, 06-11-2023 at 09:20 PM (264 Views)
Cyberpunk Chase & Planet Mu
I am in a suburban neighborhood at night
One of my old friends is with me we are exploring different homes along the way
I gather we are also being pursued by some unnamed force
Random things keep happening, streetlights are changing shapes in front of me
I have an umbrella that has a tv antenna coming out of the end, it keeps getting longer like 15'
Try to show my friend next to me and he doesn't realize what's wrong
I look back and there is a pizza box-looking object now on the end of the umbrella
I wonder why nothing I'm looking at stays the same as we're exploring
We are at his friend's house with his friend sleeping on the couch, we try to be quiet to not wake her up and I wonder if they will be mad we just walked into their home
We go from building to building just exploring the street
The scenery turns into a cyberpunk-type city
Dingy streets with neon storefronts on the street level with high rises surrounding me
I realize I am trying to get a job maybe
I am very dirty like a vagabond with a dirty face as well, they are all put of by how I look
Entering a storefront that almost looks like a bank, I am applying for a loan and they turn me down without a second's hesitation
My friend is an alien now with an orange leopard face and time cop fatigues
The employee of the store are all alien cops coming after us
He shoots them with a red phaser-type alien weapon as we are in a shootout with different colored lasers flying all over the place
He tosses me an alien gun
I catch it midair and begin shooting the guys coming for us
The shape of the gun is compact like a toy with red accents and a short barrel that shoots red pew pew lasers
Seemingly ineffective with a single shot and gather I need to hit them multiple times for the stun to be effective
It feels like we are robbing the bank maybe
I notice other weapons on desks as we make our way through the office space
Grabbing one with my free hand it is larger, boxy, and gray with blue beams
So I'm dual-wielding laser weapons shooting our way out
The room opens up into a quite large atrium with many types of aliens scattered about almost like the MIB headquarters
We are on the 7th or 8th floor overlooking the open area with everyone down below
I somehow am able to change shape into an alien being while I hide
As we're leaning against the guardrail hiding the alien cops are still looking for us
I overhear one of them say to the other
"Tell me why the number one wanted delinquent kid in the city spends his entire time in virtual cafes"
I understand now I am VR-hopping to escape and can choose whatever I experience
The entire dream before makes sense now as reality keeps shifting right in front of me
My friend changes into another alien which is ~3' tall chubby gray with smooth features and large cartoonish white eyes with black pupils
Noticing all the changes I say to them "This has got to be a dream"
He responds "Well, yeah?"
I am instantly lucid but also frustrated because this is not what I wanted to experience
I say "I want the Pearls, I want to be on planet MU"
And he replies "SURE LETS GOOO!!" while waving his arms up with a magical motion
As I turn around the entire scene dissolves and in its place a very scenic ocean landscape manifests itself
All the dozens of aliens that were around us turn into variants of the pearls though none were shaped exactly like them
I see the bright beach in the distance with house-sized shells and a tropical shoreline
We are all in the ocean traveling that way as a group
Realize even more strongly that it's a dream I remember my lucid goals
First, to summon something, I think of summoning the phaser I had earlier
So I swing my arm out of vision intending the alien gun to appear feeling the weight of it in my hand
I swing my arm back and it's there, spinning it like a cowboy I laugh and toss it away
Also remembering I need to fly as well
So I pick up two people on either side of me as I slowly levitate out of the water and fly over the crowd of other beings
We are all still going toward the island now at greater speeds
I am above everyone moving quickly and remember I need to manipulate some elements as well
Tossing the people I was carrying forward I lift both arms from waist-high palms up to shoulder height watching the ocean in front of us swell into a massive quarter of a mile-high stationary tsunami
We are all rising up with the wall of water
People are caught up in the water but I am flying parallel straight up to the top
I fly over the crest of the wave which feels incredibly high up
Doing a sort of backflip turn in the air similar to the way a pole vaulter clears a jump
Feeling the mist of turbulent water on my face from the top as I cross with the water to my back, I am looking upwards towards the dark starlit sky with a bright sun still illuminating the setting
I feel the dream destabilize some so I turn my head to get the beach and shoreline back in my field of view
I am overcome with emotions and a pleasant sensation washes over my body as I freefall head-first down the face of the tsunami toward the island
There are several alien pearl beings on the shore along with pearls around me in the ocean
There is no violent crash of the water as the wave levels out with the ocean calmly again
We are all now just wading water a few feet from the shoreline
The dream fades as I take in the scenery completely overwhelmed with the realization that I finally had my lucid dream
It's beautiful and picturesque, just a sunny day in paradise