Memorable Dreams
Date of Dream: WED 29 AUG - 2018 Dream No. 410 - Separated Sections Dream 410 A - Everything Except My Request (Lucid Dream 25) I can’t remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, I was in some unknown building and the corridors had lifts everywhere, ultimately freaking me out. I said to myself, “I’m not going in any of them without 18-Volt”. I then picked up my pace and tried to walk the heck out of that building. I noticed that the scene was fading on me and changing into a new scene. For the second scene, I was in my brother’s room, just casually walking around when I suddenly got the intuition to look at my hands. When I looked down at my hands, I only had five fingers but they were clutched around a pen… The hand looked no different to real life but I ended up reciting the automatic response of “I am dreaming”. I then decided to do some more reality checks to make sure that I was actually lucid. I decided to approach the kitchenette area where there was not one, not two, but multiple mirrors on the wall in this dream. On second thought though, I actually did want to go and look into the mirrors as I was worried about what I would look like and thought that the dream was going to make me look scary. Instead, I decided that I would count my toes, so I walked over to the couch and put my foot on there, counting six toes! Once I knew I was lucid, the intention hit me and I started diligently calling for 18-Volt but the dream was not going to co-operate for him either. I was calling “18-Volt!” like a broken record while now walking around the entire house on a hunt. At first, there was nothing but because I was lucid, I did not give up. Eventually, something did appear but the dream was only trying to give me some green coloured animal, I forgot which animal it was though. I shook my head in disbelief and sighed “no...” to the dream and so then the holographic animal disappeared and I continued on with “18 Volt!”, now heading out through the laundry and into the backyard. Half way down the slope of the backyard, the dream decides to try something else on me… My dad starts fading into the scene and again, this time I yell, “no!”, then muttering to myself “Oh my god, you give me everything but 18-Volt”. Then I went into the garage and out the front door, completing the loop of the house after calling for 18-Volt about 100+ times. When I was walking out of the front driveway, I finally noticed 18-Volt holographically appearing lower down in the court but as that was happening, I was waking up… I wasn’t happy about it but my ability to talk in the dream was now ceased. Dream 410 B - The Croatian Tongue I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I can remember, I was standing just outside the back door to my house, on the skinny concrete strip, talking to 18-Volt; I was facing towards the house, he was facing towards the lawn. Without thinking, I ended up for the first time in a dream, saying something in Croatian, I have forgotten what I said though. Looking absolutely confused and baffled, he then asked me what the heck I was going on about. He said something along the lines of “What kind of gibberish is that?”. Before I had time to think of a reply, and to my surprise, Dreamy WB appeared in her dark-rust coloured hair, year 12 hoodie and black leggings and shoes, floating beside 18-Volt and she told him while pointing to me that I was not speaking gibberish, but rather “In the Croatian language”. 18-Volt then looks and goes to Dreamy WB, “She’s Croatian?”. And when Dreamy WB nodded in confirmation, 18-Volt grew this look of sheer amazement on his face, then looking to me and saying “No way!”. As this was happening, the dream was fading out and I woke up. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have all members on the dream guide team obtain and apply knowledge on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 410: Results (Competition #6) 410 A Competition Night: 28 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 410 B Competition Night: 28 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB & 18-Volt (On Trial) Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 18.0 Calculation Details: - First Lucid Of The Night (10.0) - Was Introduced By DILD (5.0) - WBTB Included (2.0) - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - Have A Dream Guide Automatically Appear: Dreamy WB (0.5) + Previous Total: 118.5 Total Accumulated Points: 136.5 At the start of the night, I actually had an endless stream of nightmares; the only thing is that I can't recall any of the details. Due to this endless stream of nightmares, I woke up at 5:00 AM and didn't fall asleep until 7:00 AM; this was after I came back from the bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror and thought "if you don't get some more sleep, your mum won't even be able to recognise her own daughter"... I looked absolutely horrifying, especially around the eyes (I think I should have taken a selfie and posted it here on DV as proof!... Jokes). Where the intention for 18-Volt in the lucid came in is that I all of sudden discover that the workplace I am doing work-experience at in December is actually conducting the interviews from the 10th of September! You might be thinking, what does 18-Volt and attending the real life interview have to do with each other? That's not the correlation though. It's the fact that I will be required to go to the 13th floor and as past dreams have suggested, I have a big phobia of elevators. Originally, Dreamy WB has been providing me with the in-dream therapy but lately the dream has been tampering with her and not allowing her to appear. I could have ultimately put an intense amount of time into getting Dreamy WB back but there isn't much time until September the 10th. I feel that with this approach, the dream would only try to mess her up more and more and I would be wasting my time, rather than actually trying to get a reasoning with my phobia, allowing me to become somewhat competent. So instead of pursuing Dreamy WB at the moment, I have decided to go with 18-Volt. I like dream characters with a larger complexion when it comes to things like helping me face my fears as they can not only hug me, but also pick me up off the ground and hold me if need be, so I feel a higher sense of security with them, especially with a big, strong man. As September the 10th is very soon, I'm trying to make a very concerted effort to get as much exposure as possible, spending approximately 2 - 3 hours in the day, writing detailed letters or task plans in my exercise book. I stated that the minimum amount of times I would accept before September the 10th is twice (once each week) but these interviews can happen any time from then until the 27th of September, so if it is later, then I would prefer to have practice with 18-Volt at least 4 - 6 times as a minimum. I said that I would be competent to ride elevators in real life when I no longer have to touch 18-Volt (or Dreamy WB if she decides to come back on her own) and I feel okay when I wake up. Otherwise, if I don't have enough practice in-dream, then I'll be clambering to find a stair-well. Once the interview period is over (and hopefully 18-Volt's calmed me down enough), then I will be having a big crack-down on the Awareness Behind The Dream in-order to get Dreamy WB back. A bit about Dream 410 B now. I find it impressive that as 18-Volt is expressing his confusion, Dreamy WB appears on his side to clarify it to him. Usually, when there is a new significant dream character, I often have a series of "getting to know you dreams" (I don't plan these ones, they just come) where we meet for the first time and then they end up interacting with me and then learning about me as well. In real life, I have written that if it was possible to have 18-Volt go and see Dreamy WB to get behind the scenes tutorials on how my dreams work and how I conduct myself; so that's maybe what manifested in her appearing to him to explain my "Croatian" situation. By the way, Dreamy WB was telling the truth; in real life, I am actually Croatian.
Updated 09-04-2018 at 09:26 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: TUE 21 AUG - 2018 Dream No. 403 - Little Dreamer-To-Be I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, my friend JH had originally invited me to attend a party with her on Sunday night. When it got to Sunday night, I received a message from her on Facebook. She said that she wasn’t going on Sunday night anymore and rather that we would go on Monday night. I then went and asked my mum if I could attend the party and she said no. I kept trying to convince her but then she very sternly yelled “no!” and started to get very angry with me now. The next scene took place in the dining room of my old house but there was no transition into this scene, rather, it was a direct link of the last scene. I was sitting on the table but I forgot what I was doing specifically. There was talk of the boys from my brother’s university having a games night and it had something to do with either dominoes or dice. I wanted to attend but my mum said I wasn’t allowed to and I felt cut about that. Then out of nowhere, an envelope appears on the dining room table. I open the envelope to find that it is something from JO. It looks like an elegantly written letter on some good quality thick cardboard paper. At the start of it, she uses emotional appeal by somehow almost over-praising my talent of music. On reading the letter further, I found that she was inviting me to an event. I said to myself, “She’s just trying to promote herself. My mum then comes up to me and insists that I go to JO’s function but I said I didn’t want to. No matter what I said, my mum kept going and once again got angry at me. I was thinking to myself, “She forces me to go to this thing yet she won’t let me go to a party with JH...”. I kept saying no for a while but my mum got angrier and angrier and actually quite soon, I felt the need to run away. This boy appeared and his name was Andreas, I was going to be mentoring this boy for the rest of the dream. He ran with me though the dining room which was now made of a longer area than in real life, so it almost felt like the room was endless. The house then morphed back into the layout of my current house again but that’s when my dad also now joined in on the chase. Andreas and I ended up outside, I don’t know how we got down from the balcony though… You’d kill yourself in real life. We were now running in the pergola area, towards the fence and it was the area between the Greek residents at the back of the house and the next door neighbour to the left of my house if you were looking out towards the front driveway from the garage. Sometimes I would look to Andreas to make sure he was keeping up and at other times, I would look back to see my parents hot on our tails and not falling back anytime soon. At some point on the run, even if not his parents, Andreas was looking worried. I said to Andreas while still running, “If you call for Dreamy WB, Murray, or 18-Volt, someone will come and help you”, emphasising their names their names in a clear tone so he would understand. Firstly Andreas tried calling for Dreamy WB but nothing happened. He then decided to try 18-Volt next but nothing happened either. Andreas looked at me like “we’re doomed”; I suggested that he should try for 18-Volt again. Second time lucky we were as something happened. The dream camera lifted up a bit to show the crystal clear blue sky. A very feint projection of 18-Volt showed, pointing towards the sun. He then disappeared and the sun came closer, shooting a thin ring of visible energy out from it. It didn’t affect me or Andreas but as the ring hit my mum and dad, they were pushed back slightly, allowing us a window of time to get away. We indeed had more time that I could now plan how we were going to get out of the area. In order to be able to leave the area, we would have to go over all the houses, and so I taught Andreas how to jump onto rooftops in a sort of moon-jump motion. I was standing on one rooftop as I instructed Andreas on how to get onto consecutive rooftops without touching the ground. I then also told him that it was easier if he could find flat rooftops. For some reason, after that, my attention was drawn back to the music room and so I actually went backwards. Andreas followed and I entered the music room to investigate some piece of musical equipment. I then had a thought that I have every colour of belt in my wardrobe except orange. There I saw it, apparently it was my orange belt with flower decorations attached onto it and my dad was using that belt to secure a piece of his equipment in place. I quietly removed the belt off the piece of equipment and put in on myself. As I looked though the glass door, it acted as a mirror and so I was able to see the outfit I was wearing. Once I discovered the outfit I was wearing, I felt starstruck and so proud of myself… I love colourful outfits and that’s what I was wearing. It was a light blue denim dress with the orange belt, as well as coral coloured leggings and orange flats. Soon though, the sight of my dad coming towards the music room caught my eye and I started to freak out. I had started running too late though as my dad saw but then he said something to me, I forgot what it was though. A big sign of relief had hit me and I had stopped, knowing that my dad wasn’t angry at me. With Andreas still standing at the side, not doing anything, my dad made a comment on my clothing and said that he liked more plain designs; he said he would have preferred it if I was wearing something like a dark grey and murky green. The dream then ended there. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 403: Results (Competition #6) Competition Night: 20 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: 18-Volt (Not on DG team yet - See side note) Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 7.0 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Help Someone In Need: Andreas (1.0) - 5-Day Recall Chain (5.0) + Previous Total: 94.5 Total Accumulated Points: 101.5 As soon as I write to someone new, the dream thinks I want another dream guide. I literally quoted in my letter to 18-Volt that as a full-time gamer in 4th grade, he is likely to have little to no understanding of the dream world and its principles. So therefore, I was anticipating a more casual interaction, kind of like interacting with a friend in real life. I thought to be either directing and orientating him myself or alternatively, going down to his level and doing what he wants to do. So even though the dream seems to be pushing 18-Volt towards the direction of dream guide, I've placed him on trial for the rest of August (meaning he will not score points for dream guide assistance in this competition). If he continues to provide meaningful advice and assistance, then he will be granted the position of the third Dream Guide Team Member from September. 18-Volt's trial will be fast-tracked if he manages to pull off something amazing (based on the dreamer's discretion), this is feasible because the August guide currently in Slot 3 has not performed, so there are no points that have to be altered if 18-Volt exceeds the expectations of his trial.
