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    Very fragmented but awesome

    by , 03-20-2014 at 11:12 AM (354 Views)
    I see that I wrote down 'Dragons?' on my phone's notepad so I had a very faint idea that there was something with dragons but I don't remember what. I was escaping some castle I think, with a few friends or people stuck in the same place. I breathed underwater as an elevator or something filled up with water. I don't know if I did it because I knew I was dreaming. A few moments later I was playing Devil May Cry 4, but it was like I was the main character and I was slaying demons myself. But I don't remember doing those moves, I was looking from behind and pushing the buttons but it is also like I was the main character doing the moves. There was a big crowd of friends and family. This is very fragmented and incoherent and a pain to write down. But still cool :D

    BTW before falling asleep I was looking at pictures of dragons and being fascinated. Damn dragons are cool.. Dragons are the most awesome thing to ever enter the human mind

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