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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid

      by , 10-18-2021 at 10:27 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Was on a dirt road outside some restaurant. Went inside there was a group there. They were being really noisy. Some strange bald Native American girl started attacking me for no reason. Her head was shaped like the people in "Coneheads." The group pulled her off me and they all left the building. I went outside angry and everyone from the group was in a large green bus. They talked to me for a bit and then pulled out of the driveway.
      I saw someone at the other side of a pond watching me. He seemed familiar like someone I work with and I called to him. His face distorted and i became lucid. I kept telling him I knew him and that this was a dream. eventually he walked away and the dream ended.

      I don't know Why I waste so many lucids on telling people that it is a dream...


      I was in some living room when a young girl came up to me and said I could touch her. I was like, "wait. How old are you? Can I see some ID?" or something she answered twice both times giving a different age. Both were underage answers and I felt like this was a bad situation That I should just leave. I remember getting up to leave and that's where the dream ends.


      A dream with Jamie in it. She seemed a lot taller than I remember, and she wasn't talking to me or happy with me? not sure.
    2. Lucid

      by , 10-12-2021 at 12:37 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Not really and memorable nlds. No jamie or anything else.


      Started I was in the passenger seat of a car with a blond woman driving. Wasn't sure how I got there and didn't think about it much. It was a semi desert road with foothills nearby. We parked at some store and the woman got out. Became lucid while waiting for the woman to come back. She came back and suddenly I was in the back seat. I mentioned to the lady driving that it was now a dream. The woman was a man now and some other NPC character was in the front passenger seat. The man disagreed. And we kept talking about it. The man asked where do I wanna get dropped off? I said in a city. In the back of my mind I wanted to look for Jamie. I forgot about that right after.

      We stopped somewhere and now entered a building still arguing about whether or not it was a dream. I said, "Do you remember what happened before you were driving around? I don't. And you were a woman before and now you are a man!" We were in a large room now with a very high ceiling. As if to demonstrate my point I jumped up and started flying to the ceiling. I then dropped from really high and landed on my feet. The dream started fading so I wanted to slow down time. At first I was going to try the hukif technique. Then I asked the man for a watch. He had one and I pulled it off his wrist, he was a wrinkly old man now. At first it was a face watch and I was looking for the second hand. The man showed me his other watch which was digital. Now mine was digital. I was going to try slowing down the second hand when I woke up.
      Tags: car, lucid, watch
    3. Lucid

      by , 09-27-2021 at 11:18 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Looking for Jamie

      Became lucid on something like a greyhound bus. Decided to look for Jamie since she's been AWOL for a while now, briefly showing up here and there, for all i know she could be dead or something and i'd never know. I go up to the bus driver and ask if he knows where Jamie is? He says no. I look around the bus to ask someone else but it's empty. The dream starts going dark a bit. I step down the front steps to the door. To the right of the door as a panel. I imagine removing the panel will take me to another dream space. I take the panel off and slowly step through. I wound up in a large house that appears to be under construction. All the walls are made of plywood and not drywall, and is not painted. The floors are all plywood but clean as in prepped for flooring. I wonder if i can use this place as a dream to find more hidden houses inside hidden rooms. Like a dream that goes on forever and all I do is explore endless houses strung together. I guess Jamie has slipped my mind by now. The dream starts to fade. I try and prolong the dream by leaning on one knee, placing my hand on the floor and counting the spaces between my fingers with one eye closed, (as per Hukif/Walm's suggestion) i start counting. I don't even get to 10 before the distortions start pulling me from the dream forcing me to wake up. I usually try to jump and escape them which usually makes the dream black and then it snaps back with super clarity. But not this time. I feel myself jumping but slightly hitting a ceiling and then I wake up.


      A dream about my friend who died of covid at the end of august... She was facebook messaging me. She knows she's dead in the dream and she kept saying sorry and that she was embarrassed that she died so suddenly...

      Another death

      I see a woman with brown hair at a funeral. I have a feeling it's Jamie, because of the way she doesn't acknowledge me. She's not here for me, She's here for someone she knows that passed on. It's an odd viewing. The casket is open but on a conveyor belt. (side note: I absolutely hate Viewings. The person is gone, with Jesus, or in hell, or showing up on celebrity ghost stories or something, That body is not them. You know on TV shows when they have viewings? And the person's face is all perfect? Well, it usually isn't, The muscles that hold the face together aren't working and their cheeks just sag down.) Anyway, in the dream the casket rolls by me and Jamie. Her cold ,I'm not really here, gaze breaks and she starts tearing up. She holds onto me and I give her a hug while she cries. Well I guess she knew I was there after all..
    4. Short lucid.

      by , 06-15-2021 at 08:06 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was semi lucid. I was distracted because I was in a wooden floored room with people just standing there. They had blue bandanas hiding their right eye sockets. I had an uncontrollable urge to see what was behind them. I went to an older woman and I was trying to pull the bandana away but she was heavily resisting. When she realized I wasn't giving up she let me and I saw an empty eye socket when I lifted the bandana.

