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    by , 03-02-2020 at 06:52 PM (340 Views)

    A series of dreams about jesus. In one i am in the phillipines or something. There is a cult that practices crucifiction... on themselves. I sign up for it for some reason and when I am hanging on a cross Jesus is on a cross next to me and says, "You don't have to do this my sons for I have already have done it for you."

    In another dream he mentions I should travel to Georgia state.

    Jamie dreams

    various sex related dreams, but i won't go into detail. Well i hoped for a better week, it's what I got. No complaining here.


    Dream about waking up on a plane. i look out the window and it is night time. We are very closely above some tree tops. The ride feels smooth. i just watch the scenery go by for a while...


    I was at some event with some girls I know. one girl I used to work with kept getting stabbed by a sword from another girl. In another part of the dream I was looking for something. There are more details but I forget them.
    DarkestDarkness likes this.

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