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    1. Log 1966 - Senseless Head Cake and Fish

      by , 09-16-2020 at 04:59 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 15 September 2020

      Finally, another LD loop. I even got a TOTM for the effort.

      Spoiler for Quite long:

      Updated 09-16-2020 at 07:01 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid , nightmare , task of the month
    2. Logs 1335 - 1337

      by , 12-26-2018 at 07:58 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Spoiler for Log 1335 - Street Flight Chase Awareness and Other Assorted Stories:
      Spoiler for Log 1336 - Power Sites, Car Trunk, MSH, and Demonic Ward Scraps:
      Spoiler for Log 1337 - Clumsy Babysitting Unexpected Guest Polluted Storm Swim Bridge and Near Accident Fragments:

      Updated 12-27-2018 at 02:53 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    3. Log 1278 - Flickering Sea Lights Awareness

      by , 10-28-2018 at 05:41 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 28 October 2018

      Got a DILD and some fragments. There's a lot more to the latter that I've forgotten.

      Scrap Group 1
      Wandering around an urban area at daytime. Several family members were around, including my sister and mom. We later stop by an old colonial era (seaside?) wall, complete with rows of cannons. Sis and I float up to the top for a better look. Suddenly, some invisible emergency occurs, causing massive casualties. To both our horrors, mom was one of the victims. My sister and I broke down and cried.

      Similar sightseeing as above, but at night time, and with 100% less tragedies.

      Dream 1 - Flickering Sea Lights Awareness

      The visuals were quite dim. I was in a beach during a stormy night. Several close and extended family members were around. It seemed we'd all intentionally gone out of our way to go during such a hazard for the sake of it. I ran through the waves, then began flying over them when they became especially rough, cutting right over the tides.

      Soon, I noticed faint lights flickering in the sea. This caused spontaneous awareness. As I looked closer, I discerned one of those lights were actually a street light jutting out of the water.

      Things started destabilizing. Staring closely at the lights helped, but only for about half a minute. Ditto for rubbing my hands. Without warning, I was dragged into deep water. I spun around, barely keeping both my face over the surface, and hold of the dream.

      Lucidity lost. It'd since become dawn. I trudged out of the deeper water towards the others. All of them were huddled on a round marble platform, which itself was partially submerged. I squeezed myself inside, but it became apparent we couldn't comfortably remain as such. And so, they decided to allot turns. With an almost troubling unanimity, someone else (my brother?) and I were relegated as one of the last to go on there.

      Not sure of anything else until the dream ended.

      Updated 10-29-2018 at 03:01 AM by 89930

      lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    4. Log 1185 - Simple, Affectionate Advice and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 07-28-2018 at 01:04 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 27 July 2018

      Got a DILD to note, along with several other dreams. There was more to the non-lucid ones, though I neglected to write notes of such so as not to disrupt my sleep. I also assumed I had multiple LDs while experience the one below, but I realized that wasn't the case upon waking up.

      Scrap Group 1
      Watching Teen Titans Go. Starfire and Raven get an ominous message from a mirror, a warning about a future enemy. Cut. I get dragged into an episode of Steven Universe. There was an ongoing Homeworld invasion. Thought this was merely a capture raid, until the ships started zapping people into dust. Reluctantly, I cooperated with the lead characters, heeding their orders of keeping myself hidden. I rushed to a nearby home, where I concealed myself in the garage. Rewind. I chose to hide under a table outside. When the coast seemed clear, I ran off, only to get blasted.

      Dream 1 - Simple, Affectionate Advice

      The visuals were very dim. I falsely awaken in bed in the middle of the night. Reactively, I start rubbing my hands together, and also felt out the nearest furniture and walls. Took a while to figure this was indeed a dream.

      I then levitated, to then get orbited around an unknown point. I almost bumped into various hanging lamps, misplaced objects from the kitchen. After a minute of trying to keep steady, I think to summon a Marloss Berry. Almost instantly, I'd acquired a like, apple-sized berry, though the darkness made it appear grey rather than pink. Anyway, I immediately took a bite, only to find it'd vanished before I could even taste it.

