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    INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal

    Prison Break...5/8/10

    by , 06-10-2010 at 04:19 PM (413 Views)
    Quote Originally Posted by ineverwakeup13 View Post
    I dreamed that I was on a bus. One of my teachers was driving. Then, they let my brother drive the bus. He was doing good at first, then, he started to drive through houses. We smashed into a tree. Then, the police arrest us! So, we all get thrown in the slammer(jail). So, we decided to break out. That failed four times in a row. Then, we discovered the warden lives at the prison...and he has a daughter. So...we broke out, stole some girl clothes to disguise ourselves as his daughter's friends. They caught up with us, and discovered we were escaping, but I did an RC. LUCIDITY ACTIVATED! I'm sure what I saw, but I became lucid. I used the spinning method, and a guard hit me. So, he screwed me up, and I warped all of us to Brazil! LOL! Thankfully, since we weren't international criminals, they weren't allowed to arrest us. I soon woke up.

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