1 Sep: Watching a kidnapping attempt and then being chased by bad guys
, 09-01-2021 at 10:37 AM (349 Views)
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP
Watching a lady walking out from what seems to be a school, with her kid by her hand. She is surprised by two guys and a woman, heavily armed, asking for the kid. They are sent by her ex who wants custody of the kid. But she is also armed and she points the gun at them. They outnumber her, so they keep coming closer and she decides pointing at the kid and threaten to kill him. She would never hurt him and they kinda know that, but nobody wants to risk it. So she manages to get into her car, a convertible, and get away. But the other woman put a tracker on it and they chase her down. The place is some historical town reminding me of Malta, with stone houses and narrow streets. When they get to a one-way street that has a wall and the sea beneath it, they throw some device into the convertible which attaches strongly to the car and then shoots a sort of parachute that makes the car take off in the air and fly over the water. It eventually falls in the water and the woman tries to bring her kid to safety by swimming and pushing him over a cement platform with access back to the street, but she is then surprised by a large shark passing right under her. She climbs to another cement structure that is mostly submerged and not connected to land. Then some other pre-historical animal, looking like a dinosaur, comes out of the water and heads towards the kid. In despair, she takes her chances with the shark and swims to shore. She reaches her kid on time, but actually just because the animal never actually meant to attack and just sat on the ground, a couple meters from them. Then they have to escape the kidnappers and I don't know exactly how they do it, but I think the locals help and also provide them shelter and food.
I then become her and the kid is not a kid anymore but instead I am with Riverstone and Tânia. The villagers take us up a mountain path, to some camp where they say we will be safe. It's quite hard to climb and it is also a bit of a stormy weather, but we are managing. Once up there they say there is no bathroom up on camp site and if we need it, it is all the way down that path again. I find that highly inconvenient. As we sit at a table with them for a meal, a huge lightning storm surrounds us and I say I wanna go check something. Then suddenly I am at an alternative version of my mom's house and closing all the windows and balconies to protect from the storm. My cat Yéti is in one of the balconies and doesn't want to come inside. Two times he evades me and goes back to the balcony, but I end up bringing him to the living room and shut the doors. I want all my pets to be safe inside, so I also go get all the dogs from outside.
At some building like a hostel or a rental with shared rooms. I am staying here temporarily, but Clara is living here with other friends. I am going out, and I want to leave my cat Ginga in my room, but she is hanging out with other cats in a shared room. I don't feel comfortable, because someone might not be careful and let her out to the other areas of the building. But Clara tries to convince me to trust. So I just check all the windows to see if they are well shut and I find one that has a small opening covered by a fragile plaque that can be easily blown by the wind. After attempts to reinforce it, I just give up and trust that it is high enough the cats can't reach. I then head to ground floor to go out. I also spot some issues with the front door, some broken glass near the floor that I feel compelled to fix, because the cats might also escape through it and that makes me nervous. While I attempt to block it, some group of people heavily armed is coming my way. I recognize their leader, some sexy villain guy who wanted me for him some time ago. Have no idea what they want, but I lock the door and try to block it for them. I head for the elevators but the elevators are not working. Meanwhile, those people break in very easily and I only have time to head for the basement. But they see me and go after me. The basement is full of furniture and appliances, really elegant and expensive stuff. Even they are surprised and mention to each other this will turn out to be a nice extra loot. I am crawling behind the furniture and they are trying to find me. The guy who knows me tries to convince to come out by saying he missed me and that I look so fine and he really wants me and I can come out and surrender because he will never harm me. I almost feel like falling for it, because I have a weak spot for him, but then I spot one of those small service elevators for sending up food and I sneak inside it. I wanna go up and warn everybody. The bad guys get really pissed when they realize what I did.