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    Big Party, J & Jon Stewart

    by , 08-13-2015 at 01:20 PM (516 Views)
    Beware: somewhat mature content below.

    Very long NLD in which I hang out with old friends & family for a long time in various places. J is kind of down because she keeps feeling out of place without me because I keep running off to hang with other people. I want to hang out with J, too, but everyone keeps splitting up to different places. At some point I see M and want to hang out with/woo him, but decide against it. This whole thing turns into a party at J's parents' house with all of our family there and all of our friends from that time/place. The back yard is different and doesn't have a pool anymore. There are probably hundreds of people there. I walk around, amazed. I don't recognize probably 80% of the people because everyone invited their own friends, too. People of all ages are there, but not many very old people besides direct family. I run around this scene, inside and outside of the house, for quite a while. Losing and regaining J several times. A lot of this was very vivid, but there's too much to recount and too little time. So eventually, I'm walking up and down this long setup out in the yard. The "setup" is a bunch of garden plots with what looks like corn growing in them in different, weird ways. Jon Stewart is there, walking up and down the line in a grey suit, explaining to everyone how each plot works. I come to find out that these plants are all actually marijuana. I end up right next to Jon as he demonstrates one of the plot setups to me. There's some kind of small, natural stream winding through this one and there's a pipe going over it. All around this are tall corn-like weed plants. Jon tells me that once the plants are established, they build up very thickly around the banks of the water, creating a high-yield situation. He starts ripping plants away to expose very thick, close-together stalks. I'm super impressed by this and I express my admiration. Jon gives a friendly response, but his face belies his general exhaustion and upset-ness at the world's problems. I try to make small talk, but he clams up, so I walk off. I end up far away in a fancy store in the city. I recognize no one and become sad because I've lost J. I'm about to text her when I see her walk in the door with Sh and K. J and I run off alone together, galavanting through the aisles of clothes like fools, freaking out all of the rich ladies that are there shopping. I start chanting, "Fancy, fancy, fancy, fancy!" and J starts chanting along with me. Eventually I leave, alone again. Next thing I remember is watching weird videos online with J and Sh and somebody else. There's some videos of drunk people doing stupid crap, then one comes up of some youngish guys in a weird room all dancing around. They're just wearing cut off shirts and nothing else, but their bottoms are blurred out. The room reminds me of a glorified garage. There's a big table in the middle and cabinets around the sides which have been painted bright green and pink. Somehow I enter into this video and become lucid. I start exploring the house and I talk to some of the guys and wave to the camera that was filming before, making a silly face and wondering if people will see me on the video later lol.. stupid. I make my way to the front of the house and find two ladies cuddled up together in a big bed by the front door. There were kids in some of the rooms, that's important. I talk to them and they seem awesome. One of them disappears almost immediately and I remain talking to the other. I say something to her like, "You got it made, girl! You got [something I can't remember] (we high-five), penis (we high-five harder, laughing), and kids! Kids are cool, right?" We high-five one last time. I know this chick is highly lesbo and was with that other chick, and now she's coming onto me. She walks towards me, pushing me back against a wall. I'm much taller than her and that way I'm looming over her kinda turns me on, too.. I am starting to lose control, so I say to her that I'd love to, but I don't want to lose lucidity before I do any tasks. (Finally thought of them.. jeez) But she doesn't move, only smiles and leans up for a kiss. I lean down a little before stopping myself, but then can't help but grab her butt a little. It's way more realistic than I'd expected and it breaks my brain. I end up dragging her around with me, trying to find a way out of the house, only to find myself trapped and alone again in some dark, cramped hallways.

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