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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    24th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Windhover

    by , 08-28-2011 at 04:24 PM (357 Views)
    Windhover's Dream

    I lifted my dream hand and did nose-plug RC. it was hard to stand up so I sought for help begging "please help me.....grab my hand..." I felt someone grabbing my hand but I couldnt open my dream eyes, so I shouted (in dream) "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!" then suddenly I was in the dream.

    I opened my room door and walked to the kitchen. I heard my dad saying,
    "hey if you're going outside then at least wear something nice."
    "okay okay dad.."
    I was wearing pajama. I knew it was dream so I tried to ignore him. then my mom said
    "I heard you moaning in the bedroom"
    "was I?"
    "yeah you said please help me grab my hand!"
    I chuckled. I slowly wore my black summer crocs and opened the front door.
    I forgot to take a bus to pyramid. I instead thought taking a taxi. I found some kids getting off from a car and I said
    "hey can you take me to chicen itza pyramid?"
    "I cannot take you unless you have taxi pass"
    I got bit annoyed so I summoned a golden ticket
    "I have this super-ultra-combination-golden ticket for your goddamn taxi!!"
    when he saw my golden ticket he suddenly ran to the taxi, getting ready to take me to the pyramid.

    there were bunch of kids inside the car. the driver was female. she wanted me to sit in the front but the seat was very hard to get in so I just sat at the back.
    this was weird. the driving scene over the windshield was jsut like the game Midtown Madness. the driver went crazy and did road rage in the highway. the taxi was invincible. however I didnt feel any impulse of a car; I just felt like watching a game scene. I asked to the girl sitting next to me,
    "do you know chicenitza pyramid?"
    she shook her head.
    "it's built by mystery Mayans!"

    anyway I got to the pyramid but the dream was unstable and the quality became worse. so I switched my 'sense of touch';sitting in a car to sitting on top of the pyramid. but it was still unstable. I was wearing white cap and black sunglasses. I went down to the ground and I saw this white-furball-creature. I dont recall how it exactly looked like but it was sort of human form and had blue eyes. suddenly I recognized him that he was named 'Zeno'. ??
    then I saw a slightly blond caucasian. he was wearing winter clothes. I asked him
    "are you Katsuno?"
    he did not answer. he was murmuring something so I knew that he was just a DC.
    the dream was getting more unstable. I couldnt summon a beacon on the pyramid so I summoned huge chocolate egg next to the pyramid.
    dream scene jumped. I went into this inn next to the pyramid. my grandmother was in charge of the inn; she was the head of the building. my brother was working in the hotel. I saw some kid running around and I went into a dining room. I saw my brother, Dwight Shcrute next to him, and 'real' Dr. Eggman. Dwight was stealing my brother's tofu stew with his spoon. I got mad shouting
    "you're even mean in the dream!! stop stealing his food, you bad guy!!!"
    so I hit his head with white plastic slab. -__-
    I went into another room. there were,,, unfamiliar people there, and I asked them
    "do you know where Katsuno is?"
    I dont know why, but the people looked funny so laughed out loud. some guys laughed too.
    I woke up at 8:45.

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