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    Past few days, dreams are getting more interesting

    by , 03-27-2014 at 01:52 AM (374 Views)
    I remember that I was accompanied by Erza, Natsu, Mirajaine, Grey, Wendy and Gajeel from Fairy Tail. We were running around looking for a crystal. I don't remember looking for a crystal but my notepad says I did. We were also in a castle with obstacles. That's all I have :( I do remember that I had a great adventurous time in the dream and that it lasted for about 30 minutes in dream time. Too bad my recall sucks.

    Next day or two days after:
    I am in a village in Turkey and am on a balcony with a friend. The balcony suddenly starts shaking and collapses and I first land safely on the ground myself and then save my friend. Then there is a fire in a 5-6 storey building in front of us on the 3rd of 4th floor and soon the entire building is on fire, a cousin of me dies. Then kindergarten kids start running out of the building acting weird, growling and walking strange, almost like running zombies without distorted faces and bodies, we call the contagious disease 'bonkers'. So I teach kids who don't have it to act like the bonker carriers so that the bonker-kids think they are already infected so they don't bite them. Now we are in a group of about 10 kids including me, some infected some not, running up-hill. Next to the house of my aunt someone is selling ice and my uncle is sitting next to the salesman.

    Next day:
    I don't remember much of it but I was in a world with magicians and spells. Again I know it was a really cool dream but because of my bad recall I can't remember what is so cool about it :P After that one I was in a room with computers at school where you could connect to the computer and get lucid or feel what it is like to be lucid. Someone was giving a lecture on lucid dreaming. If you are reading this you will obviously think to yourself 'Damn this dude is really talking nonsense', I know. When I have bad recall I can tell what roughly happened but not why or how.

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