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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    30th Shared dreaming attempt

    by , 09-12-2011 at 09:24 AM (721 Views)

    12-9-11 from 2:00 - 7:00 8:00 - 10:00

    Remember some things. I was browsing this forum and there was a lot of activity by Omnis Dei. Something tells me he was on acid yesterday? Because his name shifted from Omnis Dei to Lysergic. Let me know. I'm having prophetic dreams lately. Fact that he gave me a "like" on my thread while i was sleeping makes it more puzzling.
    Also, i didn't know what the word lysergic means before this dream . i had to look it up.

    Dreamed of logging in on msn and having a message in the "Type a message for ur friends" bar. But i don't remember what it was.

    I dreamed that this girl i know. Who i saw at a club yesterday. She invited me to her home a few miles from here. I told her i don't know where she lives. She said, you do. And i remembered i brought her home once. I do know where she lives. I think i accepted. Had to fix my bike first tho, i had a flat dream tire. I think i recall riding outside her house trying to find the place. Nothing more.

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