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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. more dreams.

      by , 11-26-2019 at 01:21 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams.

      Kept having a handful of dreams with Jamie in it. In them she kept meeting me at a motel or something. She had a very serious tone with me. Not sure what about wether it was something she was mad about me doing or she wanted to get serious? Not sure. In one of the dreams I saw a flash of words, "Message me,". Hmm, Let's see I was really stressed out messaging her in the first place and then the long weeks of waiting and not hearing from her were kind of rough... So that kind of kills the motivation for me. Is She does really read these I would like to hear from her. 100% chance I would respond back.


      another dream about V from work. don't remember much just she was hanging around and smiling a lot.

      Video games.

      Was playing fortnite with a controller that was big and clunky. I opened some mail with a new controller but it was the wrong kind. Fast forward to playing the game. A girl was playing with me. It either was Asuka or Jamie. Anyway she handed me her controller and it went very smoothly. The games BTW. The TV screen would project out at you in 3D, like VR, and I would transition from holding the controller to actually being a character in the game.


      I was hanging with some girl I seemed to know but have never seen her IRL. We were planning a trip to Texas or something. And I was saying how the air pressure in the plane was going to wreck our ears.
    2. okay...

      by , 11-18-2019 at 08:11 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      Two fragments when I'm falling asleep. She's suddenly around now, just remember her being happy and nice to me. sort of like being a good girlfriend. wish i remembered more of these ones.

      Another fragment where apparently, I know her mom in this one. In this dream me and her mom attend a support group for people who have relatives who are schizophrenic (My mom is but on meds.) Then she picks me up from my dad's workplace which is a large and elaborate construction site. Next Her mom is driving me around country roads outside of Olds. I keep wanting to ask her about Jamie because I haven't heard from her in years. I decide against asking because I think it would make me seem creepy or something. I did once know a couple in didsbury, some older guy also called, "Jamie," with a mother for a schizophrenic. Use to see him and his wife around the bar in that town a lot. He also had looks that Jamie could have inherited from him if he was her father... Hmm.


      apparently I'm going back to an abandoned hospital to film something for youtube. But now I have to go through someone's office. I ask to film there and am approved. A girl from work V, drives me there, or her mother does. She piles in the van but is sharing a seat with me. We are up close and i am holding her leg. she seems unaware, I look and notice the passenger font seat is empty. I ask her why she didn't sit there? she doesn't answer.

      Before going into the building we have to do some exercise with army people? there was something about Her throwing something and then I cut a branch? Makes no sense. We go in the building and follow a group of people. I ask where the abandoned area is. I am then led by someone to an elevator. it's all vague after.


      Dream about making out with one of the indian girls from work... I need a social life and a S.O.
    3. horrible recall.

      by , 11-12-2019 at 04:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Not much to report this week.

      Only Jamie dream I had was when I was dosing off.. There were voices telling me to not give up on her and to wait for her. Because you should always trust voices. I miss the dreams with her.

      Work hell

      A new guy at my Job kept being mean and harassing me. He kept getting in my face and was causing trouble. The store manager was staring at us as if it was an okay thing for him to do. I left work with Victoria, and we were walking on some streets like I was in Chilliwack. We decided to go to Tim Horton's or something and she was saying how she goes there every morning at 9:30. There was a mcdonald's worker suddenly working there as we went into the lobby.
      Tags: jamie, work
      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    4. some vivid dreams.

      by , 11-05-2019 at 03:55 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      Feels like she hasn't been as active lately, But I'm still impressed I get at least one dream a week. First one happens while I fall asleep i fall into a few micro dreams of Jamie just being there with me holding my hand. Seems like she is trying to re assure me that she is still around and isn't finished with me. Second dream I am visiting a guitar teacher I use to know named Jake ( who is also a well known banjo player who is known for playing canadian festivals." But in this dream I am seated at a keyboard. He asks me what I want to learn. I have a notebook out, it says Jamie was learning this piece or something. so I try it out. but can't read the notes that well. I think it was supposed to be one of chopin's easier waltzes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN5z1mu6j4M

      The Drone Army

      I dream I somehow get captured by these Sentient drones armed with guns and lasers. they are all self aware like a hive. there is a long sequence of me trying to escape but I can't. I'm in their lair which is like a big bowl in the ground with a complex at the center. My dad tries to get me out but when I climb one of the sides one of the drones buzzes in my way. i am terrified. There is a building in the center where we are being held. Two other captives are there, a woman and a Man. Pretty sure the woman was Asuka. This dream might have been one of their dream games or something. The drones are communicating through a screen to tell us their demands. I have a feeling they will try to kill us all. At some point me and Asuka find a bed to lie down in. We start doing things under the covers. A drone flies in and starts threatening me. Data asks what it's problem is. I say it doesn't want me doing doing anything with the girl.