      Warp back in bed. Without thought, I brought forth handful of mixed rice, just to see if I could. This actually proved to be a substantial, flavorful snack. Again, I floated around. And again, I tried summoning a Marloss Berry, but failed doing that. I then attempted to call my guide, E, imagining her laying on my extended arms. This too had no effect.

      Reloop. I'm in bed yet again, stubbornly persisting my summons. Eventually, I felt someone very close by. Upon adjusting my vision, I did indeed find this to be E, her form appearing as a glowing grey phantom. Before I let emotion get the best of me, I asked her how I could get better at LDing. "That's easy. Through practice and diligence.", she replied with a wide grin. Even at the moment, such advice seemed quite obvious. At the same time, this reminded me there was still room for improvement, perhaps a lot more. All in all, it was very reassuring.

      I caved in. Another... happy moment ensued. This went for a few minutes before the dream collapsed.

      Dream 2 - Several Kinds of Invasions

      Scene 1 - Another Dusk Drive
      The visuals were a bit dim. I was taking a ride through the highway at dusk, going through a bay. Not too clear on details. Transition.

      Scene 2 - The Wolf Pack Burglars
      The visuals were very dim. I falsely awaken in my room. My brother, Oscar, was passing by. Soon, I overheard intruders creeping throughout the place. I glance out the door to find several wolves pacing about. These were semi-trained beasts, owned by a middle aged guy with black hair and moustache, and a similarly aged woman with auburn hair. Both of the human thieves were dressed in heavy, many-pocketed clothes.

      Silently, I alerted my bro of the threat. I slowly locked the door, only to flounder in place. Alarmed by the noise, the male burglar approaches for a closer look. Once he got near, I jumped at him, doing my best to keep him at a headlock. But them, those savage canines defended their master, tearing at my legs.

      Cue a timely transition.

      Scene 3 - Kid Popped Up Outta Nowhere
      Similar visuals. I was wandering around my unlit home during the middle of the night. I spotted my nephew, Gunther, running about. Later, I bumped into his cousin, Stephan, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. I remarked on his startling me, which seemed to upset him a bit. Unknown transition.

      Scene 4 - Sylvester Stallone Is - Alien Hunter
      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was watching a Stallone action movie. The lead character was leading some kids through a dense jungle. In a clearing, the group finds a broken spaceship, worn from years of abandonment. Stallone's character recounts a tale of an alien invasion, of which he had a large part in stopping.

      Don't recall how this ended.

      Scrap Group 2
      Watching my brother, Gerrard, play Sonic Mania along with my sister, Harriette. Several checkpoints transported Sonic into an evil version of the stage, each of which sounded the theme for Mystic Cave Zone as its background music. Several later stages had music from Mega Man games, including Elec Man's stage from the very first game and Misty Rain from Mega Man ZX.

      Updated 07-28-2018 at 02:40 AM by 89930 (removed cruft)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    5. Log 996 - Black Market Manor and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 01-21-2018 at 03:31 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 20 January 2018

      Got some things to note today, including two DILDs. There were a bunch of dreamlets too, but I've

      Dream 1 - The Marvel/Capcom Dream Alliance

      The visuals were quite dim. This took place within a poorly lit office building at night-time. A chaotic battle was occurring between a joint force of Marvel and Capcom heroes (Iron-Man, Hawkeye, Captain America, the Hulk, Ryu, Megaman X, and Chun-li confirmed) against the menacing Ultron. The villain was overpowering his opponents. In a bold maneuver, Iron-Man, Cap, Ryu, and X held off the rogue robot to stall him. In the meantime, Hulk stood back, covering while Chun-Li departed elsewhere. Eventually, Hawkeye fired off an EMP arrow at Ultron, who easily caught it within a forcefield. "Is that the best you can do?", gloats Ultron. Hawkeye smirks. That's when a barrage of missiles strikes Ultron at his flank. He turns, and sees the side of an attack chopper, Bat-Man logos painted all over, and Chun-Li within the passenger cabin. With Ultron's concentration lapsed, the forcefield went down, and, upon the arrow exploding, so too did he.

