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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    24th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dream

    by , 08-28-2011 at 05:01 PM (338 Views)
    Kumara's Dream

    Dream 1 - semi-lucid -
    I went up a ladder into an attic and looked around. I was surprised when a young girl, lying on her side, appeared before me...like a holographic image that solidified. Other girls appeared to the left, I understood they were vampires. They woke up and sort of attacked me, only their teeth were broad and rounded and dull, so it didn't hurt and they couldn't really break the skin. I picked up one of them and she turned into a kitten. Each of the others turned into kittens as I picked them up. I took the vampire-kittehs back down out of the attic and wondered what to do with them. I didn't think it was a good idea to have vampire-kitties hanging around, so I tried to create a portal to send them to some dimension that would be a good place for them, fail.
    I asked god what to do with them...nothing immediate came so I just walked out.

    Dream 2 - I may have been practicing flying as high and fast as I could then plummeting back down. I was swimming in water and enjoying splashing around then realized...DOLPHINS!!! I can call the dolphins!!! I turned and saw fins and started squealing and splashing and swimming toward them...they got close and I was trying to bring them into better focus and see more detail, I touched them and squealed more, thrilled to be with the dolphins.

    Dream 3 - I was renting a room from someone. I don't remember the room, but I went searching for a chair. I found some plain black metal stools on a platform, there was a weird tiny little black wheelchair with a hood like it was a combo stroller/wheelchair. I cleared the stuff away and found a tall stool that I thought would be do the job...for some reason I looked around and noticed that surrounding the wooden platform I was on was a HUGE buffet on an l-shaped serving line. The dining room was plush and ornate, many people were eating at various tables. I walked up to the buffet and maybe asked the guy I was renting the room from if the buffet and chairs were included with the rent and he had a bewildered attitude of "of course!" as if it was a given.

    Dream 4 - I was at my friend N's new apartment she had just bought. It was HUGE. Her "apartment" was the top 3 floors of an old house that was more like a mansion. We were on the top level...I looked around a corner and noticed a line of beds of all sizes with ornate headboards lined up against the wall in front of me and to the right. I marveled to her at how many beds she had, I counted 9 or 10. She said, "well of course, that's what I've been saving up for all this time!" I was trying to figure out how they could afford this amazing place, thinking of how her husband works for (big corporation). I noticed a rack of clothes and was thinking of how everything I owned could pretty much fit where that rack of clothes was and I could maybe move my stuff there and she'd never even notice.

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    lucid , non-lucid