Updated 08-23-2018 at 06:18 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: SUN 19 AUG - 2018 Dream No. 401 - Separated Sections Dream 401 A - British Students I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in my court and there were all these white vans parked at the side of the road just outside my house; there was also a van parked in the driveway. The next scene is slightly blurry to me. These guys have come to perform some sort of trade but I was somewhat suspicious of them. Inside the house, some of the men were interacting with my mum but I forgot what exactly happened. I was then at Brandon Park Shopping Centre in the area close to the food court and I was talking with a bunch of people. Apparently it was a small group of students, all girls, and a couple of teachers who had come from a school in the UK, I remember calling them British students in this dream. I forgot what was spoken about specifically but I remember we covered a lot of different topics. After talking for a while, I woke up. Dream 401 B - Super Smash Bros Team Tournament When I fell back asleep, it felt like it was a continuation from the dream I had woken up from. One recurring aspect was the exact same group of British students and their teachers. I forgot what happened at the start of the dream. Were now in a large room which felt to me like the inside of a modern church but the room could be used for many purposes. In this case, there was a Super Smash Bros tournament taking place, seemingly being facilitated by me. Since the British students weren’t very familiar with the environment, I thought I originally wasn’t going to include them but then I thought that this would be a memorable experience for their excursion and so I did include them within the two teams. The first team that the dream camera showed was the team that I wasn’t in. There were two of the British girls in this team as well as all these other girls but these other girls were cartoonified to look like characters from the Total Drama Island TV show. As the facilitator, I was trying to include the British girls as much as possible and even gave them a pep talk on a few things. I said to the group of girls that even though two of them weren’t in my team, to just enjoy the experience and make the most out of them. I then reassured the girls that most of them were actually in my team. The dream camera then zoomed in to show who was in my team. Although the characters were distorted, there were a lot of familiar faces; I classified them as “friends from past and present dreams”. They all looked familiar but I can’t recall anymore who they exactly were. Only one character I can recall had a close resemblance to 9-Volt from WarioWare. I was giving a further spiel to the British students about the tournament but I forgot what about specifically. I then turned my head away from the team and yelled out to nowhere in the room in particular, “Murray! Can you come and carry me onto the stage?!”. Then I am walking towards the back of the room to meet a human version of Murray that approaches me. He was wearing a plain blue business shirt and jeans and he has short brown spiky hair and thick black frame glasses. He picked me up effortlessly and marched me to the front of the room, placing me on the risen area. Once he puts me down, I turn my head back to my team who are still on the lower area, focusing my attention on the British girls to say something to them. I said, “I won’t be asking him again, you see, eventually in life, you’ll be carrying yourself”. The dream ended there. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 401: Results (Competition #6) 401 A Competition Night: 18 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 401 B Competition Night: 18 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Murray Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 5.5 Calculation Details: - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Summon A Dream Guide (1.0) - 3-Day Recall Chain (3.0) + Previous Total: 88.0 Total Accumulated Points: 93.5 This was a really interesting concept at the end of the dream when I was talking to the British girls about how I was going to enter onto the stage. I had a thought during the time of the dream and that the dream guide bringing me onto the stage is like the parent supporting the child financially, legally, etc. And then when I said, "next time, he's not going to bring me on"; that felt like I was mentioning a symbolism of adulthood, where you'd have more responsibilities and your parents would be less involved... Interesting concept.
Updated 09-04-2018 at 09:24 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: SUN 12 AUG - 2018 Dream No. 395 - Wrong Day Of The Week, Boys The dream started off with a sub-scene. It was supposedly at a much larger, distorted version of Endeavour Hills Shopping Centre. There was a little Asian boy, who just like me, had a fear of lifts. Apparently my mum was taking him along and pressuring him to go in one. There was also an unknown woman there but I can’t seem to trace her identity in anyway. As the little boy was being pushed into the lift, he was crying. It was then my scene and I was apparently projecting the sub-scene while standing in the kitchen of my old house. Quickly though, the scene faded out and I was now in my brother’s bedroom of the current house. The computer table was not in the same position as it was in real life… In the dream, the table was in the middle of the room, with Dreamy WB standing behind it. Her appearance in this dream was the slightly rust coloured hair with her navy year 12 hoodie and plain black leggings and tracksuit pants… She convincingly looked like she could have been the real WB but in hindsight, I know she wasn’t. I was also standing behind the table but I was more towards the outer end of it. The first thing Dreamy WB did was pull me in towards her and then she hugged me. Although I wasn’t lucid, thoughts were still playing through my head; thoughts like “the boy went through your ordeal” and “she knows about the previous scene” and “the little boy had no one but you have her”. In this scene, Dreamy WB did speak but I don’t remember anything she said. This scene did go by quickly. For the next scene, I was now in the outside car park of Wheelers Hill Shopping Centre and apparently everyone was going crazy because Logan from SuperMarioLogan in America was having a fan meet-up and autograph signing in the car park. I approached Logan to get things signed myself but he kept on ignoring at me and would some times even snigger to other people as he “subtly” moved away from me. During the events in this scene, I noticed that he was wearing his yellow Jeffy t-shirt. The next dream scene then took place at a railway station and I was even trying to catch Logan’s attention on a train. Once again, he was attempting to deliberately avoid me and even went into other carriages to do so. This scene only played for a short while and I was eventually back in the Wheelers Hill car park but with no one else around. My brother was supposed to meet up with one of his university friends and their twin brother and they were supposed to be coming for a sleepover at our house. Eventually, the boys appeared and they followed me down one of the slopes of the car park. We were walking in some unknown area when I said to RK, this should be a lucid dream because it’s not normal for you to come down on a Wednesday. Then I went over and said to BK, “This should be a lucid dream because you guys never stay down this end on a Thursday”. I never became lucid though. Soon, my brother came up from behind and started talking to RK, as well as taking BK’s company away from me. We had entered into our court and there was this impressive big fruit market at the bottom of it. I was enthusiastically going to show the boys what fruit I was going to pick but found myself to be rather highly disappointed when my brother subtracted their attention and took them up to the house instead. Now there was a random stranger man who was talking to me and he was helping me to pick some fruits. I ended up picking some of these almost microscopic cherries as well as these tiny peaches which still had their fuzzy coats on. That’s all I can remember for this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 395: Results (Competition #6) Competition Night: 11 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 2.5 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Dream Guide Automatically Present (0.5) - Buy/Purchase Something: Mini Fruits (1.0) + Previous Total: 74.5 Total Accumulated Points: 77.0
Date of Dream: WED 8 AUG - 2018 Dream No. 391 - Wrong Man In The Van Lucid Dream 24 There is one scene I can recall in the non-lucid segment of the dream. I was walking around Jells Park and I came across Murray just standing on the grass, off one the footpaths; he was in his Sly 2/3 appearance. I came up to him and we spoke. I forget everything we said but I do clearly remember this one line he said, which was “Africans talk with their mouths, but hippos talk with their muscles”, as he then flexed an arm. I consciously knew he was making a hilarious but mocking reference at Dreamy WB’s expense. In the next scene that I can recall, I was in my house and it was pitch black at night. Everyone was in bed sleeping but I was up and walking about. I find myself in the sitting room next to the kitchen and my brother is laid out on a mattress on the floor. He wakes up and for some unknown reason, he is speaking to me, but with a violent tinge. I become somewhat scared of him but for some reason, decide to go into the kitchen and when I looked towards the oven, I saw the clock and the time said 12:33.1 when in real life, the oven clock would show 0:33 (24hr time). I then gave a slight gasp and said to myself, “I’m in a dream!”, then walking back into the sitting room. My brother lifts his head up and once again in a mean tone, tells me I’m not dreaming. I ignored him because I was intelligent enough to know that he was trying to tamper with my dreaming efforts. Instead, I looked up to the clock at the other end of the room and there I see it, evidence. The clock still has twelve numbers in the analogue position but not in the order of 1, 2, 3… and so on. Rather, the order was like 2, 10, 6, 4, 13… 13? This must mean that one number between 1 – 12 was replaced with this 13. As soon as I saw that 13 on the clock, I was definitely convinced that this was a dream. My brother, still with a terribly mean and angry disposition about him was trying to tell me otherwise but I now just ignored him. I walked past the bar stools and stopped near the dining room. In the loudest voice I could, I yelled “Can I please have Dreamy WB and Murray in this dream?!”. Then a huge gush of wind started up and I was picked up and carried with it and a very fast and furious pace, being shot out through the top front window and off the balcony! I soon discover that the dream has placed me onto Dreamy WB’s lap but I can’t see her, she was invisible in this dream. Gently, she descended from the balcony very slowly and then ascended up the court in the same manner. In the dream, the court seemed longer that in real life. Also, because I was lucid, I was able to perceive extra feelings when I was on her. At one point, I noticed that when the dream plonked me onto her, I wasn’t quite centred properly; so I squiggled slightly, even fixing my pants this time, and then a feeling of bliss came as I sunk into her. Just as we were about to reach the top of the court, slowly, she turned around. I wondered why but then I saw a blue van coming up the road… It was a real life render of the Cooper van! It parked almost below where Dreamy WB was hovering. Still in the air, I saw Sly and Bentley, who were very small in this dream and also with very realistic graphics, standing behind the van. They didn’t end up doing any thing in the dream though. And then Dreamy WB descended and gently slid me off her. With my feet now on the ground and me standing upright, Dreamy WB directed me to get into the van. She especially said for me to sit in the front. Since she was invisible, I only envisioned her with my conscious mind, hopping into the back. When I got seated though, this was not Murray at all! The dream character that was in the driver’s seat (left in Australian driving laws) was my dad! I wasn’t happy about this. I yelled out to the dream that I wanted Murray but nothing happened. Then we took off and I saw that we were driving along a freeway, still in the middle of the night. All throughout the drive, I’m looking out the window and shouting to and cursing at the dream that I clearly wanted Murray… The dream still wouldn’t budge. The only thing it did was bend a facial feature of my dad’s but it would very quickly rebound to normal which made me less than pleased. The venue we ended up at was some strange restaurant but it wasn’t one building, rather it was a whole complex. My dad was no longer with us and rather it was just me and Dreamy WB exploring the building, Dreamy WB who was now visible in a physical human form. She was wearing a black Kathmandu puffer jacket with black leggings and black canvas shoes. Her hair was straight and tied up in a ponytail. This restaurant complex didn’t necessarily have a warm environment everywhere, in-fact, some areas were cold and factory-like. Eventually out of nowhere, other girls joined us and it’s now like we were having a social outing. In one the larger factory-like rooms, the group was all standing around in a circle besides some metal stairs and I noticed that Dreamy WB had a canned drink with her. I saw that it was some fizzy mango fruit drink but then she had also mixed it with some regular milk and once she had a swig of it, she offered for me to try some. I came up to her, hesitant to try it at first but I did end up taking some. She asked me what I thought and at first, I said I liked it. But after having another sip, I changed my mind and thought it was disgusting, so I gave the drink back to her and let her finish it off. For the rest of the scene, the group were talking with each other but I forgot what about specifically. The dream then moved onto the next scene. I found myself to be in my bedroom on a bright sunny morning. I got out of bed and walked around the house for a bit but then I still had a lucid awareness with me and so noticed some things were starting to become off. Finally, I notice I’m still in a dream and so I call out to the dream, “Hey! I’m not finished yet! Take me back to where I was!”. The dream does take me back to the complex but it is day time and the grounds look more like a school, especially the undercover walkways. It was the same group of girls as from the night time scene but there is something different about Dreamy WB. She’s wearing the same clothing but she has the same facial features and voice as of R.McN, including the added glasses. This only phases me slightly and so I still do talk to the character as if it were Dreamy WB. At one point we were falling and so I was concerned but this so-called Dreamy WB reassured that she would be looking after me. The dream ended there from what I can recall. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 391: Results (Competition #6) Competition Night: 7 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 34.0 Calculation Details: - First Lucid Of The Night (10.0) - Was Introduced By DILD (5.0) - Summon Dream Guide: Dreamy WB (10.0) - Fly: During the wind scene (4.0) - Perform Reality Check: During the false awakening (5.0) + Previous Total: 25.5 Total Accumulated Points: 59.5 Although Murray successfully appeared in the non-lucid segment, I'm not marking him as a valid dream guide because I don't want to reward my dream for what it did in the lucid aspect. I also drew up what reality checks I did in the house (night time scene) as well as for anyone who may be curious, the position I usually take on Dreamy WB in all the lap-riding dream scenes.