      I manifest, and followed the group down some hallways. We then stop at a darkened, empty garage or storage area. Inside, three people were seated on the floor. One was a figure I couldn't discern (or had forgotten). The other two were rather plain looking twin women, dark skinned, and both with ponytails. Without any prompt, the other heroes and I gather around with them. Then, the enigma started a conversation about meditation and dreaming, and asked for the girls on their progress. One of them claimed to have made great strides in her meditation practices. The other had reportedly mastered inducing lucid dreams. And yet, she seemed hesitant of such, and even expressed worry about her outlook in the future. "She fears it's the 'end of an era', so to speak.", I blurted out. The girl suddenly wept. This caused an outburst from others, a mix of consolatory remarks, and of arguing over how to take my own statement. Such commotion went on for a while, until the dream ended.

      Dream 2 - Black Market Manor

      Scene 1 - Phase Floor Hazard
      The visuals were dim. I was wandering around the unlit hallways of the building above. Seems it had been completely vacated. When I stepped into a large room, I suddenly phased through the floor. Transition.

      Scene 2 - Arms Deal
      The visuals were clearer. I was outside the lot of a mansion, a place located in the middle of a tropical wilderness, daylight peeking through the canopy of trees. The building showed obvious signs of decades-long wear. Previously abandoned, it served as the den for hooligans and other squatters.

      I wander away into the forest, only to turn back. I then approached the leader of the group, a mid-twenty-something year old guy with a shaved haircut and goatee, to make a deal., to make a deal. He lead me inside to the ruined, graffiti-laden manor's "lobby". From his backpack, he pulled out a bag of finely ground hash. Wasn't at all interested in that. What I wanted was weapons. I "knew" that this guy, though not an arms vendor himself, was connected enough with the black market to acquire such.

      He pulled out a notebook, and we began working out a contract. I used the pseudonym titled after a Goetic demon, cycling through a few names, as some were already taken. Anyway, I requested modded SMGs. He seemed confused, stating that machine guns would be a more optimal choice. Some chica from the streets, presumably the guy's girlfriend, then arrived. The two bicker over details of the current negotiations for a while before turning their attention back to me. In the end, I settled for 2 silenced SMGs, and one machine gun, all very reasonably priced at several thousand dollars. I also asked about combat armor, but they seemed to have no idea what I was talking about. I then gushed on for a while about my favorite firearms. This quickly bored the two, so I just took my leave.

      Back outside, I made my way down faded dirt path through the forest. I'd false memories of having an interesting conversation with a fellow there not too long ago. So, I hurried along, thinking I might be able to catch up with him. Along the way, I noticed something familiar about pathway, as if it were a crude facsimile of my neighborhood. Curious, I flew up, and headed the direction where my home would be. This soon granted lucidity. I continued towards my "home", getting my head brushed under huge tree leaves along the way. Things start destabilizing. I desperately rubbed my hands, but couldn't keep from getting sucked into the void. I continued falling for about a minute before the dream ended.

      Dream 3 - Trivial Near Nightmare

      Dreamlet transitioned to dream. The visuals were dim and a bit blurred. I was lounging around at home during night time. Soon, I noticed my brother, Jay, going around and asking the others various trivia questions. He approached me with such, something about biology, I think, which I got wrong. He annoyed me with further drivel, during which I got lucid. But, I caught myself having paranoid thoughts about my brother, a sign that a nightmare might occur. Just to be safe, I impaled him with my hand, causing him to fade into inky vapor, all while he eerily continued his quiz otherwise undisturbed.

      I started hand rubbing, only to warp in bed. Noticing that it was still dark outside kept me lucid. Unfortunately, I had trouble moving. Concerns with such caused me to lose the dream quickly.

      Updated 01-21-2018 at 03:51 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    6. Log 987 - When Women Attack and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 01-12-2018 at 04:22 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 11 January 2018

      Got a WILD to note, along with another full dream and a dreamlet. There was definitely a lot more I could've remember from the non-ld, had I gotten up to record it after it occurred.

