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    Another short lucid

    by , 05-02-2024 at 01:22 AM (88 Views)
    First night.


    I was walking at night in a sketchy area of a large city. I just remember walking past a bunch of people with hoodies on. I entered a gas station to get a coffee. I walked past a guy but couldn't find the coffee machine. So I grabbed some random things... Unleavened bread? Wtf. Someone must have fell asleep listening to a reading of Exodus, and it wasn't me. And I grabbed slushie and some bananas and put it all in a blender. The other customer in the store was looking at me funny. I couldn't turn the blender on.

    I went to the counter and Jamie was working the counter. She said something to me about this gorgeous guy she knew who used to have a PS2. Um okay. Was she pulling a jealousy move on me? Or was she talking about me. I'm not gorgeous, but I did own a PS2... Dream fades.

    Next night had no recall. Woke up at 3:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep.

    Last night:

    I was in a large castle like building with large windows. I kept looking out the windows and seeing many impossible things. Thing like: lots of tornadoes but not hurting anyone, many people walking down a path with colorful cone hats, and various horses.

    This made me lucid. I jumped up and floated to confirm lucidity. I landed by a doorway. I wanted to find Jamie again. Everything seemed really stable and solid so I decided to try Hukif's time dilation method again. As soon as I put my hand down on the ground, everything just faded to black... Damn. Maybe I should try something else.


    I was in a chicken barn with Jamie. She said to me, "I want you to put it in my ***, Robert." (I will not publicly post what is going in where.) Then she pulls out a chicken from behind her back and is pointing it's ass end at me like a gun. She then says, "Are you chicken?" When she says, "chicken." She squeezes the chicken and and egg flies at me. She then chases me around the barn repeating the question and shooting eggs at me.


    Just a flash of Jamie at a stove with a frying pan on one burner and boiling water on the other. We are just playfully talking while she cooks something.


    Audio only dream. I hear a demon accusing Jamie of something. But forget what...

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    lucid , non-lucid , memorable