      Note: I would not have remembered this dream unless I hadn't been browsing the FYP on tik tok. On it a Woman spoke of a dream where she had a vivid lucid where she kept telling her mother that it was a dream. Her mother covered her face with her hands and when she pulled them away she saw empty eye sockets.

      Short Lucid

      I was entering my home with someone but I forget who. I was lucid right away for no reason. I said aloud, "I have to find Jamie." I asked Asuka if she could tell me where Jamie was. Asuka was now a black man. I laughed and asked Her why she decided to look like that. Asuka began to gave an answer but the dream ended abruptly.
      side notes , lucid , non-lucid
    5. lucid a little bit lucid

      by , 03-08-2021 at 11:34 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I remember having some vivid dreams but I forget some of them.

      Lucid 1

      Don't remember where it started but I was lucid in a city or something. I was flying/floating around. Decided to look for Jamie. I started shouting her name to see if anyone knew her. The dream went all black. Think I DEILDed back into a dream. I was in an electronics store or something. I turned a corner and almost saw Jamie sitting at a counter. My vision got distorted and started fadeing out again. I grabbed hold of the metal shelf In front of me. I was stuck there feeling the metal for a bit eventually the room started to get brighter But I couldn't turn to the desk where Jamie was. It started fading again so I decided to lick the metal, to incorporate more sense into the dream. I remember tasting it but fully fell out of the dream.


      I had a FA on some bus. A bunch of people were yelling that the driver was going the wring way. I looked out the window, and saw we were on a big hill, like the ones you see in Kamloops BC. I went up to the driver and asked him why weren't going the normal route, "Don't worry," He said, "You won't remember any of this." I went to the back of the bus to tell the people were had been kidnapped. I wondered what the driver meant. Was he gonna take us somewhere where tests or something would be done to us and then our memories would be wiped? I tried to speak but my jaw was frozen. I tried speaking for a few minutes but woke up.

      2nd lucid

      Became lucid after some other dreams. I was at a house party. There was a man who was glowing and seemed aware. I asked him if he was a lucid dreamer. He said he was. And then changed his face into something alien and very colorful. HArd to describe some of the visual changes I saw, I was pretty impressed when the dream ended.

      Jamie again.

      Just hearing her voice Saying my name As I was waking up. Although I'm not sure if i actually remember what her actual voice sounds like.
    6. Yes

      by , 02-22-2021 at 09:09 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just a flash of a memory of her. Can't recall exactly what.


      Was walking with my brother and C into a haunted house attraction. Some guy was stalking behind us, one of the workers and said, "By the end of this walkthrough. You 2 will be broken up." Indicating to C and my brother. I said to c. "Yeah didn't he say that to us last year when he thought we were a couple.?"

      Slightly lucid

      I was walking around with my brother and went into some abandoned house. I was floating around previously and become lucid. This was low level. Didn't remember any goals. ?Just walked through the house trying to conjure up people. It wasn't working. There was a shadow man in a dark corner, I went into a different room but it was all black causing the dream to end.
    7. Funny

      by , 12-14-2020 at 08:30 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Just had a dream about Spock. He was in a room and smoking from a bong. That's all i recall. This is just after i watched the TOS episode where they pick up a bunch of annoying hippies.


      just a dream where i ran into her and she wasn't herself. She wouldn't talk to me or anything. Then i was going all over the city looking for her but she wasn't around.


      Was in an apartment with some people. Became lucid for seemingly no reason. Wanted to look for Jamie, but couldn't get out of the apartment. I came to a locked screen door. I couldn't open it. So I used my finger as a key. I pointed at the lock and turned my wrist as if I was unlocking it. It somehow actually worked. i opend the screen door and... The dream ended...
      Tags: jamie, lucid, spock
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    8. a couple lucids. (I think)

      by , 12-07-2020 at 08:28 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Big giant house

      I was in something like mansion. In something like a hallway, I stepped into a bedroom that had a lot of things in it. There was a bed and things all over the place. A keyboard started playing by itself, in just a couple of notes for a few seconds. It did this by itself. I went out of the room and found a long winding staircase. On the main level i walked through a few giant living rooms with old architecture. I found another staircase. But right beside the stairs a panel in the wall was missing. i saw my childhood friend Gary , his brother and a few other people sitting on a couch. I went down a few more steps into the room. Gary seemed annoyed that I was there but some older guy was telling me about the house and that it was haunted.