Date of Dream: FRI 3 AUG - 2018 Dream No. 387 - Separated Sections Dream 387 A - My Dad And His Companion I don’t remember much about this dream. From what I can remember, I was outside my house, standing in the driveway and talking to my dad. He said something about him taking a holiday to Croatia but that he was planning to go with someone. Judging by the person it was, I thought to myself, “Uh oh, how are we supposed to get him?”. There was only a short, feint subscene of me and my dad walking into an unknown house and WB sitting on the living room couch, not looking very happy towards me. The second scene I can remember is where I was at some unknown parkland with other students and teachers from my high school. I have forgotten specifically what we were doing there. I had this ability where I could float in a sitting position, almost just like Dreamy WB but I was attached to a rotational desk chair and the steering was more controlled. I steered around for a while, trying to look for WB for something… The rest of this scene is a mess in my head. Back in the driveway of my house, I looked at the slip of paper saying who my dad was supposed to be going with. When I had a better look, the name on the paper said something like “Mr. Vaiboo” which indeed was an African surname but not the person I was originally thinking of. Rather, it was some complete stranger. That’s all I can remember for this dream. Dream 387 B - Unintelligent Dream Characters (Lucid Dream 23) I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was on a bus and it was repeat of the afternoon bus run back in high school, with the time of day being very late dusk but the sky was still pink. The bus driver was supposed to be heading for Endeavour Hills shopping centre to complete the school run but unfortunately for him, I noticed he made a slight deviation. When I told him though, he said to me, something like, “We’re still heading towards Endeavour Hills, just a different way” but I found it very hard to believe him. The street he was driving down was a court in real life but in the dream, it was supposedly going to link to a wide dirt track in which we would all be strangely taken to somewhere in the countryside. As we were driving down the road to the supposed dead end, I was calculating what stops the three other girls left were required to get off at. I recited the exact same stops that the girls got off at in real life. A projection of a map was then shown with the supposed route to Endeavour Hills being marked in red. Now the map was being traced, also in red. It stayed consistent for the first part but then near the end, the red line deviated to go the opposite way! Back to the bus driver’s remark, I didn’t think he was evil in this dream, just stupid. I looked over at TK and thought to myself that she was going to be the one most affected as she was getting off at the furthest stop. So I called for Dreamy WB but didn’t do it multiple times. Rather, I yelled towards the front window and slightly off to the driver’s side, “Dreamy WB! Can you signal TK off the bus?!”. That’s when an invisible energy rolled the window next to TK down and pulled her backwards out of the bus, sending her flying backwards in a sitting position, but moving towards the rightful destination of Endeavour Hills. I did ask if she could do the other girls but I have forgotten whether she had removed MJ and ADev or not. The next scene was in the study room of a house but it was an unknown house. At the table were me, TK, MJ and ADev, the whole group, linking from the previous bus scene. The girls were amazed in hindsight and what Dreamy WB had done and ultimately, the overall abilities she had. TK made the first comment but I forgot what it was about. ADev then said that Dreamy WB actually tutored her once and she ended getting nothing but A+’s. This is now the start of the lucid aspect which took place at my current house. I saw just at the stop of the stairs, in the hallway and WB’s dad, Mr Be., holding a valid African appearance, was standing on the other side of the closed glass door, just near the entrance to the bathroom, toilet and laundry area. Despite the door being closed, he still sounded very clear when he spoke. He was telling me something about the fingers on his hands. He first told me he had seven of them but the dream seemed to be injecting a strange vibe into him, as well as introducing a very kooky dream character for me to deal with. This new dream character was claiming to be Mrs Be. but this looked absolutely nothing like her and the most disturbing thing about this dream’s claim… The woman wasn’t even African. Rather, she was a young, sprightly, white looking mum with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair! For some weird reason, with no logical transition, I was now in the main part of the house as well. With Mr Be. and his weird seven and then six finger antics, this caused me to become lucid even though I didn’t shout out that I was in a dream this time. That’s when Mrs Be. now played difficult and was going to tickle me in an attempt to force me to wake up. I consciously remembered what happened in Dream No. 316 B and so scurried and rushed to get back into the hallway on the other side of the glass door. Ruthlessly, the extremely distorted Mrs Be. came running after me but I managed to slam the door on her just in time. That was done, but she wasn’t going to give up any time soon. She attempted to push the door back open with brute force but I wasn’t going to let that happen. I can feel my muscles in my arms struggling to keep the door shut and when there’s only even a centimetre gap, she puts an arm through with her fingers going at me with rapid pace. I tried crying out for Dreamy WB but my airways were completely obstructed with phlegm, meaning that I had no voice. The fact that Mrs Be. was constantly almost reaching me and I had no capacity to call out for help meant that I actually almost felt like crying. In-fact my voice was perfectly fine when I started wailing and crying, it would only turn to absolute phlegm when I would attempt to call for Dreamy WB. I did have a moment of powerful development though. I came back to the core realisation that I was lucid and so I could overcome the dream’s imposing effects. It was an empowering thought as for a short amount of time, the activity in the other room with Mr and Mrs Be. actually froze time. In this short window of time, I backed away from the door, walked towards the top front balcony, and cleared my throat as hard as I could, even harder than the hardest attempt in real life when you’re sick. And then it happened, like a little kid having a tantrum, I was crying out for Dreamy WB but she didn’t appear just yet. I noticed that the time in their half of the house was starting to unfreeze and so I had to move fast, back to the door to continue my defence. This time, I had a plan in my head of what I was going to do. At one stage, Mrs Be. took her time but stuck her arm really far out… That’s when I made a run for it. Instead of keeping it closed, I bashed the door open and made a run for it, missing Mrs Be. by just a millimetre, instead knocking her onto the ground as I swept past her and going past Mr Be. who was obliviously admiring his stylish 7-fingered hand. Into the laundry I went and while I was in there, I saw this young African man coming in from the backyard. In a panic, I swung the back door open, almost hitting him in the face and as I ran into the backyard, he gave me a look like “what’s wrong with her?” as he then casually continued into the house, slowly shutting the back door again behind him. Meanwhile, I was scurrying down the large sloped backyard as fast as I could. Just as I could see about the lemon tree, I cried out in an extremely tantrum-like tone, “Dreamy WB!!!!! Save Me!!!!!” like one of the little kids starring on an episode of Supernanny UK. I reach the bottom and open the door to the music room. I enter it, slowly waking in to feel an aura of mystery surrounding me. As I look over to the piano to the right, the lid is off and the keys are playing to themselves! There was no volume though and it was only one key at a time. I then walked further into the room, examining other objects. Although Dreamy WB didn’t seem to be visible, there was always this energy sticking around, making me feel completely calm despite the weird things going on in the sidelines. My lucid mind then helped me to determine that it may have in-fact been Dreamy WB herself who was sitting in-front of the piano and delicately pressing the keys one at a time. It was my original intention to physically see Dreamy WB but even just getting away from the real WB’s parents felt like an accomplishment to me. As I felt a sense of accomplishment, I willingly commanded myself to wake up and indeed I could see the dream slowly fading out and my bedroom coming into view. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 387: Results (Competition #6) 387 A Competition Night: 2 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 387 B Competition Night: 2 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 19.5 Calculation Details: - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - First Lucid Dream Of The Night (10.0) - Was Introduced via DILD (5.0) - Encounter a waking life enemy/rival (4.0) + Previous Total: 0.5 Total Accumulated Points: 20.0 I don't think I would have noticed the extra details of the keys playing if I wasn't lucid and so aware.
