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    INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal

    Last Day of School...7/2/10(Early Morning)

    by , 07-02-2010 at 04:39 PM (494 Views)
    Let it be known that I once again did not miss my dream signs! I think they've really settled in now!

    I started off in my school(DS). It was the last day(my actual last day was about a month ago). I was in the auditorium and I was sitting next to my friend Victor(DS). I randomly found a hover board. I got on it and flew around. I got in a lot of trouble. So, I finally realized I was in a school
    and became lucid. I completely forgot to do the task of the month. So, I rubbed my hands to get more clarity, but then I had a false awakening! Luckily, I DEILDed, even though I wasn't actually awake. I ended up in the same dream. This time I didn't rub my hands.

    "Screw clarity."I said. Then, I tried the door method, and it worked! This was the first time I tried it in over four months. Ha! Soon, I had another false awakening! This time, the false awakening
    woke me up for real. Oh well, now the task of the month will have to wait.

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