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    4,915 words... "Peak" LD in bold

    by , 05-24-2018 at 03:06 PM (330 Views)
    Getting off comp at 7:24pm..


    12:28 AM: I must have been asleep by 8-830 and slept until 12 so thats 3-4 hours so far.

    I am sure there was stuff even earlier that I forgot. Maybe even cool stuff!

    The earliest I could remember was a scene of driving with my sister in the back seat and a woman in the passenger seat. I don't know who the woman was. In a convertible, on kind of a busy road place.

    We were passing around an mp3 player, trying to figure out how it worked. There were little buttons and the one in the middle made it into an mp3. It had the same digital quality as an old school Tamagatchi or Gameboy (first gen). There was a headset jack adapter, wire thing, and an actual headset. The woman kept trying to throw it out the window. I would stop her, like, "What are you doing?!" And kept the mp3 player, I think.

    Then I pulled over on the shoulder, but on the left side of the road, near one store. I wanted to pull up this one way steep sloped driveway but I was on the exit side. I decided to pull through anyway, hoping no police officers were nearby. But it was such a busy place, it was likely there would be. I pulled up anyway, hoping for the best. "Don't! You'll damage the road!" Said my sister. 'Damage the road?' I thought to myself. 'If people don't damage the road going down it, I won't damage it going up it. And, doesn't she mean damage the car?' But I didn't say that.

    I pulled up the steep slope and all the spots to my right were full anyway. Slanted a certain way, I think mainly head-in. I don't know if it would have lined up. There was a guy with a cigarette hanging out his window so I rolled my windows up before any second hand smoke got in. It wasn't a convertible at this point.

    I had to keep pulling through because there were no spots. However I ended up using a bathroom. My sister was worried that I would get in trouble. Sure enough, a police officer came. There was something in my mind about how I would stay in the bathroom stall a moment, and that would help me not get in trouble.

    Standing over the toilet, trying to go, I heard the police officer come in. My sister was in there too, just not in the stall. I thought the police officer's name was P but I was thinking of S. Then I saw my sister looking at me through a gap in the wall. I don't think she meant to look at my private area, just meant to talk to me, but I was like, "Go away!" which I thought sounded mean right after. I was surprised there was such a gap in the wall too.

    I think I talked to the police officer a little. Not sure what else happened in that part. But then, I was in a restaurant accross the road. I forgot how that transition happened. Standing at the bar. I forgot originally why, since I don't drink. I remember thinking of Tom Cruise but he had a totally different face. And Kate something, but I don't think her appearance corresponded to any actual actress, either.

    I knew the bartender from a previous job (or some place). We talked. I said I worked at a restaurant accross the road, DRF's new place. He was surprised. He asked me something about where I lived. "What?" I asked, unable to hear. 'Oh, it must be my earplugs,' I thought, and felt bad.

    We talked some more and another waiter there also arrived, someone I seemed to know from a previous restaurant job. We talked some more and then the waiter held up a dirty napkin. He asked me to bring his table a new napkin or to bus his table, or something like that. I decided I would as a favor even though I didn't work there.

    I walked around the long way and found no way through the room, due to so many tables. I saw one heavy set fellow eating a plate of tomato slices and egg salad. It actually looked pretty good. I think F was his dad? And a woman was there, maybe his mother.

    Next thing I saw was some of my Dad's friends at a table. They had their food in a giant pile on the floor that I was supposed to clean up. I got ready to start working on it with a wheel barrow.

    Some other things happened. Somehow I made it through and saw a table of older ladies who needed their whole table replaced, due to a spill. During the dream scene, I remembered the spill happening earlier. I had one napkin to offer. The waiter of the table was saying sorry about everything. A glass of water had spilled but it had lemon so it made everything smell sour. The old women had forgotten what it was and the waiter had to explain how they were going to bring fresh water.

    I remember writing "fancy bread, fancy water" on a line of text beneath some other text I had written. I forgot if there was anything else. Pretty good first-round dream recall. I might have remembered another thing or two if I kept recalling but it would have ended in RBTS and likely forgetting, so I went to write a little sooner. Alot more dreams still to come tonight!