Updated 08-05-2018 at 10:26 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: SAT 28 JUL - 2018 Dream No. 383 - Separated Sections Dream 383 A - Looking Everywhere For My Dream Guide I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was near my house but surroundings of the local area were unidentifiable to me. It was only a minor inconvenience that happened but I have forgotten the specific details of it; it wasn’t too disastrous that the dream was going to end any time soon. I decided that I wanted to call for Dreamy WB to see if she could help me. I walked around, calling for her but there was no response any time soon. Still, I persisted in trying to get her. I looked here, there and everywhere; around corners, over fences and even under bushes. This felt like the longest time in dreaming history that I was going, “Dreamy WB!”. At some points, I actually even feared that I was going to wake up without accomplishing her appearance. At one point, I came to my house too look for her and my brother was in there. At first, I hesitated to tell him that I was looking for Dreamy WB as I wasn’t sure what reaction I would get from him. After hesitating for a bit, I decided that it would be okay just as long as I didn’t reveal her identity to him. So then I said to my brother, “I’m looking for my dream guide” along with a few more words that I have forgotten. I said something in return and then went into the house. I now went back to frantically calling Dreamy WB, walking up and down the court as well as back into unfamiliar areas. When I got back into the driveway, all these random people started appearing and disappearing in the driveway and garage. Once again, I took my time to carefully filter through the crowd, unfortunately still not seeing any signs of Dreamy WB. Eventually though, an African woman does appear from inside the garage but I can tell that something is not right. She had extremely dark, black skin and I said to myself but out loud, “But she’s supposed to have brown skin”. This young woman looked nothing like a person from the Ethiopian division. The woman then disappeared and the driveway and entrance to the garage were deserted again. I was now stressing out over the fact that I couldn’t seem to get Dreamy WB. I even said to myself in a panic, “At this rate, I’ll be waking up!” while exerting a strong amount of will-power that the dream was not going to wake me up any time soon. “Not until I’m done”, I thought to myself, trying my best to subconsciously stay focused Just when all hope seemed lost, Dreamy WB had appeared out of nowhere, I was unsure whether she had come from the driveway, garage, or somewhere else. Her appearance was the year 12 hoodie which had more of a blueish tinge to it than its usual navy blue, but ashy look. She was also wearing her default black leggings and default white sneakers. Her hair looked like it had been straightened and was up in a messy and flattened bun at the top. So eventually, I got to tell her what the minor inconvenience was and what I needed help with. She was more stern in this dream but was still very gentle and friendly towards me. I then actually climbed up onto her from her front end and she looked awkward and baffled like what the heck was I doing? Her behaviour having some resemblances to the real WB. Not only did I put my arms around her but I also wrapped my legs around her waist, having my feet off the ground in this dream. Even though I got up onto her, something at the back of my mind was making me think that maybe she wouldn’t be able to support my weight, especially because I was hanging off her. Despite her small, slim and delicate figure, there was no hint of anyone about to topple over and rather, she looked as stable as ever. Although she still had the baffled look about her, she put her arms around my lower back and slightly pushed me up to be better locked in place. Then once she pushed me up, she gained more of a relaxed, nonchalant look about her and was now carrying me around effortlessly. While being carried, I perceived that pleasant bonding energy, especially in my stomach and chest area where I was leaning on her. My brother then spontaneously appeared back in the garage and that’s when I thought it would be okay for Dreamy WB to put me down for a while. This time, resembling the mind set of the real WB, Dreamy WB looked relieved when she was putting me down. With her now standing close by and listening, I told my brother about the previous minor inconvenience and he actually gave me some advice, although I have forgotten what that specific piece of advice was. He then took notice of Dreamy WB and mentioned something about her but once again, I have forgotten what he specifically said. The dream scene then changed, with only me and Dreamy WB being in the garage again. Dreamy WB was now standing in front of the door leading to the backyard, which was closed, and I was standing a couple of metres away from her. Weirdly, the dream made it so that from where she was standing, she made this movement with her arm that would then throw me like a projectile towards her. She mentioned something about carrying me again but this time, she had a nicer look about her. Unfortunately though, she missed and so I failed to latch on to her. She tried a second time and once again, she missed, with me bouncing off her legs and ending up on the ground. For her third attempt, I could tell that she was really trying and taking her time, trying with a precise aim. This time she was successful, with me landing against her upper stomach and so the dream latched me onto her straight away. So now my arms were back around her neck and my legs were wrapped around her waist as she carried me around in the garage, subtly smiling at me and occasionally bouncing me up and down by a millimetre or two. Once she carried me around the garage and then the driveway for a while, the dream ended. Dream 383 B - The Duplicate Logo I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, there was mention of the Cooper Gang members. I was standing in my driveway when a sub-scene was playing, affiliating each of the characters to their profile logo. There was no doubt about sly, his character was attached to his logo. This was the same with Bentley where the dream was showing his green logo. But when it came to Murray, it wasn’t his logo and rather it was Bentley’s instead. The dream focused on my scene and I started speaking, stating that Murray’s logo was wrong and that it was rather a duplicate of Bentley. I sounded shocked and I wanted the problem to be fixed right away. That’s all I can remember for this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 383: Results (Competition #5) 383 A Competition Night: 27 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 383 B Competition Night: 27 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 3.0 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Summon A Dream Guide (1.0) - Ask For Advice (1.0) + Previous Total: 121.0 Total Accumulated Points: 124.0 Dream 383 A is interesting as although it wasn't a lucid dream; at some stage, I must have known I was in a dream as I literally spoke about dreading a wake up before Dreamy WB's arrival.
Updated 07-29-2018 at 09:57 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: WED 25 JUL - 2018 Dream No. 382 - Separated Sections Dream 382 A - An Incredible Encounter I don’t remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was in at my own house and some family friends were coming over. I forgot what our family specifically did with them though. From what I can recall, it felt like this event was actually taking place in waking life. I can’t recall anything else about this scene. Where I was next was some unknown area. Something terrible was happening but once again, I have forgotten the details. The Parr family from the Incredibles were actually there in the dream. My first encounter was with Dash holding the baby but nothing significant must have happened as I don’t remember it too well. Then there was violent who was actually being violent but once again, I forgot what she specifically did. Something happened and she came out of her state of hypnosis, then talking to me. Elastigirl was the next one to try and attack me but just before she able to have me, I brought her out of her hypnosis. And there was Mr. Incredible who I remember really well and he looked absolutely nasty. He gave me this very violent look and eventually, he lashed out at me, about to grab me and attempt to choke me to death. Elastigirl intervened and Mr. Incredible was brought out of his hypnosis. That’s all I can remember about this dream. Dream 382 B - Two Hostile Dogs I don’t remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my old house but a sub-scene was playing in the background. It was a combination of my year 6 teacher as well as a year 12 maths teacher teaching maths. The year 6 teacher was trying to teach linear relations via the curriculum of the year 12 teacher but he didn’t like the method and so tried to make the subject really babyish and worthless. I can’t remember what else happened in that sub-scene. For the next scene, I was walking around the neighbourhood of my current house. I was walking down the hill after the primary school when I saw two dogs half way down but before I could change direction, these two dogs came for me and were mauling me at the scene. In a distress, I cried out for Dreamy WB, calling not only by her first name, but her last name as well and everything in-between while trying to survive amongst the brutal force of the dogs. Eventually, Dreamy WB heard me and she came to the rescue, her appearance in the default Oktoberfest outfit. Now this is interesting; the dream changed it to play from her perspective. So the following part of the dream recap will be written from her perspective: I came to the sight and indeed I saw Karla being attacked by these two vicious German Shepherd dogs. So off I went to try and break the fight up and free Karla but god, one of these dogs puts me in a body-lock! I’m a dream guide, I should be invincible right? I actually thought I was going to die this time and so I reached an arm out to try and smack the dog. The dog didn’t react and Karla was about to be ripped to shreds; I had to act fast. So I decide to do something that nobody has ever seen before. I stretched my head, detaching it from my body as I elongated my neck and I bit the dog on the leg. Once Dreamy WB bit the dog on the leg, it squealed and then ran off, the other dog dropping me and then following. After that happened, the dream shifted back from Dreamy WB’s perspective to mine and I continued home. That’s all I can remember about this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 382: Results (Competition #5) 382 A Competition Night: 24 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 382 B Competition Night: 24 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 6.0 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Summon A Dream Guide (1.0) - Help someone in need (1.0) - Old Personal Goal: What visible powers can Dreamy WB unleash? ---> She pretty much replicated Elastigirl to get that dog off her (2.0) + Previous Total: 115.0 Total Accumulated Points: 121.0 Dream 382 B was a nice surprise after another dry spell. It was a super impressive experience to actually witness the dream from Dreamy WB's perspective. I literally felt that as I was moving as her, it felt more smooth where as I'm more "enthusiastic" and jolty; it felt like she was walking but at the same time, floating towards the dogs. Also, when her arm was stretched to smack the dog, it was actually the correct skin colour as well. When it came to making the facial expressions, they felt like they were naturally hers as well. Also, when she bit the dog's leg, it didn't taste yuck... Her tongue didn't touch the leg, only her teeth did; it felt like all bone and no flesh. She didn't speak during any of the scene.
