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    Nightmare Worms

    by , 02-17-2016 at 07:54 PM (641 Views)
    D1 - Class are drawing something, all the drawings are slightly different but all are wrong, red, blue pen is being used.
    Ed suggests he could help. I decide to redo lesson and take class back out on a trip to see the art they have been trying to replicate in the art gallery again. Whilst taking them I realise no way is there sufficient time to complete task, it is 2.30pm.
    I meet D in corridor she is smiley and helpful, but just makes me feel inaquedate and totally stupid.

    D2 - A load of old geezers are drinking in a bar, there is a large pitcher of whiskey which is being refilled. Some have hat and coats on. One looks like delboy out of only fools and horses. They are discussing someone, they don't rate. I have the feeling it is me. That I don't qualify as man enough for their liking.

    D3 - Someone is jogging through semi-woodland on a muddy track. They are having a conversation as he runs along, about how his coach has been so great and a fantastic rolemodel. And as I stand by the path, near some training bars, I get the feeling that I am excluded, as i am not a good rolemodel, or father or anything.

    D4 - We are at the last minute it seems again, trying to learn the lines for some performance. I try hopelessly to get the kids to remember their lines.
    Rob ever helpful, seems to have put me in a barrel and i'm in dark water out at sea.
    Next i'm on his boat in a small cabin, I can still sea the dark waters out the little rectangular windows.
    He shows me his parasitic worm collection, they are gigantic and very horrible. I try with all my intention to pull away as the worm comes towards my face. I imagine them inside me, eating me.
    He is upset about how his worms have not be breeding well, due to the dark wet weather and that the tanks have not been cleaned properly. Inside the wood in the cabin is slightly ornate, not unlike a coffin Oo.

    When I awake I am not scared but later remember the extreme sensation and fear.

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    1. Milly's Avatar
      That fourth dream is very picturesque, I can almost see it. It's got a touch of lovecraft too. Very interesting.
      Don't let your deam get you down There not such thing as not being man enough, only toxic arseholes.
      Nebulus likes this.
    2. Nebulus's Avatar
      Thank you ^^ its nice to know someone cares
      Milly likes this.