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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    29th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kaomea

    by , 09-10-2011 at 06:49 PM (388 Views)
    Kaomea's Dreams

    I'm at some run-down carnival wandering around, just checking the place out. It had a very unusual vibe, not vibrant and good, more.... mystic and horrorish. It seems deserted for the most part, a tad grungy. I come to a machine right before I leave and it looks interesting. Not sure what it does, just that I put in money, the odds are against the player, but the prize seemed pretty cool. At the time I knew I could alter the outcome also, so I put $5 into the machine. A piece of white paper immediately flutters out onto the ground. A game attendant picks it up and reads it. I telepathically read his mind. It says I'm a spy. A spy? Hmmm... He gives me this really odd look then quickly ushers me outside, saying that he can't help me. He goes to get my $5 returned to me from his cash drawer but I had already retrieved it from the machine when it rejected my money... I use the time wisely and observe him. I then apologize and tell him it wasn't intentional. He seemed really unnerved and I continued on my way.

    Somewhere along the way (I'm not sure which dream he appeared in, I think I wasn't conscious when I was with him) I met up with Mancon because I caught the ending bit where we're standing in my kitchen I think? It feels like he needs to go but his energy is vibrant and seems quite happy overall. I get the feeling we did something cool, lol. Anyway, he begins to tell me something, I inturrupt him and say something to the extend of, 'yea yea, I know.' He continues and says, "Next time, let's make it to the temple." I think he was either at the carnival with me or the next dream with the snow... but I'm not sure. I tell him 'ok' in regards to making it to the temple tomorrow.

    Snow slide ride
    I'm in some sort of amusement park place... with fake snow. I know it's fake because I see green grass or turf below the snow. It also feels icey. I'm standing at the top of a very large slide, about five people are connected and go down in front of me. I go down with them but remain unconnected to the last person. We get to the bottom and there's only one person still there, the others vanished. I gather up snow and toss the ball at his head. He turns to look, seems annoyed, lol. He tosses one back at me. Another rider comes down the slide and me and the other guy beam him with snowballs. It evolves into a snow fight.

    Mayan Temple
    All of a sudden I'm standing in some young teenager's room, on his bed which has blue bedsheets and looking at a full length mirror.. the kind that is built onto the closet door. I'm wondering what I'm doing here and then look at the kid, and then at my reflection. I immediately become lucid and he asks, "What are you going to do today?" Ummm.... OH! DREAM SIGN! Temple! As I bounce lightly on his bed as I consider the lucidity and say, "We should go to the temple." He perks up a bit at this and then I start thinking of Mancon again, thinking that I could just portal him straight to me and the three of us can go together. At the last moment before I drag him to me I realize I shouldn't... I can just meet him at the temple. I agree with my logic and motion the kid over to me. He tells me ok but that he doesn't know how to get there.

    He climbs onto his bed in front of me and I wrap my arms around his shoulders to keep him secure and ensure he teleports with me (I have a tendency of dropping people occasionally). I instruct him to close his eyes and then walk him through a visualization of the temple. I'm visualizing it at the same time I'm describing it to him. We're almost there when I realize I didn't specify where we're going to land and I feel an urgency (from him?) of what to focus on. "We're going to land at the top of the temple" I tell him just a moment before we actually land. I tell him, "You can open your eyes slowly, we're here."

    Arrival at the temple
    I open my eyes and hahahaha we're actually here. Damn, I knew it would work but I didn't actually think it would work. I release the boy and we both have a look around. I laugh at myself and then think about the beacon as I don't see other dreamers. I wonder if someone has activated it already and think that it doesn't matter, I can always activate it again if they did. I close my eyes and focus on the beacon, the yellow, red, and green rays and cast that image widely in the minds of anyone listening. I do this for a few moments and then release it and wait. I look at the sky and notice all the stars... but they're moving rapidly... I continue to stare and realize they're almost like shooting stars except they don't fade out. They're absolutely brilliant... are those other dreamers?

    All of a sudden the sky is enveloped in a different energy, like it's under attack. I snatch up the boy I brought with me and sprint over to a corner of the platform and stay low. We watched as the night sky erupted into an intense display of colors... It seemed like the new more agressive energy was picking up and carrying the other peaceful and calm energy away. It actually seemed brutal and I was trying to understand what was happening. I didn't want to leave the boy there alone so we waited for it to die out which it eventually did.

    Safe haven?
    I see a woman leading a group of others now down into the temple through two doors. She was the last to enter and at this point I step out of the shadows with the boy and stop her. I ask her to keep him safe for me as I wanted to pursue what just unfolded. She agreed and I nudged him forward. She immediately points a wand she's carrying with her and kills him. WTF. I become furious at her for killing him, that wasn't at all what I meant.

    I walk over to her and take her wand... it feels like a form of identification. I walk into the temple ahead of her and she demands her wand back. I refuse. She follows after me. I get to the group she was leading and somehow acquire a second wand which I keep in my possession. The group seems young, teenagers. I remain in a specific chamber with them while we wait for something. They keep reaching for the wands I'm guarding but I brush them away. In their frustration they start pushing themselves closer and closer to me until they get too personal and I shove them back. I'm patient but eventually that wears thin. I extend my energy bubble out about five feet and keep them there.

    Time to be heard
    I'm now with a teammate of mine, I ask her to hold something for me as I needed my hands free. We're about to go into a court room of sorts to be 'heard' when I wake up.

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    lucid , memorable