Updated 08-18-2018 at 12:41 PM by 93119
Date of Dream: SUN 22 JUL - 2018 Dream No. 380 - Separated Sections Dream 380 A - No Way Into DreamViews I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in some random parking lot of an unknown shopping centre. I was on one of the levels of the car park, talking to one of my friends CF. In the middle of the car park complex was a lift shaft that covered 10 stories. CF was asking me if I wanted to come with her but I felt apprehensive. Then I came to my conclusion, I still wasn't ready. I tried calling out for Dreamy WB many times but nothing happened. After a while of CF patiently waiting for me, she decided to enter the lift, asking one last time if I was coming with her. I said, “Dreamy WB's not with me and so I can't. What level are you going to?” and CF tells me, “level 27,500”. My mind figured out that the level numbers were actually going up by 2,500, so this was actually level 11 of the car park. The next scene was back in my bedroom. I had supposedly woken up from the dream and it was night time... But I don't usually go for my phone when it's dark in real life. In this perception of being awake, I switched on my phone and tapped into the DreamViews forum website. When I was on it as a guest, I could see that I had some notifications, consisting of many likes and comments. No matter how many times I tried to log into my account, the dream wouldn't let me. In guest mode, I navigated myself to a post that I remember posting recently. One of the users, Jewel, had left a comprehensive reply, quoting many aspects of the post I had written. I can't remember exactly what the post was about, only that I was explaining my “dream concepts” again and Dreamy WB was mentioned. I wanted to reply back but I remembered I couldn't until I was logged in, so I tried for more attempts... Ultimately failing and the dream just leading me back to the DreamViews home page with different or missing labels on the top bar. I then thought to message spellbee2 about the login button not being available but the messaging option disappeared as well! And now it was a very empty function bar... For the third scene, I was at my old house, just in between the sitting room and the kitchen. In real life, the side alley of the house was just a skinny strip of concrete. In the dream, this was replaced with a large area containing the exact same lift shaft that was in the car park in the first scene. For a moment, I just stood there paralysed, thinking to myself “Shit... How did that get there?”, referring to the lift shaft. When I was finally able to calm myself down, I started frantically calling for Dreamy WB, multiple times, at a really fast pace. This time, when she wasn't coming, I began to get nervous again. My brother came to see what was going on and I hinted to him about Dreamy WB but didn't reveal the exact intention or who I wanted to do it with. He walked to the front door and looked out the window beside it to check if there were any changes to the dream response... All I told him is that I'm expecting someone to come. I then came to the window and my brother walked back into the kitchen to join my mum. When I looked through the window, I finally saw Dreamy WB emerging from the distance, casually strolling down Cleveland Court. She was going to reach my house sooner or later so I positioned myself at the front door, readily anticipating when she would reach the door. Just as she entered under the car port, I opened the door and greeted her. Just as she was about to step into the house, I just stood there for a fraction of time, assessing her appearance. In this dream, her features were fairly accurate; only some extremely minor distortions. Her hair though was more of an orange colour in this dream, almost like a light rust. The do was a bun but it wasn't at the centre of the top, it was only slightly more downwards towards the back, but still close to the top of the head. She was wearing her year 12 hoodie with black leggings and white shoes at the bottom. So once she stepped in, we hugged each other and stayed locked in the hugging position for the rest of the dream. And here's one thing I find strange, I didn't think to the shut both the wooden door and wire door and rather just obliviously left them open. In the hugging position, she walked me into the kitchen, past my mum who was preparing something, and then out a special door that exists only in the dream. We were now outside at the base of the lift shaft. In order to reach the first part, we actually had to climb a small set of stairs that were wrapped around the bottom of the glass shaft; some being see-through and other parts of the shaft not being see-through. When we were at the top of the stairs, Dreamy WB started gently rubbing my back with her hand to attempt to make me as calm as she could. She reached out with her other hand and told me, “look”, as she pressed a button next to the door. I looked up, seeing the lift come down from the top and that's when I started to get nervous. Dreamy WB slightly tightened the hug and after that, I can't remember anymore of the dream. Dream 380 B - Too Much Chocolate For Me I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my old house but this was only the appearance at the front. This house was actually a combination of my old and current house and more towards the back of my house was the current appearance. I see this huge two-piece chocolate bar sitting on the coffee table. Looking at it in a concern, I told my brother that the whole chocolate bar was too much for me. I then saw LB sitting on the other side of the desk in my study room, on the chair to the left of my computer chair. I whispered to my brother about giving the other half of the chocolate bar to LB. I said though, something like, “But she's not gonna talk to me”. My brother had a look on his face and a spark in his eye like he was confident she would. I then went into the study room, in hesitation, but she happily took the bar of chocolate, still with the default, expressionless look on her face. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Challenges - Start the dream off with Dreamy WB already present (Achieved? No) Dream 380: Results (Competition #5) 380 A Competition Night: 21 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 380 B Competition Night: 21 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 3.5 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Summon A Dream Guide (1.0) - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) - Ask For Advice (1.0) + Previous Total: 104.0 Total Accumulated Points: 107.5
Updated 08-07-2018 at 12:06 PM by 93119
Date of Dream: WED 18 JUL - 2018 Dream No. 376 - Those Distracting Little Children Lucid Dream 22 I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my house and my dad was there in the front room with me. We were watching TV and I think it was the world cup that was playing. We spoke about something but I forgot specifically what about. I think it was arrangements of how I was going to be looked after later in the dream. I can't remember if there was a scene before the current recounted one or not. The next scene I can remember is that I was at someone else's house; a friend from primary school. Apparently her parents were going to be looking after me but I don't remember why. My friend is Chinese and so this also reflected in the dream with Chinese decorations all over the house as well as some Chinese food sitting in an oriental style bowl on the kitchen bench. All the shops in the area of Springvale are Asian and this reflected in the dream as well. I was going to go to one of the well-known Asian supermarkets to get some grocery supplies. In the mall, I see the Asian grocer but soon, my attention gets turned to a Coles store that is also there. I walk up to the entrance of the store and I say out loud, but to myself, “Hang on a minute... In real life, there isn't a Coles in Springvale, so if there's a Coles here... Then this must be a dream...”. So now I was aware that this was a dream and so was therefore in a lucid state. I went speed-walking into Coles through the front item security gates, saying to myself, “I've got goals to achieve, I've got things to do!”, then continuing my speed-walk down one of the aisles. While doing this, I was actively thinking about my pending tasks, firstly that I still had an actual penalty I needed to apply to Logan and then that Dreamy WB was supposed to pay a visit to DawnEye11. Walking down the second half of the aisle, I called out, “Dreamy WB!”, multiple times, wondering where on Earth she could be. I ended up at the back of the store and there I saw her standing at the dairy fridges. She was slightly distorted in appearance but in an acceptable way. She was wearing a long grey cardigan over some black leggings and boots. Her physical facial appearance and proportions was more of a resemblance to AD rather than WB herself but this didn't phase me; the energy was there to suggest that this was indeed Dreamy WB. I saw these little primary school age kids with her and when I got close to Dreamy WB, she actually ran off on me! I thought to myself in distress and disbelief, “What the...? She's running away!”. Despite being in a state of surprised shock, I ran after her. I figured it was the kids that were actually telling her what to do, ultimately leading me on a wild goose chase. Back at the dairy fridges but further down the aisle, I finally caught up to Dreamy WB and stopped her in her tracks. The kids were looking at her like they wanted her to keep going but she didn't pay any attention to them. I then figured who the ringleader of the kiddy group was; it was a little five or six year old, she was wearing a white top with thin black stripes as well as jeans and baby pink runners. She had blonde hair and was wearing some thick black framed glasses... She was standing the closest to Dreamy WB, trying to egg her on. So I was now talking to Dreamy WB but with these little bratty kids around, I thought it would be too much to apply penalties to Logan or have her go to DawnEye11, so instead, I asked her if she could take me for another round of fear control therapy. Because I was lucid, I was able to express many real life traits and so for the first time ever in a dream, I was stern towards her when stating the next aspect of my intention. I put my hand in a “no” position, waving the finger about, and said to her, “Dreamy WB... Don't let these kids distract you”. As I said this to Dreamy WB and then gave the little girl a piercing glare, I could see the little girl's expression in the corner of my eye... She was now scared of me and didn't dare to try anymore cons on Dreamy WB. The next scene took place with the whole group; me, Dreamy WB, and the kids exiting Coles and heading to this corridor with two lifts. Three of the kids went into the lift on the left side but the little girl wanted to go with us... I could tell she was actually going to try and steer Dreamy WB away from me again. Despite the little girl constantly talking, Dreamy WB put both her hands on my shoulders to initially calm me down at the sight of the lift door and then she eased me into a hugging position. I walked into the lift forwards while she walked in backwards, focusing on keeping me embraced in a tight, warm hug with me returning the hug as well... The little girl just trotted in on the sidelines, trying to be a nuisance. Dreamy WB only released me with one hand to press the door to close but after that, she put it back into its initial position. I could tell by Dreamy WB's energy that she wanted to talk to me in order to actually give me “therapy” but she remained quiet as she didn't want to engage the little kid anymore. And then the lift started moving. It was going down but then I also felt it going backwards as well! It's almost as if it was going in a diagonal backwards motion. The fact that the lift was moving terrified me internally and not only was my stomach dropping due to the lift's motion but also due to the fact that I was terrified. Dreamy WB noticed that I was being slightly tipped by the lift, so she hugged even harder to keep me upright but at the same time, the complexion of her body became slightly softer, so I felt like sinking into her somewhat. Something was different about the little girl now. She was talking but more like that of a mature person, even sometimes reminding me of Willy Wonka in the Wonkavator scene. Additionally, the little girl's presence didn't seem to phase me anymore and I didn't feel annoyed at all. I was mainly focusing on trying to stay upright as well as directing any thoughts of fear into Dreamy WB's security and warmth. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Dream 376: Results (Competition #5) Competition Night: 17 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 55.0 Calculation Details: - First Lucid Dream Of The Night (10.0) - Was Introduced via DILD (5.0) - Summoned A Dream Guide (10.0) - Completed An Old Personal Goal While Lucid (10.0) - SIGHT Task Completed: Have a dream guide assist you in a task using sight only, no sound allowed (20.0) + Previous Total: 35.0 Total Accumulated Points: 90.0 Points! YAAAAAAAAS! I'll explain why I gave some of the points I did. A personal goal that I had set was "Have Dreamy WB assist with fear control using a valid lift", since I was lucid when completing it, that's 10.0 points. And then I had a look at the team tasks and realised I completed the one that said "Have a dream guide assist you in a task using sight only, no sound allowed", I am team sight. The recap area that suggests that is "I could tell by Dreamy WB's energy that she wanted to talk to me in order to actually give me “therapy” but she remained quiet as she didn't want to engage the little kid anymore". She did not talk for the entire lift scene, neither did she when we were in Coles. Because I was lucid during that task, that's 20.0 points... By the way, I didn't even realise I completed that task until I checked against the scoring criteria just a few minutes ago.