      I said, "Yeah the keyboard upstairs plays by itself." He agreed with me. Several of us left the room. I went back up to the main level. I saw a winding staircase leading upstairs and I was trying to figure out the actual layout of the place. I found yet another large living room this time with 3 pianos. I was going to play one of them when i woke up.

      House party.

      I was hearing the Dark Tower audio throughout this dream. I'm on Wolves now, Now narrated by some old guy who butchers songs... I was in a living room with Manvi from work. I think she said she was having guests over. Something was spilled all over her table which was in front of a large TV. We both tried desperately to clean it up. After it was clean i sat beside her on the couch to watch TV. i think she was a little nervous because it was me and her. As if the dream responded to her nervousness suddenly her guests were there. There was a guy who was hearing the audiobook audio and asked if it was the Dark Tower. I said yes, and was going to have a conversation with him until i woke up.


      I was trapped in a house with some psycho guy. He had me in some traps like the movie SAW. He had a wife that told me I was a better fuck than her husband.. and i also have false memories of that act... Anyway they leave the room. I become lucid when i float up out of the traps. I fly up and intend a hole in the floor. I lower into another room. and for a while, I keep floating through more holes in more rooms. Kind of like those lucids where you are in a house and you keep finding hidden rooms and basements inside more rooms and basements and it an go on a long as the lucid. Eventually i wanted outside. I wanted to look for Jamie. I saw a house and went inside. My memory got really foggy and sped up. I found jamie, or a DC that looked like her and i remember feeling the desire to sleep with her. Not sure if we did.

      either than that no jamie dreams. not sure if the lucid was her. I hope i get Jamie dreams regularly Like I use to.
    9. 2 dreams

      by , 11-30-2020 at 07:52 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      3rd person perspective dream. just images of me and jamie walking around at night. we were holding hands and smiling. It's nice to have a dream like that, lately she's been more distant or cold... So this is good.


      I was with a group of people by a mountain. We went inside a house. Forgot what happened. Became lucid randomly in a living room. A bunch of people were on a couple of couches. One guy said, "Who why does the floor keep changing color?" I said it's because this is a dream. I saw a girl sitting on a couch and i like the look of her.Instinct took over and I was going to rip her clothes off. But she vanished. Another girl was lying on the couch, She looked like Bri an old manager that no longer works where I do. I asked if it was her. She groggily said, "yes," and that's when I woke up.
      Tags: floor, jamie, lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. forgotten

      by , 11-16-2020 at 08:26 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I did recall a lot more dreams but they faded fast... Should I jot notes again? My life is too busy for that.

      Jamie 1

      Was dosing off. Saw her looking and me from the shadows. I saw her face and the outline of her amazing hair. She didn't seem to happy or anything just neutral.

      Jamie 2

      Can't remember what i was doing in the dream. Jamie was there but she was in her distant phases and vanished from the dream.


      I was with Victoria (The younger one) from work. We were by the lethbridge Hospital at night. We went across the street to the building where they hold AA meetings. There was a hidden door or something and we went into some hidden rooms. I knew this was impossible so i became Lucid. Victoria vanished somewhere. I wasn't interested in her. I wanted to look for jamie. I found myself at a window and then I was outside. I was thinking of how to find Jamie when everything started going black.

      I better get back into stabilizing dreams and doing Time Dilation again. i'm surprised i"ve been lucid shortly every week with my method of wbtb.
    11. Why Pewdiepie

      by , 11-09-2020 at 08:42 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      And this post is above another user who posted a Davie 504 dream. Are youtubers trying to take control of our dreams??? *Cues x files theme*

      I think I had jamie dreams I just can't recall them. Just woke up a few times with a feeling that she was in them. I miss the constant or weekly vivid dreams of her since they've been my constant companion for over 2 years now...

      Small lucid

      Just Walking into a room with my cousin there. I become lucid for no reason at all. I stand by a window and try to push through the glass into another dream. but i wake up after.


      I'm at some bar or party. It almost has the same layout to the 21 club here in lethbridge which i haven't even been to in some years. Use to go there to talk to no one, buy expensive beer, have some drunk girl slap your smoke out of your face for no reasonand call 3 different cab companies then wind up walking home because the cabs just pick up any drunk idiot int he parking lot. No thanks.

