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    Robots, Corn Dogs, Babies, Dryer/Shower

    by , 08-17-2015 at 05:48 PM (526 Views)
    First Half of Night

    -Turning on the shower, about to step in when I notice it's really small. I get a bigger view and realize I'm in what looks like a small laundromat with no windows, but it's all steamy and has a bathroom vibe. Everything is nice and clean and brightly lit; the tile is a light rose pink color while the walls and ceiling are a bit darker and less pink, more grey/beige. Anyway, I KEEP TRYING to get in this "shower", even though it looks exactly like a dryer now, just with a small shower head inside which is spraying water everywhere. I stick one leg in before I realize that this is a terrible idea: THIS one is way too small! So I go to a bigger one.. I get all the way inside and crouch down, then close the door. I sit in there for a minute, wondering what will happen (this one doesn't even have a shower head..) before I FINALLY realize this isn't a freaking shower.. I frantically open the door, get out, and that's all I remember of that one.

    -I'm in some kind of office building. The place is kinda plain, but pleasant and very casual. There are a few simple plants in large pots here and there. I'm with either Li or De and we go into a small, almost empty room. It has two large windows with cheap plastic blinds drawn down and slightly opened to let some light in. There are a few small wood cabinets and a big, thick, quilt-like blanket in the middle of the floor. There are lots of soft, rosey/mauve pinks in this building, too.. hm. So the buidling is filled with all female doctors and nurses, I think all with brown hair, all with hair down, all wearing pretty casual clothes for a job like that. I think we're here to help Li/De get pregnant or something. We somehow use a small, old, convex-screened TV to impregnate ourselves. It works instantly and the pregnancy just happens all at once, so 30 seconds later you have a baby. So, I end up having two babies.. it felt a lot like irl but much less painful thank goodness. The first one is a girl and the second is a darker complected boy that seems really light, like he's a preemie. There was much love and I just couldn't stop gushing over them.

    -Looking at pics on C's phone with him. There are drunk picks of Z and N that I guess they sent him the night before. In one of N, she's IN a metal tub full of whiskey, all the way up to her neck in it! She's smiling drunkenly and one of her eyes is wandering lol.

    -I find an old file for a PS2 game, but in my computer. My Dad's there and recognizes the game as one I'd played with my friends a lot when I lived with him. I open the file and it shows two gifs next to each other. The left one is like a brownish reddish gold-sparkley waterfall thing, like the goldish water is flowing over layers of brown and red rocks, with golden light shining down on it. The right side I think is a zoomed out view of this, but a little different. As I look it seems to change into surreal bleachers, like stadium seating. It's just a MASSIVE wall of them, with the brown representing the far wall (translucent and organic-looking with light shining through) and the red representing PILES of humanoids crowded into the bean-pod-like stands. It's much shadier in here than in the other picture. I see that a few of the people are HUGE and stand far above the others, but they're still just red figures to me for the most part, all waving their arms and cheering. Me and my Dad looking at this turns into us and J looking at an art book about the "most attractive characters in gaming". There's a section of just aliens that I'm curious to see, but my Dad keeps trailing about the beginning of the book. I make him skip ahead to the aliens and me and J just talk about which ones we think look best lol. There's one I like that she doesn't that's like a big, white, non-slimy salamander with really close-together blue eyes. It looks kind of snake-like, facially.

    -I'm seeing something in my head, like as if I'm imagining what someone is telling me. I see a dark hallway in an old, dusty house. An old woman is kneeling down, reaching into a hole in the wall where a grate has been removed. Next to her is her old robot, lying there, decommissioned, dead. It's kind of female looking, with a cone "skirt" and slender arms and legs. There are spindley, black appendages and wires sticking out of her every which way. I know that this robot was the old woman's only companion for years and years and that she used to have many robots. I also know that there is no human in the world that remembers the old woman. She's reaching into this hole, using one of the robot's extended appendages to attempt to fix something, probably the house itself, because the lights are out. Later on, I'm with C in the lobby of a theater. It seems to be themed like the "old days" because most everything is made of wood, and the fancy stuff of brass. We approach what looks like an old claw machine, but with four small sections and no claw. There's a button for each section and inside the glass part are name tags. They're each characters from a game, I think all robots. There's one name that's in quotes: "Machina". I know somehow that this is a fake name covering up the fact that this is actually the most epic robot from the game who's supposed to be dead (this comes from the robot that was with the old lady I think). I tell C this, he presses the button and the robot's voice comes on. It's old and British and male and we know immediately it's who we think it is. I can't remember his real name but I think it begins with C or CL.. He denies who he is and "hangs up" We go to the next machine, which is identical except instead of "Machina" it says "Corn Dog" lmao. I tell C to press that one and when he does, a HUGE hot dog (no bun or anything) SPLOOTS out of the back wall inside the glass and slides down to the front. I have theory that one of the employees got lazy and just "shoved corn dogs in there" instead of taking care of the machine.. wtf lmao

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    non-lucid , memorable
