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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. better

      by , 05-12-2020 at 01:55 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      First one is I get a long email or message from jamie.

      Second dream is we are together overlooking a city on a porch. She is dressed fancy. I am holding her from behind. the feelings seem good.


      Dream of going to a mall or something with my family. We go to a strange food court. One of the restaurants is vegetarian but you get fed based on your astrological sign. Doesn't interest me so i wind up in a chocolate shop or something. I'm craving hamburgers and stuff like that so I leave. I find no other restaurant. I walk with my family down an escalator and I wake up then.
      dead pet

      I had a very strange dog like pet... but it was small. It was trying to sleep on my bed. but I didn't want it there. So it tried to sleep on my electric piano. The one end of the piano fell off the stand. and the pet fell down and hit something on it's snout. it was bleeding. I didn't know what to do.
      Tags: jamie, mall, pet.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. crazy dreams!

      by , 05-04-2020 at 08:46 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Lucid but too short

      It seems like I am walking through a park late at night in calgary. Something like Proncess island park because I am coming from a bridge. I get a sense that I'm dreaming almost instantly. Because it is night out, a blackness fills my field of vision. I begin touching the ground where some sand is immediately to try and incorporate my senses into the dream. It stabalizes momentarily but then I remember an old DV post, from someone who once prolonged a dream by trying to eat a tree. becuase that incorporates many physical sensastions such as touch, taste, smell, texture etc. I then remember i had passed a tree by the bridge earlier. I seemilngly teleport there and try to eat it but fade out before anything happens. Damn...

      Hate this dream

      This dream involved Jamie but she wasn't necessarily in it.. Started I was getting a visit from my brother and we were walking around houses or open markets or something. He's visiting in real life since i can't make my trip to the USA because of travel restrictions due to the pandemic... In the dream I ask if he's watched Star Trek Picard yet? He says no. I tell him I'll get yet another month of Crave so we can watch it while he visits. He says okay but he is grossed out by something and leaves.

      It appears I am surrounded by Gay people having orgies... umm okay. everything is very graphic. It's also on computer monitors throughout the street or houses I am in. It makes sense as I run into an old co worker from 2011 Gil. Who i know IS gay. We are in a room with some women in it and he says he knows Jamie and runs into her occasionally, there's a place or street he goes to and he runs into her 1 in 3 times. I find it odd that he might know her. One of the women says, "Oh no your another guy she's used." implying i'm a long list of guys she has discarded. in Her condition is makes sense. people with BPD rarely settle down with anyone for long periods of time, so many embrace a more open lifestyle, of never sticking with anyone. She DID give the impression of a serial dater when I knew her. and stopped talking to me altogether years ago... I ask the woman if we are talking about the same Jamie and give her her full name. and she says, "yes, that's the one." Gil says again, "We can still try to run into her there's a 1 in 3 chance." I stand there and try to justify myself for a second of trying to hold onto her. Fact: She can't even manage a simple "hi," after years. I am forever discarded, Even of she reads my dreams she would never ever talk to me again, I would get a fraction of a second of a look once she realizes who I am, and completely shut down towards me.

      I wake up while thinking all these things. This dream really bothered me for a few days after... and it actually kind of upsets me to write it down.


      Another fraction of a second dream whew i am walking with jamie, and she seems "normal," walking arm in arm. But that's all I get for the week.


      Scary dream. i am in a house filled with monster or something. I find a kitchen where a mad scientist works. I walk past a living room where a giant guy about 8 feet tall is cutting hair off a lamb and muttering to himself, "Ah yess so smooth will be your skin, like butter it will be to eat..." I am frightened by the scene and hid above a shelf in the kitchen. The scientist is walking back into the kitchen. So I dart out past the living room again. Now a whole heard of 30 or so sheep are in the living room getting their wool cut off from the same guy. His brother enters the room who is like 16 feet and i realize the soft sheep are for his brother. I wonder if he eats them alive. I don't stick around to find out. The dream ends as soon as I leave.
    3. better

      by , 04-27-2020 at 06:53 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A good dream for once. Just sitting on a couch with Jamie with my arm around her and i think she is reciprocating. she's letting me know she still cares and feels good about me. but her mood suggests she is also angry with about something? Not sure.