      I somehow wind up outside a house that's under construction. I see Mike from work and ask him if he knows a way out. He says try through the building. I go into the building and go in the basement to the other end. There is a woman Foreman at the construction building with some worker. I go to inspect a window to make it seem like I am working there. The man approaches me and we start talking. Outside is a staircase that leads to a road apparently in the drone's blind spot. the woman leaves the room and says, "My there are lots of workers here," I think she means me. I tell the man to just let me out of the window and I'll leave. He agrees.

      I wind up leaving by a green grove of trees. i' climb over a hedge and I'm now by a huge overpass. the scenery is like the road from The Canada border to Seattle in Washington. I also see train tracks, and also a train which looks like it's coming at me. It stops on the track which is covered in green vines. I keep walking and wind up on a street. I figure I am safe from the drones now. I see a whole bunch of small black birds which I at first thinks is them. They place down a nice hat on the ground, so I put it on my head. I also see G walking by, he smiles at me and then I wake up.


      A dream of bjork visiting me. She winds up giving me a hug, or cuddling me or something. I find it very relaxing like she is also trying to console me. In any case I am happy to hear from her.

      I had other dreams but completely forget what they were.
    5. Crazy

      by , 10-22-2019 at 03:03 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams

      First dream I think I was making out with her, only i don't think I was me... hmm.

      Second dream was a FA, I was looking at a wall and I saw writing from Jamie that said, "I've loved you." Good to hear.

      Crazy vivid dream

      Started out with I was in a big apartment building and ran into Jaas and Haley from didsbury... Haley had a black eye. I just sort of passed and waved at them.

      Later I was with a group of people and i forget a sequence of events.. but I trapped some bad guy inside a piece of paper. don't really understand it myself but i did. Dream logic i guess.

      Next part I'm going through a building like a motel. but it looks under construction and a bunch of homeless looking people are there. I'm handed a key to my room and I go through hallways made of plywood. My room doesn't even lock and it's also a thin door made of ply wood. I decide not to stay in it. I get back with the group of people. I somehow let the guy out of the piece of paper. I'm hiding in parts of the room and he starts killing people with a buzz saw. I get behind him and perform a chokehold on him. I hold him there for quite some time and he looks passed out. He gets up right after i let him go and i leave the room with a bunch of people...
    6. Recall still bad.

      by , 10-15-2019 at 02:49 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Work dream

      Working with C, not THAT one but a girl who moved to greece. In this dream she is trying to hook me up with a girl. I say the girl is not single and C looks disappointed and unhappy for me.


      Dream of running into C,(yes that one). In this dream I was going in my house and she was close by. she managed a weak smile, but she looked really rough, like cracked out or something.

      Jamie dreams

      *sigh* In one dream she is in a car with my brother and i am in the backseat, feels like i suddenly don't belong on the same level as her... another dream where she is unhappy and not talking to me.

      honestly, I'm just the same as I always am. Still don't know what the problem is here.
    7. scary?

      by , 10-07-2019 at 07:57 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      This dream was a little turn from how she's usually been lately. Just a dream at her house where I am trying to talk to her but she's painfully pretending I don't exist... What did I do now?


      After Seeing "It," in theatres and taking to the audio books I had two related dreams... first is seeing a big white wall Pennywise is there with big red balloons which I don't really find scary. Two days later it's the same dream but he's taunting me about Jamie... implying he may have captured her dream self or something, Which I don't particularly believe...

      Other non lucids

      I had some vivid ones but they are fading... First is of being in a room and cuddling some girl in bed, but she's a character from 13 reasons why... We both realize that we don't really like eachother and I leave. Which leads to a scene of her me and a bunch of other kids jumping into a lake from a high water fall.

      some dream with my brother in it. He takes me to some homosexual bathhouse... I'm disturbed and don't want to go. He tells me to buy a locker or something and i see a guy with a big beard at the desk. I'm still grossed out so I leave the place.
    8. hmm

      by , 10-01-2019 at 12:08 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Post a quick entry. I have 2 weeks off work so I'm not sure if my recall will improve or not.

      Had some recall but forgot it


      Another naughty dream. I'm glad she is being persistent, and is one of the great qualities I love about her.

      vague dreams i can't even describe

      Dark Tower???