    4:09 AM - Now its 4:09 AM. I must have been unable to sleep until 3, so I'm at 4-5 hours of sleep now. It was really tough. I tried my LD/sleep meditation 3 times. Tried to do some physical activity. Talked out loud. It just took a while. It turned out to be a really cool REM rebound LD though, so I was glad I made it through the tough time. My dream director must have been putting in alot of overtime preparing all of these scenes, and the cast of dream figures, so he just needed a little extra time to get it all ready.

    My earliest memory was of being in my bed. My friend C was mad at me for how I was sleeping on his phone. I felt really embarrassed and bad about it. He didn't understand it was accidental.

    I wasn't lucid yet. When I got lucid was a little later. I saw my Dad but he looked sleepy or something. Forgot what happened there. Eventually I did a finger palm test and was so relieved it had all been just a dream. Because I felt so bad about the thing with C.

    Then the dream took me through this experience twice, identically. The first time it had other parts interspersed, or more at the end. The second time, it was just the one sequence of things. Unfortunately I couldn't remember all the details of the experience, even though it happened twice, identically. As it happened, I remember thinking, 'This is the exact same dream, twice. I'll definitely remember it when I wake up.' But did not. Now that I think of it, I think I remember a Blastoise.

    I remember that both times it ended, there was a kind of credits screen or something like that. Dark or black backgrounds. One had gold letters saying something like, "I'm not done yet" in big gold block letters. And other words I couldn't get. Some were written in mirror writing. One of the end-game screens said "Durza: 79" and I wondered why it didn't show my score. It said "____: 0" Where ____ was another name but I'm not sure whose.

    There was also a part of it that ended with me asking two dream figures (MD being one) how to put on clothes. There were all these clothing racks. I remembered that I had always wanted to change my clothes in a dream, so I tried it. I thought of asking "How do you change clothes in a dream" but kept it to just "How do you change clothes?" They found me a pair of tan shorts and a blue button down shirt thing and a belt that looked pretty nice. I think a nearby woman scoffed at it. I remember there were lots of other clothes.

    Speaking had not been easy in the dream thus far and it remained difficult until much later. Every time I tried to speak, it was like being in sleep paralysis. Couldn't really get much out. I tried to push it a little bit just kind of accepted it. I wonder why this happened. It came more into play later when I wanted to try "dream commands" and could barely talk.

    Couches in a couch and bed and furniture store accross the mall caught my attention before I could change clothes. Having laid low until now in terms of dream abilities, I decided to fly. I flew accross the hall of the mall, which had that part that opens to the ground floor, like the big hole in the floor, that they have in malls.

    Flying accross with ease, I was feeling pretty good. However, I became aware of a woman behind me, in white, glaring at me. Her face showed lots of scolding and shaming expressions. She was a bit older, maybe 50, with blonde hair and a white shirt thing. I decided to just keep flying, and enjoy rolling around on the luxurious couches.

    Fear set in. Fear that she would chase me through the store anyway, so I may as well surrender. I flew back accross to her due to this gravitational pull. She began to scold me. Again, I could barely talk. What did she say? I forgot.

    Emotionally, I became very distraught by her faces, which were just very glaring, harsh and judgmental to me. (When I woke up I realized that if I could have stayed calm as I did at the end of the dream, that would have helped. there was alot of progress in regulating emotions.)

    Woke up from that and began to recall it, thinking it was over. However, it was only just beginning. I was in my room this time and it was dark. Somehow I knew it was a dream still. Also I remember between dreams, the ringing in my ears would get really intense. It overwhelmed my focus on dream recall of the previous one and took me into a new dream.

    Through all these, I told myself at least once, 'Just experience the dream while you're in it. You'll wake up and remember what you remember. You may very well forget some of this, but it's okay. Just stay here as long as you can, and when you wake up, you'll be able to remember some parts.' And I just let go and stayed in the moment of the dream. It was kinda cool but unfortunately I forgot some beginning parts.

    Experiencing those parts of the dream was like experiencing a first person video game. Actually now I remember. I could control some characters with my eyes. It was like a video game and I could use my eyes to control the characters from a top-down view. I remember being afraid to move my hands in case they would move my physical hands, but they didn't. I eventually tried using my hands more to control the game play. I remember one Link type of character in white. Maybe more will come back.

