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    INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal


    by , 06-10-2010 at 04:05 PM (441 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by ineverwakeup13 View Post
    I started off in a small building. Too bad I didn't do reality check in there, lots of good dream signs. Like the infestation of giant talking centipedes. I hate those things too. I was so scared of them, I probably didn't think right. Who doesn't hate those little hundred-legged freaks? We soon had to flee the building (I forgot to mention I was with others), because we ran out of ways to hold those things back. There was also a giant venus fly trap. It ate two of the centipedes, but the others were too big. Outside, hundreds of soldiers were waiting for us.
    "There's no escape!" the leader shouted. Well, fortunately for us, these guys had swords, spears, and bows and arrows. We had pistols. We pulled them out and started mowing down there soldiers. Soon I ran out of ammo. So I grabbed a bow and some arrows. I killed many more soldiers.
    "We can't hold them off forever!" I exclaimed to the others.
    "Maybe if we can get to the harbor, we can find a boat plane." one of the others said. So, we started to run through the crowd of soldiers, and made it to the harbor.
    "Look!" one of our guys shouted, pointing to a building. I saw some of our allies. And not too far away, was a boat plane. We had the upper hand.
    "You guys get the plane, I'll wait here." I said. They ran off to get the plane. Then I felt the sheer coldness of steel handcuffs hit my hands.
    "You're under arrest, fugitive!" a man said. I acted quickly.
    "I need some d*** support!" I shouted. The allies in the building saw me. Then, they opened fire on the soldiers. I broke free of the handcuffs and ran into the building. Good thing they had machine guns.
    "Here, use this." an ally said, handing me a flamethrower.
    ''Alright!" I said. I took the weapon, and pointed it out the window...and fired. Instantly, soldiers started to burn up into nothing. Soon, the others arrived in the boat plane, we all got in, and flew away. Moments later...I woke up.

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