      In a semi lucid. I'm in front of a haunted mirror? not sure but i am encased in mirror on all sides of me. I feel a really evil presence so i draw with my finger on the mirror in front of me a cross and say, "The power of Christ compels you!" I say it somewhat jokingly. Instantly I'm in sleep paralysis in my bed and i hear a baby laughing menacingly at me...


      Not sure what was happening but i had a false awakening because of an alarm clock going off in the dream i had a FA in. Which really woke me up even though in reality no alarm had gone off....
    4. wow.

      by , 04-20-2020 at 09:36 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      first one seems to be in direct response to a facebook dream i was having the previous week. In this dream Jamie is interacting with me on facebook, although the act is nice, she seems to have some attitude about it. doesn't come across very loving.

      Second dream i am with her in high school. But she's too cool for school or even me for that matter. As she is too stuck up to even talk to me. She has a friend nearby who is an admirer and she says something like, "There's the most beautiful girl in the school, and then there's Her." Referring to jamie as if Jamie is above the rest.

      Last dream we are in a field with some east indian girl. They find a bathroom or something whoch is their hangout. Jamie asks me to clean the entire bathroom for her. And I'm like, "No."

      And quite frankly i'm not logging these dreams every week for her to play in a highschool popularity contest. Still miss my dream hugs.


      in this dream i am almost lucid. I'm in a room with a bunch of people and i start floating up and flying around. I start singing wierd al's Eat it, but with the pitch of michael jackson. The people below start staring at me.


      Me and someone are outside a bunch of abandoned houses looking for a haunted house. Seems to be the district close by that one dream i had with the black castle and the women demons who guarded it.

      We go up to a house with a mirror. In the mirror is a scene of people in a house pretending to be ghosts. I remember the face of a girl of the family trying to make funny but spooky faces. I ask them where the haunted house is. They don't know. I ask if this is a haunted mirror. The pull out their own mirror and create a ghost lady that walks into their mirror. I can't tell if they mean a huanted mirror is something you can walk through to the other side in, or if they are inviting me to walk into their mirror?

      We walk on and supposedly find the haunted house. We find a crawlspace inside which leads to... A large area something like a sears in a mall or something. There's all these women accompanied by really tall and pale men about 7-8 feet tall. I become semi lucid and begin to fly above them. I circle the area and fly up an escalator which has strange walls on the side. I become lucid for a moment and the dream fades.

      FA, I'm in a room with Dara, The tarot card youtuber who deleted all her accounts and videos. I think she's jamie or something. She seems okay with me and i say she was mad but now she's cool. Dara looks at me perplexed and then shrugs whatver. i say it's cool like this to be just chill. she agrees.
      work related

      I'm at work when everyone becomes frightened. Dylan goes into the walk in freezer and discovers a dead girl's corpse in there. I begin hearing loud alien like Thwoms coming from the freezer. In a panic i go get changed to go home and leave. I'm having heart attack symptoms, it won't stop beating fast and i notice I'm really sweaty as I take off my shirt and look for the other one.


      Im'm in some house and some evil guy that reminds me of thanos is there. Thanos is suddenly michael dorn without his worf makeup but he is still evil. I hide bhind a door and throw knives at him... they don't even hit him hard. He goes to attack me but I wake up.
    5. bleh

      by , 04-07-2020 at 12:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Bad recall. only remember one dream: Jamie me and jesus in some room. don't remember any details other than that. I hope this week is better. Still impressed i get a Jamie dream a week
      Tags: jamie, jesus
      side notes , dream fragment
    6. dreams.

      by , 03-30-2020 at 09:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Again i had longer dreams but they still evade my memory when I have to write them down. I should take notes but I'm getting lazy in my old age.


