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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    32nd Shared Dream Attempt - Aeolar

    by , 09-18-2011 at 06:47 AM (397 Views)
    Aeolar's Dream

    I am in this building and there are 2 girls standing near me. I am a punk-esque rocker, and can see myself. One girl is not the best looking, and the other has pure razored black hair. Now, this building is like our chill spot and I am walking through it, just looking around. Dreamskip. The dream resets, and I am back where I began, in this big room with those same two chicks. The only difference is that now I am spraying on some Old Spice, and immediately the 2 girls come and smell me. I begin walking into this room to my left-ish, and we all go through the door. They tell me that they wanna have sex with me, and I'm kinda iffy about it, but I go with it. They start walking to a nearby bed, and I walk over as well. But then the dream skipped, and now I am watching as 2 guys play this video game. It was like guitar hero and DDR had sex and this was their creation. The girls wanted to try, and the familiar girl with the black hair had a combo multiplier that had carried over from last game. The song was nuckin futs, it was like Nyan cat remix lol.

    Anyways, they finished and we left through the front door. Now we (Still the girls with me) are walking down my street, and one of the girls is singing a song. I think it's the black haired one. She sings some weird thing about cars, but as we keep walking, we see our "hangout HQ" in front of us, and the doors are ominously open. The girl starts narrating what is happening, and soon as we walk closer to it we see a man walking from the inside to the door. The front of the house from our perspective had a door on the left and a garage opening on the right. The garage door suddenly slams shut as hard as it could, by some unknown force. The man inside is nowhere to be seen, but we now see this big deformed thing that looks like an Abomination from Dragon Age. The black haired girl sings, "Oh shiiit, it's hunger, it's fear!" in a high pitched melodic voice. He comes toward us, and I am ready to mess him up.

    Forget laws of physics and Isaac Newton, I move to the side once he's about 10 feet away, and I pull him towards me by will and extending my fingers. I begin to tear out its spine, but I can't get a good grip. I jump into the air and float there, instantly becoming lucid. I ponder for a moment on whether or not to kill the thing or completely forget about it. I decide to pwn him. I use my hands to direct my intent, and I pull the abomination under me (I am like 20 feet off the ground) and I slash my finger diagonally across its torso, and he splits in half showing spine and guts alike.

    Suddenly another comes out, and I fall down a little, but am still in the air. I decide to be a BAMF and yell "Get over here!!" in a Scorpion voice, just 'cause. The abomination was pulled through the air to about 2 feet in front of me, back facing me. I jabbed my hand in its back, and grasped its spine. I twisted my hand in a 180 motion clockwise, and the body did as well, and I proceeded to smash it's brains on the pavement. Surprisingly it took 2 very strong hits to the head, before I ripped out its spine, and woke up.
    I am Facebook chatting with this girl who rides my bus, and she says she is practicing dance. When I go over to her, my cousin Heidi and Kendra are with her. They are pirouetting.
    There is a new "TV show" out, and it's about these kids who were specially selected and placed into these large government buildings. There were 2 of these buildings, and they looked like sky scrapers. There is a constant competition between the 2 groups of kids in each of the buildings.

    Now, I am in the first generation of kids to come in, but they also brought my "sister" and my "younger brother" of which I have neither. We are spying on the other team, and infiltrating their base, while they are doing the same to us. It's pretty fun. My little brother is doing the same, but he's a 2nd generation, and they aren't as skilled as us. I catch enemy 2nd gens all the time, and they just tread back in shame. For example, I walked into their base, and I noticed that the furniture in the lobby room looked odd. Instantly I knew that it was a group of spies, and sure enough, it morphed into about 10 people hiding. Dreamskip.

    We are all back in our room after a mission, and my sister just met a boy that she instantly fell in love with, but he's on the enemy team. Some Romeo & Juliet thing going on. She goes into the bathroom to try and process her emotions. I watch as my little brother plays with her makeup.
    I am riding my longboard somewhere on the island, and I am pulling a huge broken down bus behind me. I get to the beach intersection, and I notice that there is another bus behind me. I start to freak out, and I pull over. I am about to leave the bus and keep riding, but just then a while Lexus pulls up next to me, and Dawn comes out.
    "You have 2 bug bites on your leg." Dawn says.
    "... OK?" I reply, confused.
    "I'll give you a ride."
    "We need to strap my longboard down."
    Dawn gets bungie cords out of the trunk.
    I am with J&A, D&D, and we are all on a yacht that is apparently ours, but it's docked at our house. I am playing Dead Island on one tv, and World of Warcraft on another. I am a gnome death knight in WoW, and I just started. Now, Josh and Anthony are leaving to go somewhere , so they are throwing a huge party. They said something about 30,000 people coming to this party. I am like Howly Sheit, o.O that is a LOT of people.

    Immediately people begin pouring in, people that I know and people that I don't. Our house is like a combo of every house that I have ever lived in. People are lined up in the kitchen, raiding for food. I go out to the living room, and I see these two Japanese girls sitting on a couch. I recognize them from somewhere, and start talking to them. Tom, my brother, comes up out of nowhere and completely ruins the mood. I leave face-palming. I walk outside and someone has just leveled me up in WoW. Bitch stop playing on my account! I grumble to myself. Dale and one of his friends are sitting on the seawall doing something. They tell me I should prank order something to my house, but then don't pay for it. I think that's pretty dumb. We all walk around the side of the house, and it's just like my Illinois neighborhood. We walk over to the cool cat lady's driveway, and the kid with Dale says/does something and falls asleep. I tell Dale to watch him. I leave.

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