      Scrap Group 1
      Vague memories of driving around at night with familiar figures.

      Dream 1 - Skiing into Big Trouble

      Scene 1 - Reconnected Skiing Siblings
      The visuals were mostly clear. This occurred at the slopes of a snowy mountainside during a pale overcast day. I was a spectator. A man and woman in skiing equipment were taking a lift to the tallest hill. Once there, they deliberately fell and took off. I was then given "access" to the woman's thoughts. Apparently, she was an Englishwoman serving in the US armed services. Furthermore, the man was her brother. Before the current trip, the two had grown distant to each other. But, they reconnected via their love of skiing. Still, she felt her sibling took the sport a bit too seriosly for her tastes.


      Scene 2 - Buy-Time Magic Seeds
      Similar visuals as above. I myself was now skiing down into the streets of a small town, cloudy day sky above. Quite a predicament, as there wasn't any snow in sight. When things got too rough, I levitated myself twenty feet into the air, if reluctantly, as I did not want to attract attention.

      I arrived near a small plant's loading area. Suddenly, I was assaulted by a random giantess, a woman about 50 years of age and dressed in casual wear. She promptly captured me, and gave notice of her intent to devour me. But before that, she granted me a last request. False memories revealed of my carrying something unusual in my pack (which I just realized I was lugging around): the seeds of a magical plant, of which would grow instantly over night. What's more, these seeds were in the exclusive domain of an elite troupe of wilderness rangers/scouts. Anyway, I asked that I be allowed to sprout and eat the plant. The giant woman agreed, if only because she preferred "stuffed meat".

      In but a few paces, the ogress whisked me away to the backyard of her home. She kept her own garden there, which even included a gigantic beanstalk, a supposed variant of the above-mentioned plant. The giantess allowed me to dig the seeds myself as she gathered herbs for her wicked feast. At the very least, I brought myself some time.


      Scene 3 - Proper(ty) Placement
      Similar visuals. I was now inside the lounge of a gigantic home, a place with expensive furnishings. Behind me was a model house of my size. Soon, a giantess with straight, black, shoulder length hair steps in view, about the same age as the previous one. In contrast, she was dressed formally. This colossal woman was dusting the area. Upon noticing me, she directed I get back to the smaller home. "I like keeping things where they belong", remarked the giantess as she continued dusting.

      Don't recall anything else until the dream ended.

      Scrap Group 1
      Dreamlets. Some had me driving around.

      Dream 2 - When Women Attack

      Scene 1 - Back-Dash Warp
      Dreamlet transitioned to dream. The visuals were very blurred. I was wandering around the house. It wasn't until I arrived in the kitchen that I realized (or rather, believed) the dream state. My brother, Andre, showed up, though I ignored him. I leaped backwards, purposefully phasing through the wall, where I got warped into the void. Transition.

      Scene 2 - Mannequin Assault
      The visuals were blurred. I was at the entrance of a department store, outside in a wide, empty walkway, all during daytime. I flew around for a bit, only to get dragged and phased below the concrete.

      When I crawled back up, I spotted a woman exiting the facility. On closer inspection, this was actually more of a living mannequin, a pale, faceless, almost featureless feminine figure dressed in trendy clothes and accessories. It turned towards me, and immediately became hostile. I backed off, and briefly ducked beneath the earth to avoid it. That's when even more dolls suddenly amassed, too many to simply evade. I held ground, feinting between strikes and tripping up some of the easier targets.

      Just then, I was shrunken against my will, and was promptly stomped at by a sandalled foot. A glance up revealed the belligerent as a stout woman, further distinct among the others by her simple floral dress and, above all, anime-ish features. Reactively, I charged to and fro, bouncing off any ankles in my path. This knocked many of the women off their feet, including the larger lady, who's girth would've flattened me had I not dodged in time. Even while on her back, the anime woman furiously pursued me, stomping and swatting down anywhere I tried escaping.

      Things get unstable. From there, various hazy clips of Street Fighter V appeared, including matches between Ken and different female opponents. Transition.

