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    presleep telepathy experiment 2

    by , 01-05-2021 at 02:24 PM (562 Views)
    (night of) 04-01-21


    I'm sitting in my hotel room, focusing on the room and contents of it, I'm with 7 here, we hold hands trying to focus on the room. I'm also trying to transmit this to @stranger using different ideas. After a while I decide to try and find @stranger's room again. I walk into the hall. Oh, nearly forgot - I add the number on the door and some other 'decorations' so that @stranger can find the room. I then follow 7 outside into the hal, she leads me all the way to the bottom of the hallway and I try to deepen my trance/presleep by walking down some steps before arriving at the room. I try a few different things to 'see' @stranger's room. In the end 7 puts her hands over my eyes and then pulls them off. I still can't quite see what is here. I feel around with my feet first of all, I feel a lush comfy carpet underneath my feet, and a metal safe is nearby, I don't know what could be in the safe. I wonder if I am getting confused with @stranger's real place as well or memories. I think the bed is pushed up against the wall and a poster or painting is on the wall also. I see a flash of a guy with shoulder length long hair (similar to the guy that @stranger showed a picture of, but in my mind his hair was shorter and he didn't have a beard) Then I get an octopus, and a flash, I wonder if I am under water? I don't know. I head back to my room and try to pull @stranger in, I focus in on him and I think I get him for the shortest of moments, pulling him inside a kind of cone shape and into my room

    1) I'm standing in a large hall, looks like a school theater -but there are actors walking around. It's something to do with a tv show that is being filmed. Michelle Pfeiffer comes in ready to film, I get a bit start struck but get the courage to talk to her. She's very friendly and open. She's talking to me about her career and this tv show - which she asks me what I thought about it (she knows at this point that it isn't being very well received) I try to be honest, the fact that it has her playing as the central character, in a sitcom, with her kids - would probably worked well enough, but all of the other stuff is just too much. Set in a Church? With other main characters like the priest and extended family all living in the church together? That just isn't very funny. I talk about classic shows like Fraiser - she needs to get in contact with those people! I then bring up how Catwoman from the film Batman Returns was one of my fav characters in film of all time, and I go and search for the catwoman figure I made ot show her. But I can't find it. There are shelves everywhere, and it seems I am using this theatre hall as a kind of workshop. I literally just saw this figure though, but my brain and memory isn't working. damn it! I am looking for a while and then my wife joins me, she helps me look around (she's much better at searching for stuff than I am) but ... no, I can't see it anywhere. Now Michelle needs to leave and I tell her that it was nice meeting her, I notice she's wearing this jeans that have this flower pattern going all up the legs.

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    1. Hilary's Avatar
      Good efforts wow!

      Btw, if you want to try my room next, you're welcome to. I know what's it in. Good luck!
      floatinghead likes this.