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    19 Sep: Dad and elevator task

    by , 09-24-2010 at 06:07 PM (1068 Views)

    24:00 GMT – sleep

    Dad talk
    My grandfather passes by and I smile at him as I don’t find anything to say to him. I feel sad about it.
    Then I’m with my dad discussing practical stuff.
    He says if he goes to work on Friday he stays. Then he can go earlier on Monday with me to the doctor. Then I ask what does he mean, as there’s a weekend between (don’t want him to stay for the weekend...) and he says it is just better for him, he uses time better by staying with me instead of just meeting me on monday.
    Then we hear some mambo music and we try to dance it., although it is not really working out well. My dad asks “Shouldn’t you know this stuff?” and I reply sarcastically “Off course, because if one day the world ends while I’m here, at least I know how to mambo, which is crucial:” But I know he is refering to my dance classes, years ago.

    4:30 GMT

    Elevator task
    Still with my dad, at what used to be our home. All totally normal, but then the building starts falling forward (a recurrent dream I had for many years). He freaks out but I think it must be a dream. Then all happens in slow motion and I tell him not to worry, because it is just a dream, but he doesn’t believe me. As the building falls, I feel cool, I do RC and conclude beyond doubts it is a dream.
    When the building is on the ground, I get out through some window and find myself landing over a wooden table in the middle of some wood. Over there there are some other girls, one is Vera and the others are some british friends of her. My father is still hanging around and I try that he understands it’s just a dream. I feel euphoric and start singing and dancing on the table. He thinks I’m crazy and disappears. The girls join me and we put up quite a show. But then I see our reflexes on some glass and we are all enormously fat. But I don’t allow this trick of the mind to distract me. I’m lucid and I must make good use of it. I think about the tasks. What is there for me to do?
    Oh, the elevator! I summon an elevator and turn to find it there, in the middle of the grass. It is green, the brand is Otis (just like the elevator of my old home), it has one button to open the sliding doors and inside lots of buttons for about 6 floors. But I had previously decided (awake) I would not push any specific floor as I wanted to be surprised. And I was, the elevator started moving without me touching anything. Strangely enough, it doesn’t go up or down, it just goes sideways, like a car. It drives me through the woods and gets into a road. Traffic around me, we pass under the Lisbon aqueduct. I feel a bit disappointed with the outcome, but the task implies not to control where it goes, but just to see where it takes me, so I comply. I almost lose lucidity here, almost wake up, but continue. The elevator stops at some car park and by my side is a 50’s looking car with some black guy inside, leaning through his window. He flirts with me and asks me out. I say no thanks. Then I realise I’m two girls – the other me is also a 50’s looking girl. We smile at each other and we tell him we have other type of interests in life. We’re both thinking of LDs. He doesn’t understand, thinks we’re crazy, maybe gay, maybe belonging to some cult. Everybody around us is dressing like the 50s and then the dream starts fading away.

    8:30 GMT – Wake up

    PRECOG explanation:
    - just today my father called me and was with this strange conversation about his plans to start working (he is retired, he was mentioning some personal projects he's working on) on fridays or mondays or whatever (I was distracted and didn't really grasp it) and that this way he can be with me on weekends and help me out with some project I'm working on. I freaked out thinking I have to have him over every weekend! I love him, but no.

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    Updated 09-24-2010 at 06:11 PM by 34880

    lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
