, 05-10-2019 at 04:09 AM (443 Views)
Mainly short dreams.
I'm on my bed and some girl is on it. She's all ready for... um, yeah.
I'm at some mall with my brother and I decide to go to the food court and order sushi. that's it.
Jamie 1
This was a quick one I had one the bus. It was a birds eye view of Jamie, but I was also Jamie in this dream. She feels kind of burdened also somber. She is filled with blue energy. Now in the Jesus dream where me and her are on the hill. where Jesus' arm goes through our backs, Blue energy comes from me, and Red energy comes from Jamie. Now she has blue energy. Not sure what this means.
Okay really. I haven't even played this game much lately. But anyway, Me and my brother are in the backyard of my inner world house. We are by a pond or pool in a back porch area. there's TVs set up with video games. My brother wants to play fortnite for some reason. I try to play with him. I find an old controller but it has mad stick drift, it makes the game unplayable.
Had another fortnite dream. In it I am one of the creators and we are testing out something. In this dream there are things floating in the sky like on Apex. We are all talking about technical shit I don't understand. IRL season 9 drops... and guess what. Now there are floating things in fortnite in the sky. Precog dream? What a useless gift to have. I want precog dreams that predict lottery numbers and cards to play for poker. what the hell is this?
A few months ago I had a dream that Pewdiepie, decided to play fortnite. A week or so later, IRL he plays fortnite once on a livestream to fight T-Series.
Jesus again
Just a dream of Jesus showing me the door out of his office. I guess he's tired of me bugging him about the same thing...
Jamie again.
In this dream Jamie comes to live with me. I get home from work, or we both do. I lay down a bit and can't sleep. I get up and decide to have a quick smoke. I open the sliding closet in my room and get my jacket. Jamie is behind me and she grabs hers as well. I say to her that she doesn't have to go for a smoke everytime I do. I keep saying things like, Honey, and Sweetie, I wonder if this talk annoys her. She says she wants to. I realize I should just let her. suddenly she is replaced by my brother, and it's like it's been him all along. The house is different now. I wonder when he is going to leave since he doesn't have a job.
I have other dreams where my brother is everywhere. He follows me around everywhere. It's like I can't do anything without him. It's so annoying. I wake up and wonder if some strange force is now making me perceive Jamie in dreams as my brother. Like family. Wouldn't be as annoying if it was Jamie.