Date of Dream: SUN 15 JUL - 2018 Dream No. 374 - Separated Sections Dream 374 A - Team Leadership By A Dream Guide I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in distress but I forgot what the specific issue was. I started my usual call out for Dreamy WB which was followed only by silence, so I was worried that I wasn't heard. After a short pause though, all these girls from the class of 2017 paraded out of this corner in their school uniform. I thought to myself, “Dreamy WB's bound to be in there somewhere”. Once like before, I carefully watched all the girls who paraded out and when I thought I saw Dreamy WB, I would go in there and get her attention. Within the parade, I could see all the girls' faces, except for one. One had their head turned so that the back of their head was towards me. I could tell by the hair though, which was this dark brown, almost rich dark chocolate colour and underneath it was a lighter tone of brown skin. Her hair was in this neat pinned up-do which is difficult for me to describe. I went up to that girl and said “Dreamy WB!” as I tapped her on the shoulder. As the other girls continued to parade on, Dreamy WB stopped, then turned around slowly, and then just stood there, looking at me with a stern face. Although her face was stern, I could still tell it was her by the warm energy I was perceiving. Once I told her what the problem was, she put her left hand on my right shoulder and then graduated on to giving me a light, loose hug. The dream scene changed and now Dreamy WB and I were in the driveway just outside the garage at my house. Dreamy WB still held the same appearance as the last scene but now, we were in a tight hug and we held that hug even when I wanted to go somewhere. We moved in unison into the garage where my dad and brother were. Still locked in the hug, I was looking towards them and so Dreamy WB was looking backwards at the roller door. Still, she managed to be aware of what was going on as she said, “You guys will have to work together for this scene”. As she said that, she tried to turn her head so she was looking over at my dad in the distance. For the first time in dream history, my family actually respected her and my dad nodded at her in agreement of her statement. My brother did a slight nod after that. Then Dreamy WB moved with me again and led us into the backyard where my mum was. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream 374 B - The Kid Who Tortures Me The dream started with the family and I in our old house, in the kitchen. We ended up going outside and onto the street. There was something about knocking on the door of number 27 but I forgot what was supposed to happen. Although we also lived in an odd number, as we walked, eventually, the numbers on our side turned even. I then thought to myself, “Where the heck would number 27 be?”. Interestingly enough, the sequence of numbers became odd again and we eventually caught sight of the number 27 on a letterbox. My dad went into the driveway of this house and knocked on the door while I still stood and watched in anticipation from the footpath. When the door opened though, I started to feel uneasy and actually started to run. I urged my mum to get away from the house and run up the street as I anticipated something terrible was bound to happen. Indeed something terrible did happen, as I was running, I managed to look back and there was this weird thing chasing everyone, something that I can't visually describe. Going down the hill on the other end of the street, this kid from one of the mums caught up to me and started hitting me. I didn't have time to patiently deal with him, so I elbowed him, ultimately shoving him off the footpath altogether. I then caught sight of who his mum was and so when I approached the woman, I told her about what her son did. The woman was on my side and when the kid came back to try and get me again, she defended me from him. Back at the bottom of the looped street, we stopped and talked but I forgot what the group talked about. I then took this blank ID card out of my pocket and pondered something about it. The dream scene moved into some post office like room and apparently I was making an ID card for Dreamy WB. I forgot what her appearance was in this scene, the only thing I can remember is her hair was straight, but she asked me if I didn't want her to smile and I said to her, “Actually, I'd prefer you to smile”, so she did. The scene then changed back to the runaway scene and I was looking at a complete version of Dreamy WB's newly made ID card. The next scene was a replica of the Cairo museum from the prologue of Sly 2 but it did look slightly different... I wasn't in this scene, I was watching it from third person mode. Some aspects of the museum more resembled a 2D platform like it was in the style of a Mario game. The mission was being briefed and apparently there was an order that the characters would do their jobs in. The first job would be done by Bentley, the second by Sly and then the last by Murray. When it came to Bentley, he was in the wheelchair and he had to use his magnet and fishing pole to drag something out of an NPC's pocket. Next was Sly and I don't clearly remember what he had to do. All I can remember is that it was something related to Mario's move-set. I thought it was then Murray's turn and so when Sly went again, I was thinking to myself, “Oi! What about Murray?”. Murray ended up doing the fourth sequence of the episode and what was weird is that he actually replaced Mario in the exact same move-set and game style... He was the one jumping everywhere and grabbing the coins but you couldn't see Murray or the stage; it was only a silhouette of him and the coins, like the event was happening behind some curtain or projector screen. As the silhouette of Murray is just about in the middle of the stage and some of the coins are gone, this smaller silhouette comes onto the stage and I subconsciously realise that this silhouette was me! Apparently I grabbed the few remaining coins that Murray had missed when he traversed that part of the stage. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Dream 374: Results (Competition #5) 374 A Competition Night: 14 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 374 B Competition Night: 14 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 4.0 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Summon Dream Guide: Dreamy WB (1.0) - Ask For Advice (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) + Previous Total: 30.0 Total Accumulated Points: 34.0
Updated 07-18-2018 at 11:50 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: SAT 7 JUL - 2018 All Dream Titles: Dream 369 A - Business Attire On Demand Dream 369 B - Playgroup Pandemonium Dream 369 C - How Christmas Should Be Decorated Dream 369 D - Fly With Me Dream 369 E - Ridiculous VCE Curriculum Dream Title In Summary: Dream - Business Attire On Demand & Playgroup Pandemonium & How Christmas Should Be Decorated & Fly With Me & Ridiculous VCE Curriculum Dream No. 369 - Separated Sections Dream 369 A - Business Attire On Demand I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, it was night time and I was with a group of Killester students on a random beach. Ms Los. was the teacher and she was telling us the line up of activities. She mentioned something about business wear, which I realised I didn't have on me and so I was worried. We were standing in the shallow part of the water when I told her I forgot to wear business clothing. She said something back to me but I forgot what it was fully; she mentioned an incentive for when I did get into some business wear. I entered the cabin area and spoke to some of the girls in there. BK was also in my cabin and so I was talking to him. I then went over to my suitcase to see if I could find anything suitable to wear. After a while, things weren't looking promising and eventually, I came to the conclusion... I had forgotten to pack any form of business clothing altogether. BK was standing nearby and so I gave him a look like “Damn it... Forgot... God help me...”. I then had an idea; although I did think that maybe BK would give me strange looks for doing it and then question my methods. Regardless of any conflicting thoughts, I marched up to the front door of the cabin, slid it open, walked onto the balcony, leant on the rails, looked up into the night sky, and yelled, “Dreamy WB! I forgot to pack some business clothes!”. Out of nowhere a very feint hologram of Dreamy WB in her Oktoberfest outfit appeared and disappeared; then a light blue pencil skirt came plummeting out of the night sky and I caught it. When I got back inside the cabin, no one was in there anymore, I was now by myself and when I looked down, I now saw myself wearing cream coloured ballet flats. I tried to put the skirt on but it wouldn't go past a certain height on my legs, and so another conclusion was made. I'm thinking to myself, “This isn't big enough to fit over my tush”. Inside the cabin, I yelled, “Dreamy WB, the elastic's not big enough!”. I looked down and indeed the skirt's top elastic had extended itself by a centimetre or two, moving itself right in front of my eyes. So now I was able to slide on the skirt and then I put on a plain white t-shirt over the top. The next thing I was looking for was a jacket, so back I went onto the balcony and I yelled, “I need a jacket!”. This time there was no hologram. I was standing patiently, anticipating when the next garment would come. After a few short seconds, a lime-green coloured jacket came flying down at me from nowhere and once again, I caught it. Back in the cabin, I put on the jacket and then judged the outfit. “Hmm, I don't like the skirt”, I thought, “it doesn't sit well on me”. Outside I went again; “Dreamy WB, can I have a skirt to match the jacket?”. What looked like a plain lime-green coloured rag got thrown down at me but when I caught it, it became the shape of a skirt. When I opened the skirt up, I looked up at the sky at disbelief and thought “Dreamy WB what the...? This is too short!”. I was imagining being really harshly told off as the teacher looked up at my tush. For the fourth or fifth time, I went back outside but this time, the dream didn't show what I was asking for. When I came back inside, I had felt a sense of satisfaction which means that Dreamy WB must have gotten the outfit complete for me this time. I was wearing the lime-green jacket on top of a yellow t-shirt, along with a flaring red skirt with a yellow pattern and some yellow shoes. The dream then skipped to the end of the camp. Kids were going to go home by an aeroplane unless their parents came to pick them up early. It was what I dreaded, my parents came for me but not only that, they were looking really angry and there was still two or three days remaining on the camp. I said to them that the camp wasn't finished but they demanded that I come home with them now. I felt weak and helpless and so drooped off after them. In the next scene, it was day time and I was back at home. I was in the backyard and my parents were full-on and yelling really horrible things at me and top volume. In my head, I thought, “Call out for Dreamy WB before it gets worse” but the dream energy would never push me to do so, and so I was oblivious to act in that manner. Instead, I remained quiet and tried my hardest to block out their yelling while they carried on at full steam... The dream made me think that the best approach was to make it look like I wasn't trying to ignore them. The next scene played in the driveway and there was talk about the preparation my dad had to do for his colonoscopy procedure. As much as I wanted to help him, my mind was still set on the previous yelling and so I thought to myself, “you don't deserve my help”. My dad was also speaking in a tone like he was still upset with me. So basically, we still had resentment towards each other. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream 369 B - Playgroup Pandemonium I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in this big place that looked like an American Wall-Mart store but the giant room was empty and it was also carpeted. The floor was divided into smaller squared areas, the boundary indicated by a strip of red carpet and the inside of the square boundary was plain grey carpet. I was holding some food and so wanted to find a place to sit and eat it. I decided I would sit in one of the squared areas and so I sat there with my back against a wall and ate the food. All of a sudden, these little kids started to sit in the square with me but I didn't know why. This young lady with a heavy American accent came up to us and said something like “okay guys, it's time to go back into playgroup”. I grew a look of the biggest shock on my face and I thought to myself, “Shit... This is the playgroup's area...”. I initially didn't think this area belonged to anyone, so I didn't know. I made signs to the lady like I wanted to leave but she wasn't having any of it. She treated me like I was one of the kids and actually physically dragged me into the playgroup classroom when I refused to go myself. The lady then introduced all these kids toys to me and I didn't look the least bit happy. She said something to me like “Now, you've got to count and place all these nine dominoes in a sequence for me”. In the slowest, most frustrated voice, I said “One...”, placed it on the floor “Two...” placed it on the floor, all the way up to the ninth one. I thought the lady would then be done but she wasn't; she was going to get me to do something else after that. I decided I would try and make my exit but change my nature to be subtle about it. I asked her, “Um, can I just go and do something? I promise I'll back, alright?”. I could tell the lady was going to get ready to tell me off but before she could say anything, I called out back to her, “I'll be back, I just need a break” as I was walking towards the door. After I dealt with her, I thought to myself, “When they see her, boy they're gonna feel like melting”... The image I had in my head though was of literal melting. I then thought, if I called out for “Dreamy WB”, they'd become suspicious and know something's up. I decided that instead, I would call for “Miss T” so it sounded like another teacher. I then stuck my head out the door and yelled, “Miss T!” as loud as I could. It felt like a few minutes but nothing happened. So then I went even louder, “Miss T! Get me out of here!”