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    Lucid, asked for guidance, but got none, as far as I could tell.

    by , 04-02-2011 at 08:57 PM (502 Views)
    Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid

    March 25, '11: I was trying to find somewhere to sleep.
    I think I laid down in a hallway and did a WILD within the dream.
    I became lucid, and said "This is a dream, so I can do anything I want."
    I picked up a ukulele and strummed on it a bit, tunelessly.
    There was a girl there. I held her hands and said this was a dream, but also very real, and I touched her face. Then I attempted to stabilize the dream.
    I told the girl that I wanted to open myself to higher guidance. I said "higher source" at first by accident, then "higher source of guidance."
    The girl seemed annoyed or put off by my statement. I got down on my knees, looking up at her, and repeated my intent. Everything got a bit brighter. she became naked and we had sex for a moment. she or I asked how this would help with the guidance.
    Then I became scared and asked how I could overcome nightmares. I got no response, then woke up.

    I WILDed again. It was dark. I felt along a wall and eventually gained sight. I looked in a mirror and asked for help with finding "higher guidance." Nothing happened. I put my head out a window and asked again.
    I heard something and slid out the window, into another room. There was a woman and more mirrors. I dis some stuff in the mirrors, and the woman gave me a BJ. In the mirror, it looked like thee was a man with a penis for a head.
    There was an elevator. A small, skinny man fell down into the room. I was expecting someone else.
    A huge woman who could barely fit slid down the elevator shaft. She landed and kissed me. We danced and kissed. She had a sort of toad-like head, with a wide face.
    Then it felt like Alice in Wonderland. I was very small for a moment. My legs were sore. I climbed into bed, laid down and woke up.
    My physical body was sore from the position I was in.

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    1. MrDreamsX's Avatar
      Strange dream indeed. Very good that you remembered the intention to seek higher guidance in the dream. Even if none was immediately forthcoming.