      As i walk in I see Pewdiepie standing where everyone smokes. I want to say hello but walk in. I walk in and out of the building a few times. I say "Hi," to him a few times but he doesn't respond. (honestly my pewdipie phase ended when T-series Passed him and subs) eventually I manage to get his attention. I try to tell him I have his old wired Razer headset which i've had for 3 years. I can't speak and sense my physical tongue is to dry to speak. This makes me lucid but instead of doing anything I keep trying to talk but wind up saying nothing. Pewdiepie seems more interested in that I'm having trouble trying to speak. He kind of gets the gist of what I'm trying to say but he just kind of thinks my problems are funny.

      Not sure what else i recall. I work nights and can say my lucids are in my second cycle during the day. I go to sleep around 11 am or noon. Wake up 4 5 Pm. Back to sleep around 6 and fall asleep around 7. the short later period has been giving me very vivid are almost all lucid dreams.
    12. lucid slightly again

      by , 11-02-2020 at 09:01 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      All i recall is her telling me she's planning to reach out to me. Hm... Trying not to get my hopes up for that. I mean isn't BPD devaluation FOREVER? Right.

      Bus Lucid

      I was downtown by a park or something. A bus pulled up in front of me. A girl I seemed to know came up to me from the bus, she wore a hoody. I wasn't interested in talking to her since she had a boyfriend who was driving the bus. I began to walk away but the back end of the bus swung toward me. I was suddenly inside the bus with no transition and became lucid. I figured the people on the bus for DCs so I picked the girl up and carried her to the back of the bus to have sex with her. She became docile like a blank DC. I began unzipping her pants when the driver said something to me. The girl had vanished but i didn't notice or care. I asked the driver if he knew Jamie and if he could take me to her. He said,"yes," I saw someone with long brown hair that reminded me of Jamie suddenly appear in the passenger seat next to him. The person turned around, it was a girl with brown hair but her face wasn't Jamie's and it didn't feel like it was her. But she smiled at me. i woke up then.

      Engineer Bob

      i fell asleep listening to The Dark Tower books again. I must have been hearing the story of Charlie The Choo Choo. Because i was walking around a train station with a guy called engineer Bob. i kept arguing that my name should be Engineer Bob, Because My name is Robert and I always wanted to take a cross country train Ride. Bob laughed and said he is the real one.
    13. lucid a little bit.

      by , 10-26-2020 at 06:49 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie 1

      One flash of a dream with her standing in a black space staring at me. she looks mad at me about something.

      Jamie 2

      This one I had just yesterday. We are walking down a street, it reminds me of olds when we use to hang out and walk down the street. We come across a house that has burned down. I have false memories of knowing the owner that lived there and he had some secret rooms with a stash of... i don't know what. when we walk by Jamie says she wants to find it. There's basically a pile of ashes where the house was along with some wooden boards on the ground still red in ambers. We walk on the lawn and I wake up. Well at least she wasn't mad anymore.


      Was walking outside at night. Got lucid but forget how. I was in a primal instinct mood. Didn't remember to look for Jamie. I was by a house and i tried to look in the window. i thought i saw a couple sleeping. I was going to fly through the window, but it shifted into a giant TV screen of a show where a couple were sleeping in bed. I was going to fly into it...

      FA, check my phone to see how much time on my alarm is left. The phone has strange symbols. Become lucid but I am more concerned with how much time i have left so i try to wake up for real.

      FA, check my phone to see how much time on my alarm is left. The phone has the same strange symbols. Become lucid and try to wake up again.

      FA, check my phone to see how much time on my alarm is left. The phone has the same strange symbols. Become lucid and try to wake up again.

      Yes that happened four or five times in a row and really woke up with 2 minutes on my alarm left.


      somewhere with my dad in a house or something. I am telling him how he was really emotinally abusive when I was younger. I was mad and really accusing him. He looked really pissed off.
    14. Another Lucid but short.

      by , 10-12-2020 at 08:28 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Too short

      Not sure how or when, or what happened previously. I found myself walking on a street similar to 13th st n in lethbridge. I saw some small critters like squirrels walking towards me. I ignored that and immediately thought of jamie. I wanted to find her but forgot how. I focus on her feeling and across the street was a woman with dark hair sort of like hers but the image wasn't clear and she was passing a church. Already had the watery feeling like the dream was going to end. I knelt down instead and beckoned the squirrel before me. It was limping and the left leg of it was flattened like it was run over. But it was crawling toward me. A deer across the street charged at me as if to protect the squirrel, but the deer stopped a few feet away and shrunk into the form of a dog. It also waddled toward me when I woke up...


      Just another audio only dream. Jamie was telling me, "... I meant to tell you several times but didn't..." Tell me what? will I ever know?


      I was walking outside some apartment buildings. (while writing this dream i have feelings of other dreams that i can't recall.) I was between two apartment buildings looking for L from work. I got a noti on my phone that A girl L from chilliwack, was trying to contact me on facebook. We had a short conversation that didn't make much sense at all. She sent me a youtube link or something. I opened it and on the video was Frank Muller narrating a dark Tower book. As it turns out I actually fell a sleep To an audiobook The Drawing Of The Three by Stephen King, narrated by the late Frank Muller. and It somehow incorporated itself into my dream. I listen to all the Dark Tower books every few years.
    15. Finally a lucid!!!

      by , 09-28-2020 at 08:32 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well, some very exciting dreams. I fell asleep for an hour an a half on saturday night and had an unexpected long lucid.

      Dream 1

      I had a dream that victoria from work became my girlfriend. We went on a road trip to b.c. or something, and she kept demanding that I buy her pop constantly. After a few I began to refuse and told her she had plenty of money of her own to buy things with. She got really mean and bitchy after that.

      Dream 2

      A dream about jamie. She was hanging out with me for a while and then went away. I checked my phone a lot because we were talking on my phone earlier in the dream. All message history was erased. I looked everywhere for her in the dream but couldn't find her.

      Dream 3

      I was in a room sleeping with 2 girls in their early 20's. Very good dream But I won't go into the details.

      dream 4

      work related dream about a manager complaining about my work when it was really busy. I told him if he didn't stop and actually help I was just going to leave the shift, quit, and never come back. I actually feel like that during every shift. Once my savings reaches a new goal ina few months I will quit and/or move. Can't wait.

      Dream 5

      This entire dream seemed to be lucid. I remember someone driving in a busy city like red deer or calgary. I was dropped off at a mall late at night. I wandered the mall for sometime when I became lucid. I wanted to leave the mall. Every time i headed for the exit I wound up in a basement or something that was under construction. I asked one of the construction workers how to leave the mall. He walked with me for a bit and i went in the direction he suggested and just came to a dead end.

      I turned back and tried a different way but ran into the construction part a again. I asked the same guy again and told him to take me out to the parking lot.
      This time he turned deeper into the construction part. There were stair wells with no stairs and just random construction scaffolds and other equipment. We did dream like parkour down that area. He eventually led me to a dark area.

      I felt like I was going to lose the dream because everything was black. I held onto walls and door handles in the dream to ground my sense in the dream as I walked. eventually I was what appeared to be outside because there was houses around. The dream kept blacking out and I kept stabilizing it. After several tries i wandered into a strange room with some children in it. There was a children's song playing and they were playing a game on the ground, which was black glossy and constantly moving. It was like a treadmill and the walls were of the same making. I felt out of place an wanted to leave. I found a slide area that seemed to be the exit. I followed a bunch of kids down the slide and wound up outside.

      I was outside in a residential area. The dream was blacking out again and I held onto the ground to keep within the dream. I shouted Jamie's full name aloud so see if I could find her. As if on cue A house with a porch rendered in front of me. There was a woman standing on the porch with a bright lamp on her. She didn't look like Jamie and I was unsure if it was her. She greeted me like Jamie would and her voice was familiar.

      The dream transitioned to inside. If we went through a door and into her basement I was not aware of the passage. There was a sensation of physical contact like a hug with her this entire sequence. It felt good and loving. She kept saying she wants to contact me but she still has a personality disorder. but the way she worded it sounded like she actually had a split personality. I said, "I know sometimes you're like dealing with two people, one that adores me and one that couldn't care if I existed or not. BPD can be like that but to me you're still a complete person" in other words. I don't care what her problems are, I just want to hear from her and know that she's okay, or even if she's not okay i want to know that too. for a few seconds she morphed into a small dog and I was scratching her belly. She went back to human and said, "And then a few weeks ago i was doing drugs." To that I said, "Well I know you expect me to not put myself at risk with certain things. And I've been getting better." to that she said nothing. there's still the sensation I am holding her and she is holding me.

      She grabs a handheld game device and says something about my brother lending her a game. (wether she actually talks to my brother or not, neither she nor my brother has mentioned it.) It's like a PSP or something. I lean on her a bit while she plays. the dream gets a watery sensation like it's going to end. I tell her, "I want you to put the game away I want to keep talking to you before the dream ends." She says nothing and continues her game. the dream ends.

      Dream 5

      A dream my brother moved into place with cheap rent. It was an interesting place with 2 rooms and a bunch of hidden rooms in the basement. When I asked what my portion of the rent would be he said,"$1400." uh... Hell no I don't live in Vancouver,

      Dream 6

      something about Jesus but I forget.

      Note: at least two other people in DV had dreams about being in a basement under construction this weekend.
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