. The dream then showed me sitting on the floor again with the lady, childishly torturing me while I muttered “Miss T... Ugh...”. The dream soon ended though. Dream 369 C - How Christmas Should Be Decorated I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was supposedly in the underground car park of Chadstone Shopping Centre, although it didn't look the same as it does in real life. To start off with, I was walking with Sly, in his Sly 2/3 appearance, and something was going on regarding various disguises. Sly would quickly change in and out of these various disguises but there was mention about me not being able to do disguises or something like that. I then went over to Bentley, in his Sly 2/3 appearance, and walked with him next. We spoke about how he was going to be cut into pieces of some sort. To make it as painless as possible, I told him to turn to a 90 degree angle. At a certain pole of the car park, these little knives were coming towards Bentley and so that's when he followed my instructions and turned to a 90 degree angle. Indeed, he was chopped up into all these little turtle steaks but after a second or two, he reverted back to his whole figure. “Hmm, I'd better go and find Murray”, I said to Bentley. I then saw Murray walking towards me from the other end of the car park in his Sly 4 appearance. We greeted each other and then I walked with him across the car park, with him holding my hand (he wasn't wearing his gloves in this dream), and then into the shopping centre. Inside the shopping centre, Murray was now following behind me and I was leading the way. I took him to the second floor of the shops and I told him “look at this!” at the same time, thinking in my head “you stupid...”, while pointing to the big Christmas tree sticking up from the first floor. The decorations were everywhere and in just about every single colour. The baubles were in blue, purple, pink, red and orange and then there was this red tinsel carelessly wrapped around the tree in a completely non-orderly fashion... I knew these trees were Murray's doing. Murray now had a look on his face like he was completely shamed and embarrassed by his previous efforts. There were many other trees in that area of the shopping centre, decorated in the same fashion and so I told him off big time. There was one tree though that really stood out. It was a darker pine and it was beautifully decorated in a silver and mint colour scheme with no messy tinsel. I pointed to that tree and said to Murray, “Look at the one that Dreamy WB did”. I can't remember anything else about this dream. Dream 369 D - Fly With Me I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in Springvale in front of the Daniel's Donuts shop. There was also Mr G from my primary school and he was talking to some year 12 Killester girls about their upcoming exams. He said arrangements for most exams would stay the same but the biology exam had to be changed because something had happened to the biology teacher. I can't remember what else happened in that scene. In the next scene, I was now on the grounds of Camelot Rise Primary School which in the dream was a high school. It was after school time, classes had finished and so I was looking for WB. I thought I'd go to the side entrance first because that's where the buses usually come but I couldn't see her. I then realised that she may have been at the front entrance and so I rushed in that direction before she was due to leave. When I got there though, she wasn't there. In fact, everyone except her was there and they were all giving me dirty looks. The scene changed to me being in this unknown area but it somewhat felt close by to Jells park. I attached this yellow cape to my back and started flying around on the surrounding roads. I could soon feel the presence of the real WB nearby and so I slowly transformed into a giant and greeted WB when she came. She was as tiny as an ant in this dream. I invited her to hop onto my back so I could fly her around for a bit. As she was getting onto my cape, sitting on it like a hammock, that dream ended. Dream 369 E - Ridiculous VCE Curriculum I don't remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, my brother was in an unknown area and he was talking to no one in particular. He said that his workplace had given him a pay bonus, allowing him to re-enter year 12 VCE for a short amount of time so he could try for a better ATAR. Apparently, he elected to do his second attempt of year 12 at Mulgrave Primary School, which in this dream was a co-ed prep to year 12 school. The next scene occurred when he and I were home and I walked past him doing his art homework. I asked him about his year 12 and he said that he had so much homework. He stated that he couldn't pick the subjects and rather the school had picked them for him. He was doing Art, Vis Com, Math Methods, Further Maths and English. In my head I'm thinking, “Two folio subjects...!” He said that he had too much to do on his Vis Com homework. I asked him who his Vis Com teacher was and he said Mrs Parr. The last scene took place just in front of the school but he was talking to me this time rather than to nobody. I asked him if he was going to finish the whole year but he said that he couldn't; his workplace would only allow him to do one month of VCE. I thought that was logical otherwise the workplace would never get him back. The dream ended there. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? CANCELLED -> The Shared Dreaming Experiment seems to no longer be locatable on the DV forums, therefore it has been abolished until further notice) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Dream 369: Results (Competition #5) 369 A Competition Night: 6 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 369 B Competition Night: 6 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 369 C Competition Night: 6 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Murray Emergency Team: Sly & Bentley Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 369 D Competition Night: 6 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 369 E Competition Night: 6 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 10.5 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - 3-Day Recall Chain (3.0) - Summon A Dream Guide: 369 A (1.0) - Fly: 369 D (1.0) - Transform/Shapeshift Partial: 369 D, Became Giant (0.5) + Previous Total: 9.5 Total Accumulated Points: 20.0 I am not joking when I say that it took me about 4 - 5 hours to write this all down properly. In case I lag in activity on DV (being only a few days mind you), my computer crashed almost 10 times yesterday, so I think it's almost time for a new one (this HP is 11 years old, older than my cat!). This is really weird, I only remember dreams 369 A, C and D this morning. I remembered B a couple of hours later and then I recalled that E existed only 1 hour ago!!
Updated 07-15-2018 at 09:03 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: THU 5 JUL - 2018 Dream No. 367 - Separated Sections Dream 367 A - Myth Of Murder I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was walking along a nature track that resembled the features of Jells Park in real life. A group of people, including NN, are talking to me. They were talking about how some of the people in the group were of a special kind. They told me this tale but I have forgotten the specific details of it. It was of some scary man who came and hurt them but they survived through it. In response, I said something like, “I'd actually rather be the perfect Z at the end than the Y before the Z”. There was then a sub-scene playing and it was in the graphics of Sly 2/3. It was showing some of the terrible things that this man does to people. This sub-scene took place in some unknown area but it was very marshy and dark, looking like a very threatening landscape. Murray was in his ball form but there was no pink energy around him. Additionally, his bounces were somewhat crooked and limited in height, and his face could be seen grimacing, like he was in the middle of torture. The next part of the sub-scene showed this old man coming up to Murray, who was on his front, lying weak on the ground, and the man was continuing to physically torment him. The dream then moved onto the next scene which was in some sort of house. It was my house in the dream but then it wasn't my house in real life. It was night time but the lights were on and the special kids were talking to me again. They said something about the man potentially coming to get me. I said that if I made it alive, then I would celebrate. During this scene, the dream was showing sub-scenes of the man hurting people but every time he hurt someone, he would get closer to my location. All of a sudden the power went out and one of the little boys cries to me “he's here, hide!”. As quick as I could, I crawled under a table and everyone else went to hide in their own locations... His footsteps were approaching in my direction. I couldn't see what was going on necessarily but sight was replaced by various different powerful expressions of dream energy. At first, it was a relieving energy but what it became next was a feeling of heaviness... He was going to find me. The man lifts up the table and laughs menacingly, saying something like, “Aha, there she is” and actually manhandles me, dragging me out from the table by my arms. Though when he places me on the floor, I'm in the exact same position as I was when I was under the table. Then the man takes action and pulls out a large handsaw, slowly placing it onto my back and running it up and down on me. As he is doing this I whisper to myself, “Just think, you're going to make it. Just don't pay attention to what he's doing”. So I tried to ignore his cutting motions as much as possible and indeed, I felt absolutely no pain. The man walked away and left me for dead but when the dream showed an image of my back, there were absolutely no cuts or scratches on it. The lights went back on and the kids came out of their hiding places, looking all ecstatic and congratulating me. I said to them, “I can't believe I made it. And now we've got to celebrate”. I thought though that there was one thing missing and that was Dreamy WB, I felt I wanted to share the celebration with her. So I told the kids what I was going to do and then I started calling out for Dreamy WB. No matter what I did though, there wasn't any response. I decided that I would go outside and look for her. It's interesting in this dream as I was extremely patient and the dream wasn't trying to force an ending on me any time soon. I stood on the balcony of the front entrance to the house and watched all the people walk past on the lit up street; the street literally felt like some ambient, night-life city. I would call for Dreamy WB a few times and then spend the next few seconds in silence, assessing all the faces to make sure that if she was amongst the crowd, I wouldn't miss her. I repeated this cycle a number of times. Eventually, there were heaps of people walking by at once who I thought would be Dreamy WB. At that time, I had stopped calling for Dreamy WB and instead, kept a critical eye on every single person walking past. My energy had lifted when I saw a group of three people approaching the house who all had the exact same appearance, hairstyle and clothes but what was different was their skin colour. One had brown skin, the other one had pink-toned skin and the other one had yellowish skin. I perceived the one with the light yellowish skin to be Dreamy WB in this dream. So the other two kept walking but as I called out, the yellowish skinned one left the crowd and came to me. Her hair was in the style of the ladybug shaped frizzy pigtail and she was wearing a very light purple, almost white jacket and plain navy jeans. She didn't speak much and rather had a very serious, stern look about her. After staring at her for a few seconds, I went in to hug her and she returned the hug. The scene then played from a third person perspective, showing me from the back and her from the front. The hug seemed to last for ages, more than a few seconds in this scene. The look on Dreamy WB's face had also changed; her eyes had lit up and she had this closed-smile facial expression of satisfaction, like she was proud of me. The dream camera then went back into my perspective as she followed me into the house. I introduced her to the kids and then I made a realisation. I said, “It's actually happened to me now, so now I can tell the story just like you guys”. The dream then ended. Dream 367 B - Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre in one of the undercover car parks. MN was standing right next to the entrance, giving me a slightly creepy smile which I felt very uneasy about. This showed especially in the perception of dark, heavy dream energy. I was then in the Target store and one of the workers, a middle aged woman, approached me and said that MN had asked her to give me this flower. That look of uneasiness had returned to my face and the lady could see that. She promised that it was the last time she would ever give me something from MN again and she promised to keep me safe. So I spent a few more minutes of the dream killing time, looking around in Target, still carrying that flower from MN. Soon, I realised that I had to go and meet my mum in another part of the shopping centre but to get there, I had to go past MN in the car park again... My heart sank and I almost felt sick. I went down the escalators but was no longer carrying the flower. When I reached the doors to the car park, I looked here, there and everywhere; my head feeling like it was revolving at 360 degrees, making sure MN wasn't around to give me an unwanted surprise. At one point, I saw MN looking around the corner from a thick post and so I picked up my speed and rushed to the staircase at the other end of the car park. Once I was up the staircase, my mum had come outside to meet me. I told her what happened in the car park but I have forgot the specific response. Just as we were going to walk back into the shopping centre, there was an outside shop on the corner selling all these small beads for some accessory making. I got some but then I can't remember anything else about this dream. Dream 367 C - Singing Scoundrel Rip-off I don't remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was having a singing lesson with Miss H in the kitchen of my old house. She and I were sitting on a stool each, across from each other and she was giving me tips on how to sing a certain song better. This sound sounded strange but then a lot of it resembled the melody and words of Panis Angelicus. It still felt like the same dream scene but at the same time, it had changed. There was now a man in the kitchen and he spoke with a heavy American accent, apparently he was now claiming to be my singing teacher. He showed me a list of his students which he put either under the label of sweet or sour. I was currently on the sweet side but my friend LA was on the sour side. I asked him about the list and told me that he move me if I fell behind. Apparently, our lesson wasn't at the same time every week and he'd let us choose when we wanted to have the lesson and for how long. I then walked into the sitting room and that's when I felt slightly off. I thought to myself, “That singing teacher, he's a rip off!”