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    Fogelbise Invades. ★★★☆☆

    by , 02-27-2015 at 11:26 PM (782 Views)
    Started last night with some interesting non lucids

    Switching Dates
    I am on a date with a cute chick. We are getting along really well and we are planning on going to a movie afterwards. She disappeared before the movie after the food and I can't find her. I am sitting at a bench and she pulls up in a car.
    "I think we still got time for a movie. you coming?" She says to me, and I jump in the car.
    "I thought that you were done with me." I reply.
    "I was having a good time, I just got lost." She laughs and we start driving around talking. I start to get a little more aware and my mind starts filling in some details. Apparently me and my wife were trying to get to know each other's friends by going on dates. It seems like a stupid idea, lol, but it stopped me from checking to see if it was a dream. I think I lost the movie in my memories, but we went to get my wife after and she was already done with the guy she was hanging with. She is at a place that looks like guitar center, but is selling swords and shields and stuff. I start staring at the shields crazily and think that something must be wrong.

    Wake up and back to sleep.
    Finally Slowing Down
    I am in my parents house and my old church is setting up there. My sister asks me to get a hold of one of the guys across the way and I throw a ball near them and yell his name. all the DCs start running at me to attack me. I realize that this must be a dream. I slow down. I have been too lucid to waste another chance here, I think about my goal... I put it in my pocket!!! I reach back and remember my goal is "something that can store anything". I look around and try to come up with something in dream, but all I see is broken card board box. I start laughing and I decided to try pulling up an in dream menu and nothing happens. frick. Something must be wrong with my dream powers. I take the stairs up to my old dream. I jump out a window and see that I am in the futuristic world with the VR place. It is all lit by artificial light and everything is futuristic. Except my parents house, it has enough light on it to make it look normal, except a big rock in front. I try the menu with both hands. This place must be blocking it. I start trying to think of ways around it, but the DCs start chasing me again. I fly up high enough that no one can mess with me and I pull out a plastic circle. I start forming it to look like the buttons in my menu. It doesn't work and I start messing with DCs. laughing at them and flying around. I wake up a little later.

    Back at the House
    I realize I am dreaming back at my parents house. I take all my surroundings in and jump out the window and land on the rock in my parents front yard. I sit on it and pull out the piece of plastic. I shape it into a perfect button and it turns into a rubber ball, I transform it back and try to keep the one button in the same place as the button should be. I slide it down to open up my menu and it opens, but I can't touch any of the other buttons. Something is definitely blocking my powers. I walk down and see some stores open. I see Fryingman (I don't pay much attention to him, dunno why, he looked like he was about my age, blonde hair) and I ask him what he has seen happening here, he said that he had seen fogelbise near and that he had gone downstairs. I think that fogelbise must have stolen all my dream powers. Must have put some sort of barrier around this area. I decide to check around outside so that I can remember how to get here next time, but all the lights are going out in the undergound and it is dark outside. I decide to go downstairs. The lights are going out starting at the top and going down. He is forcing me downstairs to meet him. I fly down and knock down a couple of DCs that he has enlisted to help him. They don't even slow me down. I see a ladder going down and I head down. The lights keep going out and I am barely staying ahead of it. I wake up before reaching fogelbise.

    Had a bunch of LDs, but these are the only two worth putting in my DJ. They were both quite long, but I hate typing!
    fogelbise, NyxCC and ~Dreamer~ like this.

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    Updated 10-22-2016 at 01:20 PM by 58222



    1. NyxCC's Avatar
      Lol, fogelbise must really be onto you!
      fogelbise, ~Dreamer~ and Sensei like this.
    2. fogelbise's Avatar
      That was you coming to my underground hideout! Haha! Cool LD!
      ~Dreamer~, Sensei and NyxCC like this.
    3. Sensei's Avatar
      Do you have an underground hideout?
      fogelbise and ~Dreamer~ like this.
    4. fogelbise's Avatar
      Haha, no not really. No persistent realms besides waking life ones. I do love caves though. That was my attempt at a joke.
      ~Dreamer~ and Sensei like this.
    5. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      Yay, cool to see another dream featuring DV members!

      That's funny about fogelbise stealing your powers!
      I had a dream about fogelbise a while ago where he played the opposite role, teaching me some kind of new dream skill. Too bad you didn't get to meet that version of him!
      Sensei and fogelbise like this.
    6. Sensei's Avatar
      fogelbise. do you have any persistent DCs?

      Dreamer. Yeah! That is what I need to meet. Some more dreamviews members! I love it!
      fogelbise likes this.
    7. fogelbise's Avatar
      Persistent DCs…not really in the way that I think that you mean, but there is an exception which I would rather explain by PM.
      Sensei likes this.
    8. Sensei's Avatar
      Haha. PM me if you would then. I love talking about LDs and things that happen in them. It is a nice break from talking about how to induce all the time.
      fogelbise likes this.