, but this is only a false awakening.

    Decoding template follows:

    • Dream type and explanation: This dream uses “return flight waking symbolism”, which is created when the physicality of the conscious self identity is ambiguously perceived prior to the RAS (reticular activating system) neural gating that regulates the sleep-wake transition. Consequently, the dream self identity subliminally anticipates falling, rising, sustained flight, or other illusory movement based on the misperception of the vestibular system’s equilibrium dynamics.
    • Dream state induction type: Water (most common, at least once per sleeping period).
    • Dream state indicators: The bed (in the false awakening).
    • Liminal space symbol: The walkway over the water and the false awakening setting.
    • Preconscious factor: John Leguizamo.
    • Liminal space cessation trigger: Contemplating illusory nonsense while in the dream state itself (yet not realizing it).
    • Flight symbol to dream exit point (symbolic waking transition): The pigeon as “returning” me to my bed, symbolized in my dream by the false awakening. (Typically, the preconscious points out this dream feature as such, which here, I become annoyed at, probably out of liminal dream state awareness in not wanting to wake yet.)
    • Liminal dream control seems to be a partial element, evidenced by my “freezing” (and sustaining) of the preconscious and implementing my own focus of choice, even though it otherwise manifests my false awakening into the offset dream.
    • “And they try to pigeon hole in you in hollywouldnt but dont u let them!” - John Leguizamo.

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    Updated 05-05-2018 at 10:48 AM by 1390