      Scene 3 - Why Does Everyone Want to Eat Me?
      The visuals were dim and blurred. I was floating in the void. Finally, I was of mind to try and conjure my guide, E. I started visualising her form, when something suddenly grabbed my face. This was the work of the spectral, incomplete image of my guide, her discorporated hands sharply clenching my chin and forehead. Her hair covered her face momentarily. When unveiled, her eyes became pitch black. Welp, nightmare time.

      I questioned what she was doing, and whether she was my guide at all. Through shrieking, the ghost did confirm the latter (and indeed, I could already sense as much), though she remained vague on the rest. Nonetheless, her intentions became clear when a long, rope-like tongue slid from her mouth, and wrapped around me. Once I was bound, E's mouth distended and widened into a horrible maw. I was then pulled bit by bit into the damp abyss. Knew there was no point in fighting...

      Luckily, I awakened before things got too bad.

      Updated 01-12-2018 at 04:34 AM by 89930

      non-lucid , nightmare , lucid
    7. Log 950 - Potion of Elemental Wrath and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 12-06-2017 at 02:43 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 05 December 2017

      Spoiler for posterity's sake:

      Updated 12-06-2017 at 03:48 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment , task of the month
    8. Log 462 - Oh, Behave!

      by , 08-04-2016 at 04:35 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 04 August 2016

      Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 6

      Not many dreams recalled today, just a fragment before 7AM, another during a WILD attempt later on, and a related DILD after that. The last two are... a bit embarrassing for me to post, but for the sake of the competition...

      Scrap Group 1
      Watching various shows along with my brother, Tito. One was Ultimate Spiderman, which had the title character fighting off against a winged hybrid of Carnage and Venom. Another was an Attack on Titan-esque show set in present-day. Rewinded and fast forward-ed the clips various times.

      Several fragments revolving around my dream guide, E. In one of these, I'm making a cake for her in bed (somehow), and ask her to get me some milk. She... uh, squeezes me an entire bowl's worth of her breastmilk... Definitely not what I had in mind... A similar scenario plays out later, save that we were in a vehicle parked in a run down urban environment. Cue the next dream.

      Dream 1 - Oh, Behave!

      The visuals were very dim. I was laying down in the void. E was reclining next to me in the form of a nude,~20ft tall, plump giantess, her figure mildly glowing in a blue aura. I was aware of the dream.

      At a wild impulse, I... suckled on her, just to see how that milk tasted. She was not amused in the least. In retribution, E thrashed me around, first by repeatedly slamming me head first in a non-existant hard floor, then by squeezing the air out of me, and later biting and shaking me around by my right shoulder. As a grim finale, she holds me down to gnaw on the same shoulder, literally licking my wounds as she did. Despite all the violent motions, impacts, and torn flesh, there was no pain in any of this. Didn't make it any less startling...

      I awaken immediately afterwards.

      Updated 08-08-2016 at 04:40 PM by 89930

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment , lucid
    9. Log 458 - Plane Flip and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 07-31-2016 at 06:03 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 31 July 2016

      Spellbee's Summer Lucid Competition 2016 - Entry 2

      There were many dreams today, including a DILD after my first WBTB. However, I've forgotten much of the others, and even of those three that I could identify, two of them are only fragments.

      Before the following, I do a 45 minute WBTB, which turned into an hour and 45 minute WBTB instead.

      Dream 1 - Plane Flip

      The visuals were pretty clear. I was a passenger in a small car, being taken down a long road at daytime. Grassy hills remained in view at my right. Driving the vehicle was my uncle, Felix.

      We stop at a red light. My uncle cuts ahead a bit, but backs up when he "remembered" his previous traffic citation. This all seemed very familiar... Anyway, he eventually makes a long right turn into a long, curved highway ramp. Soon, a large bridge is in sight. The George Washington Bridge, I thought, heading to New York. As I look around for the cityscape, I instead find the shadow of a mountainside in the distance. Just then, I realized I lived a few thousand miles away from this area, and thus, attain lucidity.