      Only a brief flash of walking with jamie down some steps in a park or something. That's all. this is the only dream I had of her this week. Although I'm frustrated she isn't around much in them anymore I guess something once a week is consistent.


      I'm driving with someone into a parking lot of a large apartment building. I have false memories of running around the hallways of the apartment complex, and most of it seemed abandoned.

      As wee pull in I see C and C come out of a stairwell. And yes It's the C i tried to date last summer and failed miserably with. Mainly because of Jamie being upset in a dream and a string of jamie synchronicities scared me out of it. Twin flames, or alien love bite, or whatever you call it - God forbid they actually talk to you in person or write you. But somehow they raise all hell when you try for something else....

      Anyway the driver notices the C with bigger boobs and asks me about her. I say those girls are skanky and the one he fancies is already in a relationship. We park and get out, and my C notices me. She walks up to me and gives me a big hug. I think she is apologizing for something. I'm surprised since she pretty much avoids me like the plague. The hug IS her though. It's so nice and warm. Then i wake up.

      Jamie really needs to step up her dream hugging game.


      I'm in a room with Jesus and he says, "what Are you doing in my dream?" Not sure why he would say that, if he really meant it or said it in a joking way. There was no context.
    7. yikes

      by , 03-23-2020 at 07:20 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, I've been dealing with some temptations lately. all I can say if Jamie can really sense these things... I really feel for her.

      Had a few dreams that i can't recall now.


      Became lucid in my house and asuka was around. I asked her if she'd seen Jamie around. Asuka said: Yes but she's been hiding out in a parallel universe. Asuka holds up a mirror and I walk through it like a door. On the other side is a Giant mall. A bunch of people are walking around and they all look exactly the same. They look like Soji, from tar trek Picard... I ask one of them if she had seen Jamie, Ahe reluctantly said "yes." and started walking me down an aisle, butthen I woke up.

      Other dreams were flashes so they don't really warrant titles.

      I was laying in bed dosing off wondering about why I'm struggling with these temptations. I fall asleep into a micro dream and jesus is on the cross again and he says, "My son I am always with you."

      Last sleep, I saw myself sleeping with someone who wasn't Jamie and i heard Jamie's voice as a voiceover, "No," Suddenly the girl under me vanished and I was suddenly outside and the girl's clothes were a heap on the ground. I saw text flash over the scene. "Jesus sent you this girl." Wasn't sure if the text was referring to the girl or jamie.

      Okay in all history of having entities flash text prophetic messages in my dream, virtually none were true nor came to pass. So I don't trust it at all.
    8. Better Dreams

      by , 03-16-2020 at 06:42 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      First thing is a dream about making out with jamie. Second is just us walking somewhere in a house or something and she's walking beside me and she seems happy. I miss the longer more detailed dreams about Jamie.

      Living room.

      i was in a living room with lots of people. We were watching tv or playing video games or something. A blond girl that seems familiar (maybe a co worker?!?!?) starts trying to kiss me and complains i've never made any moves on her. I say, "I'm just to shy unless a girl really lets me know." or something and we start kissing. I suddenly can't breathe while kissing her and i panic myself awake.


      Okay before this dream I was watching star trek Picard. I was dreaming a dream from soji's ( a character in the show) perspective. She was in a house or something and kept seeing oeople that looked like her out the window. The most startling was when she looked in a mirror and someone who sort of looked like her was in the mirror.


      A dream about the blond girl again... this time it was clearly my coworker. She seemed overly flirty or something and offered me a ride home from work, the only condition being was that she was going to spend hours visiting random guys. I said, no that's okay i have to be home sooner and I'll just take the bus, because I have to take care of my dog. to that she seemed overly offended, was really mad at me and stormed off.