    Laying on my back, I began to see another scene. More aware now that it was a game or screen I was watching within a larger dream world. Continuing to watch, I was transported to fly above light blue water. A black form was shown beneath the water, maybe some kind of dragon, snake or other monster. It showed ripples as it got near the surface but then went back under a little deeper.

    Fear began to build again. 'Just hang in there,' Said one part of my mind. 'No! It's gonna show a really, really scary face! Bail!' said another part. I ended up trying to get up from that "dream screen" and go somewhere else.

    Maybe it ended and I had the ringing in the phase and re-appeared in my room. Not sure. I remember trying to make some "dream commands" work. One was to put the lights on. I tried a bunch of times to put the lights on using a command, but none worked. I used a light switch later on and that was the only way that worked. Other than that, it was fairly dim.

    Manifesting what I wanted didn't work. I think it had to do with my inner feeling at the time. Maybe too eager or too worked up. Not calm and confident enough. So I will mind that next time.

    One thing I tried to increase brightness was rubbing my eyes. I also tried blinking rapidly like my Blinking LD but it didn't do anything immediate. Fear set in that I might cause my physical eyes to move, and I stopped.

    Downstairs, it was brighter. I flew down there. I remember thinking of doing something like job applications for some reason. Just to try something that might help in waking life. But didn't. As I flew through the downstairs I saw tons of couches and furniture. Instead of 2 by 2 the downstairs was 3 by 2. Like an extra room in between the normal rooms, kitchens, etc.

    'Drinking something might help me find my voice,' I thought. So I began searching for a fridge. In the back left room, there were some couches with at least one present on them. And a fridge underneath something. It was left open a little. A white square fridge like 2 feet by 2 feet.

    Cans of beer were inside the fridge. I don't drink in waking life. But I knew it was a dream and it would probably just be like a fizzy sweet drink. The can was white and gold and some other colors. I got ready to drink it then the dream ended.

    Seeing nothing, I laid there in the void. I imagined drinking the drink, but realized I was clearly not drinking it or seeing it, I was just imagining it. I worried that it might be waking life and that would be terrible to go back to day 0 on sobriety. But I told myself, no, its definitely a dream. If I see it again, I will know that its a dream because of the downstairs being different, etc.

    I'm getting too tired to finish writing now so I will just write tags for the rest. Then convert them later.

    Had another dream where I re-appeared in my room, after some ringing. A lot of times it was easy for me to fly in these dreams. I could jump up and then just fly to where I had my back to the ceiling with no effort. However, I couldn't phase through things. My sense of limitations of physical boundaries was persistent. However my flying was very very easy and under control.

    This time I flew up, thinking of other times I had flown up through my ceiling and roof and into the sky. However I got scared part way through that I'd get stuck in the attic. Anyway I ended up in a similar room with a similar slanted ceiling, only a bit whiter. My windows were slightly open with navy blue curtains. My voice came back a little more and I tried to command the lights to come on. No luck. I went over and flicked the light switch, and it worked.

    Writing appeared on the walls. It seemed very profound. The words weren't the same as English but looked like English words with re-arranged letters. I read them aloud to myself in the dream but didn't remember many of them now, except one that said the toilet was dirty, or the dirty toilet smelled. Even though it was just a dream, I decided I could go and clean the dream toilet.

    I was also still trying to manifest something I wanted without much success. Then I heard the yelling and crying from outside. It reminded me of the neighbors who live behind me. Sometimes they yell at their kids, and it always triggers me. Or the kids will be crying, and they just ignore them. I finally gave in, went to look out the back, and it was worse than I thought!

    They were doing "circumcision" rituals on two people. I remember looking, like, "Really? Why?" And pulling back into the room to think of what I should do. One of my dream goals had been to rescue infants from un-necesary, non-therapeutic, forced genital cutting. So in this dream I had the chance!

    Trees were growing in the back yard which reached higher than the house. My plan was to fly from tree to tree, and then hide there, out of sight. Also, there was a ceiling above my back yard, and walls that went almost all the way up to it. there were like 2 feet of space that I could pass through if I wanted to get out of there.

