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    Vague dreams

    by , 08-10-2024 at 12:53 AM (40 Views)
    The temp work place didn't call all week. I've been spending all week except Tuesday driving delivery in red deer. And the summer slowdown for delivery is real. Been spending 10 hour days just to make 100 after gas. I'm on Uber eats now as well, so it helps. Plan to work late on Saturday and Sunday as well.

    Jamie 1

    Just standing somewhere with Jamie. She's staring and smiling at me expectantly. As if to say, "well?".

    Jamie 2

    Jamie is tagging along while I'm doing delivery. I'm waiting for an order at park place mall. Jamie is at another place ordering food. When the counter attendant asks Jamie her order, Jamie is looking down at her phone and holds up a finger to the attendant and says, " one second." Which is literally a Fortnite emote btw.
    I decided to take the Molly banister route to 32 nd. I remember her in the car with me.

    This morning I'm in bed talking to her voice. I get some HH of a black girl with all these long braids but done up in a bun on the side of the head. The Jamie voice comments on it. I'm asking how she sees that? Or knows if I am seeing it. She says she can see it in her mind. I fall asleep and have a dream from Jamie's perspective.

    Jamie 3

    I'm Jamie, and I'm in a dark house. Some people have me by each arm. They place me in a big coffin like box. Vision switches to 3rd person and I can see them closing the door on Jamie leaving her in complete darkness.
    Sweven likes this.

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    Tags: driving, jamie