      She was taunting me throughout the dream. i was later on a mountain ina village or people on the side of the mountain. A bunch of people were possessed and acting evil, including the girl. we then somehow put them all on a truck and drove the truck off the cliff to kill them and the evil. I was still paranoid the evil was still lingering. Then the sane people lost their minds and started acting like zombies. then I woke up.
    9. bleh

      by , 03-09-2020 at 06:09 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      forgot one from the previous week. It was a dream about me and her getting married. Well, honestly I think she'd rather go to her grave than talk to me again. So keep dreaming?

      Other dreams were not good.In one dream she is visibly mad at me. In another one she is walking beside me outside at night sometime but not talking to me. In another dream I am tracking her in a large city and she is a completely different person with a new identy. She walks near me but pretends I don't exist. And i don't remember her this bad since early 2019. somethings wrong. I have no idea what, since she won't write me at all.


      Just a vague dream about meeting the people from the paranormal files again... No real details, just we were in some house exploring.

      There were other longer dreams, but as usual, when I'm ready to write them down i forget everything
    10. weird

      by , 03-02-2020 at 06:52 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A series of dreams about jesus. In one i am in the phillipines or something. There is a cult that practices crucifiction... on themselves. I sign up for it for some reason and when I am hanging on a cross Jesus is on a cross next to me and says, "You don't have to do this my sons for I have already have done it for you."

      In another dream he mentions I should travel to Georgia state.

      Jamie dreams

      various sex related dreams, but i won't go into detail. Well i hoped for a better week, it's what I got. No complaining here.


      Dream about waking up on a plane. i look out the window and it is night time. We are very closely above some tree tops. The ride feels smooth. i just watch the scenery go by for a while...


      I was at some event with some girls I know. one girl I used to work with kept getting stabbed by a sword from another girl. In another part of the dream I was looking for something. There are more details but I forget them.
    11. Oh well.

      by , 02-24-2020 at 10:29 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      jamie dreams

      First one she is sitting by a swamp on a giant leaf. she seems really down or depressed.

      Second one is a flash of her meeting me at an airport. speaking of which already got my first trip for youtube booked.https://hauntedhillhouse.com/booking-calendar the rob tv.


      Almost lucid. In this one i'm at some elaborate mall or something with my brother. i'm walking down long hallway I think my boots have anti grav. I start flying up and past the people staring at me in the hallway. I get to an open area and forget what happens after.

      i hope i have better jamie dreams this week.
    12. meh

      by , 02-17-2020 at 09:01 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      recall was terrible as usual this week.

      Jamie 1

      Just a flash of Jamie crying really hard. Like face in hands. Been there... The night before she left, ouch. Hope my dreams aren't too psychic about this and hope she's okay. I also hope I didn't cause that somehow...

      Jamie 2

      Can't remember what happened just that her presence was there.


      I just remember being lost on a road, I hitched a ride from a lady driving a bus. I said we had to pick up my backpack or something, and suddenly we were in a city looking for it.


      Dreamed that a manager pulled a gun on me at work when i didn't want to do what he said. I ran out screaming and went to another place from the same franchise. I wanted to get him fired. Why didn't I just call the police.

      Netflix commendation: Horse Girl.

      If Jamie reads these, keep sending good vibes. I appreciate them.
    13. Still lousy recall.

      by , 02-11-2020 at 12:19 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Not a good week for Jamie apparently.

      Jamie 1

      Just a flash of being outside my house. Jamie pulls up in a car, gets out and says, "Sorry I'm late, I got lost downtown." Remembering her sense of direction when she would drive around, sounds about right

      New Cat

      Dreamed I had a new cat (Haven't had one in years.) it was on my bed and it would randomly scratch me. I spent some time trying to figure out what caused it too scratch... But i could figure nothing out. It was either really nice, or would just scratch.

