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    ElsiaStar's Dream Journal

    by , 06-10-2010 at 12:04 AM (445 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by ElsiaStar View Post
    regular dreams: 6-28-09

    Baby Turtles

    In one dream, me and my mom and maybe my dad saw about 10 turtles on the side of the road. We wanted to bring one home so that Cupcake, my other turtle(i have one in real life) wouldnt be so lonely.There were tutrles half his size, which is pretty small since Cupcake is a baby turtle. For some reason I didnt get any though and this is all I remember of the dream.

    Then I woke up at like 6am and attemped WBTB. It didnt work though, even though I kind of knew I was dreaming, I never really did anything about it. Had a dream I was at camp and I was feeling sick.. we went on some waterslides and stuff.. thats really all there was too it.


    Hannah Montana

    I remember some more dreams I had last night. In one of them, I was at a hannah montana concert(who knows why..) and I all of a sudden I was her. I tried to get people to notice "me" by popping out from the crowd. Then I went on stage and thought "do i really want to do this? I dont know if this stage thing is for me.." but i went on anyway and it actually felt really cool to be on stage. Then I realized that I had no singing abilities so I stopped singing. I don't remember anything after that.

    Change the Movie

    In another dream, me, Katelyn, and ..Ali?.. went to see a movie. It was something national geographic.. it was very boring. We sat in the way back, on the right side. The seats were red and so were the walls.Katelyn was like "Can I change the channel?" and thats when we noticed that there were remotes by our seats. She picked one up and pressed a button and then the movie turned off and an MTV channel turned on.. I think it was Paris Hiltons My New BFF. "oops!" she said, and then when everyone started looking at her she pointed at me and acted innocent. "hey that wasnt me!" i said. We were laughing histarically. Finally, one of the people who worked there came and turned the boring movie back on. Thats pretty much it.

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