      Big epic dream that I can't recall because it's like trying to comprehend a movie or something while watching it on Fast forward.

      Me Jamie and Raven, are in A large tower. Every room seems to branch off into a different dream you can get lost in. A guy in red with a glowing orb in his hand Is fighting Raven... and Jamie? Not sure Jamie was there and then suddenly not there. Raven was gone too, And I was alone fighting some guy with a face growing out of his neck, Kind of like the guy from Total Recall (The arnold one). We fight for a while and then I wake up.
    9. Wow!!!

      by , 09-24-2019 at 02:07 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Recall is still shit this week!

      Jamie 1

      Short snippet of a dream just a few seconds of making out with her.

      Jamie 2

      Another short dream. I'm dreaming from Jamie's perspective. I'm trapped in a house out towards the three hills area (I think). the entire house is a giant room of rotting corpses - mostly skeleons) I'm being crushed by something pushing me down inside the pile. Feels like I'm Literally drowning in them.)


      I go see Walms/hukif, because of my nightmare. He's in a field with lots of dragon flies or something. He's creating fighting techniques with their hairs or something. He seems really friendly.

      dog walking

      I'm in a wierd dream where I'm walking my dog but I'm hired to mow a lawn or something. I use my dog somehow to push the lawnmower (Or whatever device I'm using). My dog doesn't like it and keeps ducking out of his collar and leash. I try three times to make him do the job.

      Jamie 3

      A dream memory that is just black, but Jamie is there.


      A dream memory of ramp rushing for some reason.

      fortnite again

      A dream where I'm on a really oldschool part of the map with a big mountain or something. I'm tracking someone down and get lost in his house or something.

      Jamie 4

      Another dream, this time this morning, of making out with Jamie, There is music in the background. It sounds like me playing vivaldi on guitar or something. but the allegro is slowed down and I hear more harmonies, seems more romantic or something. Why not "Careless whisper," Or something? Wait... That's a break up song. Nevermind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLM7Vl4YL6s

      Lots of jamie dreams this week, I'm impressed.
    10. boring dreams

      by , 09-10-2019 at 03:41 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Had this one tuesday. I was in a house with A jamie look a like with a british accent. No not THAT one the card reader. A different one... A McDonald's franchise owner is also in the house I keep making jokes about him being super rich and stuff. The girl seems to like the jokes. I am sometimes finding myself also with a british accent, maybe because I'm trying to achieve rapport? She laughs at my jokes and stuff. IRL this person doesn't exist.

      Micro Dreams

      Ha these on a bus heading home after work. One i fell asleep for a second and C was sitting in front of me. Next one was Jamie pulling me away.

      Jamie again

      Had one where we were both in b.C. Exploring some abandoned house or something.

      Note: She hasn't been very affectionate in dreams lately, at least not physically. but, I do get very loving vibes from these dreams.

      Dark Crystal

      Saw the entire season of the Dark Crystal this weekend. My Review:

      In this dream I am actually a Dark Shadow that can grab onto the puppets. Unfortunately this dream doesn't play out long enough for me to do anything.
    11. Meh.

      by , 08-20-2019 at 03:55 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dream 1

      A dream I was with Jamie in fortnite. We are in Salty Springs on the house with the hidden basement shooting at people. Jamie suddenly realizes where she is and what is happening and she seems pissed off that she's there.

      Dream 2

      A dream Jamie and me are working at mcdonald's in the kitchen. She also looks pissed off to be there.

      Dream 3

      My dad was driving me around to different stores. I'm looking to buy a Ps4 or something. I'm going the cheaper route and looking at discount stores and pawn shops. I go into one store but also a bunch of people from work are there. I think I'm supposed to be working but ignore that. I go to the shop owner and ask if he has a ps4. He pulls one out from a shelf behind the desk but it's 375 or something. I think it's too expensive for a used one at a pawn shop so i leave in frustration. I go to the parking lot looking for my dad. I don't see his truck at first and then find it. I go in and tell him to drive to the other store I was looking at.

      I had other brief dreams of making out with someone but I don't know who...
    12. Wow.

      by , 08-13-2019 at 03:39 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie Dreams

      I had one dream that was very hard to remember. Just one with her in it. she seemed very concerned about me.

      In another dream I ran into her at the bar we first hung out at. She was with a group of friends she went up to me and said "If there's anyone who needs a hug it's this guy."

      One other dream she changed her profile pic to a steering wheel? okay.


