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    Log 290 - WILD Feelings and Other Assorted Stories

    by , 02-14-2016 at 08:13 PM (389 Views)
    Created Sunday 14 February 2016

    Today, I managed to get into a few waking-dream states, one of which transitioned into a more complete dream scenario. Before that, prior to my first known awakening, I had a normal dream. There's more to the non-lucid portions of what's below, particularly in the scene within the second dream, but I don't know much of it now.

    Dream 1 - Unnecessary Work Day

    The visuals were dim. I was in a long, dark hallway, the construction of cement, hauling around a blue plastic cart full of cleaning supplies. This familiar object made me think I was back in my old job at the gas station, specifically in the back room, despite the area being much larger. Well, considering as much, I assumed I was tasked with cleaning the windshield washer containers.

    During my walk, I encountered two former co-workers, Ricky and Maja, both dressed in the appropriate dark blue collared shirt and khaki uniform, and the latter having red-tinted black hair. There was some brief interaction, but I don't remember much of this.

    After that, I head out to the store from the storage room, though by then, I lacked the cart. Anyway, I noticed there was a huge line forming, enough to reach all the way to the bathrooms. So I hurry to the registers to see if anyone needs help there. Once at the counters, I saw that both machines were already occupied, one serviced by my uncle, Hippolytos, and the other by an unknown, tanned skinned, dark haired Hispanic woman. Wasn't needed there, so I started my way out. My uncle calls out to me just then, telling me to fill in for him in a few minutes.

    I don't recall much else until the dream ended.

    Dream 2 - WILD Feelings

    Scene 1 - A Typical WILD Initiation
    I was in bed,I was in laying in bed, where I sensed a faint dizziness. So, I made an obstructed breath test, which indeed revealed I was in a (near) dream state. I soon noticed that I was sleeping with my covers over my head, and was also leaning on one of my hands. I tried not minding this much, until I suddenly felt short of breath, not to mention my hand going dead numb. And although I knew better than to heed this much, I eventually gave in, and forced myself awake.

    Scene 2 - Spin It on Its Back!
    Shortly afterwards, I found myself in a similar state, only this time, I made sure to sleep in a more appropriate position. Kinda drifted between this state and back, until I calmed down enough to anchor myself through my breaths.

    From there, I tried moving around, but it seemed I was stuck. Even just imagining movement didn't seem to have any results. I then tried opening my "dream eyes", but aside from some faint, colorful flickering, I didn't notice any changes.

    After waiting a while longer, I again attempted to imagine myself moving. This time, I could feel myself tilting just the slightest bit. So, I focused more intently, trying to force myself off the bed. I got far enough to do as much, but was suddenly thrust back into my bed by an unseen force. Furthermore, I was now spinning in place on my back. I rolled with that, and tried spinning faster and faster in hopes of transitioning, though I didn't really have a place in mind. It's perhaps for this reason, and that I probably went overboard on my intent, that I woke up abruptly.

    Not that it mattered, for I found myself in the same state soon enough, albeit briefly, for I was transitioned immediately.

    Scene 3 - Ignoring My Own Advice

    The visuals were slightly blurred. I was standing within the courtyard of a complex of wide, short buildings, what I assumed was a school. Most had white walls and teal colored linings on the top, while at least one was painted peach. There might have been others around, but I ignored them. All this, visible from under a dawn sky. From the start, I retained awareness of my state.

    I might have been to excited, for I thought nothing to just fly out of the place. But upon noticing the visuals deteriorating, I stopped, landing on the roof of the nearest building. For a moment, I thought I should be more careful, perhaps even deliberate, in my actions. There's so much possibilities, but I only have so much to consider... only to shrug this off and continue on my way without a care.

    Now, I was cruising through an empty blue sky. By then, the visuals were very choppy, but I didn't mind, as I knew things would get better in time. Eventually, I noticed a row of tall, thin objects to my right, what seemed as ridiculously long picket fence posts. Their terrible, blocky resolution made it seem like dated 3D video game graphics, much like in Minecraft. I groaned at the thought of being in such a dream again, but on seeing the textures more resembling those of a PS1 era game than that, I let it slide.

    Things get hazy for a moment, until I transition into another scene.

    Scene 4 - Let's Not and Say We Did Play
    The visuals were blurred. I was in my room, looking at a video playing on some computer (not sure if it was mine), the lighting indicating it was daytime. At this point, I lost awareness.

    From the start, I identified the clip as a playthrough for an unknown game, some early era 16-bit arcade platformer action game, not unlike Ghosts and Goblins. Much of this had some armored hero guy chucking weapons at various monsters, all set in a brown mountain area under a monochrome blue sky. Apparently, something from this game was referenced by the cartoon show Rick and Morty, and so I watched eagerly for signs of this.

    At one point, the hero fights the boss, a large, grey gargoyle. This creature switches between that and to a variety of shapes throughout the battle, including into a giant, demonic stone head, and an angry cloud of dust.

    Around that point, my brother, Markuss, barges in, curious as to what I was watching. He seemed displeased at this video for religious reasons, getting slightly upset at seeing the fictional demon on screen. He was likewise offended when I muttered "Geez" at a close call in-game. I found this all quite wearying.

    The video then crashes mid-way. I reloaded it again, but was quite upset at seeing it was replaced with a "Let's Play" of the same game, not helped that it was announced by some bored sounding, short of breath kid. I tried looking through various other clips, only to get similar results. From there, I couldn't help but yell various expletives to the screen, which, needless to say, weirded Brain out.

    To assauge my frustrations, I decided to look for that "No, God, No!" scene from the Office in Youtube, all to better convey how I felt at the moment. Instead, I found a number of links to completely unrelated videos. I then tried looking through Google, but this proved most unhelpful, as my commands were being auto-filled with even more nonsense. I remember one having "Ashad's 'No, no, no!'", or somesuch, which only served to enrage me further.

    "Who the fuck is Ashad?!", I ranted. "Fuck that! Fuck this guy!"

    This only made Markuss even more concerned.

    Not too certain what else happened until the dream ended.

    Spoiler for Media References:
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    Updated 02-27-2016 at 03:08 AM by 89930

    lucid , non-lucid