    I flew again from the evergreen tree to the top of a bigger oak kind of tree. There was a noose up there which I just brushed to the side. It seemed kind of random. There was also a stick that was almost more of a log. pretty big.

    They were putting an Asian kid in one of the torture chairs. His Dad was kneeling and praying over a regular chair. It made me sick. he must have been praying to some evil entity to accept this human sacrifice. Vile, and disgusting.

    Just then, two women from the tent of evil walked around my tree. They looked up at me! Oh, no. My cover was blown. I threw the stick down at them as a weapon. "I'm human rights!" Shouted the woman, unaffected by the stick, even though it went straight at her. "I'm an intactivist!" I yelled back, thinking maybe we would be able to help each other. "I'm pro-cutting!" She yelled back up to me. 'What?!' I thought. 'Pro-cutting and human rights are not compatible. Cutting children is a human rights violation.'

    She began to point a gun at me. Some fear came up but I flew to the other side of the house. I noticed that walls had gone all the way up to the ceiling now, so there was no way out. (Theoretically, I could phase through any wall, with enough dream powers.)

    She fired a gun up at me as I flew. The bullet, a small black thing, seemed to go in slow motion. I easily deflected it with force from my hand. She seemed impressed. She was blonde, wearing a blue uniform, like a nurse would wear. I wonder if she was the same woman who tried to stop me flying earlier?

    Although I deflected one bullet, I became fearful, and bolted in flight to the side of the house to try to get out. I got a sinking feeling when I saw that a 30-40 foot tall pile of books and shoeboxes was blocking the exit. I began to hurriedly dig my way through the books and shoeboxes, tossing them onto the ground far below. 'This is going to make her even more mad!' I thought, as I tried to dig my way out. I guess I was afraid that, at the worst case scenario, I would be put through a torture ritual. My body stores the memory of the pain, so they could re-activate it. Or she could just shoot me, and I'd have to feel the pain of that.

    Stacks of books went on and on after the ones I had dug out, and I gave up on getting through them. I had also tried initally to phase through them, but it didn't work. I hadn't expected it to. I hope to increase that skill as time goes on.

    'If she shoots me, I might feel pain, but it won't hurt me physically,' I thought, and decided to land and face her. She was like 5 feet away from me, and pointed the pistol at me. It had a silver barrel with a black hole. She fired it, and nothing happened. She seemed surprised, as if she expected it to actually hit me. I think she was really impressed.

    The woman and I interacted a bit. I was beginning to be distracted. The grey door with a diagonal crash bar appeared on the wall to my right. I headed towards it to go out and woke up. I had been speaking something in the dream when it ended. So I woke up feeling like I was still speaking. I think I was saying, "Wait, still gotta save these kids."

    It's interesting with dream chains like this because I wake up between them but I think I'm in the phase still. Because when I finally wake up physically, it feels way different. However, at the time, I don't notice the difference because I'm in the same position, in my same bed, it's dark, etc.


    Now its 8:46 am. I got 2-3 more hours of sleep putting me at 7-8. It takes me 12 hours to get 7-8 hours of sleep!

    Had a handful of dreams. RBTS over and over but re-remembered them all as I went.

    First one I remembered was of me being in my back yard on a recliner chair. My mom was talking to another guy (not my dad) and I became suspicious. A plant was leaning over my spot in the recliner chair. I remember rotating it.

    Inside, there was a lamp on by a window. I looked out a small hole in the curtain to discreetly spy on my mom and the guy. It seemed like they had some kind of affair going on.

    Angry, mom came in and asked, "Who was spying on me through the hole in the door?" I thought, 'It wasn't the hole in the door but it was a hole in the window.' And, 'She must have seen my silhouette in the curtain due to the lamp behind me.'

    The guy ended up having difficulties with a graphic design program. He was doing everything pixel by pixel instead of using and programs that would help do it more professionally. I didn't know how to use the program either but I tried to help somehow. I kind of remember the graphics, but not perfectly.

    Something with store shelves comes to mind.

    Second part, involved a few different humanoid species. Pigs, wolves and something else, I think. Two characters, one of each species, were going up a hill to get to the other two characters, who were of the third species (wolves I think). The wolves had vats of acid that they poured on the antagonistic species. Then, they could eat them. There was a little more to this but I guess I didn't remember it.

