Can't think of a Title
, 03-22-2024 at 01:16 AM (149 Views)
Say what?
Just a bunch of dream imagery of shelves of make up and jewelry stands. I can hear Jamie's voice saying, "Robert's gonna buy me all my make-up and jewelry." Yeah GL with that. In today's economy both people of a household should have their own jobs. Want extra cash? try side hustles. Hair Braiding for example, or if you have a truck, couch flipping, also vending machines. There are tons of options out there.
I had one nonlucid dream i can't remember the details.
Sleep over
A dream where I have a sleep over at Jamie's, But we're both children. So we have sleeping bags in a living room by a fireplaces. We tell jokes and play games like children would. It's a lot of fun. (Lol, She's trying to keep the dreams pg-13 now).
Last night:
I'm driving up a hill or mountain on a dirt road. My dog is in the back seat. I start swerving and lose control of the car. I try to hit the brakes but land in the ditch. The car keeps moving and I notice I am in the backseat now. The car is heading for some trees by a cliff before I wake up.
Another non lucid I can't remember...
A dream Raven came to visit. She seemed mad or something that she had to drive to canada. She puts a briefcase on the table and inside I see two roadmaps. She asks me why I haven't come to Arizona to visit? I start ranting that I don't have a steady job right now. ( you'd think someone with 9 years restaurant experience, good references and a reference from an owner/operator, would find a job here. All the jobs seem to go to the TFWs here.) After I'm done ranting I pick up one of the maps and ask if it's for me? Raven says no but the other map is? It's all pretty confusing so naturally I wake up.
I'm sitting at a table with Jamie I have a silly diagram on the table which I call: The trinity. I have three psiral lines which go to 3 symbols. One representing dreams, another representing thought communication, and the third is physical reality. The two representing dreams and thought are colored in, with the physical one not colored in. I say something like, "So you see, we have to now just activate the physical one..." Jamie is just looking at me like: WTF... Not a mused at all. upon waking up it made no sense to me either.