. But I didn't stop there, I went over to the blue couch and started crying. I then see these three pigs walking around in the sitting room. Literally, the pigs are real animals on four legs. One of the had a green vest on, the other a red vest, and the third a blue vest. The one in the blue vest came scuttling over to me and snorting at me. Now this is what I find weird, this pig gave off an energy like it was a dream guide for this dream. I was saying stuff in a major crying distress like, “This singing teacher, he's a...”. The pig was actually looking at me with his beady eyes and snorting something at me. Eventually, I worked out that the pig was trying it's best to speak English. It snorted to make the word sound like “who?”. A few times, the pig would snort “who?” which I then answered, “That wannabe singing teacher in the kitchen”. The pig then came closer to me and let me hug it while it held its front paws up in the air. I then woke up. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Dream 367: Results (Competition #5) 367 A Competition Night: 4 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 367 B Competition Night: 4 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 367 C Competition Night: 4 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: The Pig...? Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 4.0 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Summon Dream Guide in NL (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) + Previous Total: 4.0 Total Accumulated Points: 8.0
Updated 07-23-2018 at 01:03 PM by 93119
Date of Dream: FRI 29 JUN - 2018 Dream No. 362 - Separated Sections Dream 362 A - Confidence Vs Vulnerability I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, me, Sly and Bentley were in an unidentified area, in the safehouse. Sly was supposed to do a mission but as it involved interacting with someone, I was to come along as well. Apparently for the gang, I was the civil social expert. So I was standing behind Sly, who was smaller than me in this dream. I forgot what we said or did though. All characters looked and behaved as they would in Sly 2. The next job that Sly had was one that he did by himself. Then there was a job for Bentley. At first, he was going to do it independently but when I read that there was some interacting involved, I bolted out of the safehouse to join Bentley as I thought he'd need me for this one. Just as Bentley was about to start talking to the NPC, I stood and waved at the NPC. I could tell that if I wasn't there, Bentley would have struggled as he began with stuttering. After a few seconds though, I started to feel off in some way. I noticed that Sly and Bentley were smaller than me and so I didn't feel protected in any way. Although I trusted Sly and Bentley, I still felt physically vulnerable and exposed to the environment. I became anxious and tapped Bentley on his upper shell. As he turned around to face me, I said in a whispering tone, “I'm worried... Without Murray around, I don't feel safe”. For the first part of the dream, Murray was completely missing from the gang and there was this empty energy that I perceived throughout all dream scenes so far to prove this. The next dream scene though skipped straight to Murray doing a job on top of a blimp complex which somewhat resembled Arpeggio's Airship but wasn't exactly. His job was to silence some exterior alarm horns and while he was running around trying to locate the horns, the dream showed him carrying me around, securing me in place with his arms. I was pressed up against his chest with my head perched and looking backwards over one of his shoulders. Murray being physically bigger than me influenced my dream energy so that I now felt restful, protected and in peace. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream 362 B - Music Mongrels I don't remember much about this dream. From where I can remember, I was in some completely unknown area. In fact, it felt like we were in my house but it was single story and Mr H was taking a VCE music class but with a lot more students than in real life. The class was arranging who would sing in the choir for the upcoming music competition. There was singing auditions and at first, my singing was actually terrible in this dream. But then I decided to sing Mamma Mia from ABBA and everyone looked spellbound, especially WB who looked really animated and had her jaw completely dropped wide open. Despite the good singing finally, everyone was going to sing in the competition... Except me. On the paper and clipboard, names were being written down in pencil. At first I thought to myself, “Alright...? I might be written on close to the end” but when I saw WB's name go on and not mine, that's when the odds seemed grim. I then saw the names go on in the reserve section who would only be singing if members in the first section were sick. There were four reserves and my name wasn't even written there. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Dream 362: Results (Competition #4) 362 A Competition Night: 28 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Murray Emergency Team: Sly & Bentley Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 362 B Competition Night: 28 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 3.0 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Help Someone In Need: Sly & Bentley (1.0) - Have A Dream Guide Appear Automatically (0.5) - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5) + Previous Total: 131.0 Total Accumulated Points: 134.0 I was right about the fact that my mum would be constantly telling me to do things, therefore writing down dreams would be difficult; thankfully, I told her, "I'm on holidays, so I need some days off". NOTE: As of FRI 29 JUN - 4:15 PM (AEST), no one has signed up for the July competition. If I don't hear from any other users by the same time tomorrow, the competition will be cancelled.
Updated 06-30-2018 at 09:38 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: TUE 26 JUN - 2018 Dream No. 361 - Separated Sections Dream 361 A - Pinned To The Ground I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, the whole family was paying a visit to the newly renovated Glen Shopping Centre and this time, all the stores were open. I don't particularly remember all the stores we went into though. I can recall that the family had lunch there and we checked all the corridors. When leaving, we didn't take the car and so had to head over to the train station. The layout of Glen Waverley was distorted in this dream and so was the look of the train station. Although there was easy stair and ramp access, my parents were making out like there was no other option but to take the lift. My dad was forcefully declaring that I take the lift but I was having none of that, so I fled from the family. I was now in the air, hovering when I heard Dreamy WB's voice. She was telling me that Logan was nearby and to stop him from going any further. I thought to myself, “I'm gonna get him now”. I saw Logan in his typical yellow Jeffy T-shirt, walking alongside this other blonde guy. He didn't even notice me as I picked up speed in the air and then went down for an aerial tackle. The other guy gained a shocked facial expression and ran away in fright. Meanwhile, I had Logan pinned to the ground while waiting for Dreamy WB to physically show up. I placed both my hands on each of his shoulders, looking him in the eyes like “you're not going anywhere”. At first, he tried to move his head upward slightly but eventually just gave up, having a look of emptiness, embarrassment and defeat on his face. The dream ended before Dreamy WB could appear. Dream 361 B - We Almost Had Him (Lucid Dream 21) The dream started and I had appeared in the driveway of my house. For some reason, I was aware of my environment straight away although no reality checks were performed (I don't use WILD in waking life either). I said to myself, “I almost had him!”. The first thing I did was to immediately call out for Dreamy WB as I started walking down the court. I stood just in front of the neighbour's house as I called so I get could get a good view down the hill. It didn't take long before I caught sight of Dreamy WB walking up the hill. She was wearing her real counterpart's school uniform. Her physical appearance was clean and accurate, her hair styled straight and in a low bun, only her hair was more red than usual. As she came up to me, she had her arms spread out and she gave me a tight hug. We then released each other but after a few seconds, I felt like I wanted to hug her again. I spread my arms out and she gently put hers around me. When we released the second time, I said to her, “We almost had him!”, based on the fact that I consciously remembered the last dream. In a soothing tone, she told me that she would take me up to the oval near the school and we would catch him there. Just as she was getting into position and I was getting ready to board her lap, I woke up. Dream 361 C - Return Of The Elements I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was in this random, unknown suburban area. Apparently, it was some kind of program for socialisation and slight amounts of spiritual training. I would explore the streets of the suburb but as I got further and further, the streets looked different and I got lost at some points. The group ended up at their first camping site down the hill in a slanted front yard of some random house. A boy there had a cauldron cooking over some wood but there was another boy further down the hill that couldn't turn his cauldron on. I went down there and I said to him, “there is another way to turn on the stove, hence I will demonstrate the element of fire that I possess”; the boy was quite shy and didn't really say anything. It felt like I was just breathing a constant stream of invisible, hot mist but I could see the flames appearing on his cauldron and soon, it was as hot as the other one was with the cauldron surrounded by a full, raging orange fire. In a later part of the dream, I had asked some of the kids in the group if I had shown them all of my elements. I then remember I had already shown them fire via the cauldron and also electricity by powering up the pole. I then looked up to the roof of the house and on it was some weird spinning decoration. It would spin for a while and then it would slow down and stop, the process would keep repeating itself. I said I wouldn't demonstrate ice as it would immediately stop the spinning object and shatter it. I said that even if spinning at top speed, earth would slow it down and grind it to a stop. I went just below the ledge of the roof and breathed the earth element upwards, releasing green pulsating energy. As the object was slowing down, I asked the group, “do you any of you notice an affect?”. One of the boys said they didn't and so I thought to myself, “damn it, I must have matched the sequence too much”. I was then in the car with my mum and we were driving back towards home but still in unfamiliar areas. She asked me how I felt about the school holiday program. I said to her that it was good because they let you by yourself and do whatever you want rather than bossing you around all the time. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream Tasks - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? Partially) - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially) - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No) - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No) - In case of extended absences with Dreamy WB, train Murray on how to provide in-dream discipline to unruly parents (Achieved? No) Dream 361: Results (Competition #4) 361 A Competition Night: 25 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 361 B Competition Night: 25 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: Dreamy WB Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes 361 C Competition Night: 25 Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid Dream Guide: None Emergency Team: None Eligible For Competition Points: Yes Points For This Entry: 32.5 Calculation Details: - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Fly (1.0) - Have A Dream Guide Appear Automatically (0.5) - First Lucid Dream Of The Night (10.0) - DILD or WILD...? (5.0) - Summon A Dream Guide (10.0) - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0) - Breathe An Element: Dream showed x2 (2.0) - Old Personal Goal Achieved During NL: Regain elemental abilities (2.0) + Previous Total: 98.5 Total Accumulated Points: 131.0 I'm on holidays now and so I can fully focus on achieving dream tasks. I decided to get a move on and start looking at Dreamy WB disciplining Logan as first proposed a couple of months ago. I spent a really hard slog over the few days, writing heaps in my diary and reciting catch phrases before going to sleep. Then the dream decided to get in the way by prohibiting me to summon Dreamy WB. Before bed last night, I used a technique that I've used before; writing a letter to the Awareness Behind The Dream (ABTD) and it worked, I saw progress (as seen in Dream 361 A and B). It was fun to write the end of Dream 361 A, I find it absolutely hilarious how the dream had set me to fly and then ambush him myself, honing in on him like a missile! I'll either work towards getting him done in by a dream guide, which is the next step to complete the penalty. Or I'll work on sending a dream guide to pay Dawn a visit, talking to her and checking to see if her in-dream self says she's okay. Only Dreamy WB can execute Logan's penalty. Either Dreamy WB or Murray can go and see Dawn.
Updated 09-14-2018 at 08:32 AM by 93119