    Third, I was on an escalator at the mall, thinking of some kind of advice for everyone. Maybe it involved drinking water.

    Fourth, I was in a high school cafeteria. Well first the high school one but then they moved us to the middle school one. Laid out like the ones in the school building I went to. The food wasn't ready yet. We had to wait but they said some food was ready. KF went up first. I went up. It turned out to be nachos and cheese type of thing. I wasn't able to eat it though due to dietary restrictions so I gave it back. The woman from the kitchen was talking to the person on the line behind me about how good the chips were, and eating some. She was a bit heavier and had dark hair. (Not saying it judgmentally, just noting the detail.)

    Fifth, I was on an internet forum. I got to a section where people were posting music. I had several poems or sets of song lyrics to post, but not actual songs. Each thread had a number for how much data it contained in files. Most threads were just one file but I wanted to make an ongoing thread, with all my files.

    One thread contained a 4-panel wide display of GIFs of a fish monster that grew bigger and meaner and more monstrous. Then the GIF would end, and it repeated. I was like, 'Why am I staring at this?' It was really monstrous. The teeth were sharp triangles toward the top of the GIF. Also, the forum background was dark grey while the text was white.

    Another thread contained a video game. The game was a mix of Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, and Shining soul, maybe other things. Anything with that top-down view. I remember exploring it by going around the regular doors. But then found there was a part with a wall I could walk right through. The wall led to a corridor.

    Blue orbs and other things I forgot were all up and down the corridor. I remember noticing the music but can't think of it now.

    Sixth? I remember going to a meeting. I had a paper and pen for writing stuff. But didn't want to bother people by writing while they spoke, so I decided to put it under my chair. (Face-down with the pen clipped over it. Black pilot g2 style pen.) I had noticed another woman in the parking lot doing something. She sat on the side of the room and had a side conversation while the meeting went on. I was kind of annoyed.

    Then in my room at the old house, I was trying to stuff this black case on a hanger in my armoir. There was something about needing to hold on to it but then there not being room. And wondering if it was really necessary.

    Seventh... I don't think there was a seventh. So, that's a lot. I feel fairly rested now. I'd like to build my dream powers and use them to rescue more children.

    Durza likes this.

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    1. Durza's Avatar
      Nice work on the ld! Second hand smoke isn't really tho, right? Also, Durza : 79? That's funny, wonder where that came from!
      Charles3 likes this.
    2. Charles3's Avatar
      Thanks! I wondered if it would be your word count the following day and some kind of synchronicity but IDK. my dream just showed that text to me. I think the second hand smoke is bad.
      Durza likes this.
    3. Durza's Avatar
      Yeah, that would have been cool, maybe it means something else. I will die in 79 days? U will see me? Who knows, probs just random tho, maybe u saw a sign with that number. I read that second hand smoke isn't bad, tho it seems physically it would be.https://www.webmd.com/lung-cancer/ne...y-raises-ire#1
      dunno stuff both ways
    4. Charles3's Avatar
      Ha ha I don't think you'll die in 79 days. It was probably because I keep going on this website and seeing the name "Durza" so my dream put it in there.

      About second hand smoke, I've heard people say its harmless and people say its harmful. I don't know. The other day I smelled it very faintly and didn't go to a full rage like usual. But I have alot of issues with cigarettes and think they're bad.
      Durza likes this.
    5. Durza's Avatar
      That would be disconcerting. What would you do if you knew you had only 79 days to live? Yup, dunno bout second hand smoke, but first hand, everyone knows that's bad.
    6. Charles3's Avatar
      If I knew I only had 79 days to live I'd stay "on the beam" anyway because 1) If I do something self-destructive, thats still a long time to suffer before day 79 comes, and 2) I would not trust it, and think that I'd live recklessly, but then on day 79 they'd say, "Wait! Looks like you've got another 79 days!"

      What would you do?
      Durza likes this.
    7. Durza's Avatar
      yeah, that makes sense. I would probrobly not do much of anything different, though I might have some fun a few days before. I would not believe tho.
      Charles3 likes this.