      Dreamed I was at a house party. After a while someone was killed and the dream rewound until the murder happened again. The third time I saw V from work there and we started talking. I noticed C staring at us and she looked sad. okay can she please not show up anymore?


      I ran into C's sister somewhere and said, "Hi," just too be friendly. she was mad at me and said I made a comment earlier about her ass... Not like me to say something vulgar like that.


      I kept getting mad at some yappie dog that kept waking me up...
      Tags: chelsea, dog, jamie
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Yay!

      by , 08-06-2019 at 03:14 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Even Worse recall this week. I've been focused on Fortnite. The cringiest game in the world...

      First dream had C in it. She just seemed happy that's all.


      Jamie is at her computer screen again. I'm inside a dream on the other side of her screen, Her face is giant. She's talking to me and she seems concerned I'll go after C or something, because it seems I've developed a little crush. Don't worry I'll never act on it and I already screwed it up with her majorly.

      a couple other dreams with C in it. One I was in an eediting course on fortnite. Can't remember any details. just that she was there.

      any other dreams are just too foggy to recall
    14. Meh.

      by , 07-30-2019 at 03:03 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Not sure where to start.

      No jamie dreams this week. First week in a long time. C stole the show but I dealt with that.

      Not posting in color because I just want this entry in and want to forget about it.

      Dream 1: C comes to visit me at an art gallery and tells me to calm down or something.

      Dream 2: Before I fell asleep I was having some major stress because I was supposed to meet up with C. In the dream she gave me a big hug, I've never felt so healed from a hug ever, I woke up feeling really good... Stood her up anyway.

      Dream 3: after standing her up, I dream I get a call from C and it sounds like she's crying... instead of talking normally she starts reading one of my messages back to me.

      IRL life C and her sister start sharing angry memes at me on facebook. *sigh* Time for a damage control letter. "I have some serious emotional issues to work on so It's best to be your friend from a distance." It's not a lie it's actually true. Hopefully she won't be bothering me anytime soon. If at all.

      all other dreams were too foggy to recall.

      I want my dream Queen back dammit. Jamie where are you?
    15. Crazy dreams

      by , 07-23-2019 at 04:02 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A dream with Jamie in it. We are in a video game or something. Can't remember much just that the vibe is good. I like how she is being really consistent lately.

      Some HH while waking up.

      I was thinking about C and got a flash of a pink heart shaped box of chocolates... Um. No. Spirits do not start this shit again in someone else...

      Some more HH

      Was thinking about C again. Suddenly saw Jesus looking to the side as if he didn't approve. Ah I was wondering what he had to say about that.

      Grossest dream ever

      I'm working at McDonald's when a strange order comes up. On the screen it says some sandwich like a "Dirty Harry.". I am freaking out because I have never in my life heard of this. I ask the till person just what in the hell is going on? She replies that a special employee must make it something to do with someone's maiden name's something something. I am still confused AF. James the manager runs out and says he has to do it. He then performs making the sandwich by toasting the bun. Then he literally starts kissing the wall and slobbering all over it and he's making these loud rubbery kersplunk sounds. He then wipes the open part of the bun on the part of the wall with his slobber all over it and then finishes making the sandwich normally. I am so grossed out that I wake up right away. This is not the first time I have seen James in a dream where he does something absolutely disgusting and I never want him in my dreams AGAIN.

      Boring dream

      I was with all these people I seemed to know in a huge house that was also a mini apartment complex... Hard to explain but I kept wanting to leave and explore the underground tunnels.


      I am with Jamie in What is supposed to be the great pyramid of Egypt. Our roles are kind of strange in this dream - We are both asian, we are also both children, and she's also my older sister. I am trying to get into a room in the top of the pyramid but it's way too small to fit in. Jamie is inside mocking me like a big sister would. I give up and go down a long passage in the dark. I find a lightswitch and turn it on. A second later Jamie turns herself into a ghost and shuts the light switch off, laughs and then speeds off. I can't get the light switch working again so I continue my way down.


      I am in a strange basement with super long hallways with a young couple. I turn a corner and a 6 or 7 year old girl comes out of nowhere and hugs my waist, she looks up ans smiles at me. I say, "Thank you." and push her off after a few seconds. I am paranoid her parents will think I'm a creep or something. I have an impression that it may have been Jamie, but can't be sure.

      No more fortnite please

      I am with Jamie in fortnite again. We are by ourselves on the snowy side of the map. We are just building long tunnels and stuff, meanwhile we are having this massive conversation, some of it relevant to the dream and some of it just regular stuff. We are really getting along in this dream.
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