      Jamie 2

      I'm in bed with a Jamie look alike. And Jamie comes home (we live together in this dream.) She looks really upset. She's having nightmares about me meeting a look alike? I've already known a few but so far none can steal her thunder. If she's so worried She should hurry up and seal the deal.


      I was in bed with an asian transgender. Um okay. What other lows does my dream self resort to when I ruin things with Jamie?


      Hanging out with the young dude From the paranormal files. We were exploring an abandoned hospital. Cool.

      What else can I put here in case Jamie really reads these. Well when I applied for my passport earlier in the month. At the service desk my print job had 629 in it.. (A number I've frequently seen in regards to Jamie and Jesus...) I think, "now that has nothing to do with Jamie right?" On my way i see 2 cars with Jamie's initials in their licence number in random order. I wasn't looking for it, it just jumped out on me. Getting a passport BTW to travel to the US to make more haunted videos for youtube. I doubt much success but I have enough saved for at least 2 trips. This is going to be an exciting year regardless.
    14. oh wel

      by , 01-28-2020 at 02:34 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dreams weren't as good this week. I remember some more dreams but they faded from memory quick.


      A dream we were at a restaurant. we were clasping our hands over a table as if we had just decided something. that or i was proposing something and she said, "yes." The feeling was happy and exciting. That's all.


      Was walking my dog through a forest. He actually started talking to me. He said he was walking funny because the ground was poisoned so I should be careful where I walk him.


      I was in a house with someone. Another guy broke in with a gun. The other guy said for me to put my gun down or something because it was going to cause a legal issue. I did and my friend shot the intruder from behind.

      I wish I remembered more...
    15. Uh yeah, dreams

      by , 12-17-2019 at 03:18 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      Just hanging out with her at someone's house, maybe hers. Maybe mine not sure. Don't remember much just good vibes.

      Jamie 2

      A few days later, Just a dream that me and my brother were walking with her but she was our disabled little sister or something and she was throwing a tantrum or something. Well that peace lasted a long time .


      Jesus is standing with some girl I seen on a dating site he has a marriage contract and is daring me with his eyes to sign it. I just wake up from shock before i can say, "hell no."

      Jamie 3

      Just some HH of jamie making out with random people in front of me looking at me seeing if I'm getting mad.

      okay okay. No dating sites that go nowhere anyway. No crushes of any kind while I am supposed to wait for someone who hasn't talked to me in years, and all i get is these dreams. Has read my messages, but also refuses to reach out, yet insists (from dreams) that I send more messages. This all makes perfect sense! How can she even sense these things I am doing? I understand people with the twin flame/alien love bite phenomenon might get clairaudience, or vivid dream images, but to this degree? It's either real or a big epic troll from the spirit realm. I'll try to tune things down for now, but please try to understand the ridiculousness and insanity of this situation i have been put in. *rant over* #new week


      Some random dream of running around didsbury, but it has a cool layout. I'm supposed to be in someone's play or show or something but I get out of it somehow. I'm at home later and i get a text from a homeless guy that is my friend and he wants something to eat. I get a birds eye view of him walking up a turnpike heading into town and I am somehow guiding him.

      Mcdonald's nightmare

      I was doing a night shift with this new guy. We kept getting into a fight. I kept hitting him with a grenade launcher. He jumped into a hidden part of the ceiling and I floated up and shot a grenade through the hole he had left. But the grenade didn't go off.

      Moments later a bunch of kids swarm into the lobby. Crazy orders come on screen. the screen literally says ,"600 nuggets." I am freaking out. It's just me and the guy to do all the orders and what's worse A bunch of girls alk into the lobby and the guys start swooning over the loudly. I slam my fists down on the table and yell that I'm quitting. i head into a room with a window and see a car spinning around in the parking lot me and the guy flip him the bird. He returns the gesture. How sure how he saw us, but okay. Manager Emily storms out of the office. I am surprised she is there. She lightly touches my back which i find strange. and calmly says she will help with the orders. We start doing them and then I wake up.
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