      I fly out. The dream starts fading into brown. So, I stabilize and anchor myself by muttering "deeper". In time, the environment reforms. I'm then floating over a grassy flatland with the distinctive blocky textures of Minecraft. Eh, done that. I grumble "deeper" a few more times, and willfully drop through the ground.

      As it turned out, this plane was only paper thin. I'm unexpectedly "flipped" into another area, its gravity completely reversed. After readjusting myself, I see I'm hovering high over a series of grass-topped, narrow plateaus. Still had the same cheap, boxy textures as before, if a bit brighter and clearer. Let's go deeper.

      Dived head first through the ground again with the intent to "flip" planes once more. Once inverted, I see I'm ducked down on a pebbly brook. This time, the visuals were realistic, though a bit dimmer. Still, this was much better overall. I played around with the water, splashing it around and letting it drift past my hands. Got a little too caught up with this; couldn't help but appreciate its lifelike, cool dampness.

      Well, I snap out of this after a minute or so. I tried looking around, only to find I can't move my neck. Stay calm. Just move on. I used my "Codec Device" to call my dream guide, E, but there was no response. Then, seconds after I gave up, a small, 8-bit figure appeared in view from my left. This seemed as a lady in a black cloak. She spoke to me in white text, though the words scrolled too fast for me to accurately read everything but her name (only remember it was an adverb; "Still", I think?). I'm quite certain this sprite-lady gave a snippy explanation as to why my guide wasn't going to show. She walked off-view immediately afterwards.

      Then, a bright spark bounces around in front of me. This begins shattering the environment. I maintain my grasp for half a minute before the dream collapses entirely.

      Scrap Group 1
      Waking up in a hotel room on a fluffy, pink covered and white bed. Next to that was an even smaller, pinker bed designed for children. The area was a bit messy. Mom and dad were nearby.

      Found several large roaches around the house, encountering them in some very unlikely spots each time (besides the laundry room). As I wake up, I feel a creeping sensation. I'm uncertain if it's real or not, and hesitate. Eventually, I blew air at it, where I then feel and hear the distinctive humming of large insect wings. Oh crap. I freeze in panic, and, once possible, instinctually try brushing it off. There's nothing there, just an illusion.

      Dream 2 - "Reality" Bites

      The visuals were clear. I was sitting in my home's dining room at daytime. Levon was nearby.

      As I was eating a meal from a bowl (porridge, I think), my lower left-most flat tooth snaps right off. I spit it out, and taste a distinctive mixture of blood and wheat. After staring at it haplessly for a few seconds, I rush to the bathroom. A look in the mirror did indeed confirm what I feared. I couldn't believe any of this, prompting a breathing test, yet this "proved" the "reality" of the situation.

      Still, I refused to accept any of this. As denial, I began running out the door to fly. Mom concurrently opened the door from the outside. Anyway, I leaped in the air and... faceplant. Hard. How embarrassing. The others muttered in confusion. Seeing as I couldn't humiliate myself any more, I just practiced some handstands, much to the further confoundment of everyone else.

      I wake up soon afterwards.

      Updated 07-31-2016 at 06:34 PM by 89930 (clarify second phasing)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    10. Log 300 - Simple Seated Stroll and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 02-25-2016 at 01:19 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 24 February 2016

      I managed to get a DILD, and a vivid one at that. Aside from that, there were a number of dreams I could recall today, more than in recent times. Probably a side effect of my new WILD anchors. Anyway, I know I remembered scraps of a dream after the first awakening, but forgot that by now. Before the first dream below, I could somewhat remember being in a desolate urban shopping district, where I played 16-bit era video games. There was some interaction with a bizarre, monstrous woman, one with arthropodal features, whom I nonetheless treated as a friend. After a few other dreams, there was also something about Futurama, where Fry turned into some giant, hideous slime creature, and beckoned for Leela to let him eat her, the latter of whom became conflicted on the matter for some reason. Finally, there were also fragments related to being in an urban environment or cityscape, all of which influenced similar dreams listed below.

      Spoiler for Spoilered to save space:

      Updated 02-27-2016 at 03:09 AM by 89930 (added date)

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening