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    strange but nice.

    by , 07-11-2011 at 08:22 PM (410 Views)
    Faceless Bride

    I was dreaming that I was getting married. I remember the room being dark and seeing this woman was just full of light. I couldn't see her face much through the entire ceremony. This whole part of the dream sped up... but the emotions were so so wonderful and intense. I couldn't believe I was actually getting married.

    I get with my new bride into a car and drive off somewhere. we are in the backseat. suddenly I realize It's Asuka.

    "Did we just get married?"

    Asuka smiles at me and says, "Yes,"

    "what? I thought we were already married? did we divorce or something?"

    "No, Who said that you can't get married over and over to the same woman in a dream? Besides... with your dream amnesia the experience always seems new!"

    "How many times have we been married?"

    She giggles, "Only a few times silly."

    "Why today?"

    "Because this is a particularly sad time in your life. Then I saw you watching your favorite cartoon series at the end when they got married. I saw how much you liked those scenes. I thought I would try one more time to help you remember me this way."

    I just sit there dumbfounded.

    "And... you always look so happy when we do it!" She kisses me and I wake up. The clock reads 5:55.

    Inception building.

    I'm walking around with someone in a strange building supposedly made by an inception team. I mainly just wander the place and use the elevator a lot. I find out if you only go down or up one floor you only wind up on the same floor. so in order to move you have to go up or down 3 floors to go any place.

    I was trying to exit this strange building with my friend and we wound up on a floor with a group of people who were having a strange party... so I decided to stay there. can't remember much after except hiding in some room away from someone.

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    1. Baron Samedi's Avatar
      That's cool man!